ISBN 1-58019-197-5 Doug Batchelor Copyright 2005 by Doug Batchelor All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Published by: Amazing Facts, Inc. P.O. Box 1058 Roseville, CA 95678-8058 800-538-7275 Edited by Anthony Lester Layout by Greg Solie - Altamont Graphics Cover design by Haley Trimmer Visit us online at and check out our online catalog lled with other great books, videos, CDs, audiotapes, and more! Or call 800-538-7275. Dont miss our FREE online Bible Prophecy course at Enroll today and expand your universe! 1. OntheHeelsofPrayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. ThePrincipalBusiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. TheMakeupofPrayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4. AddressingOurGodAsaFamily . . . . 7 5. WhichArtinHeaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6. HallowedBeThyName. . . . . . . . . . . 10 7. ThyKingdomCome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8. ThyWillBeDoneinEarth, AsitIsinHeaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 9. AGreaterWill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 10. TheLordsPrayerandUs. . . . . . . . . . . 18 11. GiveUsThisDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 12. OurDailyBread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 13. AndForgiveUsOurDebts, AsWeForgiveOurDebtors . . . . 23 14. AndLeadUsNot intoTemptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 15. ButDeliverUsfromEvil . . . . . . . . . 27 16. ForThineIstheKingdom, andthePower,andthe Glory,forEver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 17. Amen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Teacl l- to lray . An Amazing Fact: During the Battle of Valley Forge, revolutionary troops were entrenched on the battlefield, freezing and starving. One day, a farmer who lived nearby brought much-needed provisions to the troops, and on his way back through the woods, he heard someone speaking. He tracked the voice until he came to a clearing, where he saw a man on his knees, praying in the snow. The farmer rushed home and excitedly told his wife, The Americans will secure their independence! His wife asked, What makes you say that? The farmer replied, I heard George Washington pray out in the woods today, and the Lord will surely hear his prayer. He will! Thee may rest assured, He will. The rest, of course, is history. ONE On the Heels of Prayer A merica was built on prayera strong foun- dation if there ever was one. Revisionists would have you believe that the signers of the Declaration of Independence were all pantheists, deists, or agnostics who didnt have a lot of time for God. If thats true, then agnostics back then sure prayed a lot more than Christians do today. Teacl l- to lray ! Forinstance,bothmorningandevening,ourfirst President knelt before an open Bible to pray for Gods leading. Perhaps one reason this nation is faltering morally is because Gods people dont spendmuchtimeprayingforher. What I find especially fascinating, however, isthatJesusalsoneededprayer.Naturally,weas- sumethatHisfaithwasinherentlystrong,butthe BibletellsusJesuswouldariseearlyinthemorn- ingandgooffbyHimselftopray.SometimesHe wouldprayallnight,likeHedidbeforechoosing Hisapostles. Afterreadingthatstory,IrealizedthatIdont prayenoughandIdontprayverywell.Yetprayer issoimportant.Indeed,everyrevivalcomesonthe heelsofprayer.Forinstance,Godpouredoutthe HolySpiritatPentecostafterHisnewchurchwas onitskneestogetherfor10days.Andlater,When theyhadprayed,theplacewheretheywereassem- bledtogetherwasshaken;andtheywereallfilled withtheHolySpirit(Acts4:31NKJV).Weneed topraymoreasachurchandinourownlives. TWO The Principal Business C harles Spurgeon said, All the Christian virtues are locked up in the word prayer. Teacl l- to lray 1 OneofthemaintasksoftheChristianisprayer,to havedirectcommunionwithGod. William Kerry was a missionary to Burma, India,andtheWestIndies,buthewasalsoashoe cobbler. People sometimes criticized him for neglecting his trade because he spent so much time in prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving. Kerry answered, Cobbling shoes is a sideline; it helpsmepayexpenses.Prayerismyrealbusiness. AndGodusedhimmightilytoconvertmany.On this topic, Martin Luther commented, As it is thebusinessoftailorstomakeclothes,soitisthe businessofChristianstopray. But how do we pray? I am asked this ques- tion a lot, but the truth is, even I have to ask, Lord, teach