August Newsletter 2013

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Burbank School District 111

Back to School Newsletter

Developing young minds for tomorrow

A Message from the Superintendent

Weve just finished a successful school year and there are many accomplishments to note. The school day has been extended for elementary students for the 2013-14 school year. This will allow for an additional 15 minutes of instruction. The new school hours for the elementary schools will be: 8:05 a.m. - 2:35 p.m. on full days of attendance and 8:05 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. on half days of attendance. The breakfast program will begin at 7:35 a.m. Each classroom has received upgraded technology equipment including laptops, document cameras, and voice equipment. Every student across the district will have the experience of a 21st Century classroom. In partnership with Energy Systems Group, District 111 has made great strides in going green. All buildings throughout the district received eco-friendly lighting with occupancy sensors in order to save energy. Additionally, geothermal HVAC units were installed at Kennedy and McCord Schools. The District has upgraded security and surveillance equipment at every school. We have also partnered with the City of Burbank to allow the Police Department to install surveillance equipment at several of our buildings. The Curriculum Department is moving forward with improving programming and instruction. The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment is computerized and adapts to each childs skill level. The program is aligned to the Common Core Standards and will help teachers differentiate instruction, predict proficiency on tests like the ISAT, and benchmark student growth over time. The Student Services Department continues to increase efficiency while providing quality programming and educational services. The Academic Talent Resource (ATR) Program will now be an after school enrichment program. Students will be recommended by teachers for participation in the program which will be offered at all elementary schools. In closing, I would like to invite you and your families to attend the Back to School Rally on Saturday, August 24 at 1:00 pm. It is a family friendly event and a great way to celebrate the new school year.

School Resumes...
August 19 Teacher Institute August 20 Half Day Schedule Grades 1-6: 8:05 am - 11:15 am Grades 7-8: 8:40 am - 11:45 am August 21 Regular Schedule Grades 1-6: 8:05 am - 2:35 pm Grades 7-8: 8:40 am - 3:15 pm August 27 First Day for Kindergarten

Back to School Rally

Saturday, August 24 1:00 - 3:00 pm Liberty Junior High 5900 W. 81st Street * Music & Dancing * Inflatable Moon Jumps and Slides * Concessions * * Face Painting * * PFC & PTA Membership Drives * * Mini Burbank Vendor Fair * admission is free

School Directory Information

8235 S. Linder Phone: 708-499-0838 Fax: 708-499-0502 Sharon Walker-Hood, Principal Colleen Sopkin, Secretary

7644 S. Central Phone: 708-496-0563 Fax: 708-496-8365 Charles Roza, Principal Mary Cook, Secretary

8501 S. Narragansett Phone: 708-599-6655 Fax: 708-233-9014 Dr. Mary Anne Sheehan, Principal Juanita Witasik, Secretary

8259 S. Lavergne Phone: 708-499-3049 Fax: 708-499-1002 Tom Martin, Principal Adriana Johnson, Secretary

8258 S. Sayre Phone: 708-598-0515 Fax: 708-233-6401 Dr. Shwkar Abousweilem, Principal Tracy Schultz, Secretary

Liberty Junior High

5900 W. 81st Street Phone: 708-952-3255 Fax: 708-229-0659 Mark Antkiewicz, Principal Antigone Campobasso, Assistant Principal Denise Flavin, Assistant Principal Tricia Merrill, Secretary Kathryn Shaver, Secretary Lisa Ortman, Secretary

7805 S. Mobile Phone: 708-599-5554 Fax: 708-599-1348 Mary Rein, Principal Carol Lynch, Secretary

8450 S. Nashville Phone: 708-599-4411 Fax: 708-233-9104 Patricia Donoghue, Principal Kathy Taube, Secretary

Burbank School District 111 Board of Education

Carleen Skowronski President 12 years served Term ends 2017 Danette Williams Vice President 8 years served Term ends 2017 Teresa Duzak Secretary 2 years served Term ends 2015 Kathleen Smith Member 22 years served Term ends 2015 Pamela Duzakowitcs Member 10 years served Term ends 2015 David Kasper Member 4 years served Term ends 2017 Steven Ficker Member New member Term ends 2017

