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Varma Concept

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Pragmatic concept of marma Presentation Transcript

mama means seat of vayu or prna Mamsa (Muscles)Asthy (Bones)Snayu(Tendons & ligaments)Dhamani (Arteries)Sira (Veins)Sandhi (Joints)All of them are considered to be the seat of Prana. They may result in death, serious functional impairment or deformities upon injuries.Marmasare certain vital structures of the body. Structurally they are composed of all the components of the human body in different propositions. Injury to Marmas result in neurological disorders, as the injury may predispose atrophy,paralysis etc. Equilibrium of Tridoshas are deranged on injuries. Injury also result in psychic imbalance. 12. MAMA- THE SPECIALISED CARTEL OF CHETANA Chaturvimshatithatwatmakpurusha is not the subject of therapeutic interventions. Shaddhathujapurusha = chetana + panchamahabhutas Purusha devoid of the spirit of chethanadhathu becomes obsolete in ayurvedic outlook. Human life =incorporation of chethanadhathu/prana in to the jada(morbid) + fundamental elements (mahabhutas). Soma Kapha (liquid)Maruta Vayu (Vata)Marmas are the seat ofTejas Fire (Pitta)RajasMind (Manas)SatvaTamasPanchabhootasBhootatma 15. THANTRASAREERA AND MAMASthulasareeraand sukshmasareera. TS is the explanation of the subtler aspects of the body constituted by the shud-chakras, a connecting nadees, the sookshmasrothasus and the circulating prna. Only a proper understanding of this can help one two identify the physiology of mama and the pathology involved in mamabhigata. This is essential in understanding and implementing the adankals or the primary management of mamabhigata

17. Marma and Sidha systemmarmas are invisible but could be traced or located at point where body and psychic energies are concentrated together .marma is the blockage of vital energy (vasilord Siva)in the body. The blockage could be due to external physical injuries ,psychological passion &their effects through doshas. the effect is felt by psychic energy, therefore marmas are controlled by psychic power ,these points are called as Maitheendakalam the marmas are divided into two types. Paduvarman 12Thoduvarman 18. PADU VARMAN The place where the energy is blocked 12 in number. Each paduvarman is the junction of 8 thoduvarman sites. Paduvarman are travelling through the entire body. Subdivided in Siva kalai(male),Shaktikalai(female) Paramakalai(both energies together) 19. Thilarthakalam ----- located at the centre of two eyes(this is the sthapanimarma in ayurveda)Pidarivarman ----- similar to ida nadi in yogaSumanivarman ----- at the site of visudha chakra(in throat)Nervarman ----- at the site of hridayaUrumikalam ----- at the site of manipura chakraKallidaikalam ----between two testiclesNatchathirakalam ----- similar to gudamarma1 20. 8. Sevikutrikalam ----- at the site of viduramarmam9 . Urakkakalam ----- at the site of shrungataka marma10 . Adappuvarman ----- located in chest11 . Periyaasthichurukki ----- located one finger located one finger below the floating rib cage12 . Siriyaasthichurukki ----- located one below the above marma. 21. Some sidha tests explains 122 vital points are divided in 6types as how they can influenced for treatment purpose.Thoduvarman by touch 96Thattuvarman by blow 08Thadavuvarman by palpation04 Nakkuvarman by licking 01 Nokkuvarma by sight 01 ---------- 122 ? Classification of Marmas in AyurvedaVagbhataSusrutha107107 Marmas can be

grouped under 5 major divisions, each of which is again divided into 5 sub divisions.

23Major Divisions1. According to the structure involved (niveshabheda) mamsamarma, dhamaneemarma etc.According to traumatology / prognostic aspect (vyapathbheda) Sadyapranahara etc.According to location / site (angabheda) Udaramarma etc.According to metrics (samkhyabheda) ekasamkhya etc.According to size (manabheda) ex. Panithalonmana 26. General classifficationAyurvedicmama.Kulayanamama - Same as in mentioned in Ayurveda. - it is for warriors to afflict the maximum possible injury in combat and also used as a self defense. - different symptoms of injuries and - different techniques applied to relieve the same. Adankal - to relieve emergency symptoms of mamabhigata. 3. Abhyasamama - practiced in the area of Malabar (north kerala) - martial arts - points to hurt the humans. TRIMARMEEYA Trimarmeeya TheorySiras(Head)Central Nervous System(Heart)Cardio Vascular SystemHridayaUrinary System including the Kidneys,Ureters,Bladder& UrethraVasthy(Bladder) 36Prognosis of Marma injury is variableSmall wound in marma or roga involved in marmasthana is difficult to treat/ no good result in treatment 37Common symptoms of mamaghata(injury to vital spots).> Giddiness> Delirium> Fainting> Delusion> Loss of activity> Semi- consciousness> Increase of body temperature> Weakness of limbs> Increased expirations> Severe pain caused by vata> Blood resembling like meat washed fluid flowing out> Cessation of activity of all sense organs > Imbalance of Tridoshas.> Dhatukshaya> Vatakopam 38. MARMAGATA HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCKGiddinessDeliriumFaintingDelusionLoss of activitySemi- consciousnessIncrease of body

temperatureWeakness of limbsIncreased expirationsSevere pain Imbalance of Tridoshas.anxiety or agitationConfusionDecreased or no urine outputGeneral weaknessPale skin color (pallor)Rapid breathingSweating, moist

38DehaprasupthiguruthasammohaseethakamataSwdam urchavamidahamarmaviddasyalakshana AS 39Symptoms which make Prognosis poorTonic convulsions.Extreme weakness of the body.Vertigo.Persistent Tremors.TachypnoeaHeart burn.Restlessness.Loss of consciousness. 40HOW MARMA THEORY WORKSNeuro Endocrine TheoryDue to pressure over these points, certain chemical substances and neurotransmitters are released like endorphins and enkephalin which sends nerve impulse to brain causing the desired effect. 41The gate control theory of painNerve fibers are large bundles of various size- some are thick and some are thin. Thin transmit the sensation of pain while the thick carry the tactile sensation. Thus if the thick impulse is increased this selectively blocks the conduction of thin fibers. This is called the gate control theory. 42Other Theories.The very small electrical changes that occur at the marma points is found to be capable of producing effects far in excess of the tiny electrical change at the point responsible for triggering the desired effect. Chiropractic treatments usually involve adjusting the joints and bones in a person's spine using twisting, pulling, or pushing movements. Some chiropractors use heat, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to help relax the person's muscles before doing a spinal adjustment. Chiropractic medicine originated in the late 1800s in the United States. CT is a hands-on therapy based on the theory that subluxations in the spine may cause many medical disorders (nervous disorders)Chiropractic treatment