me to pray. The disciples asked Christ this question when they saw Him com- ingfromasessionofprayer.Hisfacewasbeam- ing with the light of heaven and energized by theHolySpirit.Nowondertheypleaded,Lord, teachustopray.Still,thesemenhadbeengoing to churchthe templeall of their lives. They had recited hundreds of prayers and had heard the priests pray out loud. Yet when they saw Christ,theyknewtheyweremissingsomething. Somehow they, like most of us, failed in their principalbusiness. Teacl l- to lray Sadly,notverymanyknowwhatitmeansto pray, and thus it is probably the most neglected opportunity and privilege we have. Yet every Christianneeds the giftof prayer becauseits the breathofthesoul.Jesussaid,Youdonothavebe- causeyoudonotask(James4:2NKJV).Hewasnt saying we never pray, but that we ask poorly. So howdoweask? Ithinkthebestwaytofindoutistofirstlook at the pattern our Lord gave us, which is com- monlycalledtheLordsPrayer.Ofcourse,thats reallyamisnomer,becauseitwasntactuallyJesus prayer. Jesus said, After this manner therefore prayye(Matthew6:9).Itsapatternforustopray, so technically its really a disciples prayer. Lets lookatthisblueprintforprayertolearnhowGod wantsustocometoHim. THREE The Makeup of Prayer T he Lords Prayer is comprised of seven peti- tions, which are divided up very much like the Ten Commandments. The first three peti- tions are God-wardverticaland the last four petitions deal with the horizontal relationships we have with others. Likewise, the first great commandmentistolovetheLord,andthesecond Teacl l- to lray t great commandment is to love your neighbor. Godshouldcomefirstinourprayers;Hiscounsel and will should be the great priority in our lives. Butwemustalsonotneglectourrelationshipson earth, which is why Jesus model includes those aroundus. Right now, well concentrate on those first threepetitions,andlater,welllookatourprayers concerning our friends, family, and neighbors. Then we will find some biblical and practical answerstocommonquestionsaboutprayer. First, lets consider that these first three pe- titions to God have a unique relationship to the Godhead.ThefirstpetitiondealswiththeFather, OurFatherHallowedbethyname.Thesec- ond petition deals with the kingdom; thats the Son. Jesus spoke many parables about the Son going to receive a kingdom, and coming back as the King of kings. Without Him, we couldnt even come to the Father. And concerning your will,whoisitthatleadsusintothewillofGod? The Spirit, the one who impresses on us the will of God and the love for Christ. It is the Spirit who gives the power to do the will of God. And so you have the Father, the Son, and the Spirit represented in the first three petitions of the LordsPrayer. Teacl l- to lray FOUR Addressing Our God As a Family G od as a father is a theme that runs through the entire Bible. He is the creator of all life, and the protector of His children. In the Old Testament,Hislistofnamesincludes:Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father(Isaiah9:6).Heispowerfulandomnipo- tent,yetHeisalsotheall-sufficientprovider.Taken together,HesurelyistheGodoftheuniverserul- ing from heaven, but we can still approach Him personallyasourFather. Evenbetter,OurFathertellsusthatweare receivedaschildrenofGod.Behold,whatman- neroflovetheFatherhathbestoweduponus,that weshouldbecalledthesonsofGod(1John3:1). GodiswillingtoadoptusintoHisfamily.Whata beautifultruth!OurFathersayswecansharein theinheritanceHegavethroughChristthatwe are a part of the heavenly family. The Bible says, If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall yourFathergivegoodthingstothemthatask Him (Matthew 7:11)? We can go to our Father knowing that He has the very best gifts in store forus. Teacl l- to lray S The very phrase Our Father is clothed with love. Hes someone who we can safely ap- proach with love, even when He disciplines us. Proverbs3:12records,ForwhomtheLordloves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights(NKJV).Psalm103:13adds,Justasafa- therhascompassiononhischildren,SotheLord hascompassiononthosewhofearHim(NASV). This also means that we are a family of brothers and sisters, praying to our Father. Hes not just myFather;HesyourFathertoo. Thisbringstomindanotherreasonwhythis prayer is such a great pattern for us. Notice the word I doesnt appear in the entire prayer! We alltypicallyprayfrequentlyusingIorme,but in this prayer, its a collective. In our culture, we gettheequationupsidedown;itsyou,thenyour