PLANS ForTheWorldPeople PassAround PDF

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P P P P e e e e L L L L A A A A N N N N S S S S

We The People
Declare :



of America

Scan in. Duplicate. Place in a picture frame. Make posters.
Share freedom via email. Document keyword: GrowFreedom
Declaration of We The People
for the Establishment of :::
The Independent States of America
( I .S. A . )
Thisdocument canbefoundonlineusingkeyword: GrowFreedom

WeThePeoplecan makeadramatically positivedifferencetogether. Weneed acommon theme. Wecan all
livein abetter and happier world. Weneed to do something big to mark thereal change.
Right now, weareUnited as 1939 EasternGermany: oneentirecountry, onecurrency, onefinanced puppet
commander, and many wars. Weareno longer 50 independent states. Wearenow much liketheunsinkable
Titantic, crashing into icebergs (other cultures) and taking onmoreand morewater (debt). Our country has been
sinking; slowly and dramatically. Theeliteclass, who work collectively as onemind, wants another world war
for thepoor to suffer and diein. Arewejust going to takeorders, get suited up as with oneuniform, to kill
more? Is it braveto bomb other people? Isn't thereamorepeaceful way to be?
Yet theseemingly forgotten10
amendment to theConstitution grants eachof our 50 states independence from
central control. But theout of control central government is now creeping into our own homes. It started long
ago with cancer causing fluorideput into our water. Areweeach free& independent? Havewenow just
becomepenned-up slaves? Arewemeek or arewebrave? Arewejust thehomeof theslaves?
Together wecan removetheold corrupt global establishment that en-debts and controls theUnited States of
America. Wecan definitely restoresanity, peace, balance, prosperity, & all beneficial human freedoms.
All wehaveto do to createasolid foundation for real positivechange(not chump change) is agreeto do one
thing together, or at least most of us. That is, we wish to establish a new government by and for WeThe
Peoplein theeyes of Creation. Weneed immediatevolunteers. Thebest chanceof this is sharing this ideaand
printout, back and forth, everywhere, for theEstablishment of theIndependent States of America or I.S.A.
You can be the I in I.S.A.; aslight changeof wording, but abig, real and tangibledifference. Wecan
establish abenevolent system; perhaps onethat provides property to new citizens, when they turn18.
Together, Wecan overcomealying out-of-control parasitic criminally corrupt government. If every soldier
joins us, then wedon't even need to get our guns out to expungetoday's class of corrupted politicians, in order
to get themcompletely out of theway. Not centralized power, but 50 good short-termgovernors for the50
independent states, elected by thepeopleof each state. 50 currencies and 50 constitutions, for the protectionof
minority rights everywhere; as defined by thefull voting electorateof eachof the50 states.
USA can easily bemadeinto ISA. No morenational war mongering stateOffenses, just astrong set of 50
Independent StateDefenses. A beneficial system; perhaps onethat provides ahomefor every new family.
I agreeto theestablishment of theIndependent States of America, in order to fully replacethecorporate
controlled, horribly corrupted, war mongering centralized power of WashingtonDC; wedeclare50 states.
Just get two others to sign beforeframing your statement and pass around
many copies; it is theduty of every freeand independent personto promote
freedom. If this quickly becomes afad; Wewill convenefor real positivechange.
Thereis no websitebehind this; nor any particular people. It is freeto say Yes!.
This people's petition is perfect for email attachment.
X____________________________________ X___________________________________
A good di r ec t i on f or St at es
A good di r ec t i on f or t he w hol e
wor l d!
(bel ow )
Universal People's Statement of Freedom
(MaximumFreedomor Fascist Slavery; it'seachindividual'sdecision. Public opinion means everything.)

Lovers of Freedom have continuously struggled against the forces of tyrannical governments for
multitudes of centuries in the ever deceptive and animated contest between the spirit of enslavement
versus the spirit of liberty. When in the course of world events it becomes clear government has become
intentionally deceitful, destructive, and murderous - using any form of falsehood, manipulation of
media, or theater as cover for an array of crimes - as well as for the next form of government, it is a
matter of self-defense for the people of the nation and the world to throw off a corrupt system of
government enslavement; and with expediency set then widely announce another special date, apart
from July 4th, that will in the future echo worldly celebrations of the cause of liberty. The people should
subsequently convene in large numbers on that date and also through the public global computing
system of the time, for a convention of the people. The result of the open convention is to have authored,
selected, and begun the implementation of a more protective system of shared rights, law, governance,
and justice for the current and future generations; of any nation; for the collective happiness of all.

