Current Transformer Errors and Transformer Inrush
Current Transformer Errors and Transformer Inrush
Current Transformer Errors and Transformer Inrush
Eq. 2
By integrating the voltage at the terminals over time we can determine the core flux level:
dt V t +
) (
Eq. 3
where 0 at time level flux residual =
This equation provides a measure of the rating of a CT. At rated secondary voltage and no
standing offset from 0, the flux that the CT can produce is simply the integration of
rated rms peak
rated rms
dt t V
) sin( 2
Eq. 4
If the integration of secondary voltage rises above this level, then the CT begins to satu-
Simplified Analysis of DC Offset Effects
Faults develop an AC current with an exponentially decaying DC offset that is expressed
by the following equation developed in many engineering texts (e.g. [2] chapter 3):
( ) I t
R jX
t e
rms pri
pri pri
tR L
p p
( ) sin ( ) sin ( )
Eq. 5
angle. any akes Randomly t initiated. is
fault the cycle in the where and system of function a
) / /( /
pri pri p p
p p
L tR burden CT
pri rms sec
e t
Ratio CT
I t V
( sin 2 ) (
Eq. 6
Inserting Eq. 6 into Eq. 2 yields:
( )
L tR
p burden CT
pri rms
p p
Ratio CT
I t
1 )
( cos
2 ) (
Eq. 7
Examination of Eq. 7 shows that, the higher either fault current or burden, the higher the
voltage and the higher the flux level. Figure 3 is a graph of the results of the above analy-
sis, showing the flux buildup that will occur in a CT during an event, assuming a pure
resistive secondary circuit and an infinitely permeable core.
Figure 3: CT Flux Levels with DC Current Effects, Infinitely Permeable Core
Figure 3 does not show any residual flux at the start of the process. All practical magnetic
cores hold some level of flux after current is removed, and during normal operation a CT
may reproduce an AC waveform with core flux levels that are constantly offset from a zero
flux level. The offset tends to be worst immediately after a major reduction in current levels
and tends to decrease with time. High speed reclosing sees larger flux offsets as a result,
which tends to cause worse transient CT saturation. In a sample test reported in [1], the
residual flux level found in a variety of CTs varied over the range of 0-80% of design flux
level. About half of the CTs had residual flux levels above 40% of rated. Residual flux may
be oriented in either direction. Hence, the flux indicated in Figure 3 may be shifted up or
down depending on the level of residual flux.
Core flux levels, of course, do not reach the levels shown in Figure 3. The core reaches a
level of flux density and flux levels do not appreciably increase after that point. Thereafter,
the CT output drops toward zero in an exponentially decaying fashion until primary current
flows in the negative direction to desaturate the CT. As the DC offset decays, the CT output
gradually improves until the secondary current represents the input waveform.
Figure 4: Simplified Saturation Effects Analysis
It would be possible to provide time to saturate and time to desaturate equations, but
this is not done herein, because exact times are not the point of this exercise and likely a
fairly inexact analysis due to unknown circuit impedances, CT magnetic approximations,
and pre-event flux levels. (Equations may be found in [1] and [3].) The point here is:
1) Saturation may occur very quickly, as fast as the first half wave of the primary
current wave, and
2) Given a saturated CT, as the primary current DC offsetdecays, the output
waveform returns to a normal AC waveform. Note that, as shown in Figure 4,
after 0.1 seconds (about two system time constants; T.C.=L/R=X
/(R), or
about 0.053 seconds for X/R =10), the output wave form has begun to
look closer to the normal AC wave form.
Peak Flux Assuming No Saturation
By substituting into Equation 8 for some time well into the future when the exponential DC
offset term has essentially been completely integrated, and choosing a point in time where
the cosine term comes to 1, we can state the peak flux if there is no CT saturation:
Eq. 8
Comparing the max flux level with and without the L/R term, noting x = 2 fL=L, and
dropping the initial flux term
, we can see a ratio of maximum flux with and without the
DC offset:
p L
ac max
ac dc max
Eq. 9
effects flux residual no and component, ac an only
with voltage secondary a from arise d that woul level flux peak the
effects flux residual no and component, dc and ac an both
with voltage secondary a from arise d that woul level flux peak the
c + c ,
ac max
a d max
Eq. 10
where K is some margin/safety factor to account for uncertainties, such as the effects of
residual flux and circuit modeling error.