friends, and then God. In the Bible, the priority is reversed. Love the Lord, then your neighbor, and then you. (If you need an easy way to re- member,justthinkofJ-O-Y.ThatsJesus,Others, andYou!) FIVE Which Art in Heaven O ur pattern of prayer also tells us how near andhowfarourLordreallyisfromus.Our Teacl l- to lray ! Father is a very intimate, up-close idea, but in heavengivesusasenseofHisdistancefromus. We are separated from God, and were acknowl- edging that by saying, Theres a problem: Were here;Yourethere.Whatscausedthisseparation? Isaiahsays,Youriniquities[sins]haveseparated youfromyourGod(59:2NKJV). Inthegarden,GodaskedAdam,Whereare you?Inourprayer,wereconfessingtoGodthat werefarawayfromHimmuchinthesameway that Adam ran from God. Weve been separated from paradise. But we have hope. Did you know that the first three chapters in the Bible tell how sin came in through the serpent and that weve been separated from heaven and paradise; how- ever, the last three chapters of the Bible tell how theserpentisdestroyed,paradiseisrestored,and wereonceagaintogetherwithGod? Another reason the Bible says, which art in heaven, is because we need to make a distinc- tion between our earthly fathers and our heav- enly Father. Our earthly fathers are frail, carnal, and sinners by nature of being human. The God inheavenisperfect.Allofushaveanatural,sub- conscious tendency to superimpose on God our relationshipwithourearthlyfather.Forinstance, those who have earthly fathers that are overly Teacl l- to lray I| indulgentendupthinkingthatGodtheheavenly Fatherisalsopermissive.Thosewhohaveearthly fathers that are stern generally have a picture of theheavenlyFatherasanexactingjudge. That ought to make us think. We need to spendalotoftimeinprayeraskingGodtoover- rulethemistakeswehavemadewithourchildren. Yet when the Bible says, Our Father which art inheaven,itstellingusweneedtolookpastour flawed earthly relationships and know that He is ourperfectmodelandthatwecanapproachHim directly. You dont have to see God through the brokenglassesofyourfamilyexperience. SIX Hallowed Be Thy Name S o we have approached God because Hes our Fatherinheaven.Andourfirstpetitiontoour God is Hallowed be thy name. Now the name of God is a central issue in the great controversy betweengoodandevil.Thewholepurposeofthe planofsalvationistodefendthegloryofGod. ThedevilhasslanderedGodsname.Doyou knowsomeonewhohassaid,IfGodislove,then why do innocent children die? Insurance com- paniescallearthquakes,floods,andothernatural disasters Acts of God. What kind of reputation Teacl l- to lray II doesthatgiveGod?Thedevilisamasteratsmear- ing the character of our Father. He has God, the good, wonderful, loving, longsuffering, merciful One,portrayedasacruel,indifferenttyrantarbi- trarily punishing His creatures. Gods name has beendefiledbythedevil. Thus the purpose of the Christian, by Gods grace, is to defend the name of God as much as wecan,torevealwhoHereallyis.Unfortunately, weneedtoprayhallowedbetheynamebecause werenotverygoodatit.EvenintheBible,wesee GodsownpeopledomoretodishonorHisname than the full-fledged pagans. And times really haventchangedmuchsinceantiquity. Remember, we said the Lords Prayer some- whatmirrorstheTenCommandments.Thethird one commands, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain(Exodus20:7).UsingGodsnameinprofan- ity is only one small part of breaking this com- mandment. But taking Gods name is like a wife taking her husbands last name. When youre a baptized Christian, you take the name of Christ, but if you live like the devil after youve taken Christs name, youre taking His name in vain. Who does more harm to the Christian cause, Teacl l- to lray I. the pagans or professed Christians who live like theworld? Christians should be advertising for the goodnessofGod,butinmanycasesChristiansdo moreharm.Instead,allaroundtheworld,wesee professedChristiansattackingandkillingothers, suchasinIreland,Africa,andCroatia.Whatdoes thatdotoGodsname?Jesussays,Loveyourene- miesovercomeevilwithgood(Matthew5:44; Romans12:21).Christisslanderedbecauseofthe badbehaviorofthosewhotakeHisnameinvain. SoHallowedbethynameisaskingGodtohelp us,inwordanddeed,honorHispreciousname. SEVEN Thy Kingdom Come W eareinthemiddleofabattlebetweentwo kingdoms.Anenemykidnappedtheworld when Adam and Eve surrendered the dominion thatGodhadgiventhemovertheearth.Eversince, thepriorityofGodschildrenhasbeentoseekye firstthekingdomofGod(Matthew6:33). Of