Exercise For Coordination
Exercise For Coordination
Exercise For Coordination
• Disorder of gait
• Nystagmus: rhythmic,oscillatory
movement of the eyes
Clinical features of lesion to basal
• Bradykinesia: Abnormal slow movts
• Rigidity:increase in muscle tone-causing greater
resistance to passive movt (lead pipe & cogwheel)
• Tremor-resting tremor -
• Akinesia –inability to initiate movt
• Chorea-involuntary,rapid,irregular,jerky movts
• Athetosis: slow involuntary movts twisting
‘wormlike’ movt
• Dystonia-impaired or decreased tonicity
Purpose of performing coordination
• Level of safety
•Tapping foot
•Alternate heel to knee ;heel
to toe
•Toe to examiners finger
•Heel to shin
•Drawing a circle
•Fixation or position holding
Standing in normal comfortable posture
Standing feet together
Standing with one foot directly in front of the
Standing on one foot
Arm position altered in each posture
Displace balance unexpectedly
Standing alternate between forward trunk
flexion and return to neutral position
Standing with eye open and closed ability to
maintain posture referred as positive Romberg
Standing in tandem position with eye open to eye
closed (sharpened Romberg test)
Walking,placing the heel of one foot directly in front
of the toe of opposite foot (tandem walking )
Walking in straight line drawn
Walking sideways, backward ,or cross stepping
March in place
Step over or around obstacle
Stair climbing with or without handrail
Sequence for Training Neuromuscular