Penalties With Accessory
Penalties With Accessory
Penalties With Accessory
Death ACCESSORY PENALTIES If the penalty of death is executed, it has NO accessory penalties for obvious reasons. If the penalty of death is not executed by reason of commutation or pardon, its accessory penalties are: i. ii. Perpetual absolute disqualification, and Civil interdiction during thirty (30) years Exception: (a) when such accessory penalties have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
2. Reclusion Perpetua and Reclusion Temporal i. ii. Civil Interdiction for life or during the period of the sentence Perpetual absolute disqualification which the offender shall suffer even though pardoned as to the principal penalty Exception: (a) when such accessory penalties have been expressly remitted in the pardon. 3. Prision Mayor i. ii. Temporary absolute disqualification Perpetual special disqualification from the right of the suffrage which the offender shall suffer although pardoned as to the principal penalty Exception: (a) the same shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon. Suspension from public office ,from the right to follow a profession or calling, and Perpetual special disqualification from the right of suffrage, if the duration of said imprisonment shall exceed (18) months even though pardoned as to the principal penalty Exception: (a) when such accessory penalties have been expressly remitted in the pardon 5. Arresto i. Suspension of the right to hold office, and the right of suffrage during the term of the sentence