stimulated muscle sends a message to the CNS - stimulated, these nerves cause a dull ache or feeling of fullness in the muscle. acu-points are near nerves. Acupuncture treatment Acupuncture -acceptable alternative - as part of a comprehensive pain management program. AT useful as an accompanying treatment for many pain-related conditions, including: headache, low back pain, menstrual cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and myofascial pain. release endorphins (morphine - like chemicals produced in our own bodies during times of pain or stress) along with other neurotransmitters (body chemicals that modify nerve impulses), block the message of pain from being delivered up to the brain 46. Mamakshatasamanyachikisa (mamaghata)Mama therapy is based on the panchabhuta and tridosh theory of ayurveda. These are practically divided in to two. Primary management and secondary management. But Athreyaparambara and Danwanthariyaparampara not mention of the primary managements involving immediate manipulations. Only the subsequent management of mamagata in the light of tridosh theory which constitutes the secondary management seems to have been mentioned by them. 47. Primary management Taking a cue out of AcharyasSusrutas advice it would be apt to adopt the principles and practice of mamachikitsa from the tradition of siddhamama. Ayurvedic mamachikitsa had been transferred orally rather than in a textual manner. The siddha mama / varma has well designed treatment protocols can implemente with our treatment protocols after attaining good practical knowledge and experience in the same. Explained land mark of each varma (mama), different characteristics of its injury and different techniques to be applied to relive the symptoms are dealt in details. 48. Adankal The techniques for relieving the emergency symptoms of mamabhigathaThe techniques are usually strikes, hits, blows or presses to certain particular

locations in the body.The quantum of measurement of impact to nerve centre is known as mathirai. The adankal is used to relieve symptoms like unconsciousness, shivering, protrusion of tongue; convulsions etc. 51 adankals out of these 13 are widely used. Egvayullaadankal, unnakkinadiyil, alavil, alavadiputtukal etc

49. General techniques in adankalsEmergency managementHe should be lifted and made to sit.Massage mildly on the chest and backThe rib cage is made to expand well by extending both the hands.Stretch the nerves.Massage the feet.Massage in right and left with hands of both side. Etc. 51. Elakkumura The manipulation technique for reviving the patient from a state of marmabhigata is termed as elakkumurai. There are specific elakkumura for every sadyopranaharamarmas. 52. Elakkumura in uchchi varma Patient -laid flat on bed. Holding foot together, the doctor slams/ hits his feet against the sole of the patient thrice, then applying pressure on the uchchi varma and the entire body shook well.If the patient is not revived even after this nasya with lucusaspera juice is advised. It can be optimally stimulated by sidewise to-and-fro movments using the tip of the three middle fingers of the doctor over the site thrice daily. It brings about,Stimulation on endocrine glandsMaintain optimal brain temperature.Stimulates sleeping.Cures headache etc. 53 This has identified as point of convergence of 216 nerves and it is a seat of panchabhutas. This attained by achieving control of prana by measured trauma. By regulating the impact on the marma the same can be utilized for obtaining positive health benefit. 53. Stimulation of Uchichivarma 55. For neck and shoulder pain Manibandha varmaMudichu + kaakattaikaala + thusumuga varma

56. For hip & LBA1. komberikaala+ viruthi+ nonganampoottu2. komberikaala +viruthukaala +ullangalvelleri varma 57. Secondary management TAILADRONYA SAYANA Dislocation of any part of the body caused mainly by a fall, or in the event of having been run over or trampled down or of being wounded by a blow , hurt at any of the mamas etc the patient should be kept immersed in a large tank of oil and the diet should consist of the soup or essence (rasa) of meat. VASTHI According to AcharyaCharaka; the mamas are to be protected from aggravated vayu, because the aggravated vayu is responsible for aggravation of pitha, kapha and the lan vitae is dependent upon this vayu. The vayu is best treated with vasthi so, there is none other than vasthi therapy which can safeguard the vital organs. 58. ManipulationAbyangaParishekaNajavarakizhiVasthiBa ndage with murivenna. 59. Injury to janumarma an abnormal increase in the local swelling, together with an excruciating pain, loss of strength, breaking pain in the joint, and restricted movements of affected part, mark of wound of a flexible or immovable joints. 60. Marma kashayaBandage with murivennaDhara with murivennaNjavarakizhiExercise / physiotherapy. 67Dos and dontsDont ignore MarmaTry to avoid MarmaAlways respect MarmaUnderstand Marma 68. Conclusion The potential of marmasastra as remained unexploited. The understanding of marma needs better understanding of the principles of ancient anatomy. Sincere efforts have to be made in documently and incorporating the traditional offshoots of marma therapy scattered over various part of our country. 68The nature of the subsequent management is rejuvinative in most occasions.The management can be classified as acute corrective and subsequent management based on tridosha theory.

1. Thirumoolarvarmology institute,coimabotre, art research institute (ARI)To know more about siddha varma in clinical practice
Introduction to Varmam
The points where life force resides and flows in the human body are known as varmam. Varmam also means where breathing enery resides in the body (Vaakata Nithanam : Verse 31). Varmam are scattered over various parts of body like in nerves, nerve joints, bones, muscles, ligaments and inner organs. Based on where varmam is located in the body, it has gathered various names like Vasi, Puravi, Kaalam, Uyir, Mayakkam, Pranan, Kalai, Suvaasam, Saram, Yogam, Param and Sivam. This has been mentioned in the Tamil text, Vaakata Nithanam.

Based on this song, the word Varmam referred to flow of life force in relationship with breathing. In Malayalam, Varmam is known as Marmam .

History of Varmakalai
Varmakalai (the art of varmam) is considered to be very auspicious. It is believed that Lord Siva taught this art form. Indians overwhelm by saying that all rare art forms originate with roots from God. For example, epics illustrate that Tamil and Sanskrit have their origin from the sound of the 'Oodukkai' (musical instrument in the hand of Lord Siva). Bharatha Naatiyam (the traditional dance) originated from Lord Siva. Kama Sutra (the art of love and sex) originated from Lord Siva. So it is of no surprise when it is said that varmakalai, the rare art that saves humans from diseases, also originated from Lord Siva.