course, we must make two distinctions when we speak of Gods kingdomthe spiri- tual and the physical. We know that the spiritual kingdom of God is very much alive in the world today,becauseLuke17:21says,Thekingdomof Teacl l- to lray I! Godiswithinyou.WhenJesusbeganpreaching afterHisbaptism,Hesaid,Thetimeisfulfilled, andthekingdomofGodisathand(Mark1:15). This aspect of the kingdom is available now. If youhaveacceptedChristintoyourheart,thenHe reigns from His throne in your heart. Paul says, Let not sin reign in your mortal body, but ratherletJesusbeyourKingandruleoverallthat youdo(Romans6:12).Thatsthefirstkingdomwe shouldseekafter:Godsspiritualkingdomwithin ourhearts. But someday the meek will inherit the earth andGodsliteralkingdomisgoingtoruleoverthis worldwithaveryrealandphysicalkingdom.Do youthinkwewouldneedtopray,Thykingdom come,ifGodskingdomwasalreadyestablished? When Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, as recordedinActs1,thedisciplesasked,WillYou atthistimerestorethekingdom?Jesusanswered, It is not for you to know times or seasons (Acts1:6,7NKJV). ThecentralmessageinthebookofDanielis thatthekingdomsandidolsoftheworld,whether they are made of gold, silver, bronze, or clay will all disintegrate before the Rock of Agesthe kingdomofGod.TheGodofheavenwillsetupa kingdomwhichshallneverbedestroyed;andthe Teacl l- to lray I1 kingdomshallnotbelefttootherpeople;itshall breakinpiecesandconsumeallthesekingdoms, anditshallstandforever(Daniel2:44NKJV). For the time being, we are ambassadors of another empire, advertising for a kingdom that willsomedayfilltheearth.Christsaid,Ibestow uponyouakingdom,justasMyFatherbestowed oneuponme(Luke22:29NKJV).Whenthethief onthecrossturnedtoChristandsaid,Lord,re- membermewhenyoucomeintoYourkingdom, heacceptedChristashisKing(Luke23:42NKJV). Thatswhyhellbeinthekingdom,becausehehad thespiritualkingdomthatbeginsinyourheart. ThephrasethekingdomofGodisfound70 timesintheNewTestament.Why?Becausethere aretwokingsatwar,Jesusandthedevil,whosays hes the prince of this world. Thats why we still need to pray that His kingdom will come: first withinus,thensomedayaroundus. EIGHT Thy Will Be Done in Earth, As it Is in Heaven C ontrary to popular belief, Gods will in this world is not always being done. I respect- fullydisagreewiththenotionthateverythingthat happens is in accordance with the Creators will. Teacl l- to lray I Whensomethingbadhappens,likeatornado,you inevitably hear someone say, Well, it must have been the will of God. I dont believe thats what the Bible teaches, and if thats really true, why wouldGodhaveuspraythatHiswillbedone? Conversely,noteverythingthatappearstobe goodisfromGodsstorehouseeither.Sometimes the devil may even cast prosperity in someones path to stall or derail their longing for God. You and I have no idea whats going on behind the spiritualveil,whichiswhywehavetopray,Thy willbedoneinearthasitisinheaven. You and I naturally have our wills twisted and confused by our carnal desires. We need to pray that Gods grace and His Spirit will guide ourwillsintoconformitywithHis.Wealsoneed to learn what His will is for us, and we find the best expression of that in the Word. For begin- ners,thesimplestformofGodswilliscalledthe Ten Commandments. I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart (Psalm40:8NKJV).SowhenweprayThywillbe done,werereallyprayingthatHiswillbedonein usthroughsubmissionandobedience. Of course, Jesus is the perfect example of doingGodswillhereontheearth.InJohn6:38,He proclaims, For I have come down from heaven, Teacl l- to lray It not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me (NKJV). In the garden of Gethsemane, facing separation from the father, Christ peti- tioned God three times with, Not My will, but yours, be done (Luke 22:42 NKJV). Is it always easytodoGodswill?No.Ifitwasatremendous struggleforJesus,wewillalsoneedtopray,Thy willbedone. NINE A Greater Will W hen God created most things, He merely spoke them into existence. But when He made Adam, he took dust from the ground, formed it with His hands, and breathed life into it.Hemadehumanityfromtheearth.Sowhenwe pray, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heav- en,werealsoadmittingwerereallyjustclay.In earthalsomeansinus.Werehumblingourselves beforeGod,recognizingthatinourrebellion,our wills are perverted. When we pray Thy will be done,weregivingHimpermissiontouseusac- cordingtoHispurpose. The Lord will never force His will on you