Simplified Analysis of Unipolar Half Wave Currents
Transformer inrush currents are frequently characterized by a half wave current that has
the appearance of the output of a half wave voltage rectifier. From the above analysis of DC
offset effects on flux build-up, it becomes clear that any time the integration of secondary
voltage exceeds the design rated volt-second rating of the CT, the CT is at risk of entering
saturation. The negative half of a current wave is needed to balance the positive voltage
waves and, if the waves are not balanced, the integration of secondary voltage will build
and the CT will enter saturation. The number of unipolar pulses that the CT can reproduce
before entering risk of saturation is a straightforward matter. Simply add the area under the
voltage profile curves of an ideal CT until the integration reaches the voltage rating defined
by eq. 4. Depending on secondary voltages and the CT rating, the CT is at risk of going
into saturation even during the second pulse of the half wave rectified current.
Figure 5: Point where CT saturation is reached
Detailed Numerical Analysis of Saturated Conditions
The classical model is mainly for the purpose of modeling steady state AC performance
during normal unsaturated conditions and minor excursions into the saturated domain. It is
not well suited for modeling conditions that tend toward moderate to heavy CT saturation.
Also, the above analysis of the integration of CT secondary voltage gives an indication of
when a CT is at risk of entering saturation, but it does not lend itself to a good description
of what the CT output will actually look like when saturation does occur. Once a CT is
suspected to be operating at moderate or heavy saturation levels, or when the effects of
minor contributors to inaccuracy, such as hysteresis, are of interest, a numerical analysis
of the CT currents, voltages, and magnetic circuits is required. See the appendix for one
method of numerical analysis of CTs.
CT Driven into Saturation by Excessive Burden or Primary Current
If a CT is driven by too much primary current or excessive secondary burden, the CT will
begin to have an output similar to Figure 6. This figure represents the possible case where
a 5MVA, 13.8kV transformer was installed on a 10,000A bus. A 600:5 CT was used, tapped
closer to the system load of 200A, so the C200 CT became a C65. This might be fine for
typical load currents, but when a major fault occurs (that would have in theory driven 250A
into the relay), the CT fails, and it is hard to predict how a relay will respond to such a
distorted wave. Even if the CT had not failed, it is not immediately clear how the digital
relay will respond to currents of such magnitude. The analog to digital circuits and front
end op amps likely saturate, and a distorted current wave is seen by the relay.
Figure 6: 600:5 tapped at 200:5; C200 effectively a C65; 1.2+j.2 burden total
CT Driven into Saturation by Heavy DC Offset in Inrush or Fault
Now take the previous example, and assume that the CT was tapped at 600:5, so the CT
could reproduce the primary current relatively well, but a large DC offset was present in the
wave and the steel of the CT had some level of offset. This will cause a transient saturation.
The distorted waveform occurs. Again, it becomes hard to predict what will occur in the
relay. Overcurrent relay response will slow, but differential relays may tend toward
Figure 7: Same CT, tapped at 600:5, but with heavy DC offset
CT Driven Into Saturation by Unipolar Transformer Inrush
Inrush current driven that is half-wave-like in nature will eventually drive a CT into satura-
tion. As noted in the earlier graphs, it will cause a cumulative buildup of flux and, if ex-
tended long enough, will cause a CT to fail to reproduce current and, hence, cause an-
other unexplained operation of the transformer differential relay.
Current Sensing Using Optical CTs
Within the past ten years optical sensors have seen greater acceptance, to the point that
designers have a viable alternative to conventional instrument transformers. This shift
toward optical technology is being driven by improved safety, accuracy, broader dynamic
range, wider bandwidth, reduced size, and the use of environmentally friendly materials.
For protection applications specifically, optical current sensors can represent the true
primary current flowing on the line, eliminating the problems of CT saturation. This signal
representation can also represent "pure DC" or "DC components" flowing on the line.
Optical sensor manufacturers use fundamentally different techniques to measure current
and, in many cases, the physical constructions are very different. Even the term optical
sensor can be confusing, as sensors using non-optical methods of measuring current
(but using an optical method of transmitting the signal) fall under the new IEEE and IEC
standards. In contrast, various manufacturers' conventional instrument transformers are
generally built using the same fundamental technology: iron core with a copper winding
transformer. It can be confusing for users trying to evaluate the benefits of optical sensors;
one must understand not only the differences from conventional devices, but also the
various approaches to optical sensing.