According to the above versus, Lord Siva taught varmam to his wife Parvathi; later Parvathi taught varmam to their son Lord Murugan. Lord Murugan then taught Siddha Agasthiyar. Agasthiyar later gave a written form that reached the masses. But the original texts (and their copies), directly written by siddhas, are not available now. Saints who have grasped the meaning of the siddhas sayings have given a poetic form, which is used in modern day learning. So far, around fifty thousand (50,000) songs are available. The narrated history has been mentioned in the 41st prose of " Kai Mathirai Thiravukol " as follows:

The above narration cannot be merely considered as a made-up story. One of the names that denote varmam is 'Siva'. Another name that denote varmam is 'Vasi', which means air. If you repeat 'vasi' continuously, you can hear 'Siva'. 'Sivam' means life. That is why Thirumoolar preached the philosophy of 'Love is Sivam' (Love is Life). One of the current available texts 'Sarasuthram' gives the criteria for teaching varmam to eligible students.

It says that a varmam teacher should teach varmam only to a 'sivayogi'. Sivayogi is the one who loves all life forms. In all the varmam texts written since Thirumoolar till ones in 18th - 19th century, varmam is spoken along with sivam. The history that is said so far has been taken from epics. In reality, varmakalai might have its roots in self-defense martial arts. It is the tactics man might have learnt by observing birds and animals. In Kalari (Defense Varmalogy), practiced in southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala, various forms like Elephant Form, Tiger Form, Fox Form, Lion Form, Hanuman Form, and etc. are still in use. In cockfight, to improve the fighting spirit, the owner of the cock will massage the back of the cock. This looks similar to how now a days the teacher gives a pat on the student's shoulder to encourage him or her. From the medieval period, the ornaments worn by man in the ears, fingers, legs and foot, knowingly or unknowingly gave him health and energy. The body piercing done in the name of god also helped him to improve his life. Similar to how circumstances helped him to learn the about various parts in the body that helped him to improve the health, he also learned about the parts that caused illness. He used this knowledge to attack his enemy and create damage. On the other hand when he got hit, with spiritual thoughts, he cured himself by tuning the points that revived the good health. Though he could command victory over his enemies, he also performed rituals and took the help of 'Kalari Moorthy - Kali' god. Also to save the life of the people, who were injured by his enemy, he took the help of the god 'Kalari Moorthy - Sarabesvarar'. Hence, for the growth of varmakalai, mankind's capability, thinking process and action played a dominant role. Our ancestors invented this art to help the mankind. It is our duty to preserve this rare art.

Classifications of Varmam
Human body is divided into five areas in which varmam (varma points) are discussed. They are: Unit Area Number of Points


From Top of the Head till Neck From Neck till Naval Point From Naval Point till Anus Both Hands Both Legs

25 45 9 14 15 108


The same 108 varmams are classified under different categories. One such classification is based on 12 nerves (or a meridian channel) in the nervous system. Each meridian channel consists of one Padu varmam and eight Thodu varmam. Varmam Type Number of Points Thodu Varmam Padu Varmam Total 96 12 108

The number of varmams (108) various between various schools of varmam. Based on Indian Astrology, there are 92 varmams: Varmam Based On (Hindu Astrological) Stars Lunar Padu Varmam Total Number of Points 27 30 35 92

Based on the text Naramparai, written by Kumbamuni Siddha, there are 253 varmams:

Classification Padu Varman Thodu Varmam Pakka Varmam Narambu Elumbu Varmam Maru Varmam Total

Number of Points 18 96 8 86 45 253

Based on yet another classification, there are 107 points: Classification Vata Varmam (Air) Pitta Varmam (Heat) Kapha Varmam (Cool) Concealed Varmam Total Number of Points 65 24 6 12 107

Books on Varmam
The main purpose of this rare ancient art of varmam is to save the precious human lives. Misuse of this ancient art has caused our masters and ancestors to conceal informative texts about varmam, which are in the form of palm-leaf manuscripts. Today, those manuscripts are in the brink of extinction. Hundreds of such rare manuscripts are scattered across many houses in South India (Tamil Nadu and Kerala). It is our duty to collect, processes, and transform these rare manuscripts into a form helpful to the Siddha Medicine. It is also our duty to safeguard these valuable texts and pass it on to the next generation. Thirumoolar Varmalogy Institute vows to do this task. By analyzing the varmam texts that are collected so far, our researchers have arrived at the following seven hypotheses of teaching varmam. They are: Teaching varmam points in relationship with self-defense

Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching

varmam points and their characteristics varmam points in relationship with nervous system varmam points in relationship with skeletal system reviving methods to cure diseases caused by varmam medicines to cure diseases caused by varmam spells (mantras) to cure diseases caused by varmam

Names of the few known text are as follows: Varma Suthram Varma Beerangi Naalu Maathirai Naramparai Narambu Suthram 100 Narambu Suthram 400 Varma Odivu Murivu Sara Suthram 1500 Panchakarnapinnal Alavunool Piramaanam Varma Odivu Murivu Kandasaari 300 Varma Thoondamani Aksakkural Venba 300

Hundreds of similar such texts are never published and the world has no clue about them.

Varmam School of Thoughts

On researching over the available varmam texts, it is evident that varmam has grown under three independent schools of thoughts, mainly governed by three ancient siddha's namely Akasthiyar, Bohar and RamaDevar.

