In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

1. Saud. By the Quran, full of
2. But those who disbelieve are
in false pride and dissension.
3. How many a generation have
We destroyed before them, so
they cried out, and it was no
longer a time for escape.
4. And they wonder that a
warner has come to them from
among themselves, and the
disbelievers say: “This is a
wizard, a liar.”
5. “Has he made the gods One
God. Indeed, this is an
astounding thing.”
6. And the leaders among
them went about (saying): “Go
on, and remain patient over
your gods. Indeed, this is a thing
intended (against you).”
7. “We have not heard of this
among the people of latter days.
This is not but an invention.”
8. “Has the reminder been sent
down to him from among us.”
But they are in doubt about My
reminder, But they have not yet
tasted My punishment.
9. Or do they have the treasures
of the mercy of your Lord, the
All Mighty, the Bestower.
10. Or is theirs the dominion of
the heavens and the earth and
whatever is between them. Then
let them ascend up through
(any) means (to the heavens).
11. A small host, that will be
defeated there, from among the
factions (of disbelievers).
12. The people of Noah denied
before them, and Aad, and
Pharaoh of the stakes.
13. And Thamud, and the people
of Lot, and the dwellers of the
wood. those were the factions.

14. Not one (of them) but

denied the messengers, so My
penalty was justified.
15. And these (disbelievers) do
not await but one shout, for it
there will be no delay.
16. And they say: “Our Lord,
hasten to us our fate before the
Day of Reckoning.”
17. Be patient over what they
say, and remember Our slave
David, a man of might. Indeed,
He was ever turning in
repentance (toward Allah).
18. Indeed, We subjected the
mountains to hymn praises with
him at nightfall and sunrise.
19. And (so did) the birds
assembled. All turning to Him.
20. And We made his kingdom
strong and gave him wisdom
and decisive speech.
21. And has there come to you
the news of the litigants. When
they climbed over the wall into
the royal chamber.
22. When they entered to David,
he was terrified of them. They
said: “Do not fear. (We are) two
litigants, one of us has wronged
the other, so judge between us
with truth, and do not be unjust,
and guide us to the right path.”
23. “Indeed, this my brother,
has ninety and nine ewes while
I have one ewe. So he said,
hand it over to me, and he
overpowered me in speech.”
24. He (David) said: “He has
certainly wronged you in asking
your ewe to his ewes. And
indeed, many partners oppress
one another, except those who
believe and do righteous deeds,
and there are few of them.” And
David guessed that We had
tried him, and he sought
forgiveness of his Lord, and he
fell down prostrate and turned
in repentance. AsSajda
25. So We forgave him that.
And indeed, for him is a
nearness to Us, and a good place
of return (Paradise).
26. “O David, indeed, We
have made you a successor in
the earth, so judge between
mankind with truth, and do
not follow desire for it will
mislead you from the way of
Allah.” Indeed, those who go
astray from the way of Allah,
shall have a severe punishment
because they forgot the Day of
27. And We did not create the
heaven and the earth and
whatever is between them
without purpose. That is the
assumption of those who
disbelieve. Then woe to those
who disbelieve from the Fire.
28. Or shall We treat those who
believe and do righteous deeds
as those who spread corruption
in the earth, or shall We treat
those who fear as the wicked.
29. (This is) a Book that We
have sent down to you, full of
blessing, that they may ponder
its verses, and that those of
understanding may reflect.
30. And We bestowed on David,
Solomon. An excellent slave,
Indeed, he was ever turning in
repentance (toward Allah).
31. When there were presented
before him, in the afternoon,
trained horses, well bred.
32. So he said: “Indeed I did
love the good things over the
remembrance of my Lord.”
Until (the sun) was hidden into
the veil (of darkness).
33. (He said): “Return them to
me.” Then he began to pass his
hand over (their) legs and necks.
34. And certainly, We tried
Solomon, and set on his throne
a body, then he repented.
35. He said: “My Lord, forgive
me and bestow on me
sovereignty, such as shall not
belong to any after me. Indeed,
You are the Bestower.”
36. So We subjected to him the