The current sensor family tree shown in Figure 8 clarifies the various types of current
sensors available. These sensors can be divided into two broad classes, conventional
sensing and optical sensing. Optical can have several different meanings; this family tree
refers to optical sensing as pure optical sensors that use optical materials and funda-
mentally different techniques to measure current.
Some current sensing methods use conventional iron core or novel current sensing tech-
niques, and then convert the conventional analog signal into an optical signal that is then
transmitted to remote electronics. These types of sensors are referred to as hybrid opti-
cal sensors.
Focusing on pure optical sensors (measure and transmit the signal optically) there are
several distinct methods of measuring the current. These techniques vary in both the
physical construction of the sensor and the overall measurement technique, which may be
patented by the specific manufacturer. Understanding those differences is critical to optical
sensor selection.
Figure 8: An overview of major categories of current sensing approaches on the market
Types of Optical Current Sensors
Within the pure optical sensor category, sensors can be broadly categorized as using
bulk optics or pure fiber optics. Pure fiber sensors use fiber wrapped around a cur-
rent-carrying conductor and are able to use any number of fiber turns surrounding the
conductor. Depending on the measurement technique and, hence, the physical properties
of the components, the sensor can be manufactured in a wide variety of physical shapes
and sizes. This flexibility can allow CTs of very large physical size to be manufactured (for
example, for bushing CTs). Bulk sensors, on the other hand, use a block of glass ma-
chined to direct light around the conductor, limiting its ability to adapt to various shapes
and sizes.
Polarimetric vs. Interferometric Sensing
Looking even closer at fiber optic devices, they may be further classified as polarimetric
and interferometric sensors. Polarimetric and interferometric sensing are fundamentally
different in their sensitivity to stray effects such as temperature and vibration.
Polarimetric current sensors derive measurements from a shift in the polarization of light
caused by the magnetic field surrounding a current-carrying conductor. Linearly polarized
light enters the sensor, where its polarization is shifted by an amount proportional to the
magnetic field (and proportional to the amount of current flowing through the line). Stray
effects shift the polarization of the light and make it difficult to determine the actual current
in the conductor. Mitigation of these stray effects becomes critical to the success of the
sensors accuracy and stability. Elimination of these effects is accomplished through deli-
cate packaging of the optics and compensation techniques. These mitigation procedures
are limited in their effectiveness and, in turn, limit the performance of the polarimetric
An interferometric sensor derives the measurement of current from the interference of
waves caused by a phase shift between two lightwaves. This interference is the result of
two circularly polarized light signals whose speeds of propagation are altered differen-
tially in proportion to the magnetic field induced by the current in the conductor. External
temperature and vibration, which are common mode effects, equally affect the light
signals; therefore, the sensor is relatively immune to these stray effects.
Figure 9: Polarimetric CTs measure the magnitude of a shift in the polarization of light
caused by the current in a conductor.
Figure 10: Interferometric CTs measure the difference between polarization shift of two
signals caused by the current in a conductor.
An Interferometric Design
One specific current sensor utilizes the Faraday
effect in a unique manner; the magnetic
field produced by the current flowing through a conductor changes the velocity of the
circularly polarized light waves in the sensing fiber. By measuring the change in light
velocity (using an interferometric scheme) and processing the information, an extremely
accurate measurement of current is produced.
The Faraday, or magneto-optic effect, consists of the rotation of the polarization plane of an optical wave,
traveling in a magneto-optic material, under the influence of a magnetic field parallel to the direction of propa-
gation of the optical wave.
This approach to current sensing has been adapted from a completely different industry.
Used for years in navigation systems, the design is based on the Honeywell fiber-optic
gyroscope system. In the 1990s, a team of spin-off researchers at Honeywell investigated
the measurement of electrical current using fiber-optic gyroscope technology developed
earlier for civil and military navigation applications. This early development led to the use of
this technology for application in current sensing and in measurement devices for power
system monitoring. The method is detailed below.