A1: Same author wrote all the three books under this category A3: Same author wrote all the three books under this category A1, A2, and A3: Three different authors wrote each category of books

If we research the basic philosophies of the books in the category A1, A2 and A3, we can reach the philosophy of School A. Similarly by researching the basic philosophies of the books in other categories, we can arrive at the following three school of thoughts. Akasthiar School of Thought Bohar School of Thought Rama Devar School of Thought

Please note that though we haven't come across any books written by Rama Devar, a separate school of thought has been created under his name. This is based on the inference from the following poem:

Varmam in Self Defense (Kalaripayattu)

To protect oneself from the enemies, man invented the art of self-defense. Each country has it's own indigenous form of martial arts. Kalaripayattu, Naatu Murai, Kuthu Varisai, and Malyutham are some amongst the vast martial arts of Indian origin. In Indian martial art Kalaripayattu, there are not only techniques for self-dense, but there are also techniques to collapse the enemy by attacking on the varmam points. Kalaripayattu is divided into two schools namely: Therkan Kalaripayattu (Southern Kalaripayattu) Vadakkan Kalaripayattu (Northern Kalaripayattu)

Vadakkan Kalaripayattu gives importance to weapons training where as Therkan Kalaripayattu gives importance to hand to hand combat techniques. You should never strike a varmam points using knife or sword. Instead, you can damage a varmam point by striking with hand or by a stick. Such techniques are numerous in the Therkan Kalaripayattu. The following are various forms available in Therkan Kalaripayattu: Nilaiyangam (technique of blocking the attacks without moving from where you stand) Piriyangam Mariyangam China Suvadu China Silath Ethiradavu Jodi Murai Kurunthadi (Short stick) Nedunthadi (Long stick) Sirama Varisai Ayutha Varisai Suvadu Nilai (Angam 64) Kattu Varisai Nadasari Murai (Savittu Murai) Poottum Pirivum Olivu Murai Perruka Murai (Anchettu Perrukam, Naalettu Perrukam) Munda Varisai

Of the above 18 forms, specifically Angam 64, Perruka Murai, Siraman Varisai and Olivu Murai work in tandem with varmalogy. The Angam 64 form is about making steps within 8 feet circumference and attacking 64 varmam points on the opponent's body and make him immobile. This form is one of the toughest to master. Similarly Siramam Varisai consists of having sticks of 3/4th feet length in both hands and using them to strike the varmam points on the opponent's body. Usually masters teach this form by combining song, music and dance movements. The varmam text named Eddu describes the distance from the varmam points should be struck. Learning this martial art will provide greater protection to women. In this modern day, this art is very important for women.

Varma Therapy
Studies about each varmam's (pressure points) characteristics like location of the varmam, depth and width of varmam, the pressure with which the varmam has to be tuned to cure diseases constitutes the mainstream study in varma therapy. We could develop varmam related injuries due to the following reasons: Lifting heavy loads Excessive pleasure Excessive sorrow Excessive sleep Accidents Engaging in fights Giving birth to a child Etc.

The various techniques that can be applied to cure varmam related injuries are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Marukaalam Thirumal Murai Adangal Murai Thiravukol Murai Thadaval Murai [Applying massage techniques] Marunthu Murai [Applying medicines] Vayu Nilai Amarthal Kattu Murai

Techniques like Marukaalam and Thiravukol Murai are used for instant relief. Techniques like Thadaval Murai and Thirumal Murai should be done at least for three consecutive days to give relief from varmam related injuries. Reviving of a Fainted Individual If an individual has fainted due to varmam attack, he or she first should be diagnosed by a Varmaani (Varmam Doctor / Varmam Master / Varmam Asan). Varmaani should start the diagnostics by observing the color of cornea and the color of the teeth of the patient. Then varmaani checks the flow in Vata, Pita, and Kapha nadis. If he is satisfied with the

flows in these nadis, varmaani should proceed to the next step in the treatment. Now, varmaani should apply the Kavzhi Adangal ( Adangal - technique in which pressure points are tuned in specific pattern) to regulate blood flow, temperature and pranic flow in the patient's body. Then varmaani should apply Puzhimuthu Adangal to stimulate the Kalai Nerves (major nerves through which pranic energy flow in the body). At this point, varmaani can notice the patient starting to regain the consciousness and tiredness being reduced. Then on applying Nasiyam in patient's nose or using blowing techniques in patient's nose or ears, the patient will completely regain consciousness. Then Thiravukozh (method to open varmam) should be applied to release the affected varmams. Once the patient has attainted stable condition, varmaani should either enquire the patient about the accident to know the area in which patient was hit or should analyze the flow of nadis to locate the affected region. Then, varmaani should apply the proper Thadavazh Murai (massaging techniques). Based on the area in the body that was affected, the varmaani should know the diseases that might arise in the future. According both internal medication and external medication should be prescribed. Such treatment should consider the varmams located in nerves, muscles and bones. Dealing with Fractures Varmaani should have knowledge about bone structure and joints. When a patient with bone fracture approaches him, first he should stop the wastage of blood by blocking the required nerves. He should then use the necessary pads to fix veins and arteries and should put a proper dressing using cloths. The technique in which the dressing is done varies depending up on the location on the fracture. To heal the fracture, the dressing should allow path for proper air circulation and also should have provision to administer herbal oils to cure the wounds. The dressing should be removed and redone for seven times and each time the dressing should be done based on the current condition of the bones. In addition, internal medicines should also be prescribed to the patient. Other Disorders Various other disorders that can be cured with the help of varma therapy are: Nerves weakness Body shivering Disk prolapse Dehydration Cervical spondylosis Head ache Sciatic Problems Eye problems ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) problems Bone joints and arthritics Gland disorders (like Diabetes, etc.) Etc.

Relation with Other Fields

Varmam has relationship with other fields like Siddha Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Astronomy, Psychology, Tantra, Anka Sasthra and many others. Varmam and Siddha Medicine Siddha medicine is the one of the oldest medical systems originated from India. Varmam is one the main streams within siddha medicine. For example, if a patient is suffering from pain in some part of the body, siddha medicine will externally apply herb medicines, which after absorbed by the body, produce the cure. But based on varmam, certain pressure points are tuned to regulate the blood flow, which gives immediate relief to the pain. Siddha doctors in South India (notably in Kanyakumari District of TamilNadu) use this technique of combined medication to give faster and better relief to the patients. Varmam and Ayurveda. Ayurveda is one another oldest forms of medical systems from India. Among ayurvedic text, there is no separate text for varmam. But in the text 'Astangahridayam', written by Vakpatar, he speaks about 107 varmam points in human body. Some other ayurvedic texts also contain sparse information about varmam points. Hence, we can conclude that concept of varmam exist within ayurveda also. Varmam and Yoga Yoga is classified into two main streams. One based on breathing; and another based on body postures. They work in tandem and culminate to form today's yoga. If yoga asanas (yoga postures) are properly practiced, it will result in good health. The basic reason for that is yoga asanas properly tunes the nerves system (along with varmam points present in the nerves system), resulting in regulated blood flow throughout the body. Every yoga asanas has its effect on certain group of varma points enabling proper health, flexibility, mobility and physique. For example, if you consider Padmasana (one yoga posture), it produces mild pressure on these varmam points: Viruthi varmam, Kanpugaichal varmam, Ullthodai varmam, and Mulaathara varmam. Because of that, Iddakala (Left) and Pingala (Right) nerves gets tuned and strengthens the vertebral column. It increases concentration, memory, serenity on one's face, and etc. Varmam and Astronomy Rays from all the planets and moons in the solar system reaches Earth. They are responsible for health and illness amongst the living beings. Siddhas, who developed varmalogy, studied where and when these rays act on human body and based on their studies, they have created various varmam texts which studies varmam points in relationship with the rays from the planets and moons and their consequence on human body. Such studies are taught only through guru-sishya (teacher-student) heritage. Such studies can be used to stop occurrence of heart diseases and kidney diseases. Even the diseases that are present can be systematically cured. Varmam's relation with other fields like Psychology, Tantra, Anka Sasthra, Philosophy, Kama Sastra, etc. will be discussed in our web site in due course of time.