The laws of aRepublic should bewritten clearly in theformof aconstitution. However when oncetrusted political
figures individually or as a whole concert of corruption, or the distribution of wealth or establishment systemas a
whole, betrays thetrust of thecitizenry by operating outsideof therules and constraints listed in sucha constitution,
then the citizens of the broken republic should take the stated recommendations of their previous declaration of
independence & constitution, along with methods of self defense, back into their own hands. More than
responsibility, it is themost sacred duty of thespirit of liberty and justicefor all.

By the year 2008, through a persistent stream of offensive actions, including 9-11-2001, the organization widely
known as the "United States Government" has declared itself murderous; while bankrupting the working class of
America and instituting fascist rule. It has become evident to multitudes of people of every nation that the current
government is allied with a cabal of corrupt international banking, war-mongering, so-called "freemasonic",
illuminati or "new world order", interests. Therefore the United States Government has severely turned away
fromserving its sacred causeof freedom!
ThereforetheUnited States Government has failed and is de-facto illegitimateas of thetimeof theannouncement
of this declaration at thestart of the new peoples convention. Revolution is theonly possible curefor fascism; and
it has already gone beyond the need for a once independent people to have a fresh start! The people's convention
datewill bedecided by thetruth movement.

Consequently, All of its previous authority over the citizenry is thereby removed by this declaration; and All
freemasonic governments worldwide should be dissolved entirely by the great many worlds people. All existing
mob-ridden local governments over the individual and the municipalities should be fully dismantled, re-instituted,
and rebooted with a fully transparent, efficient, protective, and accountable system model the people's convention
democratically selects. All civil rights & laws should be voted for in a true 1-person-1-vote democratic and
transparent form- as we always carry a vital responsibility to together choose what has control over our lives and
what would ensureus maximumsafety & happiness.

This progressive change of government should be enabled and empowered by the entirety of all national and
returning armed forces together with all non-terminated local police and the widespread armed citizenry.
No moresystemtyranny!

As we acknowledge this world-wide published declaration in multitudes, we pledge allegiance to each
other. We are firmin our disassociation fromthe previous United States Government or any corrupt
power. In unison Weproclaimto disallow that organization to silenceus, to control themass media or
theinternet, to suppress us, to spray chemicals upon or conduct any experiments on us, to detain us, to
imprison us, to terrorize nor genocide us, to tax us, to bill us, to create dollars or borrow credit, nor
counterfeit paper money, to legislate for us nor to adjudicate any proceedings, to direct our armed
forces, to make war, or make agreements in our name, nationally or internationally. We are fully
aware of our Creation-given rights; including dissent.

Addendum: Initial action list for thepeoples convention (recommended date: July 5th, 2011; location: St. Louis, MO)

* Withdrawing our businesses andfranchises fromfederal or state-widetaxation of the"United States Government" andits
equally corrupt mother companies, the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank.
* Create a new fully accountable systemof money and taxation commissioned by the improved freshly-chartered citizens
government to: pay off all national debts, redistribute wealth fairly, fund the new government, and reinvigorate the economy.
* Buildabeautiful new national capitol city designed by non-freemasonic architects andconstructedby themany hands of the
nation within alarge, and voted-upon, national forest. A new capitol is essential to mark the change in thinking.
* Close and refurbish Washington DC, converting theformer capitol into a city -wideorphanageand school campus for the
nationsunderprivileged children; dedicated in honor of patriots who lived bravely before us without shame.
* Establish anew passport identification, numbered aschronologically signed, and imprintedinsideanew & improved Bill of
Rights - to be made available for all listed and future citizen signatories of this declaration of freedom from system tyranny
statement; that anyone and everyone around the world is invited to recognize and support together forevermore. ( All inmates
individually reviewed for possible release. )
* No more will we allow homeless/helpless to be picked up, medically experimented upon, or murdered. Every destitute
person shouldbegiven an opportunity by thenew systemto construct adwellingandsharein acommunity atmosphere.
* An endto theconcept of foreclosures. No morewill thesystembeableto profit by conspiringto set market conditionsso
that peopleareunableto affordtheir family homes. Each housenow belongsto thefamily, not to abank.
* Project Fresh Start Organic Home Gardening Incentive Program, using a portion of elitereclaimed wealth, to finally
solveworld hunger. Weshouldeach also bemotivatedto erect personal greenhouses andmaintainprivategardens year-round. ~~~
Democracy arisesout of thenotion that thosewhoareequal inany respect areequal inall respects; becausemen areequallyfree, they
claimtobeabsolutely equal. Republicsdeclineintodemocraciesanddemocraciesdegenerateintodespotisms. - Aristotle