Figure 11: Fiber optic current sensing technology. Circularly polarized light travels in both
directions around the fiber loop with speed of propagation differentially influenced by the
Faraday effect. The signal is normalized and bifurcated with a modulator and closed loop
electronics to yield a highly accurate current measurement impervious to temperature and
vibration effects.
1. A light source sends light through a waveguide to a linear polarizer, then to a
polarization splitter (creating two linearly polarized light waves), and finally to an
optical phase modulator.
2. This light is then sent from the control room to the sensor head by an optical fiber.
3. The light passes through a quarter waveplate, creating right and left hand circularly
polarized light from the two linearly polarized light waves.
4. The two light waves traverse the fiber sensing loop around the conductor, reflect
off a mirror at the end of the fiber loop, and return along the same path.
5. While encircling the conductor, the magnetic field induced by the current flowing in
the conductor creates a differential optical phase shift between the two light waves
due to the Faraday effect.
6. The two optical waves travel back through the optical circuit and are finally routed to
the optical detector where the electronics de-modulate the lightwaves to determine
the phase shift.
7. The phase shift between the two light waves is proportional to current, and an
analog or digital signal representing the current is provided by the electronics to the
end user.
Optical CT Installation
Figure 12: Installation of optical voltage and current sensors at a gas-turbine
generating station.
Interfacing Optical CTs with Relays
Those who specify conventional current transformers use IEC and IEEE standards to assist
in the writing of a specification. With the addition of optical current (and voltage) sensors,
new standards were required to address these new devices. The IEC has been a leader
with respect to development of these standards, with the IEEE following closely behind.
The new optical standards are very similar with respect to "high voltage" and accuracy;
although, in some instances, the sensors are tested to more stringent standards. These
more stringent tests include accuracy over temperature and additional EMC tests for the
electronics. Additionally, the optical sensors (and their associated electronics) must com-
ply with existing standards previously associated with electronic relays or meters.
When specifying optical sensors, the new standards should be used to specify the perfor-
mance of the sensor, since various new signal outputs are available. High voltage and high
current requirements are the same for optical sensors as for conventional equipment.
These tests have evolved over many years, and the standards are not intended to modify
them; they are tested and proven. The standards for conventional and optical sensors are
summarized below into two groups: conventional standards that have been in print for
many years, and optical standards that are relatively new and unfamiliar to most people.
Signals representing current from optical sensors are typically available in three formats:
digital, low energy analog (LEA), and high energy analog (HEA) for metering applications
only. The fundamental signal is the digital signal. It is this digital signal that has the great-
est value, as it does not require the additional complexity of digital to analog conversion
nor does it require amplification of a low energy analog signal. However, given that digital
signal inputs to meters and relays are in early stages of development, high and low level
analog signals are available in the interim until digital inputs to secondary devices are
more commonly available.
Digital Signal
Signal processing inside the current and voltage electronics is inherently digital in nature
and is accessible in a format consistent with IEC standard 60044-7 and draft standard
60044-8. These standards define the digital data format from the sensor electronics (con-
tains the relevant signal information associated with several current and voltage sensors).
In addition, IEC 61850-9-1 and 61850-9-2 also recognize the data structure outlined in the
60044-7 and 60044-8 standards, but also permit an Ethernet physical layer with the same
overall data structure.
Low Energy Analog (LEA) Signal
A low energy analog (LEA) signal from each sensor is available in several formats, each
tailored to its specific sensor and end use. The table below summarizes output signals and
applicable standards (in some cases, draft standards):
Low Energy Signal Levels Available
Current Sensor Voltage Sensor
Metering Output 4V
(meets IEC 60044-8) 4V
(meets IEC 60044-7)
Protection Output 200 mV
(meets IEC 60044-8 4V
(meets IEC 60044-7
and ANSI/IEEE PC37.92) and ANSI/IEEE PC37.92)
These signal amplitudes were chosen based on widely acceptable output levels from
digital to analog converters with a maximum output voltage of approximately 11.3 V
IEC and IEEE standards allow for an over range factor of two for metering on the voltage
and current outputs and 40 for the protection current output. (This permits measurement of
a fully offset waveform with a magnitude of 20 times rated current as outlined in the stan-
dards, while maintaining the maximum peak signal level below 11.3V.)