Learning and Teaching Varmam

Knowledge of varmakalai (the art of varmam) is passed through generation after generation. People who have mastered the art are called asaans (masters). Varma asaans are also known as varmaanis. Qualities of Varma Asaans Varma assans are extremely calm in nature; will involve themselves in worship of God. Even in words, they will not show their anger. They are very hesitant in revealing their knowledge; they do not boast themselves. They show their talents only to their students. If one needs to become a good varma asaan, he/she should have at least minimal knowledge of these arts: Kalari / Kalaripayattu (Martial Arts) Siddha Medicine Knowledge of Herbs Knowledge of Chanting Mantras Knowledge of Tantric practices Knowledge of Astrology Knowledge of Anga Sasthra Knowledge of Boomi Sasthra Knowledge of Vaastu Sasthra (study of building architecture, similar to Chinese Feng Shui) Knowledge of Horai Knowledge of Nimitha Sasthra Knowledge of Thoni Sasthra Knowledge of Dharga Sasthra Knowledge of Kama Sasthra (sexuality) Knwoledge of Navaratna (precious stones) Knowledge of Saranool (breathing) Knowledge of Soola Nilai Psychology Knowledge of Yoga

After learning these arts, one will become humble. He / She will automatically become a loving person. It requires at least twelve years to learn these arts. Varma Student A varma student has to search for a proper asaan. Most of the time, he/she will end up with fake teachers. It is the duty of the student to find the right asaan. After learning for at least twelve years, a student might know one hundredth of the vast knowledge of varmam. After that, based on student's interest to learn and student's quest for search, he/she might be able to learn the remaining. To achieve that, not only that the student has to go in search of different asaans, additionally student might have to spend lot of money. A lot of time and money has to be spent in learning. May be for that reason, varmakalai is not vastly spread.

Learning Varmam The student, who wants to learn varmam, should meet the gurukkal (priest) on a new moon day with guru thachinai and kaanikkai (fees). Gurukkal will perform pooja and rituals to either Akasthiyar or Bohar and then the kaanikkai will be offered to the gurukkal. Later varma asaan (varma teacher) will get kaanikkai. Then, asaan will teach the rituals to worship sathguru's like Akasthiyar and Bohar. At that time, starting prayer method (thozhukai murai) in kalari and the varmam point 'kumbidu kaalam' will be taught. At the end of the first day's lessons, student has to touch the feet of asaan. By doing so, he/she will get blessing of a touch known as 'Sparisa Theekshai'. When he/she gets blessings, the student will be taught about another varma point known as 'bhoomi kaalam'. Everyday, the student has to mentally feel both kumbidu kaalam and bhoomi kaalam. This is the starting stage of learning varmam. Then student will be taught kalari for three years. During that period, asaan will observe characteristics of the student and accordingly will teach him/her about varmam points. It is not easy to remember the varma points, which are not indicated to the student through touch of asaan. Asaan will not apply any pressure on those varma points. Asaan will dip a small wooden point in rice flour and touch the varma points on the student's body, just sufficient enough to make impression using rice flour. The varmam lessons taught to the student are based on asaan- student relationship. Only after seven years of study, the student will be taught about varma thiravukol (key to unlock). Only after completing twelve years of study, after taking vows, student will be secretly taught about the inner thiravukols and thiravukols that shows eternity. After that phase, he will be given 'guru nilai theekshai' (blessings to be teacher) and he/she will be announced as a varma asaan to the society by his/her assan. Even after becoming asaan by him or herself, the relationship between the asaan and student will continue forever.

INTRODUCTION The lord given many valuable life arts to the people through the SIDDHARS. They include YOGA, MEDICINE, MARTIAL ARTS, PSYCHOLOGY etc they are totally 64. The all life philosophies are included in this 64 arts. Each of them has many literatures. All the literatures are written by the SIDDHARS. But they are written in PARIBASHA. Ordinary people could not understand them. So some people join to the GURUKULAM as SISHYAS in which the SIDDHARS are taught them about the arts. All of them are not master in all the subjects. So whatever they learn they write them as SASTHRAS and they given the names. So collection of all the literatures only give us the full detail about a art. For example the art VARMANIAM has the following literatures, 1. 2. 3. 4. Varma chuthiram Varma alavu nool Varma kannadi Varma kandi

5. 6. 7.