Board Meeting Schedule

All regular board of education meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the district office. July 24, 2013 August 28, 2013 September 25, 2013 October 23, 2013 November 20, 2013* December 18, 2013* January 22, 2014 February 26, 2014 March 26, 2014 April 23, 2014 May 28, 2014 June 25, 2014
* Third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving/Winter Break

Mission Statement
The mission of Burbank School District 111 is to provide a quality education in a safe and secure environment to ensure students reach their full potential as socially responsible life-long learners. Page 2 Burbank School District 111

Meet the Newest Additions to District 1 1 1

Tom Martin, Byrd School Principal
Tom Martin has been a physical education teacher in District 111 for twelve years. Most recently he has been teaching physical education at Kennedy School as well as serving as Assistant Principal. Mr. Martin holds a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education (K-12) from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of St. Francis. Mr. Martin is eager to begin the school year as Principal of Byrd School and looks forward to getting acquainted with the students, faculty, staff, and community members. His goals for the upcoming year include establishing open lines of communication and creating a school environment that cultivates academic success.

Denise Flavin, Liberty Assistant Principal

Denise Flavin joins us from Evergreen Park School District 124. She has been with Evergreen Park for ten years, most recently serving as a junior high science teacher. In addition to the classroom, Mrs. Flavin has served on numerous committees including evaluation, professional development, and school improvement. Mrs. Flavin holds a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education and a Masters Degree in Administration and Supervision from St. Xavier University. Mrs. Flavin is excited to join the administrative team at Liberty Junior High School and her many years of experience as a junior high teacher will be an asset. She is looking forward to getting to know the students, staff, and families at Liberty Junior High School. Her goals for the upcoming school year include working with staff to create a climate that allows all students to reach their goals, developing positive relationships within the Burbank community, and working with colleagues to align curriculum to the newly adopted Common Core Standards.

Richard Santiago, Director of Buildings and Grounds

Richard Santiago joins us from East Aurora School District 131. He was the Maintenance Director at East Aurora for the past six years and has also worked at Joliet Public School District and District 230 in Orland Park. In addition to school districts, Mr. Santiago has also served in medical facilities and village public works departments. In Aurora, he also assisted in the implementation of the district-wide emergency and crisis plan. Mr. Santiago looks forward to increasing efficiency in the buildings and grounds department while focusing on safety and security.

Dr. Shwkar Abousweilem, ELL Coordinator

Just last year Dr. Shwkar Abousweilem was promoted to Principal at Maddock School. She had been an English Language Learner (ELL) Teacher at Maddock School previously for eight years. This year she will be supervising the ELL Program for the district in addition to her duties as principal. She is excited about this new challenge and being able to provide support to students district wide.

Kennedy Recognized as Spotlight School

The Illinois State Board of Education awarded Jacqueline B. Kennedy School to the 2012 Spotlight School Honor Roll. The Spotlight award recognizes a high-poverty school where academic performance is closing the achievement gap. Jacqueline B. Kennedy School is 1 of 105 Spotlight Schools located in the urban, suburban and rural areas earning the honor this year. Kennedy was also a Spotlight School in 2010 as well. Criteria for selecting Spotlight Schools are rigorous. At least half of the students in each school are from low-income families. All schools must be making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), which requires that at least 85% of the students must pass the state achievement tests in both reading and mathematics for the last two years. Developing Young Minds For Tomorrow Page 3

Student Enrollment and Residency Documentation

Children who will be five (5) years of age on or before September 1 may be enrolled in kindergarten. Children who will be six (6) years of age on or before September 1 must be enrolled in school. Basic requirements to be provided by the parent/legal guardian for student enrollment are as follows: Official birth certificate Current physical and immunization form Illinois State transfer form, if applicable Basic requirements for residency verification: One of the following documents: mortgage papers, real estate tax bill, property title, copy of signed lease, letter from landlord with phone number if the landlord does not provide a current lease; AND Two of the following documents: drivers license or state ID card, current gas or electric bill, current automobile registration, current automobile insurance, current homeowners or renters insurance, current voters registration card.
Fifth grade camaraderie at Burbank School. Residency documentation is required when you are: Enrolling in District 111 for the first time Transferring into District 111 Changing schools due to changes in residency within District 111

School residency verification is required annually. A registration and residency verification packet for student enrollment is available at every school. The Board of Education has authorized the administration to employ the services of a private investigator for purposes of verifying residency. Questions about legal custody and residency requirements can be directed to the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services at 708-496-0500.

