Numeralele Limbii Engleze / English Numerals
Numeralele Limbii Engleze / English Numerals
Numeralele Limbii Engleze / English Numerals
Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one ... Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety One hundred One hundred and one ... One thousand One million One billion NUMERALE ORDINALE 1st the first 2nd the second 3rd the third 4th the fourth 5th the fifth 6th the sixth 7th the seventh 8th the eighth 9th the ninth 10th the tenth 11th the eleventh 12th the twelfth 13th the thirteenth 18th the eighteenth 19th the nineteenth 20th the twentieth 21st the twenty-first 22nd the twenty-second 23rd the twenty-third 24th the twenty-fourth 25th the twenty-fifth 26th the twenty-sixth the twenty27th seventh 28th the twenty-eighth 29th the twenty-ninth 30th the thirtieth 90th the ninetieth The one 100th hundredth the one hundred 101st and first 1000th the one thousandth