Varma kodari Narmabu vagada thiravugol Rathina kodi thiravugol In the above literatures the first five have the detail about the location of the varmam points, some adangal points and ilakku muraigal. The last two has the detail of adangal muraigal, naadi sasthiram, sara ottam, sivakalaigal and medicines. So to learn the art of Varmaniam we have to study all the literatures. VARMANIAM TEACHING METHODS To learn this Sasthiram the sishya should get the hope of the GURU. Then only the Guru will teach the following to the sishya, they are physical exercises, martial arts (anga chuvadugal 64, nedunkambu12, kurungambu 18, weapon pracitices). After getting good training of the above arts, the sishya will learn meditation from the Guru. Then the Guru will teach some varma points and he will give some literatures about them. During this type of teaching he will teach the Padu varmam 12, thodu varmam 96, meitheenda kaalam, vetri pachilai, thattu varmam 8, uzhl varmam 6. Then after getting thorough knowledge about this he will teach Ilaaku murai and adangal methods, sathiyam, asathiyam. Then he will teach naadi 10, saram, mukkutram, pancha pakshi, 96 thathuvangal. After this he will teach medicines such as churanam, lehyam, mathirai, kashayam etc after this some guru teach about mantras and tantras to the sisyas. VARMANGAL Varmam points are the vital points which present all over the body; many literatures quoted that there are totally 108 varmam points. They are in the pathway of dhasanaadi, dhasavayu, saram. They pass the pranan energy from sole of the foot to universe through the nose. The naadis present in the forehead are 7000, in both ears 3300, in both eyes 4000, in nose 3380, in pidari and shoulder region 6000. There are many classifications about varmam points such as padu varmam, thodu varmam, vatha varmam, adhara varmam etc now we can see some important classifications. PADUVARMAM According to Varma sastras these are 12 in number. These points are mainly situated in the pathway of Vagus nerve, main vessels and internal organs. If a Paduvarmam point hit by humans or weapons the man will die immediately or after some time. If the mathirai level is or 1 the man will definitely die. If the mathirai level is or we can save the man by proper treatment and medication. By treatment we can save the life but after some years it may create some problems in our body, by taking medicine for Pazhaya varmam we can definitely save the life. The first varmam point that created in our body Thilartha kaalam, it is in the literature of Narambu vagada suthira thiravugol, varmakandi, varma chuthiram. But some other literatures noted that Uchi padhappa kaalam is the first point, the literatures are Varma beerangi, Varma kannadi. The 12 Paduvarmam points

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Thilartha kaalam (Centre of the eyebrow) Natchathira kaalam near the lateral end of the orbit of the eye Chevi kuthi kaalam back of the ear lobule (on the stylo mastoid foramen) Uchi Padhappam in the vertex of the skull Kannadi kaalam in the centre of the nose Koombu varmam Bottom of the sternum Urumi kaalam 4 fingers above the umbilicus Athi churukki kaalam Just above the hip near superior iliac spine Mooladhara varmam in coccyx

10. Kallidai kaalam centre of the testis for men, centre of clitoris for women 11. Thummi kaalam inter clavicular notch 12. Adappa kaalam below armpit These points are very important, because we can calculate the other varmam points by these points only. UZHL VARMAM These are totally 6 in numbers. These are very dangerous. If these points are damaged they will cause many sever problems, and after certain number of days the man will die. If the point is injured the man will develop psychic problems. They may cause the following problems deaf, heart failure, lung failure, Asthma, Ascites. The five sense organs will be affected by diseases. The Uzhl varmam points are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ul moolai thattu Irudhaya thattu Kumbu thattu Tharai thattu Linga yoni thattu Meitheenda kaalam

THATTU VARMAM They are eight in numbers. These points are mainly used in therapeutic aspect only. The points are situated in the Puratharai 8. If these points are injured It will mainly affect the kalai ottam. That will cause dyspnoea. The pitham will increase if the point injured. The eight points are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Iratha saya varmama Karunya varmam Aali varmam Komberi kaalam Sangu thiri kaalam Moothira kaalam Ulumi kaalam Siru kudal aali varmam THODU VARMAM They are 96 in numbers. All the points are not dangerous, but some points show symptoms like Padu varmam injury. Some points will reduce the number of days in life; some points causes permanent disability or diseases. Some points will cause small injury and after some time it will rearrange the sara and kalai ottam itself. For example in ancient age siddhars used Urakka kaalam for anesthesia purpose during surgery. The mathirai to be given in the point for anesthesia was according to the type of surgery. The point induces the sleep according to the mathirai level. After some time the patient will wake up normally. In martial arts the point was used for temporary loss of coordination.

The varma points present in the body are 108, head and neck are 25.A song from a literature which giving details about the location of the points in the head and neck Thaanana thalai naduvil kondaikolli Chanendrathukung keel cheerungolli

Oonana idharku nalangulathin keele Utrathoru pidari varmamagum paru Enana uchiyile irundhu ettu viral keel Charidhi varmamenave solvar Vanana idharku iru viralin keele Magimayulla porchai endra kalame

Kaalamam adhukkum oru iraikkum keel Ganamana kuthi endra kalamagum Moolamam kadhil siruthandarugil thane Murayan chevikuthi kalamenbar Kalamam idhil irandiraikkum mele Gunamana poigai endra kalamagum Thoolamam kadaikannil iraikkulle than Thulangugindra natchathira kalamenne

Ennave idhukkum irandiraikkum keele Idhamana kamboodhari kalamagum Thullave adharku mel valam irai moondril than Surukkana moorthi endra kalamenbar Munname sonnadhin keel arai iraikkulle Murayana thilardhamendra kalamagum Innume arai irayin keel minvetti varmam Isaindha karuvizhiyarugil mandhirakalame Mandhiramam kalathodaga varmam

Valuvaga irupuramumenave solvar Andharamam machai nadu ner varmamagum Adhukkum arai irayin keel pachi varmam Sundharamam nasi mathi kannadi kaalam Thulliyamai kanda nadu pala varmamagum Mandhiramam adhanarugil sundigai kaalam Sollu varmathin arugil kona varmame

Kuriyana cheviyin keel angulame naalil Kurugira udhirakalamadhu agum agum Neriyana keel naadi ottu varmam Nindravai arugurandum urakka kaalam Arivana kural valayil sangu thiri kaalam Adhukkung keel angulam naalil simai varmandhan Poriyana poriyadhu than kazhuthin mele Poonda uchi thanaikkum keel pugalthavare

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Kondai kolli in the vertex of the skull Cheerungolli 8 fingers from the back of kondai kolli Pidari varmam 4 fingers from the back of cheerungolli Charidhi varmam 8 fingers from kondaikolli in the lateral side of the skull above the ear Porchai kaalam 2 fingers below the charidhi varmam Kuthi kaalam 1 irai below to porchai kaalam Chevi kuthi kaalam back of the ear lobule (on the stylo mastoid foramen) Poigai kaala varmam 2 irai above chevikuthi