Supply Fees

Grades K-6: $75.00

Junior High: $85.00

The supply fee for each student is due and payable at registration. A $25.00 late fee will be added to the supply fee for all payments received after the September 30 deadline. Delinquent fees may be turned over to a collection agency. For the convenience of our parents and guardians, payments for student supply fees, meals, field trips, graduation, yearbook, PASS Program, or miscellaneous fees can be made online. Visit the district website at and click on E-Pay. District 111 accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.

Waiver of Student Fees

The Superintendent will recommend to the Board for adoption what fees, if any, will be charged for the use of textbooks, consumable materials, extracurricular activities, and other school fees. Students will pay for loss of school books or other school-owned materials. Fees for textbooks and other instructional materials are waived for students who meet the eligibility criteria for the fee waiver contained in this policy. Students receiving a fee waiver are not exempt from charges for lost and damaged books, locks, materials, supplies, and equipment. The Superintendent shall ensure that applications for fee waivers are widely available and distributed according to State law and ISBE rule, and that provisions for assisting parents/guardians in completing the application are available. A student shall be eligible for a fee waiver when: 1. The student is currently eligible for free breakfast and lunch pursuant to 105ILCS 125/1. Students receiving free breakfast and lunch are automatically waived; a separate waiver application is not required. Page 4 Burbank School District 111

Waiver of Student Fees continued

2. The gross income of the student's household is at or below the levels established annually by the United States Department of Agriculture. Written evidence of eligibility shall be required of each person applying for a waiver (W-2, unemployment status, paycheck stubs, etc.) 3. The student or students family is currently receiving aid under Article IV of The Illinois Public Aid Code (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). 4. Other extenuating circumstances which prevent the student's parents/guardians from affording his/her child's supply fee. Such circumstances may include, but may not be limited to the following: unusual circumstances caused by fire, flood, or storm damage; severe illness or injury in the family. Applications may be made by a parent/guardian using the appropriate forms available from each school building. These applications should be submitted to the Business Department no later than October 1st or 60 days after a new registration. The Business Department shall review each application received, and shall notify the parent/guardian in writing within ten (10) school days of its receipt whether the request is granted or denied. The Business Departments denial of a waiver request may be appealed to the Superintendent by submitting the appeal in writing to the Superintendent within 14 days of the denial. The Superintendent or designee shall respond within 14 days of the appeal. The Superintendents decision may be appealed to the Board of Education. The decision of the Board is final and binding. Questions regarding the waiver process should be addressed to the Business Department.

Going Green!
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Thursday, May 9 at Kennedy and McCord to officially unveil the new geothermal heating, ventilation and air conditioning units that have been installed throughout both schools. The geothermal HVAC systems use water pumped from underground to heat and cool the buildings. In addition to the geothermal units at Kennedy and McCord, lighting upgrades and occupancy sensors were installed in all nine district buildings. Burbank School District 111 partnered with Energy Systems Group (ESG), a leading energy services provider, to develop a comprehensive energy infrastructure improvement project aimed at reducing energy consumption, saving repair costs and a commitment to energy conservation district wide. By installing all the energy conservation measures and improvements, Burbank Each classroom decorated their School District has reduced its HVAC units as faces, trees, and carbon footprint by 2 million flower gardens. pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year, which is equivalent to planting 266 acres of trees annually, or removing the emissions of 167 vehicles per year. The school district obtained $400,000 in grants to off-set the cost of the project. This project not only improves comfort and increases lighting levels in the classroom, but substantially reduces the districts energy costs to free up the budget for educational purposes. The geothermal units are saving the district $70,000 per year in energy costs alone. These energy saving projects gave Burbank School District 111 the opportunity to serve as an example to raise community and school awareness about the benefits of being cleaner and greener. This is truly a project that we will benefit from for a very long time.

District 111 administration and representatives from ESG participate in the ribbon cutting ceremonies on May 9, 2013.

Developing Young Minds For Tomorrow

Page 5

Classroom Party Guidelines

From birthday parties to holiday celebrations, children and teachers have many reasons to celebrate throughout the school year. However, foods served in class parties are, many times, low in nutrients and high in calories. In an effort to promote student wellness, good nutrition and a safe environment for students with allergies or other medical conditions, District 111 is requesting that only non-food items be brought in by students for classroom parties or birthdays. Examples include pencils, coloring books, stickers, erasers, crayons, books, bookmarks, gift certificates, board A Super Kindergartener celebrates Halloween at games, and puzzles. Thank Burbank School. you for your cooperation in this matter.