If the world knew how to use freedom without abusing it, tyranny would not exist. - Tehyi Hsieh

The modern banking systemmanufactures money out of nothing. Theprocess is perhaps the most astounding pieceof sleight of
handthat was ever invented. Bankingwas conceivedin inequity andborn insin... Bankersown theearth. Takeit away fromthembut
leavethemthepower to createmoney, and, with aflick of apen, they will createenough money to buy it back again... Takethis great
power away fromthem, or if you want to continuetobetheslaves of bankersandpay thecost of your own slavery, then let bankers
continueto createmoney andcontrol credit. - Sir JosephStamp, former president of theBank of England
Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of
freedom? Material abundancewithout character is thesurest way to destruction. - Thomas Jefferson ~~~To methesolehopeof
human salvation lies in teaching. - George Bernard Shaw ~~~Theempires of thefuturearetheempires of themind. - Winston
Churchill ~~"I haveunwittingly destroyed my country." - Woodrow Wilson {After signing theFederal ReserveAct in 1913) ~~~
Thebasic ideabehindteachingisto teach peoplewhat they need to know. - Carl Rogers ~~~Awaken people'scuriosity. It isenough
to open minds, do not overload them. Put therejust aspark. - Anatole France ~~~Education...beyond all other devices of human
origin, isagreat equalizer of conditionsof men-- thebalancewheel of thesocial machinery... It does better thantodisarmthepoor of
their hostility towardtherich; it prevents being poor. - Horace Mann ~~~Thereisnoeducation likeadversity. - Benjamin Disraeli
~~~It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy [life, liberty, happiness] in creative expression and knowledge. - Albert
Einstein ~~~Wethink of theeffectiveteachers wehavehad over theyears with asenseof recognition, but thosewho havetouched
our humanity weremember with adeep senseof gratitude. - Anonymous student
$$$ We need to replace the self-destructive US dollar, now propped up as the world's reserve base currency. The current elite
class have ideas for that already: the Amero, The Globo, the SDR, and the Bancor. However, we need to incarcerate the elite
and reclaim the wealth they have stolen from the world through their big currency schemes of the past. A new world reserve
currency would need a new name & new publicly transparent oversight and frequent audits by the people of the world.
Elected boards should be established, and no board member should at any time profit excessively from their elected duty.
Here is an idea for a name of a new global currency, the Dillar. For two reasons, the next currency will have a digital overlay
to guard against counterfeiting, yet retaining privacy of use, so a digital dollar could be shortened to the Dillar. Also, since,
We, the people of the world, are currently in a pickle, and the Dill is a name of a pickle, for humor's sake, the Dillar to
replace the Dollar works too and would be the easiest transition. A fresh start for example would be this simple rule:
everyone who had turned 18 years old, or does on their birthday, will receive D100,000 Dillars to start their new life and
career. That would have the effect of distributing the wealth of the world evenly and fairly. They could choose to invest it in
themselves via education, or into stocks in a new market, or into their own business, or assets such as their own house, etc. $$$
Soldiers Code
1. I amanAmericansoldier - A protector of thecitizenry, sworn to uphold theConstitution of theUnitedStates.
2. I will treat others with dignity and respect and expect others to do thesame.
3. I will honor my country and my fellow soldiers; thosewho arenot traitors to theBill of Rights & Constitution.
4. I amproudof my country & its flag. I wish to look back and say that I amproudto haveserved my fellow citizens.
5. Lastly, no matter what thesituation I amin, I will never do anything for pleasure, profit, or personal safety which
would disgracemy country, my uniform, my unit, my high school class, and thepeopleof my country.
American culture today have been immersed in entertainment
and perpetually distracted with sports. It has been discovered
by the truth movement that most Americans have lost their
moral compass and are so bamboozled with entertainment
channels these days that they can hardly recognize or
prioritize important information and have difficulty