High Energy Analog (HEA) Signal
The high energy analog signal is available in a format that typically would be used for
metering applications. Amplifying a current signal to be used for protection applications is
possible but is impractical, because the required over range for fault currents would re-
quire a very large and expensive amplifier. Low energy signals are more suitable for relay-
ing applications. For similar reasons a 1A signal (but not a 5A signal) is available for meter-
ing applications. The table below summarizes the available high energy analog signals:
High Energy Signal Levels Available
Current Sensor Voltage Sensor
Metering Output 1 A
, 2.5VA burden typical 69 or 115 V, 2.5VA burden typical
Protection Output N/A N/A
Relevant Standards
IEC 60044-7: Instrument Transformers Part 7: Electronic Voltage Transformers
IEC 60044-8: Instrument Transformers Part 8: Electronic Voltage Transformers
ANSI/IEEE PC37.92 Standard for Low Energy Analog Signal Inputs to Protective Relays
IEC 61850-9-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) Serial Unidirectional
Multidrop Point to Point Link
IEC 61850-9-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) ACSI Mapping on an
IEEE 802-3 based Process Bus
Optical CT Performance During Fault Condition
Type testing of an optical current sensor illustrates an ability to accurately measure high
fault currents. An optical current sensor tested with a fully offset waveform and a magni-
tude of 108 kA
) is shown in Figure 13. Linearity of the optical sensor as com-
pared to a precision resistive shunt is better than 2%.
Figure 13: Fully Offset 40kA
, 108kA
Fault Currrent 12 Cycle Duration
A symmetrical fault current with magnitude of 40 kA
is shown in Figure 14 compared
with a precision resistive shunt. A 3 cycle accuracy test at this fault current of 40 kARMS
had errors less than 2%, far exceeding both IEEE and IEC standards.
Figure 14: Symmetrical 40kA
Thermal Fault Currrent Test One Second Duration
The Future of Optical Sensors
Optical sensors could truly revolutionize our industry. With an inherent digital signal, opti-
cal sensors can be utilized in ways that are not possible with conventional analog signals.
Imagine an all-encompassing digital substation with voltage and current sensors, relays,
meters, controls, SCADA functions, breakers, and switches. Many possibilities exist to
streamline design, maintenance, testing and commissioning within a substation.
Additionally, optical sensors have associated electronics that can alter the fundamental
characteristics of the measurement system via software. No longer is the characteristic of
the sensor determined and fixed after leaving the manufacturer's factory door. Generic
optical sensors can be "user customized" through software to optimize a user's specific
application. The improved measurement capabilities and system flexibility associated with
the inherent digital sensors are tremendously powerful for users.
For example, one of the most challenging situations for conventional CTs is the combina-
tion of small load currents with high fault currents. In these situations, the conventional CT
ratio must be selected to ensure limited saturation during fault conditions and to limit
secondary currents from exceeding specifications of relay input circuits. In an optical
sensor no such limitation exists, since there is no mechanism for saturation, and the output
of the electronics cannot achieve damaging current levels. The electronic signal output is
available digitally and is also available in an analog output configured to 200 mV. Similarly,
when fault currents creep up in the power system, the CT ratio can be changed using a
laptop computer (as applied by existing microprocessor based relays) to accommodate
the new fault levels. Configuration can be completed without changing CTs or modifying
wiring. In the future, configuration could even be done in real time, analogous to a "setting
group" change on a relay.
Relay testing is also an important example. In fact, relay testing as it is presently known
could change radically. Present methods of testing relays involve the creation or capture of
signals that are then "played back" into relays to test their response. This process of test-
ing requires the creation or capture of a digital file (such as a COMTRADE) with the desired
test signals. These files, containing the "digital signals", are then converted into an analog
signal, followed by amplification of the analog signal to commonly accepted "secondary"
values such as 5A and 69V. This process of "playing" the desired signals into a relay to test
the response, when examined in detail, is very cumbersome. Designers must purchase
and design test switches into the relaying system, and those switches are then installed in
panels by construction or maintenance crews. Depending on the relay testing philosophy
of the utility, maintenance is then scheduled and performed on a periodic basis to verify
the functionality of the relay. This requires the technician to walk, drive, fly and sometimes
even boat into the substation site. Bulky equipment capable of reproducing the 5A and
69V secondary signals must be brought to site, the relay taken out of service and tested.
