52 Blocks 52 Hand Blocks 52 Boxing

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The key takeaways are that the book outlines a defensive system called 52 Blocks that assigns a unique block or strike to each playing card. It also describes additional close quarters techniques and training methods used in prisons as well as games to practice the system.

The 52 Blocks system assigns a unique defensive block or strike to each of the 52 standard playing cards, plus the two Jokers. Practitioners can use the cards as a reference for different techniques. The book outlines the moves associated with each card suit and number.

The 'Bum Rush' technique involves quick, whirling elbow strikes while maintaining head protection. It allows a practitioner to move forward aggressively in close quarters like a 'Tasmanian devil' ready to overwhelm an opponent with rapid elbows.




CHAPTER 1- Strikes Suite Clubs …………………………..Page 4

CHAPTER 2- Strikes Suite Spades…………………………..Page 8

CHAPTER 3- Blocks Suite Hearts…………………………...Page 12

CHAPTER 4- Blocks Suite Diamonds……………………….Page 16

CHAPTER 5- Jokers Wild …………………………………..Page 20

CHAPTER 6- The Windmill…………………………………Page 21

CHAPTER 7- Rolling Punches………………………………Page 23

CHAPTER 8- Wing Block to Combo……………………….Page 24

CHAPTER 9- The Bum Rush………………………………..Page 25

CHAPTER 10- Prison Work out System……………………Page 27


CHAPTER 11- 52 Blocks War Card Game Rules…………..Page 28-32

After studying a vast multiplicity of boxing mechanics and techniques for over
15 years, I was unexpectedly granted the opportunity to glean into the inside
mechanisms of a heavily guarded style of pugilism called 52 Hand blocks. The
old schoolers such as Jack Johnson and Archie Moore had developed an affinity
for the cross guard and helped develop new ideas that led the way for modern
defensive technicians such as Pernell Whitaker, Floyd Mayweather Jr, and Zab
Juddah. The Philly Crab technique and Cross Peek a boo guards have proven to
be effective methods of cover against rapid hand fire onslaughts. To become a
great fighter a combination of Speed, Agility, Footwork, Defense, and wicked
combinations should be in order.
Aside from the boxing ring certain fighting skills have been developed from
Jailhouse insiders at correctional facilities to safe guard their life spans. These
combat skills vary from in name from Jailhouse Rock, Comstock, 52, Stato, Bum
Rush etc. The crem dela crem of this style have been said to never have graced
the canvas of a boxing ring, rather they have roamed the cell blocks of various
correctional institutions.
The origins of this style lean somewhat on the mythological sprinkled with a
little fairy dust, but a gentlemen that goes by the name “Charlie B” has told me
that the early moves came out of the Chitlin Circuit in the south, and the more
advanced moves were add-ons that come out of prisons in the 70’s and 80’s. The
gems of this style he said pertained to interchangeable stances, torso flexibility,
and hand blocks that morphed into elbows and punch combinations. The
SCIENCE so to speak was that he laid out 52 Playing Cards for me and showed
me assigned moves for each card including, the 2 Wild Cards. I was surprised by
the intricacies and attention to detail of such a system when he exclaimed,
“When you’re doing hard time you don’t have much else to do except dream up
ways of protecting your ass.” In addition to him granting me
the ins and outs of this style, he showed me an assortment of workouts and drills
they used in prison to perfect this art. Suffice to say that each of the 52 playing
cards relates to an exacting block, move, or strike.
Just when I thought I reached the peek of 52 blocks enlightenment, I was
shown a moving elbowing technique called, “Bum Rush.” This was the gem of
close quarter fighting according to “Charlie B” I promised not to use his last
name upon his request that a cracker like me could get him killed. The Bum
Rush can be described as quick whirling elbows (while keeping head cover)
moving forward like a Tasmanian devil ready to devour his prey. Being an
armchair analyst for so many years, I have finally decided to play the role of
investigative journalist and catalogue what I had learned over the years, and
what I continue to observe as a practitioner of the combat arts. This book is a lay
out of the 52 Blocks card system with the explanations and “rules of the game”
included. These cards can be printed out and laminated and used to play BLOCK
WARS, an ingenious card game that is relative to your 52 Blocks evolution. Also a
regular deck can be used to play this game once you are familiar with how each
block corresponds with a particular suite card.
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions pertaining to this



(The 54 cards in the book can be printed and laminated)


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