PNF - Techniques

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PNF - Techniques

Classification of Techniques
 Techniques directed to agonists

 Techniques using antagonists to facilitate

contraction of agonists

 Techniques using antagonists for

relaxation of antagonists
The techniques described
 ∗       Rhythmic Initiation
 ∗       Combination of Isotonics.
 ∗       Reversal of Antagonists
 ∗       Dynamic Reversal of Antagonists
(incorporates Slow Reversal)
 ∗       Stabilizing Reversal
 ∗       Rhythmic Stabilization
 ∗        Repeated Stretch (Repeated
 ∗        Repeated Stretch from beginning
of range
 ∗       Repeated Stretch through range
Rhythmic Initiation (def)

 Rhythmic motion of the limb or body

through the desired range, starting with
passive motion and progressing to active
resisted movement
Rhythmic Initiation
 Goals

 Aid in initiation of motion

 Improve coordination and sense of motion
 Normalize the rate of motion, either
increasing or decreasing it
 Teach the motion
 Help the patient to relax
∗ Difficulties in initiating motion
∗ Movement too slow or too fast
∗ Uncoordinated or dysrhythmic motion
∗ General tension
Combination of Isotonic
 Combined concentric, eccentric, and
stabilizing contractions of one group of
muscles (agonists) without relaxation.

 For treatment, start where the patient has

the most strength or best coordination
 Goals

 Active control of motion

 Coordination
 Increase the active range of motion
 Strengthen
 Functional training in eccentric control of movement
 Indication

 Decreased eccentric control

 Lack of coordination or ability to move in a
desired direction
 Lack of active motion within the range of
 Decreased active range of motion
Reversal of Antagonists

 Dynamic Reversals

 Stabilizing Reversal
  Dynamic Reversals
 (Incorporates Slow Reversal) Active
motion changing from one direction
(agonist) to the opposite (antagonist)
without pause or relaxation. In normal life
we often see this kind of muscle activity;
throwing a ball, bicycling, walking etc
* Increase active range of motion
* Increase strength
* Develop coordination (smooth reversal of
* Prevent or reduce fatigue
* Increase endurance
* Decreased active range of motion
* Weakness of the agonistic muscles
* Decreased ability to change direction of motion
* Exercised muscles begin to fatigue
Stabilizing Reversal –

Alternating isotonic contractions opposed by

enough resistance to prevent motion. The
command is a dynamic command ("push against
my hands", or "don't let me push you") and the
therapist allows only a very small movement.
* Increase stability and balance
* Increase muscle strength
* Increase coordination between agonist and
* Decreased stability
* Weakness
* Patient is unable to contract muscle isometrically
Rhythmic Stabilization
 - Alternating isometric contractions against resistance, no
motion intended

 Goals
 Increase active and passive range of motion
 Increase strength
 Increase stability and balance
 Decrease pain
 Indications
 Imitated range of motion
 Pain, particularly when motion is attempted
 Joint instability
 Weakness in the antagonistic muscle group
 Decreased balance

* Cerebellar involvement
* The patient is unable to follow instructions due to age,
language difficulty, and cerebral dysfunction
Repeated Stretch from Beginning
of Range
 -stretch reflex elicited from muscles under the
tension of elongation
* Facilitate initiation of motion
* Increase active range of motion
* Increase strength
* Prevent or reduce fatigue
* Guide motion in the desired direction
* Weakness
* Inability to initiate motion due to weakness or
* Fatigue
* Decreased awareness of motion
* Joint instability
* Pain
* Unstable bones due to fracture or osteoporosis
* Damaged muscle or tendon
- Stretch (Repeated Contractio

 Repeated Stretch from Beginning of

Range stretch reflex elicited from muscles
under the tension of elongation
 Goals

  ∗       Facilitate initiation of motion

 ∗       Increase active range of motion
 ∗       Increase strength
 ∗       Prevent or reduce fatigue
 * Guide motion in the desired
∗       Weakness
∗          Inability to initiate motion due to
weakness or rigidity
∗       Fatigue
∗       Decreased awareness of motion
 ∗       Joint instability
 ∗       Pain
 ∗        Unstable bones due to fracture or
 Repeated Stretch-The stretch reflex elicited from
muscles under the tension of contraction.
* Increase active range of motion
* Increase strength
* Prevent or reduce fatigue
* Guide motion in the desired direction
* Weakness
* Fatigue
* Decreased awareness of desired motion

* Joint instability
* Pain
* Unstable bones due to fracture or
* Damaged muscle or tendon

 -Resisted isotonic contraction of the restricting muscles

(antagonists) followed by relaxation and movement into
the increased range.
* Increased passive range of motion

* Decreased passive range of motion
 Hold-Relax: Direct Treatment-Resisted
isometric contraction of the antagonistic
muscles (shortened muscles) followed by
* Increase passive range of motion
* Decrease pain
* Decreased passive range of motion
* Pain
* The patient's isotonic contractions are too strong
for the therapist to control
* The patient is unable to do an isometric
 PNF stretching uses the neuromuscular
patterns of each muscle group to help
improve flexibility.
 A series of intense contractions and
relaxations using a partner or equipment to
help him stretch.
 The PNF technique allows for greater
muscle relaxation following each
contraction and increases the ability to
stretch through a greater range of motion.
the hold-relax

This technique is also called the contract-relax.

After assuming an initial passive stretch, the
muscle being stretched is isometrically
contracted for 7-15 seconds, after which the
muscle is briefly relaxed for 2-3 seconds, and
then immediately subjected to a passive stretch
which stretches the muscle even further than the
initial passive stretch. This final passive stretch
is held for 10-15 seconds. The muscle is then
relaxed for 20 seconds before performing
another PNF technique
the hold-relax-contract
This technique is also called the contract-relax-contract,
and the contract-relax-antagonist-contract (or CRAC). It
involves performing two isometric contractions: first of the
agonists, then, of the antagonists. The first part is similar
to the hold-relax where, after assuming an initial passive
stretch, the stretched muscle is isometrically contracted
for 7-15 seconds. Then the muscle is relaxed while its
antagonist immediately performs an isometric contraction
that is held for 7-15 seconds. The muscles are then
relaxed for 20 seconds before performing another PNF
Hold- relax
Passive stretch
Isometric contraction

Passive stretch
Concentric contraction


Passive stretch
Concentric contraction
Full range

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