This entire process could be simplified if the initial digital file could be executed over a
network in the substation. Physical test switches could be eliminated. Fault records cap-
tured by relays could be stored and played back into other relays on the network automati-
cally. Test equipment would be greatly reduced, if not eliminated, moving towards software
based testing. Optical sensors with digital outputs, which are given to relays with digital
inputs, can drive this vision to reality. Visions such as this are no longer futuristic; they are
now on the immediate planning horizon.
Protection Outputs
One of the more difficult situations to design for when using conventional CTs occurs when
load currents are small and fault currents are high. In such a situation, the conventional CT
ratio must be selected to ensure limited saturation during fault conditions and to limit
secondary currents from exceeding specifications of relay input circuits. In an optical
sensor, no such limitation exists since there is no mechanism for saturation, and the output
of the electronics cannot achieve damaging current levels. The electronic signal output is
available digitally and is also available in an analog output configured to 200 mV. Similar to
when load currents increase, when fault currents creep up in the power system, the CT
ratio can be changed using a laptop computer, similar to existing microprocessor based
relays, to accommodate the new fault levels. This can be done without changing CTs or
modifying wiring and, in the future, could even be done in real time analogous to a setting
group change on a relay.
Optical current sensors, in principal, perform the same function as conventional magnetic
CTs; they measure current. However, optical sensors are not the industry norm and, when
comparing them with magnetic devices, it can be confusing. Many of the terms and defini-
tions associated with conventional magnetic sensors have no relevance to optical sensors;
they require their own language that must be learned.
[1] IEEE C37.110 (1996), IEEE Guide for the Application of Current Transformers
Used for Protective Relay Purposes
[2] Allan Greenwood, Electrical Transients in Power Systems, Second Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 1991
[3] "Transient Response of Current Transformers," Power System Relaying Committee
Report 76-CH1130-4 PWR, IEEE Special Publication, 1976
[4] IEC 60044-7: Instrument Transformers Part 7: Electronic Voltage Transformers
[5] IEC 60044-8: Instrument Transformers Part 8: Electronic Voltage Transformers
[6] ANSI/IEEE PC37.92 Standard for Low Energy Analog Signal Inputs to Protective
[7] IEC 61850-9-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) Serial Uni-
directional Multidrop Point to Point Link
[8] IEC 61850-9-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) ACSI Mapping
on an IEEE 802-3 based Process Bus
John Horak is an Application Engineer for Basler Electric. Prior to joining Basler in 1997,
John spent nine years as an engineer with Stone and Webster, performing electrical de-
sign and relaying studies, which included six years on assignment to the System Protec-
tion Engineering unit of XCEL Energy. Prior to joining S&W he spent three years with
Chevron and Houston Light and Power. He earned a B.S.E.E. from the University of Hous-
ton and an M.S.E.E. in power system studies from the University of Colorado. Mr. Horak is
a member of IEEE PES and IAS and a Professional Engineer in Colorado.
James Hrabliuk was born in Dauphin, Manitoba, in 1967. He received his B.S.E.E. from
the University of Manitoba in 1989. His experience includes 12 years at Manitoba Hydro
designing transmission substations and protection systems. In March 2000, he joined
NxtPhase Corporation of Vancouver, B.C., as an applications engineer. Mr. Hrabliuk is a
member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Colum-
bia (APEGBC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
APPENDIX -- Magnetic Saturation and CT Modeling Theory
Magnetization Curve
A method of CT modelling is given below. It includes a modified version of the Jiles and
Atherton (J-A) model for magnetic circuit hysteresis and permeance [1, 2]. It has been
modified to reflect data that is commonly available on CTs. The J-A approach to magnetic
path analysis considers the steel magnetic flux to consist of two parts: a) an anhysteretic
B-H flux component, and b) a hysteretic flux component where flux is 'sticky' and changes
only after the H field reaches a threshold.
Anhysteretic Flux Component
An "anhysteretic" flux function refers to a "single valued" function where, given H field, there
is only one possible corresponding B field in the steel. An anhysteretical function has no
hysteresis and no remnant flux. Jiles and Atherton used a variation of a hyperbolic cotan-
gent function to represent the anhysteretical flux component. However, it is not a straight-
forward "plug-in-and-go" process to determine the constants for the J-A model from a
typical V
curve. A function that can more easily be set up will be provided below.
