ECK Rainage Esign: B D A - O 2006
ECK Rainage Esign: B D A - O 2006
ECK Rainage Esign: B D A - O 2006
1. Run-Off Analysis
When disposal of storm water from a major structure is to be made into facilities belonging to or under the control of a local agency, it may be necessary to furnish anticipated maximum run-offs to the agency concerned. Any recognized method of computing the quantity of run-off may be employed. A simple and easy analysis is obtained by the Rational Method, which converts rainfall intensity for the design frequency storm to run-off by the formula: Q = CiA where Q C i = Design Discharge, in cubic feet per second; = Coefficient of Runoff = 1.0 for bridge decks; = Average rainfall intensity, in inches per hour, for a given frequency and for the duration equal to the time of concentration. (Districts may or may not indicate the intensity for a given area); = Drainage area, in acres, tributary to the point under design. (1)
Barring information to the contrary from the District, reasonable criteria for this computation is a fiveminute concentration time and a precipitation rate of 5 inches per hour. This results in a total gutter flow: Q = 0.000115 A (1a)
A = Tributary Area in square feet
When the depth at the grate exceeds about 1.4 feet. the grate begins to operate as an orifice and the discharge intercepted by the grate is: Qi = 0.67 A (2gd) 0.5 = 5.37 Ad 0.5 where
Qi A g d = rate of discharge into the grate opening, in cubic feet per second;
= clear opening of the grate, in square feet;
= acceleration of gravity, 32.2 feet per second2;
= depth of ponded water above top of grate, in feet. Use average d.
Between depths over the grate of about 0.4 and about 1.4 feet the operation of the grate inlet is indefinite due to vortices and other disturbances. The capacity of the grate lies between that given by equations (2) and (3).
Type of Drain
Because of the vortices and the tendency of trash to collect on the grate, the clear opening or perimeter of a grate inlet should be at least twice that required by equations (2) and (3) in order to remain below the design depth over the grate. Where danger of clogging is slight, a factor of safety less than two may be used. Capacity of the drain outlet pipe should be checked using equation (3) with d equal to the depth of water above the center of outlet pipe and A equal to the outlet pipe area.
3. Sheet Flow
Concentration of sheet flow across bridge decks is to be avoided. As a general rule, no more than 0.1 cfs should be allowed to concentrate and flow across a bridge deck. Refer to Section 831.4(1) Sheet Flow of the Highway Design Manual.
4. Flow in Gutters
A gutter is defined, for purposes of this discussion, as the section of bridge deck next to the barrier which conveys water during a storm runoff event. It may include a portion or all of the shoulder. Gutter cross sections usually have a triangular shape with the barrier forming the near-vertical leg of the triangle. The gutter may have a straight cross slope or a cross slope composed of two straight lines. Modification of the Manning equation is necessary for use in computing flow in triangular channels because the hydraulic radius in the equation does not adequately describe the gutter cross section, particularly where the top width of the water surface may be more than 40 times the depth at the curb. To compute gutter flow, the Manning equation is integrated for an increment of width across the section. The resulting equation in terms of cross slope and spread on the pavement is: Q = (K/n) Sx5/3 S1/2 T8/3 where
K Q T Sx S n = 0.56;
= flow rate, ft3/s;
= width of flow (spread), ft;
= cross slope, ft/ft;
= longitudinal slope, ft/ft;
= Mannings coefficient
The equation neglects the resistance of the curb face because this resistance is negligible from a practical point of view if the cross slope is 10 percent or less. Spread on the pavement and flow depth at the curb are often used as criteria for spacing drainage inlets. Generally, design water spread should not exceed the shoulder width. Refer to Section 831.3 of the Highway Design Manual. Figure 1 is a nomograph for solving the equation. The nomograph can be used for either criterion with the relationship: d = TSx The nomograph can be used for direct solution of gutter flow where the Manning n value is 0.016. For other values of n, divide the value of Qn by n. Instructions for use and an example problem solution are provided on the nomograph.
