SAP FSCM Credit Management

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SAP FSCM Credit Management

Integration with Sales and Distribution and Shipping

From documents in sales and shipping, you can trigger credit checks in SAP Credit Management. The result of the check can influence the status of the document and thereby restrict possible follow-on functions. When you post documents from sales, shipping, and billing, changes to the commitment are transmitted to SAP Credit Management. In SAP Credit Management, the commitments contribute to the credit exposure of a business partner.

Note that the functions documented here relate to connected SD systems that use at least release SAP ERP 2005. If the connected SD systems have an earlier release than SAP ERP 2005, only a reduced range of functions is available to you for the integration. For more information, see: SAP Note 1096882 Minimum requirement for the release under System and Component Landscape

The components Sales and Distribution (SD) and Shipping (LE-SHP) are integrated by means of an implementation of the Business Add-In BADI_SD_CM. Credit checks take place synchronously, that is, document processing does not continue until the result has been received. The commitment is updated asynchronously when you post a document and, in contrast to the update from Accounts Receivable Accounting, the update is not bundled by means of worklists.

You have activated SAP Credit Management using the method SET_ACTIVE of the Business Add-In UKM_R3_ACTIVATE and set the export parameter E_ERP2005. Export parameter E_ERP2005 has the following effects: For the credit checks, only the credit-relevant master data of SAP Credit Management is used. You can only process this master data in SAP Credit Management. In the IMG activity Define Automatic Credit Control, you can only process those checks relevant for SAP Credit Management. The system reaction to the credit check from SAP Credit Management is defined in the IMG activity Define Automatic Credit Control. In the credit check, you can simulate the update of the commitment.

To recreate the credit exposure, you have to use the recreation reports UKM_RFDKLI20 and UKM_RVKRED77 instead of reports RFDKLI20 and RVKRED77. You have made the SD-relevant Customizing settings for SAP Credit Management. meset.htmFor the settings, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Financial Supply Chain
Management Credit Management Integration with Sales and Distribution. In the setting for credit processing, you also have to consider the follow-on conditions for the availability check and for the transfer of requirements. For more information see the IMG for SAP Financial Supply

Chain Management under Credit Management Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales and Distribution Integration with Sales and Distribution Make Settings.

Using SAP Credit Management, you can control that in the event of a negative credit check, orders or individual items are blocked for further processing (for example, delivery). A new credit check can also trigger the release of blocked documents. The result of a credit check is returned to the document by means of a status.

Events for Credit Check

Sales and Distribution and Shipping are connected by means of an implementation of the BAdI for SAP Credit Management (BADI_SD_CM). The following sections describe the functions of the example implementation UKM_BADI_IMP1 of this BAdI. A credit check in SAP Credit Management is called for the following events or business transactions: Creation of or change to sales order Depending on the setting in Customizing, the credit check is called after each addition or change to an order item or only when you save the complete order. Depending on Customizing, a negative result can set a credit block in the order that then prevents the order being delivered. Creation of or change to delivery Depending on the setting in Customizing, the credit check is called after the entry of every item or only when you save the complete document. Depending on Customizing, a negative result can set a credit block in the delivery document that then prevents a goods issue for the delivery. Goods issue for delivery Depending on Customizing, the credit check can also be called before the goods issue. A negative result prevents the goods issue. List of blocked documents The credit check can be called again from the list of blocked documents. A positive result deletes any existing credit block.

For the credit check in SAP Credit Management, the update of the commitment to SAP Credit Management is first simulated. The result of the simulation is the basis for the check.

You can access the BAdI in Customizing for SAP Credit Management under Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales and Distribution Integration with Sales and Distribution Customer Enhancements BAdI: Connection of Sales and Distribution to SAP Credit Management .

Events for Credit Exposure Update

Use In the following events or business transactions, commitments from Sales and Distribution and Shipping are transferred to SAP Credit Management:
Post sales order

When you post a sales order a commitment with the credit exposure category Order Value is created and transferred to SAP Credit Management. Post delivery When you post a delivery, the commitment of the order delivered is reduced and a commitment with the credit exposure category Delivery Value is created. Both credit exposure changes are transferred to SAP Credit Management. Deliveries without an order reference do not create a commitment; here the credit exposure does not arise until the billing document is transferred to Accounts Receivable Accounting. Transfer billing document When you transfer a billing document to Accounts Receivable Accounting, the commitment of the delivery being billed or the order billed is reduced and transferred to SAP Credit Management. In SAP Credit Management, this reduction does not take effect immediately. It takes effect when the commitment of the related open item from Accounts Receivable Accounting is updated. This prevents a credit exposure that is too low being displayed between the postings. Reverse document When you reverse an SD document the related commitment is reduced and the commitment of the preceding document is increased.