Natchathira kaalam near the lateral end of the orbit of the eye

10. Kaamboodhati kaalam 2 irai below the natchathira kaalam 11. Moorthi kaala varmam 3 irai near to kamboodhari kaalam in the medial side 12. Thilartham in the centre between the 2 eye brows 13. Min vetti kaalam irai below thilartham 14. Mandhira kaalam it is situated between the eye and nose 15. Neruppu varmam in the centre of the vertebral column 16. Pachi varmam irai below neruppu varmam 17. Kannadi kaalam in the centre of the nose 18. Bala varmam centre of the neck in the lateral aspect 19. Sundigai kaalam near bala varmam 20. Kona varmam near sundigai kaalam 21. Udhira kaalam four fingers below chevikuthi varmam 22. Ottu varmam in the centre of the mandible 23. Urakka kaalam below the mandible, near to neck 24. Sangu thiri kaalam in the adams apple 25. Simai varmam 4 fingers below sangu thiri kaalam

VARMA KAAYANILAI The treatment method for varma kaayanilai is in many methods, the main methods are 1. 2. 3. 4. Adangal methods the treatment that given immediately after varmam injury Ilakku murai the treatment that given immediately after varmam injury Thadavu murai treatment method for Pazhaya varmam Marunthugal treatment method for Pazhaya varmam

Now we can see some Adangal points. Adangal 108, Rathina kodi thiravugol and Narambu vagada suthira thiravugol are the literatures which contain the Adangal points. 1. Alagu kamoodhari adangal after varmam point injury if jaw lock happen do this adangal, the mathirai level is . Thavala adangal after varmam injury if the patient couldnt take water do this adangal. Poigai adangal after varmam injury if the eyes directed upwards and couldnt hear the sounds does this adangal, the mathirai level is . Uchi adangal if the patient is unconscious do this adangal, if he does not get conscious that is Asathiam. Suzhimunai adangal this adangal is very useful, all varmam injuries in head can be relieved by this adangal. Alagu sennadi adangal after varmam injury if the patient is in sleep with snoring do this adangal. Mudi sudi adangal after varmam injury if the patients mouth deviated with salivation do this adangal. Kurundhu adangal after varmam injury if the patient is in the stage of delirium do this adangal. Prana sadhana adangal after varmam injury if the patients tongue extended away from mouth do this adangal.

2. 3.







10. Pen kuzhi adangal after varmam injury if the patients tongue pulled inside the mouth do this adangal. 11. Udhira narambu adangal after varmam injury if the patient developing high grade fever and rigors do this adangal. 12. Eeradangal after varmam injury if the patient is with fully opened mouth do this adangal

THADAVU MURAI (THOKKANAM) The thadavu murai are classified into two main parts, they are 1. 2. Podhu thadaval murai Uzhl thadaval murai The podhu thadaval murai methods do proper alignment of the nerves, blood vessels, bones and muscles. With the help of medicated oils we should do the techniques. After that we

have to realign the sara ottam and jeeva ottam in all varma points. By this we can give good health to the patient. After doing this, we should check whether the patient needs uzhlthadaval murai or not. If it is needed we have to align and stimulate the tissues and internal organs. In the first three days of treatment we should only do podhu thadaval methods, then in the 4 and 5th day podhu thadaval is done followed by uzhlthadaval .

Usually the treatment takes seven days. In the 6th and 7th day we should only do podhu thadaval. At the end of the thadaval murai in all the days of the treatment, we have to give otradam, after that the patient should take hot water bath. After that the patient should take chukku kanji. The patient may take their food after an hour of these treatment methods. During the treatment days the patient must avoid sleep in the day time. According to the patients health condition we have to give medicnes such as Karungozhi decoction, karungozhi nei or vellattu nei. The patient should follow the following food restrictions after the thadaval murai. Chicken,urid dhal, small gram and tamarind during the treatment days. Because it may lower the effects of the treatment. The patient should take 3 months rest after the treatment. Importantly he/she should not have sexual contact and severe exercises during the rest periods. CONCLUSION We can treat many diseases and disorder through varmaniam treatment method. For that we need a detailed study about this through patients with modern correlation.

Quiz on Varmam (part one)

Those who learn Varma medical Sciences will answer them easily * There is a life centre that differentiates male and female. * What are life centres present on either side of the body? * If Varma is affected where does life settle down? * How to test, the life in the body is there or not. * Where does the life settle finally.

* Which are the places that the affected Vital Life Centres can be activated. * Which is the place that the affected Medium Life Centres can be activated. * Tell the Life Centre The affected patient would howl and breathe with difficulties The affected patient would hold his genital organ, standing on one leg and holding the other leg. 3. The affected person will have both eyes open in open condition and both hands will be twisted and folded, showing his genital organ, grinding his teeth and lying flat on the ground. 4. Due to impact, the stool will come out, but the urine will be blocked. The genital organ is found pulled in. He will lie facing the floor, and stretching the index finger. 5. The affected Varmam will find the person deaf. * Which is the Varmam if affected, will pull in the genital organ of women? * Tell the Varmam that will pull in the genital organ of Men, if affected. * Which is the Varmam if affected that makes the legs and hands immovable? * Name the Varmam if affected will render the male patient ooze out semen. * Name the affected Varmam that will render the penis, stand erect * Name the affected Varmam that will make the affected person keep his hand on the head, while passing urine. * Tell me the affected Varmam that will create sexual disability. * Tell me the life centre, if affected which will shorten height of the Victim by a few inches. * Which Varmam is affected that makes a persons teeth & jaw to stick together.

* Which is the Varmam, when affected that makes the patient feel that ants are crawling on the body. * Which is the Varmam when affected, would render blood to come out in Motion? * Which is the affected Varmam that causes lightening in the eye? * Tell me the Varmam if affected will render the teeth to fall. * Which is the Varmam if affected will cause cramps in the body? * Tell me the male, female, and eunuch category in Padu Varmam of the Thadu Varmam. * If there is any difference in the Varma impact to male, female and child. Ans.: Yes/No. * When compared to the no. of life centres, present in the male and female, one Varmam is less in males, which is that Varmam? * Do you know any other Varmam than Padu Varmams? * Name the Varmam if affected will cause unending headache? * Which is the affected Varmam that will make the patient suffer from facial paralysis after 4 years? * Which Varmam impact would cause loss of eye-sight to the patient? * Tell the name of the affected Varmam, for good should avoid sex to live long. * Tell me the name of the Varmam when affected, blood will come out of the mouth nose and ear. * Blood will come out of the mouth & nose if Varmam impact occur? * Name of the Varmam, if affected, the victim will bark like dogs.

