Diversity Statement

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Diversity Statement

Approved by the Bloomington Faculty Council: November 4, 2003

Indiana University Bloomingtons commitment to diversity is an essential part of our overall commitment to generating and imparting knowledge and understanding. All components of our academic mission--teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and creative activity--are immeasurably enriched by students, faculty, and staff with diverse experiences. Our finest efforts as educators and scholars depend on the interchange of ideas and on the testing of competing assumptions. Interaction on our campus among persons and groups with diverse backgrounds and experiences facilitates those efforts by helping us to become more reflective about the varied historical and social contexts in which we work and learn. For our campus to retain its leadership role within the educational community, we must not merely promote policies of nondiscrimination as articulated in the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy of Indiana University. We must include all who comprise our diverse university community and foster a campus climate in which those diverse influences are respected and valued. Indiana University Bloomington aspires to prepare its students for life in a richly complex nation and world, and it expects members of the University to promote this vision as fully and conscientiously as possible.

Produced by Indiana University Office of Affirmative Action. Additional copies available in PDF format at www.indiana.edu/~affirm.


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