Reviewing and Releasing Credit Holds

Use To ensure quick and effective processing of credit holds, the SAP standard system offers your credit personnel a working environment that can be tailored to your own needs. Credit personnel can call and process overview lists of the blocked orders and deliveries. For checking purposes, you can also see released documents. Features Selection You can use the following criteria to search for documents:
Credit control area Next shipping date Credit account Risk category

Standard Variants The standard provides different report variants for credit personnel to process sales documents:
Report Variants

Function Processing Blocked Sales and Distribution Documents

Program Name RVKRED02

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Credit Management Exceptions Blocked Sales and Distribution Documents

Processing Released Sales and Distribution Documents


Logistics Sales and Distribution Credit Management Sales and Distribution Documents Released Logistics Sales and Distribution Credit Management Sales and Distribution Documents All

Processing All Sales and Distribution Documents


Output You get a list of all documents that meet your selected criteria and that you are authorized to process. You can sort this list by specific criteria and set up the way in which it is displayed. Activities In the output list, you can review the credit situation of any customer and, according to credit policy, decide how to continue processing the sales and distribution documents. You now have the following options:
Grant the credit and release the sales and distribution document Reject the credit and cancel the sales and distribution document Forward the blocked sales and distribution document to another processor Recheck the blocked sales and distribution document Reassign the blocked sales and distribution document and specify a new sequence of blocked sales and distribution documents. This enables you to give priority to and release several documents with a low document value until their credit limit is completely used up, instead doing so for a single document with a high document value that has already exceeded its credit limit.

After you carry out a particular task (for example, releasing a document), the system displays a processing status in the column to the left of your list. In the output list, the following functions are possible:
Go to information relevant for credit, for example, credit control data, credit master record Process the sales and distribution document

You can prevent changes from being made to a blocked sales and distribution document until it is released from the credit viewpoint. To do this, maintain message 134 in sales Customizing at Sales Sales and Distribution Documents Define Variable Messages. In the Type field, choose Error. In this case, you cannot make changes from the list.

Special Features When Using SAP Credit Management When you use SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR), pay attention to the following special features:
The output list additionally displays the status of the credit check from SAP Credit Management (field CMPS_CM).

The fields filled with credit-relevant master data from FI/SD Credit Management are hidden in the output list. Credit-relevant master data maintained in the connected FSCM system (for example, risk category) is displayed but cannot be changed in the ERP system.

For more information about SAP Credit Management(FIN-FSCM-CR), see SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR) .

Recreating Data (Troubleshooting)

Use You recreate transaction data for one or more business partners in one or more credit segments if, for example, the derivation of one or more credit segments has changed (for example, in an implementation of the Business Add-In UKM_FILL), or if transaction data has become inconsistent due to incorrect updates. You can recreate the data manually, or schedule one-time processing in the background. Integration The credit exposure transferred is displayed in the master record of the busiiness partner per credit segment. There you can navigate to the relevant commitments. Procedure 1. ... 1. 1. From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Financials Financial Supply Chain Management Credit Management List Displays Credit Exposure.
With this function, delete the credit exposure line items and totals for the business partners and credit segments concerned in SAP Credit Management.

Set both indicators Delete Totals and Delete Line Items. You can then reload the credit exposure information from the systems connected to SAP Credit Management, as described below.


2. To recreate the credit exposures from an SD system, use the following reports: UKM_RFDKLI20 to recreate the credit exposure after organizational changes UKM_RVKRED77 to recreate the credit exposure where you have removed the cause of the error in the case of data inconsistencies UKM_RVKRED88 to simulate report UKM_RVKRED77 without setting blocks on the documents affected. This report prepares an update run of report UKM_RVKRED77 to determine suitable selection parameters, for example.
In SAP Credit Management, the transaction data is recreated from the credit exposure information of SD.

For more information, see the report documentation.


3. To recreate the credit exposures from an FI-AR system from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Financial Supply Chain Management Credit Management Integration of Credit Management with FI-AR Asynchronous Credit Exposure Update. Select the open items concerned in both sections of the selection screen and set the indicator Start Recreation. Run the function.
In SAP Credit Management, the credit exposure information from FI-AR is added to the transaction data.

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