because of the precious gift of freedom. Hes not goingtoforceyoutopray,Thywillbedone.You havetochoosetodoit,tosurrenderyourwill,tobe Teacl l- to lray I Hisservant,andgiveHimpermissiontoactivate Hispowerandplaninyourlife.Whenyouunder- standthatsecret,youllunlockthestorehousesof heavenspower. But be advised, it works the other way too. Many of us are harassed by the devil because we give the devil our will. You may choose who your master is. And when we, through constant surrender, comply with the temptations that the devil puts in our path, we start giving him in- creasedpowertoactivatehisdesiresinourlives. And ironically, when we exercise our freedom to submit to the devil, we, inch by inch, lose our freedom!Thedevilpossessesournatures,andwe becomehisslaves. Yet it is possible to be filled by Gods Spirit. Would you like that experience? Most of us are struggling somewhere between the willing spirit andweakflesh,butwhenyouunderstandthatby choosingandsaying,Lord,Iwantyoutobemy God. I want you to take control. I surrender my will. Im giving myself to you. I am powerless on my own, you are then giving Him the power to release His will in your life. Hes waiting, but He cant force it on us. So remember that when you pray,dontforgettoask,Thywillbedoneinearth asitisinheaven. Teacl l- to lray IS TEN The Lords Prayer and Us I n World War II, a British soldier was seen creeping back in from the front lines. He was capturedbyhisownarmyandaccusedofconspir- ingwiththeenemy,ashehadnotbeengivenper- missiontoleave.Hesaid,Ihavebeenoutinthe woods praying. His fellow soldiers mocked him and immediately ordered him to offer up some evidence.Hesimplytoldthemhewasbyhimself andthathejustneededtopray.Hiscaptorsthreat- ened to charge him as a traitor, saying, Youre going to be executed unless you pray right now andconvinceusthatyouwerereallypraying. Theprivatethenfellonhiskneesandbegan to offer an eloquent, heartfelt prayer as one who was about to meet his maker. But by the end of theprayer,thecommanderinchargesaidhewas free to go. I believe your story, he said. If you hadnotspentsomuchtimeatdrill,youwouldnot have performed so well during review. He then added, I can tell from the way you prayed that youareonregularspeakingtermswithGod. The times of our prayers should be frequent andregular,butevenmoreimportantthecontent should be outward. I frequently catch myself Teacl l- to lray I! beginning with gimme prayers: Dear, Lord, givemethisandgivemethatandneartheend,I add,God,Ipraiseyourname.Accordingtothe patternChristgaveus,thatsbackwards.IknowI underscored this point already, but its worth re- peating. God has convicted me that my prayers aretooselfish,andIneedtokeepHimandothers firstinmindwhenIgototheFatherinprayer. Although were about to focus on prayer for ourselves, I feel that before we delve into these absolutely necessary facets of prayer, we need to make sure we have the right order of prayer in mind. Obviously, we should pray for our needs, but as Jesus indicated, when we pray, we want to acknowledgeGodsholyname,Hispurposes,and His kingdom before all other things. And all of our needs must be viewed in the context of His will.Withthatcarefulreminder,wecancontinue ourstudyanddiscoverwhathappenswhenweask theLord,TeachUstoPray! ELEVEN Give Us This Day B readrepresentsmanythingsintheBible.First, dailybreadmeanstheprovisionsnecessary for sustaining life from day to day. Of course, thisisapatternofprayer,soitdoesntmeanthat Teacl l- to lray .| you cant also pray for water, clothing, and other needs.Whenweprayforourdailybread,werere- ally asking God to supply the basic necessities of oureverydaylives. Shouldawealthypersonwiththeircupboards full still pray Give us this day our daily bread? Yes, absolutely. Never take the blessing of basics for granted. Remember Jobs full barns were all lostinoneday. Godistellingusthatweshouldfeelconfident tocomebeforeourLord,askingHimtofulfillour needs.Ofcourse,Heisalreadywellawareofthese needs,butHewantsustoknowthatitisHewho providesalltrulygoodthingsforHischildren.For instance,whentheJewswentthroughthewilder- ness,theyprayedforfood,andGodrainedmanna fromheaven,showingHiscontinual,lovingprovi- sion.DontbeafraidorashamedtoaskHewants youto! Remember,though,thatwhenwepray,Give us our daily bread, it doesnt mean that God expectsusnottogooutandearnit.Somepeople thinktheycanpraytheLordsPrayerandthensit back and do nothing, expecting Him to answer. When the Lord rained down manna, the Jews