discerning what is fact from fiction. This is how the current
system gets away with perpetual string of crimes. Communist
agents call it 'demoralization' of a people. Perhaps better put
for Americans, the average American is factose-intolerant.
So, as the following material covers very heavy topics.... first some easily digestible humor, over 200 one-liners...
The King of Creation's Most Witty
& Amazingly Graceful Message:
it's now time for us to upgrade our world's entire system .
America Gets to Know Obama =
Barack was enigma to me too!
(the many amazing hidden messages, in the anagrams, of the letters, spelling his name and title)
Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America =
I am picked to reform a nation after Bush cheats and abuses it! See?
"President-elect Obama"="Enter amicable despot."
President-elect Barack Obama"=
"America pretends to be a black."
President Obama = A bad-time person., I am a debt
person., Modest ape-brain., Born as media pet?
Barack Hussein Obama = I am a h a c k , a b u s e r, s n o b .,
I, Arab sham, beckon USA., "A m a n h a c k s o u r b a b ie s !" ,
"Heck, USA, I'm an Arab SOB!"
Obamacare = Bear a coma. :: Obama defends his
patriotism. = I hope items of a bastard's mind??
'Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance', by B.Obama =
Mercy be! Rather a drab mamma's boy ran off on a search for identity.

"President Obama of the USA = A safe bet? Manured poo? Shit?!
{ If you have discovered another Obama decoding to add in to these, you can call 1-800-259-9231 to announce it. }
Anagrams, the reordering of letters of words & phrases,
have long been decoded to provide deep hidden insight.
These are actually fully detailed stories, where each line is
a perfect anagram & all amazingly of the same theme.
"President Barack Obama"
key: aaaaBbcdeekinmOPrrst (20 letters)
Neat barbaric, dope mask!
Spoke barbaric mandate!
Macabre Bonaparte, kids!
Pri ck ab oard m e an b e ast!
So barbaric: apt, keen, mad.
Apt barbaric, and so meek!
Pea-brained brats ok cam! (the mass media)
Bad points break camera! (LOL!)
Reprobate, akin bad scam!
Keep satanic rambo bard!
Adopt me, barbaric snake!
Top barbaric, mad as keen.
Bad Mark! Braincase poet!
Mad poet! Barbaric snake!
Mad poet! Barbaric sneak!
Bad cobra!! Mistaken rape!
A part, b rai n m ocked b ase!
Kept barbaric, as moaned...
Kept as a barbaric demon!!
( A boar-dick beast-man! Rape! )
Pea-brained brat scam, ok?
A rabid, macabre pest, ok?
Rapid beast, mean crab, ok?
Peak Rancid Rambo Beast! (PRR B )
The bad guy is supposed to come as an angel of light in the
name of world peace... but only as a temporary ruse; therefore
Obama smirked while accepting the coveted Peace Prize! The
New World Order plan is anything but new; lets stop the lies.
A kind ape... bombs rat race!
(AKA: Iran's Carpet-bombed.)
Mad barbarian, coke pets...
I 'm r e p r o b a t e ; a bad snack!
I'm a packed, aberrant SOB,
am a bat-eared prick snob,
a crabbier top mad snake!
(Bad skeptic or mean Arab?)
Mean beast! - Prick abroad!
Abasement!! - Prick abroad!
Tsk! Barbarian pace/mode!
Rabid abasement, OK?? C r a p !!!!
Top rank became as rabid.
Probe dark maniac beast!!!
I am a knob, bastard, creep.
I'm a carpeted Arab's knob!
Peak absorbed, maniac rat!
Tackier apeman! Drab SOB!
Bonk! I am a bastard creep!
A berserk top bad maniac!
An Arab backed Imposter!
(Arab beast-man, rope-dick.)
Ace Bastard! Prime knob!
Sad bonk... macabre pirate...!
Crap! Am broad snakebite!
Crap! I'm a dear beast knob!
* A b om b e ra d i ca te s pra nk !
A pe b om b ! S ta rk ra d i a nce ! *
[ seems like a nuke could soon remove Obama ]
Anagrams, musical letters, reorganized, amazingly contain Creation's wisdom
"President Barack Hussein Obama"
decodes into all of the following:
America's boneshakers up bandit!
(s nobb eries shack up rat idea m an.)
B rainsick m ast ers up a bonehead!
A Democrat speaks inane rubbish.
America aborts; and keeps Bush in?
A dark American boss: Shit been up?
Abused American banks to perish.
Brain shocker! Beast ups idea m an!
A beast brain! D om inee rs shack up!
O Dear Me! Brains in beast shack up!
Business: " He? A pink Arab Democrat!
Muck brains as bonehead pirates!
Brainsick boneheads up a master.
Pushed as best American brain, OK?
Brain asks: American hope busted?
I'm a kind, sober, abstruse panache!
Up shabbier, darksome, nice satan!