= length of clear opening of grate in feet (1.375 ft for grate in drain type C, D-1, and D-2)
Test on grates similar to those used on standard drains type C and D have shown that splash over will begin at a flow velocity of approximately 3.6 feet per second. At velocities above 3.6 f/s the grate will not intercept all of the flow within the grate width. The grate efficiency can be estimated for higher flow velocities using the following equation which approximates test results. E = 100-30 (V-3.6) 100% Flow not intercepted continues to the next inlet. The capacity of inlets can also be controlled by the orifice capacity of the drain outlet pipe. Use equation (3) with d equal to the depth of water above the center of the outlet pipe and A equal to the area of the pipe opening. Q = 0.67A (2gd)1/2 = 5.37 A (d)1/2 (3)
0.56 n
T ( FT )
30 Q n ( F T 3/ S ) 0.2 10 20 8 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 2 0.02 4 3 1 0.8 0.01 0.6 0.4 6 4
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.06 0.002 0.08 0.1 0.04 6 10 8
S X2
2) To determine discharge in gutter with composite cross slopes, find Q s using Ts and S x . Then, use Chart 4 to find E o . The total discharge is Q = Q s / (I - E o ), and Qw = Q - Qs .
Drain Properties
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D-2 d= 0.522 + y feet A= 0.129 ft 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 D-3 d= 0.5 + y feet A= 0.194 ft -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D-1 d= 0.961 + y feet A= 0.194 ft 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------where y = flow depth at curb
Scupper on Grade
Deck drainage scuppers in bridge barrier railings on grade are designed as curb-opening inlets. To determine the capacity of a scupper, the length of curb-opening inlet required for total interception of the gutter flow is first calculated. Then, the efficiency of the actual scupper opening is calculated to determine its capacity. LT E q LT E L K n S Sx Q q = K Q0.42 S0.3 (1/nSx)0.6 = 1-(1-L/LT)1.8 = EQ = length of curb opening to intercept 100% of gutter flow, feet = efficiency of curb-opening inlet shorter than LT = curb-opening length, feet = constant, 0.6 for english units = friction coefficient = longitudinal slope of deck, feet per foot = cross slope of deck, feet per foot = gutter flow rate, ft3/s = scupper capacity, ft3/s
If the depth of flow at the curb exceeds the height of the scupper opening then the above method of calculating flow capacity is not applicable. The capacity can be roughly estimated using the orifice equation for a scupper in a sag. Capacity of a standard 12" x 3" scupper on grade with the shoulder flowing full and n = 0.016 are given in the following table. When the depth of flow at the curb exceeds the height of the scupper opening the orifice capacity is given and is underlined. When the depth of flow is greater than the scupper height but less than 1.4h, the flow is in the transition stage between operation as a weir and an orifice. When this is the case, the orifice equation gives a somewhat high estimate of capacity. These values are shown in bold and should be used with judgment.
= slope of pipe in feet per foot = flow rate in ft3/s = area of pipe in ft2
Pipe flow velocity should be at least 3 feet per second when flowing 1/2 full in order to provide a self cleaning flow velocity. Generally, a minimum slope of 2% should be used. The following pipe flow velocities and capacities are calculated for pipe with n =0.015.
Pipe Slope ft /ft 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Velocity ft /s 2.48 3.51 4.30 4.97 5.55 3.01 4.25 5.21 6.02 6.73 3.49 4.94 6.05 6.98 7.81 3.94 5.57 6.83 7.88 8.81
Pipe Flow ft3 /s 0.488 0.690 0.845 0.975 1.090 1.050 1.485 1.819 2.100 2.348 1.904 2.693 3.298 3.808 4.257 3.096 4.379 5.363 6.192 6.923
The width of flow can vary, but should not encroach upon the traveled way. Where total interception is a requirement, the drain width determines maximum width of flow. It is free to vary within that limit providing the drain is capable of handling the flow passing into it. Flow bypassing a grate will be added to the runoff quantity for the following drain.
Example 1
For illustrative purposes assume the use of a Type C drain and limit the width of flow to 4 feet (the width of drain). This will provide complete flow interception at each drain.
Step 1
Find total flow quantity Q for a 4 foot width. For n T Sx S Q = 0 .016 = 4 ft = 0.02ft/ft = 0.01ft/ft = (K/n) SX5/3 S1/2 T = 0.2079 ft3/s
Step 2
Check Lb, length of clear opening. (Use equation 4.) d = TSX =
= 4(0.02)
= 0.08ft
0 .2079
1 T (d+d ') 2
1 ( 4 )(0.08)
1 2
= 1.29 ft/s
Step 3
Check capacity of drain outlet using equation (3). d Q = 0.75 = 5.37 (0.194) (0.834)0.5 = 0.9022 ft3/s > 0.2079, therefore drain can handle flow
Step 4
Determine spacing. (Use equation la.) Q For Q W L = 0.000115A = 0.2079 ft3/S = 66 = 0.2079/(0.000115) (66) = 27.4 ft = 0.000115(LW)
Note: As demonstrated a very large drain is being used at a very close spacing to collect a limited quantity of flow. This is not a practical design.
