DKRCC - Pi.va1.a5.53 Akv SW
DKRCC - Pi.va1.a5.53 Akv SW
DKRCC - Pi.va1.a5.53 Akv SW
AKV 10-1, AKV 10-2, AKV 10-3, AKV 10-4, AKV 10-5, AKV 10-6 c d 75 67
AKV 10-7 73 75
Min. 5% Ag
DKRCC.PI.VA1.A5.53 / 520H7550
Clip-on coil
Do not insulate M ikke isoleres Nicht isolieren Ne pas isoler No encerrar paraevitar condensacin
45 Nm
Warning Never switch on power to the coil when the coil is dismounted from the valve. Otherwise the coil may be damaged and there is risk of injuries and burns.
The gasket must be exchanged, if the valve is dismantled
Pakningen skal skiftes, hvis ventilen adskilles
Bei Zerlegung des Ventils mu die Dichtung ausge wechselt werden.
Changer le joint chaque fois que la vanne est dmonte
Es preciso cambiar la junta si se desmonta la vlvula
DKRCC.PI.VA1.A5.53 / 520H7550