Cheekier banana, top absurdisms!
Huckster I am, a peabrained snob.
I'm a snakebite, proud as branches!
Eureka! Hi snob, Drastic BS apeman.
D e b o n a ir a sh a m e s! B a n k ru p tc ie s!
Super! A brainsick meathead snob!
Snobbish idea man! Rat race pukes!
Obscure anathema; spikes brains...
Debonair apeman huckster's bias...
Kind braincase abhors amputees.
Abandon sick, brashier amputees!!
Utopia's brain seems backhander!
Mad barbarian! Cheekiness spout.
Nice penis death mask! Barbarous!
Keen pubic hairs sober mad Satan!
Sneakier champion... absurd beast
Bemoaned ass as thick superbrain!!
Spiked brain obscures anathema;
H andsom e ape brain suckers bait!
Ape suckers shabbier damnation!
Rubb ish speaker aces dam nation!
Parasite brain mucks boneheads!
Mad phobia ensnares SUCKER bait.
Praise saner bubonic death mask!!
Brains bounce... Praise death mask!!
Pea-brained crabs OK enthusiasm!
Bird-brains amuse cheapo skate!
Dumb praise satanic boneshaker!
Champion bard, sneakiest abuser!
Sick, barbarous, handiest ape-men!
Superb debonaire, Sick anathemas.
Ape Shit! Brain mad,keen,scabrous.
Suspicion meansB ad H eartbreak!
Madhouse crap! Snakebite brains
Brainsick bonehead up as master!
Bonehead parasite mucks brains!
The barbarism..spacious and keen!
Champion streaked brain abuses!
Kind saboteurs became piranhas.
Peskiest and barbarous machine.
Muckiness as the barbarian dope!
Unbiased chain-smokers ape brat.
Becam e prankish saboteur and is...
chain sm oker but pea-brained ass !
Peskiest brain, unashamed cobra.
Apeman branches absurdities. Ok?
Dear snob, up snakebite charisma!
Up debonaire ass! Snakebite charms...
U p bastards! I am a nice boneshaker! "
I am a sharpened snob; sucker bait!
I am a sharp snob, crude snakebite.
I am snobbish and up as racketeer!!
I'm a cantankerous; shabbier spade.
I am a naked ape son; shit scrubber.
I am: stubborn, sad, cheap, sneakier!
I'm a rude cheapskate; SOB's brain.
I am a sparkish brute, and obscene!!
I am a dick! Up abhorrent baseness!
I am bad; reprobate as chunkiness.
I am tu b e b o rn , sad sn e ak , sir c h e ap .
I am a spunkier chosen beast bard!
I am stubborn as a skinhead creep!
Amen! Barbarous, septic skinhead!
Muck brain as raspiest bonehead!
Prankish beast! Obscure idea man!
Shabbier, ransomed, satanic puke!
Barbarous, mean, septic skinhead!
A snubbier, darksome, cheap saint...
Imprudence as shabbier Satan, OK?
Impudences to shake barbarians!
The impudence soaks barbarians!
Brainsick meathead abuses porn!
Top banana smirks debaucheries.
I am a prankish, obscene, sad brute.
Inebriate humpback sods an arse!
I am a crab up bonehead's stinkers.
Basket case in paramour's behind?
Suck-it-and-see! Heap barbarism on!
Inhumane beast brakes sporadic!
Sane humpback?? Brain-rot disease??
Skinhead beast or superb maniac?
Shit! Sickened barbarous apeman!
Bemoaned sneak; pubic hair star!
Pharisees doubt American banks.
N. Korea-base,disturbance,mishap.
Break point: USA became in shards.
A bused - and brainsick atm osphere.
Naked ass! Emancipator rubbish!
Prankish beast, demoniac abuser!
Cherubs's pea-brained satanism, ok?
Adept chain smoker, brain abuses!
I'm snubbier - toprank ace asshead!
Prouder snake, shabbiest maniac!
Beadiest cobra sparks inhumane.
Cherub's snakiest paranoid beam!
Superman brainsick as to behead?
Spunkier, satanic rambo beheads!!
Rubb ish! H e cases t op-rank idea m an.
Maniac's spunkier, absorbed hate!
Sickened! This barbarous apeman!
Debonaire beast pukes anarchism
Debonaire cherub satanism peaks!!
Sectarianism up! Bad boneshaker!!
Is not barbaric? Kee ps unasham ed?
...macabre, brute skinhead passion...
Maniac's boneshaker brutes paid,
brainsick as boneheads upstream!
Tackiness or pea-brained ambush?
Rubbish! Adore apeman tackiness?
He Bankrupted Americans! Is a SOB!
Ape shit! Sod! Keen Barbarian Scum!
Hacker obtains superb man's idea.
Brainier dem on hacks up, beats ass !
H acker's b rain up d om inates b ase.
Cherub man bonks parasite ideas!
Obscured brain spikes anathemas.
Debunker ashames SOB patrician!
Abuses span aberrant homocides, k?
Sober up braincase! Death in mask!
Keen cohabits as mad superbrain!
Shock beast idea man superbrain!
Beat- up, brainsick handsome arse!
Beat brainsick unshamed poser!
Debase prankish, manic saboteur!
Suck demise brashier top banana!
Bonk sharp-eared beast musician!
Emaciate rakish and superb snob!
Bruise/Behead maniac's top- rank!!