District 111 Congratulates Class of 2013 Valedictorian & Salutatorian

Student IDs
All District 111 students will be issued a student ID card on a breakaway lanyard. The student ID card is used as the meal debit card and students must wear the ID card on a daily basis. There is a $5.00 fee to replace a lost ID.

From left to right: Valedictorian Caroline Solus, Board President Carleen Skowronski, Salutatorian Grace Marcella Mavros, Superintendent Franzy Fleck

Student Uniform Dress Policy

In addition to the School Uniform Dress Requirement, students are NEVER to wear any of the following at school or school-related functions: hats, sweatbands, head scarves, outdoor coats or jackets, gloves, other forms of outdoor apparel inside school buildings; spandex, clothes with holes, tank tops, crop tops, or any other article of clothing that would distract students from learning, such as immodest clothing; any style of undergarment is not to be worn as an outer garment, or exposed; no backpacks carried in school during the day; no sunglasses, studded belts or chain belts. Students are NEVER to wear any jewelry, emblem, symbol, or clothing with language or pictures which convey, express or imply obscenities, sexual vulgarities, promotion of the use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms, weapons, violence or other illegal acts. This includes any item of clothing or jewelry containing an emblem or symbol of a gang or which, by itself or by its manner of display, constitutes a symbol of a gang. Administration, teachers, and staff may request students remove or appropriately cover (e.g. with a band aid) nose rings or jewelry related to any other type of body piercing that pose a safety problem or a disruption to the educational process. Hair styles must not be disruptive to the educational setting.
U.S. Marine Kenneth Shores visits Maddock School.

School Uniform Dress Requirements:

Shirts/Tops Light blue or white solid colored shirts, blouses, tops, or polo shirts. Appropriate style of tops, shirts or blouses include buttons, long or short sleeve, mock turtle necks and turtle necks. All tops, shirts or blouses must have a folded down collar. No undershirts will be allowed as outerwear. Pants/Bottoms Navy blue or black business casual pants, shorts, skorts, jumpers or slacks; all shorts, skorts, and jumpers must be mid-thigh. Examples of pants/bottoms that are not business casual include, Page 6 Burbank School District 111

but are not necessarily limited to, cargo pants, jeans/denim pants, sweatpants, pajamas or pajama pants, parachute pants, warm-ups, or tights/spandex. Pants/bottoms permitted under this Policy may have elastic waistbands. All pants/bottoms must be worn at the waist. Pants/bottoms not allowed under this Policy may only be worn on Theme Days as permitted by the Building Principal. Belts Black or blue belts are suggested with pants that have pant loops. Socks Required Shoes Non-skid, closed toe dress shoes or non-skid gym shoes with Velcro straps, zippers or shoelaces. Shoes must have only one set of matching solid shoelaces. All shoes worn must be securely fastened. Sweaters/Vests/Sweatshirts Navy blue, white, or light blue, solid, non-hooded sweatshirts with appropriate uniformed Fry School students celebrates Dr. Seuss birthday. collared shirt underneath. Theme Day On special occasions, as designated by the building principal at his/her discretion, the above uniform dress requirements may be relaxed and students allowed to attend school without complying with the requirements. Examples of such occasions include, but are not limited to the following: School Spirit Day, Costume Day, other themes determined by the building principal; District 111 Band Uniform, when designated by the band director(s) and approved by the Building Principal; the uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as Boy or Girl Scouts on scout meeting days.

Student Uniform Clothing Drives

Effective for the 2013-14 school year, District 111 will no longer offer uniform reimbursement. Board Policy 4:145 has been eliminated. In lieu of financial reimbursement, all schools will organize clothing drives and provide students in need with gently used uniforms. If you are in need of uniforms or would like to donate, please contact your schools office. District 111 will continue to pass on information on student uniform sales and discounts from local vendors.