went out to collect it. They didnt lie back with their mouths open, waiting for it to fall directly Teacl l- to lray .I intotheirmouths.Noticetoothatthemannafell outsidethecamp;itdidntrainontheirtents.Part ofgettingthebreadisgoingoutandharvestingit wherewework.Afterthat,theJewshadtoknead the manna and bake it; only after working could theyconsumetheirdailybread.Wemustlikewise invest ourselves in the process and not become lazy with the Lords blessings. Dont forget that givingusourbreaddaybydayalsoincludesthis understoodcaveat:sixdaysshaltthoulabor. TWELVE Our Daily Bread I s food all that is entailed in daily bread? As with most lessons in the Bible, our daily breadhasaveryimportantspiritualapplication. In Matthew 4:4, Jesus teaches, Man shall not live bybreadalone,butbyeverywordthatproceedeth outofthemouthofGodusingthewordbread todescribeallthetemporalneedsofhumanity. Mostimportant,Hewouldlatersay,Iamthe bread of life (John 6:35). Christ was not speak- ing only of our physical needs, but instructing us to invite God into our hearts every day. The bread represents Jesus, our spiritual food, which isfargreaterandmorefulfillingthananyphysical breadonearth. Teacl l- to lray .. How often do we need to be spiritually fed? All through its sacred pages, the Bible speaks of praying daily. Evening, and morning, and at noon,willIpray(Psalm55:17).Dailybread,daily communionwiththeLord,shouldbeourtoppri- ority.Whydowenotsay,Lord,givemeamonths supply?Mostofusdontfretfromdaytodaythat the refrigerator is going to be empty, so we dont often appreciate the implications of praying for dailybread.Althoughthosewholivedthroughthe Depression may understand such a concept, few Americanstoday,livinginasocietyofsuchmas- sive abundance, have ever really struggled from daytodaysearchingforsomethingtoeat.Infact, someofushavemonthsoffoodinthepantry. But many of us dont have even a few min- utes of spiritual food stored up in our hearts and minds. Which bread is more important, the physicalorthespiritual?Howmanyofushavea monthssupplyofspiritualbread?Weneedtocol- lectsomeeveryday.Youcantlivetomorrowsolely on what youve collected today. Some have a few calories stored up, having memorized Scripture, and its going to come in handy, but if you want your Christian experience to be vital and full of life,youmusthavedailydevotions.Youvegotto gooutandgatherthatspiritualmanna. Teacl l- to lray .! Onefinalthought:TheBibledoesntsay,Give methisdaymydailybread.Rather,Jesusteaches us to pray, Give us this day our daily bread. Its our bread, friend. Its not my bread. We ought to beasconcernedabouttheneedsofothersasmuch as,ormorethan,ourown. Scripture teaches, Bear ye one anothers burdens (Galatians 6:2). We should be doing that physically, assisting the weak by offering ourresourcesandourstrengthtohelpthem.We should also do it spiritually, by lifting each other up in prayer, offering one anothers petitions on ourknees.Andwemustdothisdaily,persistently. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which crydayandnightuntohim,thoughhebearlong withthem(Luke18:7)? THIRTEEN And Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors D id you know Jesus makes only one di- rect commentary on the Lords Prayer? In Matthew, when He finishes teaching the prayer, He adds, For if ye forgive men their trespasses, yourheavenlyFatherwillalsoforgiveyou:Butifye forgivenotmentheirtrespasses,neitherwillyour Father forgive your trespasses (6:14, 15). Christ Teacl l- to lray .1 revealsaconnectionbetweentheverticalandthe horizontalrelationshiprightinthemiddleofthe LordsPrayer.Perhapsweshouldlisten! Is this God saying, Ill make you a deal: You all forgive each otherno bitterness, no grudges, no more talking about the bad things you did to each otherand Ill forgive you? Is that what God says? Is that the gospel? No, thats not what leads to our forgiveness. Were notsavedbythebasisofourworks.Instead,the gospel says that we are to come just as we are to God, and He will forgive us. However, God says,Nowthatyoureforgiven,Iexpectyouto forgiveeachother. However,althoughyourenotsavedbyyour works,ifyoucontinuetoliveindefiance,youll belostbecauseitsevidencethatyourenotseri- ousaboutfollowingJesus.Themercyandgrace of God cannot be cultivated in a heart thats embracing a bitter and unforgiving spirit. Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Has some- oneevertalkedbadlyaboutyou?Weveallbeen hurt. And often, we become defensive and start viewingthatpersonnarrowly,andwemayeven wonder if we can dig up a little dirt to even the score. Is that the spirit of Jesus, who when he wasreviledherevilednotagain? Teacl l- to lray . TheBiblesaysthatwhenwerealizethehigh priceChristhaspaidforourforgiveness,itmakes iteasierforustoforgiveoneanother.Solikewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye fromyourheartsforgivenoteveryonehisbrother theirtrespasses(Matthew18:35).Weneedtobe willingtoforgiveoneanother,andGodpointsthis outtousrepeatedlyinScripture.Andwhenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you donotforgive,neitherwillyourFatherinheaven forgiveyourtrespasses(Mark11:25,26NKJV). Can you mentally forgive a person even thoughyoumaynotfeellikeit?Yes,justlikeyou canacceptforgivenesseventhoughyoumightnot feelforgiven.Itsdonebyfaith.Youcanchooseto forgiveotherswhohaveharmedyou.Eventhough youmayneverbeableforgetwhathappened,you cansay,Lord,byyourgraceIamgoingtoforgive them.Youmakethatconsciouschoice,andthen thegraceofGodfollows. WhenyouaccepttheforgivenessofGod,His grace naturally follows. You must first have faith that God is going to help you forgive. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy (Matthew5:7).Ifwecantforgiveeachother,God Teacl l- to lray .t cant forgive us, because our hearts are not open either to give or receive forgiveness. Thats seri- ous,isntit?Itsgoingtorequireanactofgracea miracleforustobeabletodothat. FOURTEEN And Lead Us Not into Temptation T hisparticularpetitionistheonethatismost misunderstood. At a glance, it almost seems as though were begging God not to tempt us. Please,Lord,weknowyoudontwanttotemptus. YetifIdontaskyounottotemptme,youregoing to tempt me. Thats a really poor translation. In fact,James1:13says,Letnomansaywhenheis tempted,IamtemptedofGod:forGodcannotbe temptedwithevil,neithertemptethheanyman. Werenotpleading,Lord,pleasedonttempt me. So what is this really saying? Well, because we are naturally prone to walk toward tempta- tion, were asking God to lead us away from it. Translated more precisely, the prayer would go more like this: Lead us away from our natural benttotemptation. Do we need to pray that prayer? You bet! We are prone to playing too close to the edge. OneministersaysthatwhentheLordsaystoflee temptation,weoftencrawlawayhopingitcatches Teacl l- to lray . upwithus.Itslikegravityinsideourhearts,pull- ingustowardsin.SowehavetopleadwithGodto helpusresistthatforce. Thedevillikesitwhenwecrawl,becauseits easier to catch us with those little compromises. TheconvictedspyAldrichAmessaidthathedidnt wakeuponedayandsay,IthinkImgoingtobea spy.IthinkImgoingtoturneverythingovertothe Russians for money. One day, very innocuously, hemetaRussianwhoasked,Couldyougiveme aphonedirectory?Illgiveyoualotofmoney.It wasjustaphonedirectory,butthenlittlebylittle, hegavethemmoreandmoreuntilonedayhesold themnuclearsecrets.Thisishowthedevilworks withtemptationlittlecompromises.KingDavid committed adultery with Bathsheba, murdered Uriah, and lied to his people. And it began with a small, lingering, lustful look. We should pray, Lord, lead me away from even the little things, becausethatshowthebigthingsstart. FIFTEEN But Deliver Us from Evil I really like the seventh petition, which says, but deliver us from evil. We live in a world drowninginthemurkyblacknessofsin.Theonly thing that really gives Christians long-term hope Teacl l- to lray .S is that God promises things arent always going tobethisway.Werelookingforultimatedeliver- ance, and when we utter deliver us, were talk- ingaboutChristcomingonthewhitesteedthe King of kings and the Lord of lords establishing Hiskingdomandwipingouteverylastvestigeof evilreigningintheworldtoday. Deliverustakesusawayfromevilandsepa- rates us from it eternally. Another way to phrase itis,deliverusfromtheevilone.Andweought to be praying not only that God keeps us from temptation, but that He also delivers our broth- ers,becausethedevilispowerfulandcunning,far greaterthanwearebyourselves.Thatswhyweso desperatelyneedGodtoleadus. Inspeakingofthesecondcoming,Christsaid, Prayalways(Luke21:36).Imnotsurehowoften thatreallymeans,butlookatyourownprayerlife andseeifitmeasuresup.Thefulltextreads,Pray always,thatyemaybeaccountedworthytoescape allthesethingsthatshallcometopass,andstand before the Son of man. Are you praying always? Jesusalsosaidthatweoughttopraythatourflight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day (Matthew 24:20). Have you prayed that