August Newsletter 2013
August Newsletter 2013
August Newsletter 2013
School Resumes...
August 19 Teacher Institute August 20 Half Day Schedule Grades 1-6: 8:05 am - 11:15 am Grades 7-8: 8:40 am - 11:45 am August 21 Regular Schedule Grades 1-6: 8:05 am - 2:35 pm Grades 7-8: 8:40 am - 3:15 pm August 27 First Day for Kindergarten
7644 S. Central Phone: 708-496-0563 Fax: 708-496-8365 Charles Roza, Principal Mary Cook, Secretary
8501 S. Narragansett Phone: 708-599-6655 Fax: 708-233-9014 Dr. Mary Anne Sheehan, Principal Juanita Witasik, Secretary
8259 S. Lavergne Phone: 708-499-3049 Fax: 708-499-1002 Tom Martin, Principal Adriana Johnson, Secretary
8258 S. Sayre Phone: 708-598-0515 Fax: 708-233-6401 Dr. Shwkar Abousweilem, Principal Tracy Schultz, Secretary
7805 S. Mobile Phone: 708-599-5554 Fax: 708-599-1348 Mary Rein, Principal Carol Lynch, Secretary
8450 S. Nashville Phone: 708-599-4411 Fax: 708-233-9104 Patricia Donoghue, Principal Kathy Taube, Secretary
Mission Statement
The mission of Burbank School District 111 is to provide a quality education in a safe and secure environment to ensure students reach their full potential as socially responsible life-long learners. Page 2 Burbank School District 111
School residency verification is required annually. A registration and residency verification packet for student enrollment is available at every school. The Board of Education has authorized the administration to employ the services of a private investigator for purposes of verifying residency. Questions about legal custody and residency requirements can be directed to the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services at 708-496-0500.
Supply Fees
The supply fee for each student is due and payable at registration. A $25.00 late fee will be added to the supply fee for all payments received after the September 30 deadline. Delinquent fees may be turned over to a collection agency. For the convenience of our parents and guardians, payments for student supply fees, meals, field trips, graduation, yearbook, PASS Program, or miscellaneous fees can be made online. Visit the district website at and click on E-Pay. District 111 accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
Going Green!
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Thursday, May 9 at Kennedy and McCord to officially unveil the new geothermal heating, ventilation and air conditioning units that have been installed throughout both schools. The geothermal HVAC systems use water pumped from underground to heat and cool the buildings. In addition to the geothermal units at Kennedy and McCord, lighting upgrades and occupancy sensors were installed in all nine district buildings. Burbank School District 111 partnered with Energy Systems Group (ESG), a leading energy services provider, to develop a comprehensive energy infrastructure improvement project aimed at reducing energy consumption, saving repair costs and a commitment to energy conservation district wide. By installing all the energy conservation measures and improvements, Burbank Each classroom decorated their School District has reduced its HVAC units as faces, trees, and carbon footprint by 2 million flower gardens. pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year, which is equivalent to planting 266 acres of trees annually, or removing the emissions of 167 vehicles per year. The school district obtained $400,000 in grants to off-set the cost of the project. This project not only improves comfort and increases lighting levels in the classroom, but substantially reduces the districts energy costs to free up the budget for educational purposes. The geothermal units are saving the district $70,000 per year in energy costs alone. These energy saving projects gave Burbank School District 111 the opportunity to serve as an example to raise community and school awareness about the benefits of being cleaner and greener. This is truly a project that we will benefit from for a very long time.
District 111 administration and representatives from ESG participate in the ribbon cutting ceremonies on May 9, 2013.
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Student IDs
All District 111 students will be issued a student ID card on a breakaway lanyard. The student ID card is used as the meal debit card and students must wear the ID card on a daily basis. There is a $5.00 fee to replace a lost ID.
From left to right: Valedictorian Caroline Solus, Board President Carleen Skowronski, Salutatorian Grace Marcella Mavros, Superintendent Franzy Fleck
but are not necessarily limited to, cargo pants, jeans/denim pants, sweatpants, pajamas or pajama pants, parachute pants, warm-ups, or tights/spandex. Pants/bottoms permitted under this Policy may have elastic waistbands. All pants/bottoms must be worn at the waist. Pants/bottoms not allowed under this Policy may only be worn on Theme Days as permitted by the Building Principal. Belts Black or blue belts are suggested with pants that have pant loops. Socks Required Shoes Non-skid, closed toe dress shoes or non-skid gym shoes with Velcro straps, zippers or shoelaces. Shoes must have only one set of matching solid shoelaces. All shoes worn must be securely fastened. Sweaters/Vests/Sweatshirts Navy blue, white, or light blue, solid, non-hooded sweatshirts with appropriate uniformed Fry School students celebrates Dr. Seuss birthday. collared shirt underneath. Theme Day On special occasions, as designated by the building principal at his/her discretion, the above uniform dress requirements may be relaxed and students allowed to attend school without complying with the requirements. Examples of such occasions include, but are not limited to the following: School Spirit Day, Costume Day, other themes determined by the building principal; District 111 Band Uniform, when designated by the band director(s) and approved by the Building Principal; the uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as Boy or Girl Scouts on scout meeting days.
*A dental examination by a licensed dentist is required for all children in kindergarten, second, and sixth grade and must be completed by May 15th of that school year. Please remember to make appointments early. Physical, Dental, Sports Physicals, and Immunization forms are available at: (click: District Info, Student Health Info) All schools competed in a staff volleyball tournament at the Burbank All Star Games on May 18. The Liberty Patriots were the champions and the Burbank Bobcats won the Spirit Award for the best uniforms.
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Bus Schedules
Information on bus routes and schedules will be mailed prior to the opening of school. If you have questions about bus routes, please contact your childs school.
School Burbank Burbank Burbank Byrd Fry Fry Kennedy Kennedy Maddock McCord McCord Tobin Tobin
Power School
Parents of students attending classes in Burbank School District 111 can sign up for an innovative new computer program called Power School. This free program provides parents with the chance to access up-to-theminute grades their children are earning in each of their classes. In addition, Power School shows how many times students have been absent during the year, any projects or assignments that haven't been completed or are missing, and other school information that parents may find useful. Parents can access the program from any computer with internet capability, with the service available seven days a week. Power School will be shut down for a short time each night after 12:00 a.m., which allows for information to be backed up and routine maintenance to be performed. Page 10
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Board of Education
Carleen Skowronski President Danette Williams, Vice President Teresa Duzak, Secretary Kathleen M. Smith Pamela M. Duzakowitcs David Kasper Steven Ficker
New School Hours for Grades K-6: 8:05 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.
District schools benefit from monies received from the No Child Left Behind federal entitlement grants.