What Is Paleo?

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What is Paleo?

Presented by Dr. Mario R Ferraro for Chirocentre Caroline Springs Derrimut 24/7 Gym Chiropractor, Wellness Practitioner

we still consume plenty of carbs from vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy. 6. We make friends with fat. I remember going through a massive low-fat stage in my early twenties. Fat reduced cheese that doesnt melt, low fat yogurt with copious amounts of added sugar, skim milk that tastes like cats piss does any of that sound healthy or real to you? Our bodies need good, smart fats, which we are designed to digest much easier than carbohydrates we get from bread and pasta. Saturated fats have been painted as evil of all evil by health authorities and the media but the reality is that not all saturated fat is bad. Paleo diet includes plenty of healthy fats like olive oil, macadamia oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, avocados, butter, ghee (clarified butter), oily fish, grass fed meat, nuts and seeds. 7. Paleo is about maintaining a healthy ratio of Omega 3/6 fatty acids by decreasing our intake of pro-inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids found in refined, seed based oils, certain nuts and seeds, and grain-fed meat. Its also about increasing our intake of anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish, seafood, fish oil, flaxseed oil and grass fed meat and fats. 8. We minimise stress. Sure, a small amount of stress is good for you but for most, prolonged mental and physical stress leads to increased levels of cortisol and causes havoc in our bodies. It can affect our weight, immunity, blood pressure, memory, mood, fertility and sex drive. 9. Another way we control cortisol levels and the affects it has on insulin, appetite and productivity, is by getting enough sleep. According to the 2012 Sealy Sleep Census, 96% of 13,089 polled respondents from throughout Australia said they wake up tired each morning, with a mere four per cent saying they feel refreshed. 38% have reported to falling asleep at work or during meetings. Paleo lifestyle prescribes 8 hours of sleep in a completely dark room, with no stimulants or distractions (read iphone and Facebook) an hour before bed. 10. We stay active with lots of walking, hiking, weight lifting and high intensity, interval training. We play in the sun to get a daily dose of Vitamin D, socialise with friends, travel from place to place, and stimulate our brains by exploring and learning new things. 11. And finally, there is no one-size-fits-all Paleo diet, its a framework, which can be tailored to individual needs, goals, body types and sensitivities. Its about how you feel when you include or exclude certain foods. Some recommended reading and programs: The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. The above information has been adapted from eatdrinkpaleo & Presented by Dr. Mario R Ferraro (Chiropractor & Wellness Practitioner) for ChiroCentre Caroline Springs - Room 1 / 21 -25 Panamax Drv Ravenhall VIC 3023 CALL or SMS 0421 438 106 for an appointment to discuss how Dr. Mario can help you live an EAT WELL, MOVE WELL, THINK WELL, BE WELL healthy lifestyle!

Paleo, also known as Primal, Caveman, and Stone Age diet draws its core principles from our hunter-gatherer, ancestral lifestyle and combines those with modern scientific research and a good dose of common sense. The diet has gained a huge following lately and as a result it is often scrutinised, misrepresented, and often misunderstood. The thing about Paleo is that its not really a new diet. The lifestyle yes its much more than a diet has been around for many years. What you can and cant have on a paleo diet. If youve been hiding in a cave, no pun intended, and this is the first youve heard of the Paleo diet, here is what you need to know: 1. In todays world we are largely deskbound, consuming packaged, processed foods, living with chronic stress, and not getting enough sleep all of which can make us sick, fat and depressed. To achieve optimal health, the Paleo lifestyle draws its core principles from our ancestors who ate whole, unprocessed foods, moved more, slept better and stressed less. Its not about re-enacting the Paleolethic era in fact most in the Paleo community hate the term Caveman diet but rather recognising our genetic predisposition and applying current knowledge of how different foods and activities affect our bodys functions like metabolism, digestion, insulin sensitivity, and systemic inflammation. 2. We do not run with spears, cook on fire or go foraging in the forest. Sure, I love fishing and berry picking but I get most of my food from fresh food markets, supermarkets, butchers, fishmongers, health food stores and online suppliers. 3. We focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods like grassfed meat, free range poultry, wild fish, vegetables (including root vegetables,) fruit, berries, some nuts and seeds. We avoid grains, legumes, refined sugars and dairy; although dairy consumption really depends on your gut health and whether you have any auto-immunity issues. So, without going into too much detail, we avoid all these foods to control insulin sensitivity, repair gut health, increase nutrient absorption and reduce negative inflammatory effects they cause. 4. Its not all meat, meat and meat with more meat. I probably consume as many fruits and vegetables in a day as most vegetarians (a lot of my recipes are actually vegetarian). Many of us also consume healthy dairy like full fat natural yogurt, certain cheeses and butter. Fermented, dairy products have many health benefits. 5. Even though the Paleo way of eating skews towards lowcarb side, by excluding grains and refined sugars, eliminating carbs is not the name of the game. The problem with the modern diet is the excessive amount of carbohydrates, especially sugar, which leads to a whole bunch of health issues related to insulin resistance, digestive problems and inflammation. While eating Paleo,

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