wind, it blew by his command
gently wherever he intended.
37. And the devils, every builder
and diver.
38. And others linked together
in chains.
39. (We said): “This is Our gift,
so bestow you, or withhold,
without reckoning.”
40. And indeed, he has a place
of nearness to Us, and an
excellent resort.
41. And remember Our slave
Job, when he called upon his
Lord (saying): Indeed, the devil
has afflicted me with distress
and torment.”
42. (It was said): “Strike ground
with your foot. This is a (spring
for) cool bath and drink.”
43. And We bestowed on him
his household and the like
thereof along with them, a
mercy from Us, and a reminder
for those of understanding.
44. “And take in your hand a
handful of straw and smite with
it, and do not break your oath.”
Indeed, We found him patient,
an excellent slave. Indeed, He
was ever turning in repentance
(toward Allah).
45. And remember Our slaves,
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,
those of strength and vision.
46. Indeed, We chose them for
a pure quality, the remembrance
of the abode (of Hereafter).
47. And Indeed, they are with
Us, of the chosen, the excellent.
48. And remember Ishmael,
and Elisha, and Dhul Kifl. And
all are among the excellent.
49. This is a reminder. And
indeed, for the righteous is a
good place of return (Paradise).
50. Gardens of Eden, whose
gates will be opened for them.
51. Reclining within them,
they will call therein for
abundant fruit and drinks.
52. And with them will be those
of modest gaze, of equal age.
53. This is that you are promised
for the Day of Reckoning.
54. Indeed, this is Our provision,
which will never come to an end.
55. This (is so). And indeed, for
the transgressors there will be
an evil place of return.
56. Hell, where they will burn,
an evil resting place.
57. This (is so). Then let them
taste it, a boiling fluid and
dirty wound discharges.
58. And other (torments) of its
type, various kinds.
59. This is a troop entering with
you, no welcome for them. They
will indeed burn in the Fire.
60. They will say: “Nay but
you, no welcome for you. You
(our leaders) brought this upon
us (by your misleading). So evil
is this place to stay in.”
61. They will say: “Our Lord,
whoever brought this upon us,
so increase for him a double
punishment in the Fire.”
62. And they will say: “What is
(the matter) with us that we do
not see men whom we used to
count among the worst.”
63. “Did we take them as
ridicule, or have (our) eyes
failed to perceive them.”
64. Indeed, that is very truth,
the disputing of the people of
the Fire.
65. Say (O Muhammad): “ I am
only a warner, and there is no
god but Allah, the One, the All
66. Lord of the heavens and
the earth and whatever is
between them, the All Mighty,
the Oft Forgiving.
67. Say: “That is a tremendous
68. “From which you turn
69. (Say to them): “I had no
knowledge of the exalted chiefs
(angels) when they disputed
(about the creation of Adam).”
70. “It has not been revealed
to me except that I may be a
clear warner.”
71. When your Lord said to the
angels: “Indeed, I am going to
create a mortal from clay.”
72. “So when I have fashioned
him and breathed into him of
My soul, then fall down before
him in prostration.”
73. So the angels prostrated,
all of them together.
74. Except Iblis. He was
arrogant and became among
the disbelievers.

75. He (Allah) said: “O Iblis,

what prevented you from
prostrating to that which I
created with My hands. Were
you arrogant, or were you of
the high exalted.”
76. He said: “I am better than
him. You created me from fire,
and created him from clay.”

77. He said: “Then get out of it,

for indeed you are outcast.”
78. “And indeed, My curse is on
you until the Day of Judgment.”
79. He said: “My Lord, then
reprieve me until the day when
they are raised.”
80. He (Allah) said: “Indeed,
you are of those reprieved.”
81. “Until the day of the time
82. He said: “Then by Your
Might, I will surely mislead
them all.”
83. “Except Your slaves
amongst them, sincere.”
84. He (Allah) said: “Then the
truth is, and the truth I speak.”
85. “That I will surely fill Hell
with you and those who follow
you of them, all together.”
86. Say (O Muhammad): “I do
not ask of you for this any
payment, and I am not of the
87. It is not except a reminder
for all mankind.
88. And you will surely know
(truth of) its news after a while.

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