How To Make A Bee Veil

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Home made Bee Veil to fit over full brimmed hat

Use netting material – 1 mtr x 70 cm to make this:

1. Lay netting flat and place draw cord over top of netting along 1 mtr
length (fig A)
2. Fold 2.5 cm over cord and sew seam 1.5 cm from folded edge

3. Fold in half top to bottom with draw cord at top (Fig B)

4. Sew seam top to bottom to make tube

5. Fold tube in on itself and sew seam 2.5 cm in from folded edge 35 cm from top
draw cord edge (Fig C)
6. Fold tube in on itself and sew second seam 2.5 cm in from folded edge 60 cm from
top draw cord edge ((Fig C)

7. Thread length of coaxial or similar cable into seam X (Fig C) to hold netting away
from face.

8. Make weighted seam to hold bottom of veil against body

• Take a piece of scrap material 1 mtr x 10 cm and fold in half along long side
• sew seam 1.5 cm from folded side.
• Fold one end twice and sew.
• Open tube on other end and, using a funnel, fill loosely with dry sand.
• Fold other end twice and sew to seal
• Sew this onto bottom of veil (Seam Y in Fig

1 mtr
Draw cord
Fig A seam

Fig B

Draw cord

35 cm
Seam X

Fig C 60 cm

Seam Y

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