January 14, 2004 Facts: At around 9:00 oclock in the evening of September 16, 1997, Herberto (or Gerberto) Rafol was conversing with Perla Perez in the street fronting the house of Anda Romano in barangay Taclobo, San Fernando, Romblon, when the accused Alexander P. Rugas, suddenly stabbed him at his left thigh. He faced him to know who stabbed him but the accused stabbed him on his stomach. He ran and shouted for help. Somebody helped him in boarding him to a tricycle and he was brought to the hospital where he was treated. His medical certificate showed that he had a stab wound which was fatal on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Rafol could have died of severe hemorrhage if no surgical operation was done. He also had a second stab wound at the uppermost part of the left lateral thigh but it was not fatal. He spent a total of P25,390.00 as a result of these injuries he sustained. Crime Committed: Frustrated Homicide Contention of the Accused: He was just trying to defend himself and that there was unlawful aggression on the part of Rafol when the latter him on the eyebrow. Held: Self-defense cannot be availed of because there was no unlawful aggression on the part of Rafol. Rugas, not Rafol was the unlawful aggressor. The essential requisites of self- defense are: (a) unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; (b) reasonable necessity of the means employed and to prevent or repel it; (c) lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself. Rugas reliance on the Supreme Courts ruling in People v. Sabio, is misplaced. In that case, the Court ruled that a slap on the face is an unlawful aggression since the face represents a person and his dignity. Slapping the face of a person is a serious personal attack; it is a physical assault, coupled with a willful disgrace, nay, a defiance, of an individuals personality; and it may, therefore, be frequently regarded as placing in real danger a persons dignity, rights and safety. In this case, there is no evidence that the victim slapped the petitioner. The petitioner merely claimed that he was hit on his eyebrow which the trial court and the Court of Appeals found to be baseless. . This reliance on People v. Sabio to sustain the claim that the petitioner intended to defend his honor, is inconsistent with his testimony that he stabbed the victim to defend himself from an imminent physical assault when the latter pulled out a knife. This is also inconsistent with the fact that the victim was stabbed three times. The accused never suffered even a slight injury thus, the physical facts in the instant case reveals that accused did not act in self-defense.