Parental After School Support Program - PASS

PASS (Parental After School Support Program) is an after school program designed to provide an environment that will enable your child to feel welcome and secure. The PASS Program offers a variety of activities, recreation, exercise and quiet time for homework. The program is held at Byrd and Fry Schools and is open until 6:00 p.m. on full days and half days of attendance (excluding the first and last day of school and parent teacher conferences). The PASS Program begins on the first full day of school. Students in full-day kindergarten through sixth grade are eligible to enroll in the PASS Program. The weekly fee for the PASS Program is $27.00 without bus and $32.00 with bus. There is an additional charge of $8 per half day for currently enrolled PASS students only. Burbank and Kennedy students will be bussed to Byrd. Maddock, McCord, and Tobin students will be bussed to Fry. Registration forms for the PASS Program are available at the K-6 Schools. Completed registration forms should be sent to your childs home school. The home school will forward the PASS registration to the PASS Director. Once the director receives the registration, the parent will be contacted directly by the PASS Director and advised of the start date. If you have questions about the PASS Program, contact the Superintendent's office at 708-496-0500, ext. 10332. First graders at Kennedy School put on a fashion show. Developing Young Minds For Tomorrow Page 7

National School Breakfast & Lunch Program

District 111 operates a federally funded U.S.D.A. hot breakfast/lunch program in all buildings. A monthly menu is sent home and can also be accessed on the District 111 web site, by clicking on Resources. Students are expected to maintain a positive balance on their meal debit card. Notification will be sent to parents/guardians when the account balance falls to a low level. Delinquent fees may be turned over to a collection agency. Children must follow breakfast/lunch rules and procedures as established by the school. In accordance with the U.S.D.A., students may not share components of the school breakfast/lunch program. Elementary Schools Only: Parents or guardians must submit a signed note to the principal indicating your child has your permission to eat at places other than your home or school. The signed parental permission note may be submitted for a day, a week, a month, or for the entire school year. The principal may prohibit such requests due to safety considerations of the children (including, but not limited to weather, hazardous traffic/road, emergency) and should notify the parents/guardians of his/her decision. If a parent/guardian changes the off-campus lunch location for his/her student, the parent/guardian must take full responsibility for his/her child. The schools can in no way guarantee the safety of your child at any of these off-campus places, nor can the school guarantee that the student will be at these indicated off-campus locations during the lunch period. Liberty is a closed campus.

2013-14 Meal Prices

Breakfast - $1.30 Lunch - $2.45

Absence Reporting Procedure

Please call each day your child is absent. Daily school attendance is essential for academic success and required by law. Please contact the school office by 8:00 a.m. for elementary and by 8:30 a.m. for junior high to report an absence. All students arriving late must report first to the school office. All students who report to class after school begins are marked tardy. Any student with an undiagnosed rash or communicable disease must have a note from his/her physician releasing him/her to return to school. Any student absent for five or more consecutive school days must provide a note from his/her physician.

Tobin Schools running club gets fit.

Sports Physicals Available at Registration

Sports physicals are required for all sports (including cheerleading and dance) prior to try-outs. Sports physicals will be offered by Excel Occupational Health Clinic. Physicals will be given at Liberty Junior High School during registration on August 13, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and August 14, 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Students will be seen on a first-come first-served basis and all parents and students must sign in upon arrival. The fee of $25 is payable by cash or a check made out to Excel Occupational Health Clinic. Physical forms are also available in the school office.

Stickney Public Health

The Stickney Public Health Clinic, located at 5635 S. State Road, provides school physical and dental examinations. For information call 708-424-9200. The Stickney Township Clinic regular hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (lunch break is 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.). If you wish to call the Dental Mobile Trailer, the telephone number is 708-878-3828. District 111 and Stickney Public Health will make a cooperative effort to provide flu vaccines to students this fall. Information will be sent home when it becomes available. Page 8

Stickney Dental Mobile Schedule

LSV Senior Center Maddock School McCord School Liberty Jr. High Fry School Byrd School Tobin School Kennedy School Burbank School August 27 - September 26 October 1 - November 7 November 12 - December 19 December 24 - February 6 February 11 - March 20 March 25 - May 1 May 6 - June 12 June 17 - July 17 July 22 - August 21
Schedule subject to change