Example 2
Allow some of flow to pass the drains. Use a flow width equal to the shoulder width of 10 feet. Full interception of the flow at the hinge joint is not required.
Step 1
Find total flow quantity, Q, for 10 foot width. For n T Sx S Q = 0 .016 = 10 ft. = 0.02 ft/ft = 0.01 ft/ft = (0.56/0.016) (0.02)1.67 (0.01) = 2.38 ft3/s
(10) 2.67
Step 2
Calculate capacity of drain with shoulder flowing full. Flow depth at edge of drain d Qb Qw = (10-4) 0.02 = 0.12 Flow bypassing grate = (0.56/0.016) (0.02)1.67 (0.01)0.50 (10-4) = 0.6088 ft3/s = 2.38-0.6088 = 1.77ft3/s Flow within grate width Check Lb, length of clear opening. Depth at face of curb d V = TSx = = 10(0.02)
= 0.2
1.77ft /s
1 b(d+d') 2
V 2
1 (4)(0.2+0.12)
= 2.7656 ft/s
2.7656 2
= 0.8636 ft <1.37 ft OK Check capacity of drain outlet using equation (3). d = 0.75+
= 0.91
Q o = 5.37(0.20)(0.91)0.5 = 1.0245 ft3/s <1.77 Therefore drain capacity is controlled by outlet. Bypass flow Qb = 2.38-1.0245 =1.355
Step 3
Determine maximum distance to first drain from begin bridge. First drain must be located before the point at which the flow width equals the shoulder width. Q for Q W L L L = shoulder flow capacity = bridge width = =
Q 0.000115 W
2.38 0.000115 (66)
= 0.000115 LW
= 313.57
Step 4
Determine maximum spacing between intermediate drains. Q for Q W L L L = drain capacity with shoulder flowing full = bridge width = =
Q 0.000115 W
1.0245 0.000115 (66)
= 0.000115 LW
= 134.98
say 135'
Step 5
Determine drain layout
First drain at 313 ft from beginning of bridge
Intermediate drain at 135' max.
Last drain in frame adjacent to hinge joint.
Number of drain in first frame =
650 313 135
Actual layout would be adjusted to best fit the available down drain locations and minimize the length of longitudinal drain pipes. In this example fewer drains are required because the drain capacity is much greater due to increasing the depth of flow at the drain and some flow is allowed to cross the hinge joint. If full interception was required prior to the hinge joint or a superelevation reversal, additional drains would be required at a reduced spacing upstream of the joint. The required drain spacing would be determined by a trial and correction process to limit the width of flow at the last drain to less than the drain width.
9. Detailing Practice
In general, drain locations should be indicated on the General Plan and Girder Layout Sheets, and appropriate standard sheets should be inserted in the plans. Drain pipes and details should be shown on abutment, bent and column detail sheets. On viaducts or structures with extensive piping, a separate sheet showing the entire drainage layout will be necessary. The following are examples of details for special applications.
Expansion Coupling
When expansion couplings are located within a box girder cell, provide access for inspection and maintenance with deck manholes or soffit openings.
Expansion coupling
Pipe Hanger
Formed hole
1. 2. Pipe casing OD = NPS + 4 ( 1/4 Min wall thickess)
Unless otherwise shown on Project Plans, casing shall extend to the greater of 5-0 beyond the end of approach slab or 20-0 beyond the back of abutment.
Pipe Casing
Carriage bolt
See Notes 2
(See Note 4)
2 13/16
2 2 "a" 3-0 2
1. 2. 3. All hardware to be galvanized. For "a" dimension, see Project Plans. Expansion coupling with 4 bolts shown. Coupling with a greater number of bolts allowed. Adjust dimension to suit coupler end ring bolt circle.
C L Hinge
NPS + 4" formed hole Expansion coupling Pipe Hanger Drain pipe
To Downdrain
4 *
1-1 *
C L Drain outlet
Main column reinforcement (Single bars shown, bundled bars similar) Double hoop or spiral
Adjust spacing of main column reinforcement to clear drain outlet.