* If Kannkootu Varmam is affected on the right side what will happen? * Which is the Varmam if affected, both jaws will be pulled on one side. * Which is the affected life centre that will make the mouth open, limbs rigid, and froth coming out of the mouth. * Which is the nerve affected when the 5 elements boil and the Kapha goes up. * There is a place if pressed, the penis will go in permanently. * Can you make a dead body to raise noise? If so, How? * Which Varmam is affected when the lady could not hold things with the hand? * Which is the inner organ affected, the patient will have one eye closed posture? * Can you tell me the place, when affected, will form black dot on the eye? * Tell me the place if affected, the squint eye will be caused. * Can you stop vomiting or fever by pressing a place in the body? * Which side of the leg is affected, the opposite side eye would close.

Quiz on Varmam (part two)

* Name the place when squeezed will 1) Make a man laugh. 2) Raise gas in his body 3) Hiccup in his body

4) Blood will appear in the motion * Which Varmam affected, the eye ball-will be lowered? * Give the name of the Varmam when affected, worms will come out. * Tell me the name, when affected, the body will feel the worms crawling on the body? * Name ,the, Varmam when affected, would cause male patient excrete, and female patient urinate? * When Convulsion Prevails; which area should be pressed for recovery? * If the vagina gets inside; What is the treatment normally? * If the vagina projects outside; What is the treatment? * Which Varmam is affected, causing odorless fluid oozing in women? * Which Varmam is affected, would cause blood coming out of the anus? * Which Varmam if affected, would cause yellow fluid coming out of the nose, no appetite; and urine will be passed without knowledge. * Which Varmam impact would cause move on one side; and facial paralysis * Which Varmam when affected, would cause female to urinate and male to excrete. * What test would you conduct to insure that the impact at kakkattai Varmam on the collar bone will cure or not? * Which Varmam is affected causing patient to vomit and both his eyes to bulge out. * While Akkil Varmam on umbilicus is affected what are the signs would show on which areas. * When Thali vilangu Varmam is affected. what will happen to patient?

* What Varmam is affected. making the penis shrink and pulled inside. * Which Varmam is affected making the patient. Spit. * What Varmam, if affected would cause hunch-back * What organ if affected will cause turning the patient to one side * Which Varmam if affected would cause. piles coming out of the Anus? * Which Varmam if affected will render the semen coming out, pel1is stands erect * Which Varmam if affected makes the teeth and jaw stick together * Which Varmam if affected. will make eye ball half closed .Which Varmam if affected will cause paralysis. * Which Varmam .if affected, will cause vulva pulled inside * Which Varmam impact would cause blood oozing out with motion? * Which Varmam impact would cause lightening in the eye * Which Varmam if affected, would arise delirium(Sanni) * Which Varmam would ,cause the body, sliding on one side, and height would reduce? * Which Varmam impact would cause hands and legs to be curved, and Tongue becoming black? * What are the signs that a person will show when impact to life centres occurs. * How many life centres more found in female , * What are the precautions that the Thanuologist should make sure before doing retrieval of a patient who is subject to impact.

* What are the signs of death. * To recover from unconscious, tell me the medicine to be given to adult and to child?

Quiz on Varmam (part three)

* When there is Vomiting, fever, Hiccup; How would you stop it by activating Varma.* If the waist to loose and straining how would you stop it * If child cries, gets tired and goes unconscious What is the Varma treatment? * If the wrist comes out of the position; What is the Varma treatment? * Which Varmam if affected, the victim will have blood from mouth and fall lip side down besides being attacked with paralysis. * What test you will do to ensure the following Varmam could be cured or not? * In what Varma impact, the paralysis will arise to victim. . * Name the Varmam if affected, the child born will suffer from polio, and the mother gets T.B. * How does odukki Varmam occur to woman? *Do you know the name of the Varmam that would cause piles pushing-out, if affected? * One cannot turn back and forward, and the stomach pulled Inside, if a Varma impact occurs to patient? / * The patient will make grunting noise similar to pig. Amueri Varmam. * In which Varmam if affected diabetes will arise / the patient will laugh and ,cannot speak *Which Varmam is affected. if the patient will 1. Roar and shout

2. Eye will be rotating & cannot close 3. Back will bend 4. He will urinate involuntarily * Which Varmam is affected, the patient will bark like a dog. * What is the Varmam affected, the tongue will protrude? * What is the Varmam when affected, the patient will feel, the fall of the molten star from sky. * Which Varmam is affected, the Victim will have cataract in the eye. * Which is the Varma that may cause bleeding in the mouth, besides, arising flash of light in the eyes * Which nerve is affected, if the victim will roll on the ground? * Which nerve is affected, if the victim will have semen coming out? * If Varmam impact occurs to the area of the body, the tongue will turn green in colour as that of a frog? * If an organ is affected, blood will come out of nine holes and water will log on the joints of hand. * Which is the nerve broken, that will cause loss of the eye sight? *Which Varmam is affected, the patient will fall crying around and folding his hands as if he is praying? * Which Varmam is affected, the eyes will be twisted?

* Which nerve is affected, the blood will flow out of the nose like milk flowing? . * Which nerve is affected, both hands & legs will get twisted and feeling of worm crawling on the body? * Which are the nerves present in female and absent in male? * Which is the nerve if affected would render the patient to have sexual urge and kiss a stone and bite it. . * Which is the nerve, if affected makes the patient cackle like a hen and fall on the ground and roll * Which is the nerve, if affected makes the patient to embarrass the women with lust. * Which is the .nerve, if affected will render a girl not attaining puberty and no periodic discharge. *Which nerve is affected when the patient would spread his hands and legs like a cuckoo bird, spreading its wings. * Which nerve is affected, causes burning sensation and arising needle like abscess on the nail ends. * Which nerve is injured, causes the patient to roll on the ground, with oozing of semen and convulsion. * Which Varmam is affected at the centre of the spinal cord causing urine and faeces pushing out. *Which Varmams if affected on the head, causes semen to come out in penis.and anus. * Which Varmam is affected will cause feeling \)f crawling worms. *Which nerve is injured, causes patient to go up and down? * Which nerve is affected, causes oozing out of blood from penis and anus?

* Which Varmam is affected that will cause mouth-open, limps rigid and froth from, mouth. (end)

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