Burbank School District 111

Physical Exams, Immunizations, and Dental Exams

Students enrolling in school for the first time, transferring into District 111, or those changing schools within the District due to a change in residence must present a copy of a current physical examination and immunization record prior to beginning school. The Illinois School Code requires students to submit a report of physical examination and the dates that immunizations were received in order to attend school. Immunization requirements are subject to change. For complete immunization requirements, contact the Illinois Department of Public Health. Contact the District Nurse at 708-496-0500, ext. 10366, should you have questions about the physical examinations and immunization requirements. Preschool, kindergarten, sixth, and ninth grade students must present a physical exam and current immunizations in order to start school August 20, 2013. Parents/guardians must complete and sign the health history portion of the physical form. PRESCHOOL: Physical exam dated 8/20/12 or later. A diabetes screening is required. Lead screening is required. A Mantoux test for tuberculosis is recommended. DPT/DTaP 4 doses (including 1 booster) IPV/OPV 3 doses Varicella 1 dose after 12 months or proof of immunity MMR 1 dose after 12 months Hepatitis B 3 doses Hib 1 dose after 15 months Physical exam dated 8/20/12 or later. A diabetes screening is required. Lead screening is required. A Mantoux test for tuberculosis is recommended. *Dental Exam required - see below. Vision Exam completed by an Optometrist, Ophthalmologist, or physician who provides complete eye examinations. DPT/DTaP 4 doses (last one after 4th birthday) IPV/OPV 3 doses (last one after 4th birthday) Varicella 1 dose after 12 months or proof of immunity MMR 2 doses after 12 months OR Measles 2 doses after 12 months Mumps 1 dose after 12 months Rubella 1 dose after 12 months *Dental Exam required - see below NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE A SCHOOL PHYSICAL BUT MUST SHOW PROOF OF HEP B SERIES Physical exam dated 8/20/12 or later. A diabetes screening is required. A Mantoux test for tuberculosis is recommended. Proof of 1 dose of Tdap vaccine. *Dental Exam is required see below.

KINDERGARTEN: (or first entry in Illinois school)

2nd GRADE: 5 GRADE: 6th GRADE:


7th GRADE: 8 GRADE: 9th GRADE:


Proof of 1 dose of Tdap vaccine.

Proof of 1 dose of Varicella vaccine or proof of immunity. Proof of 1 dose of Tdap vaccine. Physical exam dated 8/20/12 or later. A diabetes screening is required. A Mantoux test for tuberculosis is recommended. Proof of 1 dose of Tdap vaccine.

*A dental examination by a licensed dentist is required for all children in kindergarten, second, and sixth grade and must be completed by May 15th of that school year. Please remember to make appointments early. Physical, Dental, Sports Physicals, and Immunization forms are available at: (click: District Info, Student Health Info) All schools competed in a staff volleyball tournament at the Burbank All Star Games on May 18. The Liberty Patriots were the champions and the Burbank Bobcats won the Spirit Award for the best uniforms.

Developing Young Minds For Tomorrow

Page 9

Bus Schedules
Information on bus routes and schedules will be mailed prior to the opening of school. If you have questions about bus routes, please contact your childs school.

Crossing Guards and School Parking

Crossing Guards Effective for the 2013-14 school year, the City of Burbank will no longer be providing crossing guards. District 111 will be continuing the program and the crossing guard locations will remain unchanged. See the box below for a list of crossing guard assignments. We ask that you encourage your children to plan their school route accordingly, utilizing the crosswalks and designated crossing guard areas. Helpful Hints for School Parking Drop off or pick-up of students is allowed along the curb bordering the school. Drivers must remain in vehicle at all times. Cars are not allowed along the curb opposite the school grounds. No double parking or stopping in the middle of the street is allowed. Seat belts / car seats are mandated for vehicle occupants by state law. Common courtesy and patience will help ensure everyones safety.

Crossing Guards Placements

Location 83 St. at Linder 82 St. at Linder 83 St. at Central 83 St. at Lavergne 78 St. at Mobile 78 St. at Merrimac 77 St. at Central 77 St. at Parkside 83 St. at Sayre 85 St. at Nashville 85 St. at Natoma 85 St. at Narragansett
th th th th rd th th th th rd rd nd rd

School Burbank Burbank Burbank Byrd Fry Fry Kennedy Kennedy Maddock McCord McCord Tobin Tobin

Liberty Junior High students celebrate Red Ribbon Week.