prayer? Everyday,everyhour,weshouldbeprayingtobe deliveredfromevilsothatwecanescapewhatis Teacl l- to lray .! about to happen in this world. Pray that we will beultimatelydeliveredandsavedfromevilwithin and around us. You cant be saved from an evil worlduntilyourefirstsavedfromanevilheart. SIXTEEN For Thine Is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ever T his powerful culmination is found only in Matthew, and what it speaks about is rivet- ing. We are in the midst of a great controversy. The devil says he is the rightful king and that he has the power. Yet Christ, before He ascend- ed to heaven, established His preeminence: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18). This prayer reinforces that we should never forget who is in charge of this uni- verse. The prayer doesnt say, Thine will be the kingdom,ratherThineisthekingdom.Indeed, allthepetitionsintheLordsPrayerareonlypos- sible because Christ is the power. He has control overallthingsnow. The devil lives for pride, to bring glory to himself. The Christians motive is to bring honor to God, to give Him the glory. Thats why Satan hungerstobeagod.Hewantsthegloryhedoesnt deserve. The end of this prayer sets the record Teacl l- to lray !| straightinourownmindsandhearts,confessing before God that we know His character and goodnesswillbesoonvindicated. SEVENTEEN Amen J esus said, In this manner pray. Its not so muchHisprayer,butourprayer.Itstheprayer ofthosewhowanttofollowHim.Thatsalsowhy this prayer must be something that flows from a truly converted heart. It ought to be a defini- tionofyourspiritandattitude.Oneauthorputit thisway: IcannotsayourifIliveonlyformyself. I cannot say Father if I do not endeavor each day to act like his child. I cannot say whoartinheavenifImlayingupnotrea- sures there. I cannot say hallowed be thy name if I am not striving for holiness. I cannot say thy kingdom come if Im not seeking to hasten the blessed hope. I can- notsaythywillbedoneifIamdisobedi- enttohisword.Icannotsayinearthasit is in heaven if Ill not serve him here and now.Icannotsaygiveusthisdayourdaily breadifIamselfishlyhoardingforthefu- Teacl l- to lray !I ture.IcannotsayforgiveusourdebtsifI harbor a grudge against anyone. I cannot sayleadusnotintotemptationifIdelib- eratelyplacemyselfinitspath.Icannotsay deliverusfromevilifIdonotlongforho- liness.Icannotsaythineisthekingdomif IdonotgiveJesusthethroneofmyheart.I cannotattributetohimthepowerifIfear whatmenmaydo.Icannotascribetohim thegloryifImseekingformyownhonor. I cannot say forever if Im living only for temporaryearthlyrewards. WhenwepraytheLordsPrayer,itmustbein aspiritofcompletesurrender.Andifweregoing tobereadywhenJesuscomes,weneedtolearnto praythewayJesustaught.Theessenceofprayeris boundupinlovingGodwithallourhearts,forwe cannotreallyloveHimifwearentgettingtoknow Him.Ifwerenotcommunicatingoursorrowsand ourjoys,evenourmostintimatesecrets,howcan weloveHim? Iurgeyoutoinvestmoretimeonyourknees, butifyoucantbeonyourknees,Iurgeyoutojust pray.Recognizethatitisessentialtospendquality time with Christ in your personal and corporate prayersanddevotions,sowecanimplementthose Teacl l- to lray !. changes in our lives that will glorify God. Take advantage of the daily bread of Gods Word, andcommunicatetoGodyourdesiretobetrans- formed from selfish to selfless. Lets pray for one another more than anything else. Lets stand to- getherandliftourvoicestoheavensothatweare more united in the brotherhood and sisterhood ofJesus. OneofmyfavoritestudiesintheBibleisread- ingthegreatprayersoftheOldTestament.Ihope you will read them too. Read Hannahs prayer found in Samuel 2. Daniels prayer in Daniel 9 is also very special. You can also find Solomons moving dedication prayer in Chronicles. Youll find that many of these prayers have elements of the Lords Prayer in them. They are about Gods glory,Godsprovision,andGodsdeliverance,and theyrereallyabouthowallofusasChristiansare inthistogether,prayingforoneanother. Like the British soldier whose prayer set himfree,weresoongoingtobereviewedbyour Commanderinheaven.Weneedtospendtimein drill practice, preparing for the main event. We needtosay,Lord,teachustopray.Hesgivenus thepatterninHisWord,soletsbesuretoabidein it. My hope is that you will never see this prayer thesamewayagain. Visit us online at and check out our online catalog lled with other great books, videos, CDs, audiotapes, and more! Or call 800-538-7275. 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