And spike this barbarous menace!
S k in h e ad s m e n ac e b arb aro u s t ip .
S ab o te u rs p in m ac ab re sk in h e ad !!!
Unbiased star as knob impeacher!
P.U.! Brainsick abasement; sad hero!
Radiate macabre pushiness! Bonk!
Cheapest barbarianism; so nuked.
Baked- bean as historic superm an?
Rabidness ! A n upbeat chain sm oker
becam e prankish beast! D inosaur!

I am a snobbish creature,
Obama-nation: National Socialism (1939-1945 Germany); power in fewer hands
has already before drastically TWICE PROVEN TO BE A TERRIBLE IDEA.
Theprophetic "OBAMAGRAM" decoding is CLEAR AND MOST HIGHLY obvious.
ObamaCan't SaveYou unless You prevent Obamafromcasting moredeceptions; whichstarted with his fake/forged
Hawaiian birth certificate(see: Otherwise, perhaps, thefutureis already foretold.
The first decoding literally states Obama (Oh....bomb-us??) will at least appear to be taken out in a bomb blast.
Thebeast systemis not loyal to anyone, only the beast systemitself, even Obama.
"They", theglobal criminal aristocracy, will apparently haveObamaass-asinated.
If Obamais not seen liveat ground zero just prior to thethedetonation (Washington DC?)
his pseudo-demisecould only beyet another ruse. [ A large deep tunnel system exists under DC.
The white house has a hidden entrance to an underground tunnel network and secret facility. ]
Why a nuke? Theincredibledecoding states: A b o m b e r a d ic a te s p r a n k !
(Letters of President Barack Obama): and A p e b o m b ! S ta r k r a d ia n c e !
"Stark Radiance" seems to imply nuclear. It appears oneof thetwo decoded Obamagram scripts will beplayed out.
To help prevent future horror: hot photatocopy this, email, print booklets, even sell for aprofit.
Things are now getting worse even more than under the former puppet scrub Bush Jr.! Total Darkness!
Action! : The major media celebrity liars WORLDWIDE need to be arrested & incarcerated
until the trial, then quickly after them, the world's criminal elite class for trial. And ASAP!
Theglobal elites haveto becontained by thegood forces within thevarious world militaries; a mutiny! Those helpful in
their round-ups will receive full pensions funded from the gold, silver, real estate, etc. reclaimed for the people
from the Rothschild's and other elite s. The6660 or so elites shouldbecontained in afloating capstone prison
island, wherethey candominatethemselves andwecanwatchvia anew reality tv show, likeLost, but morefun& real.
Discuss together and prevent the elite's ongoing bio-attack strategies! Do it for you and others!
( More information, updated daily: GCNlive .com (The Genesis Communication Network)
Ultimately the criminal elites will help in deciding their own eternal judgment. So will you...
Help by utilizing the internet to help create a mass awakening & e-mail this to friends ! Say No
to preemptive war with Iran and world war - and Yes to no fluoridation & naked body scans!
Internet Sharing Keyword: GrowFreedom Share! Post! Print! Email! GODSpeed!

What do you want the coming world government to be like? Governments, controlled
mostly by a global finance aristocracy, have killed more than 250 million so far already.
card shared
Book against
2012' s
world order
fascism and
agenda 21
Share this booklet out like you would share
slices with others if your pizza was endless.
In fact, once the criminal system is reformatted we
can all organize a big pizza party on a new holiday.
So consider this your invitation to join with the
global pizza party., that is if we can make it happen.
Agenda , as it is known, is not only a reduction of your 21
country's sovereignty but also your sovereignty over your own
body and basic natural rights, and also robs your authority over
your children's body's and mind's. It is a world government plan
to manage and take over your lives like a zoo takes over animals
lives. Please research it.
The People of the world are waking up to the fact that the
existing system has been and is still being managed behind
scenes of governments and the media by a global criminal
generational mafia of about - thousand rich and powerful 6 7
We The People all around need to become the media. We cannot
trust the corporate propaganda engines who report to these
We don't need to worry about being tracked and traced for
delivering and receiving information if we are careful or if we all