85 St. at State Rd.

Power School
Parents of students attending classes in Burbank School District 111 can sign up for an innovative new computer program called Power School. This free program provides parents with the chance to access up-to-theminute grades their children are earning in each of their classes. In addition, Power School shows how many times students have been absent during the year, any projects or assignments that haven't been completed or are missing, and other school information that parents may find useful. Parents can access the program from any computer with internet capability, with the service available seven days a week. Power School will be shut down for a short time each night after 12:00 a.m., which allows for information to be backed up and routine maintenance to be performed. Page 10

Family Math Night at McCord School.

Burbank School District 111

2013-2014 Official School Calendar

August 19 Teacher Institute 20 School Starts - Half Day (Grades 1-8 Only) Breakfast Program Begins 21 First Full Day (Grades 1-8 Only) Lunch Program Begins PASS Program Begins 26 Open House - Liberty 7th grade 7-8 p.m. 27 First Day of Kindergarten Open House - 8th grade 7-8 p.m. 28 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. 29 Open House - K-6 Schools 7-8 p.m. September 2 NO SCHOOL - Labor Day 3 Half Day / Teacher Inservice (No AM EC) 25 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. October 9 Half Day / Teacher Inservice (No PM EC) 14 NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day 23 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. November 7 Half Day / Parent-Teacher Conf. (No AM EC) 8 NO SCHOOL - Parent-Teacher Conf. 9 NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day 20 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. 28 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving 29 NO SCHOOL December 12 Half Day / Teacher Inservice (No PM EC) 18 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. 23 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break Begins January 6 School Resumes 20 NO SCHOOL - M. L. King, Jr.s Birthday 22 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. 30 Half Day / Parent-Teacher Conf. (No AM EC) 31 NO SCHOOL - Parent-Teacher Conferences February 17 NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day 25 Half Day / Teacher Inservice (No PM EC) 26 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. March 3 NO SCHOOL - Casimir Pulaski Day 4 ISAT Testing Begins 18 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Institute 26 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. April 9 Half Day / Teacher Inservice (No AM EC) 14 NO SCHOOL - Spring Break Begins 22 School Resumes 23 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. May 26 NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day 28 Board Meeting - District Office - 7:00 p.m. 29 Last Day of School for EC Students Tentative Graduation 30 Last Day of School - Half Day (If no emergency are days used)

Byrd fifth graders visit the Museum of Science & Industry.

Developing Young Minds For Tomorrow

Page 11

Burbank School District 1 1 1 Administration Office

7600 S. Central Avenue Burbank, Illinois 60459 Phone: 708-496-0500 Fax: 708-496-0510

Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 211


Board of Education
Carleen Skowronski President Danette Williams, Vice President Teresa Duzak, Secretary Kathleen M. Smith Pamela M. Duzakowitcs David Kasper Steven Ficker

New School Hours for Grades K-6: 8:05 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.

District schools benefit from monies received from the No Child Left Behind federal entitlement grants.

Whats Happening in District 111

All classrooms across the district received 21st Century technology equipment including: laptops, document cameras, projectors, and voice equipment. Byrd School received the Lowe's Toolbox for Education Grant for $5,000 for a courtyard classroom project. The District hosted several family oriented events including the Back to School Rally, the Family, Fun, and Fitness Day, and the Burbank All Star Games. Paving projects were completed over the summer to provide more parking at the Administration Building and Kennedy School. Student drop-off/pick-up lanes were added at Byrd and Maddock Schools. Teachers will be piloting some new reading programs across the district this year so that they can experience the program before it is formally adopted into the curriculum. Surveillance and security cameras were upgraded at each school across the district. A $48,500 School Safety Grant was awarded to the district from ISBE to help with costs of upgrading security doors in several buildings. Byrd School received an OfficeMax grant for $1,000 for teachers to purchase supplies for their classrooms. Wellness Day was held on May 1, 2013 where faculty and staff participated in a variety of seminars and activities such as a 5K walk/run, exercise classes, cooking lessons, and many other sessions focusing on health and well-being. A Library Grant for $2,450 was awarded to the district to purchase library books for each school library. Maddock School fifth grade teachers were awarded a National Energy Foundation grant for $200. McCord School was awarded a field trip grant for $300. Fry School was awarded a field trip grant for their sixth grade students to attend a free field trip to the Holocaust Museum. In partnership with Prairie Trails Library, the district sent home summer literacy activity calendars to encourage students to continue reading throughout the summer. Information contained in this newsletter is subject to change. Should information change after printing, parents/guardians will be notified.

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