The excitation data most commonly supplied by CT manufacturers are V
However, exact B-H curves cannot be determined from this data, mainly because the RMS
nature of the data involves an integration of a possibly non-sinusoidal data over at least a
cycle, and hence hides instantaneous and i data. Also adding confusion, the curve
provides voltage against current. Voltage is a derivative of rate of change of flux, so flux
magnitude is only inferred and the initial value of flux is difficult to determine.
If it is assumed that V
curves are generated by the CT manufacturer with a pure
sine wave voltage, and that at voltages below the saturation levels the excitation current is
mainly a fundamental frequency phenomena:
knee) (below 2
V-I I i
rms peak
rms peak
Eq. A1
This allows for an approximation of the -i curve directly from the V
in the area
below the CT knee point. Since excitation current in this area is very small relative to typical
CT loading, the error from assuming a sine wave excitation current has a minor effect on
performance evaluation.
Above the CT saturation knee point, the excitation current becomes large and begins to
have increasingly large odd harmonic components and a 'peaky' waveform. Hence, the
approximation that i
= 2i
is no longer valid. In [4] there is a development of estimat-
ing the excitation current in the saturated region as an exponential curve. (As [4] has not
been formally published yet, the logic will be covered only briefly.) An examination of
typical V
curves shows that above the knee point,
Eq A2
where V
is V
at I
= 1A and S is the log-log slope of the V
curve as the CT
goes into heavy saturation and typically has a value around 1/20. One useful result of [4] is
that for a slope of 1/20:
knee) (above 2 2 8 . 2
V-I I I i
rms rms peak
rms peak
Eq A3
With this information one can quickly, though roughly, approximate a -I curve from a
curve. The next task is to set up an equation to model the data points. The
equation chosen for anhysteretic flux and permeability (
) takes the form of:
i a a
i a
3 2
Eq A4
( )
( )
3 2
1 ,
i a a
anhys i
Eq A5
The term involving a
represents the flux of an air core transformation, so it contributes
appreciable flux only at very high saturation levels. The rest of the equation represents the
flux of the saturable iron core. To provide an equation symmetric about the i=0 axis, for
negative i the magnitude of i is used the result is adjusted accordingly.
A convenient nature of this set of equations is that one may find a first estimation of the
parameters a
, a
, and a
by looking at the extremes of flux and current, as follows:
( ) saturated fully is core or when , 10 i at flux is
levels flux and current low at slope is
xfmr core air CT or when , 10 at slope is
i i
Eq A6
exc exc
exc exc
) log( ) log( log
Hysteresis Affect and Final Flux Equations
The hysteresis affect is the component of the -i curve that causes net flux to lag behind
the applied H field. A detailed analysis is provided in [2]. It arises out of magnetic domains
that are pinned in a given orientation by the irregular shape of magnetic domains (chang-
ing a domain's magnetization has a small physical nature). Once a sufficiently high exter-
nal H field is applied, the pinning is broken and the magnetic domain becomes aligned
with the external H field.
Hysteresis is modeled by skewing the equation for permeability, d
/di, so that the
actual rate of change is reduced till actual flux differs by some amount from the theoretical
. Using a format similar to that found in [2]:
( )
anhys sat
b b
) (
) (
1 1
Eq A7
closely more follow to curve hysteretic forces # higher
curve. anhysteric follows that steel of portion
is if 1 - , is if 1
anhys 2
+ +
CT Circuit Model and Associated Differential Equation
The differential equation for the CT circuit has the form of:
2 2 2 2
i R i
Eq A8
Rearranging terms yields:
2 2
i R
u L
Eq A9
With numerical analysis of this equation, one has the tools to determine the output of the
CT for an arbitrary i
with a variety of software packages, and details of the work is left to a
later paper.
If you have any questions or need
additional information, please contact
Basler Electric Company
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e-mail: [email protected]
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SuzhouIndustrial Park, 215122, Suzhou, P.R.China
Tel +86(0)51282272888 Fax+86(0)51282272887
e-mail: [email protected]
P.A.E. Les Pins, 67319 WasselonneCedexFRANCE
Tel +333.88.87.1010 Fax+333.88.87.0808
e-mail: [email protected]
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