act together at once; while protecting each other.
We can utilize the internet too, however
We can utilize the billions of memory cards that most all of us
already own. And almost everyone in the world has access to a
computer, or will in the near future.
It is easy to copy a file, such as a book in PDF format, or an audio
recording, or a whole folder of items, using two memory cards,
or even two cell phones, and a laptop. Invent new bridge devices.
With memory card technology, We the People have the capability
of running local internets ourselves, simply by passing gigabytes
of information to others, by hand, to friends and neighbors.
If we can all get on the same page, and define as a group what
kind of world government conditions and rules we will enjoy
having over our heads, we can do amazing things together. In
truth, we really don't need to be governed or told what to do,
rather we need to be protected and serviced by a benevolent
For starters, every + year old around the world should soon 10
have this booklet, mostly delivered through the People's Internet.
And most every adult should purchase a gun or learn how to use
an alternative defense to protect ourselves and our families.
Our Fellow
Human Beings
We Need To Free Each Other
From the New World Order
A fellow highly informed American is writing this to you. There are some among us
who may still believe there is nothing going wrong that incremental states of
corruption, abuse, warfare, and enslavement are just normal -- but those are types of
people who couldn't state and detail the differences between the US Constitution and the
Marxist Communist Manifesto. You, like the rest of us scattered across the countryside
and the world around, are reading this because you already know something has gone
very wrong in America and other places. Or perhaps it was emailed to you by a friend
who feels that way, and you are just curious or starting to get concerned. Perhaps
tyranny has already painfully fined, hurt, diseased, damaged, imprisoned, stolen,
disappeared, or murdered a member of your family, home, or circle of friends.
This PDF booklet was limited to under 10 megabytes in size, so it may be shared fast
and easily through email and memory cards; although it could have been encyclopedic: a
terabyte out of out-of-control political, banking, wall street and corporate corruption.
Only a few of us would like to read that much anyways. Effort has been made to
compile this with the most brevity without diminishing clarity or criticality.
This particular booklet is a bit advanced, in terms of its focus on a solution to the current
mess. The thousands of informative books and hundreds of eye-opening films that have
been made in the past decades about the now rapid formation of the global governance
plan, publicly stated as the 'new world order', have focused primarily on the crimes and
gross quantities of evidence of the intrigue of the extremely wealthy and their
subordinates; who have been identified as history's controllers, puppeteers, actors, and
actresses. You are already intimately familiar with many of these personages; especially
the very visible ones associated with the large corporate news media and hollywood. It
is their job to give entertainment the highest priority and make everything seemnormal.
The solution, most simply, is that We, the billions of common people worldwide, have a
deep need to soon become the masters of our future and own fate; needing to change the
way we have looked at history up to the year 2012. Then re-look at the way we are
currently being laughed at, manipulated, controlled, bankrupted, weakened, poisoned,
soft-killed, viciously killed; with the survivors among us becoming ever more enslaved.
Finally we need to imprison the many thousand assorted tyrants of our time and shake
off all the former economic, mental, and physical shackles. Then build the -best- world
for each other and ourselves and our next generation that we can imagine and build.
This book will provide some core ideas for increased capability, independence, freedom,
and prosperity for all of us. How much we share and endorse this new way of looking
back and thinking will determine our success at being who we are, fellow human beings.
And how can wereally do this? First weneed to recruit all themilitaries around theworld to our side.

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