Contemporary Copper Jewelry
Contemporary Copper Jewelry
Contemporary Copper Jewelry
copper jewelry
step-by-step techniques and projects
sharilyn miller
Sombrero Ring
basic techniques
C o n t e m p o r a r y c o p p e r j e w e l r y 3
4 Contemporary copper jewelry
twining vines bracelet
Sharilyn Mille r
Materials Tools
t w i n i n g v i n e s b r a c e l e t 5
6 Contemporary copper jewelry
funky chandelier earrings
Shar ilyn M ille r
Materials Tools
6 turquoise 12mm rondelles 4" (10.1 cm) of round dead-soft Flush cutters
4 carnelian 8mm rondelles copper 20-gauge wire Measuring tape
6 light green 5mm glass rondelles 4" (10.1 cm) of round dead-soft 0000-steel wool
8 copper 5mm discs sterling silver 18-gauge wire Small jeweler’s bench block
8 copper 4mm rounds 18" (45.5 cm) of round dead- Chasing or planishing hammer
4 silver 3mm cornerless cubes soft sterling silver 24-, 26-, or Small round-nose pliers
12" (30.5 cm) of round dead-soft 28-gauge wire Large round-nose pliers
copper 22-gauge wire Flat-nose pliers
Chain-nose pliers
f u n k y c h a n d e l i e r e a r r i n g s 7
Make beautiful and affordable
c o p p e r j e w e l ry !
Create contemporary copper jewelry with the best-selling author of Bead on a
Wire. Contemporary Copper Jewelry features an extensive technique section and
17 projects from Sharilyn and a collection of top jewelry artists, including Rachel
Nelson-Smith, Dale “Cougar” Armstrong, Eugenia Chan, and Richard Salley.
Copper jewelry offers jewelry makers an inexpensive yet stylish alternative to
silver. Working with base metals and copper has become popular because it’s
pretty, easy to work with, and accessible.
inside, readers will find:
Ω Step-by-step photography for all projects and techniques
Ω Tips for mixing metals with copper to create one-of-a-kind designs
Ω An extensive technique section that includes distressing copper, simple
metalwork, cold joins, and creating unique wire components
Jewelry designers find that copper is an excellent alternative metal for making
affordable and beautiful jewelry. Start creating with copper today!
81/2 x 101/4, 128 pages
250 photographs
20 illustrations
ISBN 978-1-59668-143-9
Available August 2009