01 004 Pres Inputs and Outputs

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Inputs and Outputs

In this module we will discuss the input and output functions supported by SHOTPlus 5 in additions to saving and opening the standard blast design files. At the completion of this module you will be able to: 1. Create import templates and competently operate the text import facility 2. Understand and be able to utilise the DXF import facility 3. Understand the primary functions of a blasting template and be able to successfully create and use them 4. Become familiar with the SHOTPlus 5 printing process and understand the scaled print option 5. Create an export template and competently operate the text export facility

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DXF import 1. The DXF import allow to bring in information saved in the DXF (AUTOCAD) format into SHOTPlus5 2. The data may be stored in SHOTPlus5 on special layers

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Text importer 1. Text importer allows the flexibility to import text based data

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Text importer - Parameters 1. Select a text file to be imported 2. Ensure the data is separated by either - a comma , - a pipe character | - a tab character

3. The type of data that can be imported is reserved to - points - polyline - blastholes
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Text importer - Header 1. Sometimes an import text file will contain unwanted header information 2. To remove the header text from the text file use the up and down arrow buttons to set the number of lines to be extracted 3. Remove the header lines until only data remains in the columns to be imported

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Text importer the data 1. Assign correct data types to the columns - click on the data type on the left side and drag it to a column header

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Text importer Templates 1. Save the import configuration as a template file for future reuse, or - a template can only be loaded after a text file had been selected 2. When importing blastholes set the distance check for duplicate collars - duplicate collars found within the designated range will not be imported

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Example 1
Importing text files selecting a file In this example you will import a text file into SHOTPlus5 containing blasthole data. 1. Start SHOTPlus5 and create a new design 2. Select File | Import | Text file 3. Select the text file from your flash drive 4. Select the type of import as blastholes from points, line or blastholes

01_004_Inputs & Outputs\Example 1\01_004_Example_1_Text_Import.csv

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Example 1
Importing text files 1. Remove the header lines from the file leaving only data in the table below

2. As you increase the number of header lines in 1. they will be removed from the file section below 3. Extract header lines until only data remains in the Data section columns

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Example 1
Importing text files assigning data labels 1. To assign data labels to the columns click on a data label on the left and drag it to the column header

2. You may right click on a column header for more options like hide column 3. Assign a data label to all the columns of data you wish imported

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Example 1
Importing text files save as an Import template

1. Save the import configuration for future reuse by selecting Save template

2. The template is saved to your hard drive under SHOTPlus5\Templates directory so you may share it with others

3. Press Import button to start the import process

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Example 1
Importing text files 1. If you are importing blastholes SHOTPlus5 will prompt you to fill in additional data that may not have been covered by the imported data

2. The values that are changed will be applied to all the blastholes to be imported 3. Press Ok to complete the import

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Exercise 1
Overview Import a text file containing blastholes data by using the import template created in the previous example 1. Create a new design 2. Open the File importer 3. Select the file - 01_004_Inputs & Outputs\Exercise 1\01_004_Exercise_1_Text_Import.csv 4. Load the import template
- 01_004_Inputs & Outputs\Exercise 1\01_004_Example1.spm

5. Complete the import process

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Printing 1. SHOTPlus 5 allows the users to print part of the blast plan currently displayed on the screen - Press Ctrl+P to bring up the printing window

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Printing - Scaling 1. Set the scale (zoom) at which you wish to print the current view of the design - No scales means the printout will reflect the screen view 2. Toggle the display of the title box containing blast header information and logos on the print out

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Printing Program settings 1. Change the graphic for the primary logo displayed in the print out 2. Change the graphic for the secondary logo displayed in the print out 3. Change the title headings displayed in the title box in the print out - The contents of the title box come from the blast header

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Printing Print preview 1. The scale chosen for the screen shot 2. The images/logos chosen in the Program settings to appear on the print out 3. The title box containing either default headers and blaster header information or headers substituted in the Program settings 4. Runtime options buttons including headers, footers, watermark, background colours

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Text exporter - Overview SHOTPlus 5 allows the users to export blast design data via a configurable text exporter. The main parts of the exporter consist of: 1. The file header information 2. The body containing the actual data

3. Template management

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Text exporter - Header Header information can be typed into the provided text edit area 4 fields from the blast header data can be dragged and dropped into the header space. They appear inside [Field_name] and are replaced with the actual data at the Preview/Export stage

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Text exporter Data fields 1. To create the body of the export report click on a field on the left and drag it to the area provided on the right - build the export list from top to bottom - the actual export will be arranged in a column format from left to right 2. Choose the separating character to delimit the data fields in the export report

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Text exporter Template management 1. SHOTPlus 5 allows the users to save the export file configuration as a template file which can be reused in the future 2. The user can save a number of specific exports configurations used on regular basis such as loading sheets, timing reports etc.

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Example 2
Text exporter In this example you will learn how to export blastholes via a text exporter. 1. In SHOTPlus5 open the following design 01_004_Inputs & Outputs\Example 2\01_004_Example_2.spf 2. Select File | Export | Text file

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Example 2
Text exporter 1. Select header items and drag them into the box provided on the right

2. Select the data items and drag them into the box provided on the right

3. Select the data separating character

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Example 2
Text exporter 1. Save the text export configuration as a template by selecting Save template

2. Select Preview to preview the export file in WordPad, or 3. Select Export to export the data

HINT! Select a number of items/blastholes before starting the text exporter to export only the selected items

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DXF export SHOTPlus is capable of exporting blast design data into the DXF format The user can choose to export the data from the blast design based on 1. The objects currently selected 2. The objects being currently set as visible (not just what you see on the screen but in the entire design) 3. All data regardless of being visible or not

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Blasting templates 1. Blasting templates are .SPF files that have been saved with a particular set of blast properties to serve as a starting point 2. Usual items the user may alter for a template are - Edit / Blast Design data Hole types, blasthole parameters and loading - Edit / Blast properties - changes will only affect the template/current design - Edit / Available resources limit the size of the drop down lists of products and IS - Surface ties on the Tie pallet select ties used at this site

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Managing Blasting templates 1. Saving a blasting template File / Save as template - Saves the blasting template into the specifically designated directory 2. Create a new blast by using a template File / New - Only templates saved in the template directory appear in the list 3. Select any .SP2 or .SPF file as a template 4. Manage the template list with import and export functions - Edit / Templates

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