Match - HO2 Maint Ret Stor Doc - Rev

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Match: Documenting Cash and In-Kind Handout 2

Maintaining Source Documentation

Where is your filing cabinet? In grants management office? In program officers office? In accounting office? In Executive Directors office? How safe is your filing cabinet? Fireproof Waterproof? What is your filing system? By vendor By month By grantor By subgrantee Alphabetically How are your documents filed? File Folders Binders

Retaining Source Documentation

Retain all financial records: 3 years from date of submission of final Federal Financial Report Final report = This means the report submitted by the Commission or Parent of a National Direct If there is an on-going audit, must retain all records until all audit findings are fully resolved Member records = retain for 7 years after service has been completed (7 years to complete education award Example 1: Grant Ends 7/31/2011 90 days to submit Final FSR = 10/31/2011 3 years = 10/31/2014 Example 2: Grant Ends 7/31/2011 90 days = 10/31/2011 3 years = 10/31/2014 Audit started = 4/1/2014 Final audit resolution = 9/30/2015

Storing Documentation
Marking Storage Boxes Type of documents stored Office responsibility Office contact name Office contact telephone number Storage Date Disposition Date Long-term Storage Select a facility Services Location Security Storage features Reliability & Accessibility Cost Written storage facility agreement Insurance requirements Procedures to store documents Procedures to mark documents Records inventory in office Page 1 of 1

2013 Southwestern National Service Conference

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