Ch03 - Harmonically Excited Vibrations - Part1

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match the items in the two columns below:

1. Magnification factor of an undamped system
2. Period of beating
3. Magnification factor of a damped system
4. Damped frequency
S. Quality factor
6. Displacement transmissibility
3.6 Match the following equations of motion:
1. m"i + ci + kz = -my
2. M x' + ex + kx = meCli sin wt
3. mx + kx pN = F(t)
4. mx + k(1 + i{J)x = Fo sin wt
S. mx + eX + kx = Fosinwt
2 ....
00" - I)
1 + (2'r)2 J1/2
b. (I _ r2)2 +
1- r

a. System with Coulomb damping
b. System with viscous damping
c. System subject to base excitation
d. System with hysteresis damping
e. System with rotating unbalance
Section 3.3 Response of an Undamped System Under Harmonic Force
3.1 A weight of 50 N is suspended from a spring of stiffness 4000 N/m and is subjected to a har
monic force of amplitude 60 N and frequency 6 Hz. Find (a) the extension of the spring due
to the suspended weight, (b) the static displacement of the spring due to the maximum
applied force, and (c) the amplitude of forced motion of the weight.
3.2 A spring-mass system is subjected to a harmonic force whose frequency is close to the nat-
ural frequency of the system.1fthe forcing frequency is 39.8 Hz and the natural frequency is
40.0 Hz, determine the period of beating.
3.3 Consider a spring-mass system, with k = 4000 N/m and m = 10 kg, subject to a harmonic
force F(t) = 400 cos lOt N. Find and plot the total response of the system under the follow-
ing initial conditions:
B. Xo = 0.1 m,.:to = 0
b. Xo = 0,;'0 = IOmls
e. Xo = 0.1 m,;,o = IOmls
3.4 Consider a springmass system, with k = 4000 N/m and m = 10 kg, subject to a harmonic
force F(t) = 400 cos 20t N. Find and plot the total response of the system under the fol-
lowing initial conditions:
a. Xo = 0.1 In, Xo = 0
b. Xo = 0, Xo = IOmis
c. Xo = O.lm,xo = IOmis
3.S Consider a spring-mass system, with k = 4000 N/m and m = 10 kg, subject to a harmonic
force F(t) = 400 cos 20.1t N. Find and plot the total response of the system under the fol-
lowing initial conditions:
a. Xo = 0.1 In, :to = 0
b. Xo = 0, Xo = IOmis
c. Xo = O.lm,xo = IOmis
3.6 Consider a spring-mass system, with k = 4000 N/m and m = 10 kg, subject to a harmonic
force F(t) = 400 cos 30t N. Find and plot the total response of the system under the follow-
ing initial conditions:
a. Xo = 0.1 In, Xo = 0
b. Xo = 0, Xo = IOmis
c. Xo = O.lm,:to = IOmis
3.7 A spring-mass system consists of a mass weighing 100 N and a spring with a stiffness of
2000 N/m. The mass is subjected to resonance by a harmonic force F(t) = 25 cos wt N.
Find the amplitude of the forced motion at the end of (a) t cycle, (b) 2 cycles, and (c) ~ cycles.
3.8 A mass m is suspended from a spting of stiffness 4000 N/m and is subjected to a harmonic
force having an amplitude of 100 N and a frequency of 5 Hz. The amplitude of the forced
motion of the mass is observed to be 20 mm. Find the value of In.
3.9 A spring-mass system with m = 10 kg and k = 5000 N/m is subjected to a harmonic force
of amplitude 250 N and frequency w. If the maximum amplitude of the mass is observed to
be 100 mm, find the value of w.
3.10 In Fig. 3.I(a), a periodic force F(t) = Fo cos wt is applied at a point on the spring that is
located at a distance of 25 percent of its length from the fixed support. Assuming that c = 0,
find the steady-state response of the mass In.
3.11 A spring-mass system, resting on an inclined plane, is subjected to a harmonic force as
shown in Fig. 3.38. Find the response of the system by asswning zero initial conditions.
3.12 The natural frequency of vibration of a person is found to be 5.2 Hz while standing on a hor-
izontal floor. Asswning damping to be negligible, determine the following:
a. If the weight of the person is 70 kg,. determine the equivalent stiffness of his body in the
vertical direction.
b. If the floor is subjected to a vertical harmonic vibration of frequency of 5.3 Hz and ampli-
tude of 0.1 m due to an unbalanccdrotating machine operating on the floor, determine the
vertical displacement of the person.
k ~ 4,000 N/m
3.13 Plot the forced-vibration response of a spring-mass system given by Eq. (3.13) for the fol-
lowing sets of data:
a. Set 1: 8
= 0.1, W = 5,00
= 6, Xo = 0.1, Xo = 0.5
b. Set 2: 8" ~ 0.1, w ~ 6.1, w. ~ 6, Xo ~ 0.1, Xo ~ 0.5
Co Set 3: 8" ~ 0.1, w ~ 5.9, w. ~ 6, Xo ~ 0.1, Xo ~ 0.5
3.14 A spring-mass system is set to vibrate from zero initial conditions under a harmonic force.
The response is found to exhibit the phenomenon of beats with the period of beating equal to
0.5 s and the period of oscillation equal to 0.05 s. Find the natural frequency of the system
and the frequency of the harmonic force.
3.15 A spring-mass system, with m ~ 100 kg and k ~ 400 N/m, is subjected to a harmonic force
f(t} ~ Focos wt withFo ~ ION. Find the response of the system when wis equal to (a) 2
rad/s, (b) 0.2 rad/s, and ( c) 20 radls. Discuss the results.
3.16 An aircraft engine has a rotating unbalanced mass m at radius r. If the wing can be modeled
as a cantilever beam of uniform cross section a X b, as shown in Fig. 3.39(b), determine the
maximum deflection of the engine at a speed of N rpm. Assume damping and effect of the
wing between the engine and the free end to be negligible.
3.17 A three-bladed wind turbine (Fig. 3.4O(a has a small unbalanced mass m located at a radius
r in the plane of the blades. The blades are located from the central vertical (y) axis at a dis-
tance R and rotate at an angular velocity of w. If the supporting truss can be modeled as a hol-
low steel shaft of outer diameter 0.1 m and inner diameter 0.08 m, determine the maximum
stresses developed at the base of the support (point A). The mass moment of inertia of the tur-
bine system about the vertical (y) axis is 10. Assume R ~ 0.5 m, m ~ 0.1 kg, r ~ 0.1 m,
10 ~ 100 kg_m
, h ~ 8 m, and w ~ 31.416 rad/s.
I' L----ItL
f<-#--I------j fE
"", ,
, '
r - R ~
r-R---j ,
- Gw%
, 7 ' ~
I /,J,t
FIGURE 3.40 11uoo-blodod wind twbioe. ~ _ of -.. ""'"'"''''''' IN", . )
3.18 An electromagnetic fatigue-testing machine is shown in Fig. 3.41 in which an alternating force
is applied to the specimen by passing an alternating current of frequency f through the anna-
1lIre. If the weight of the anna1llre is 40 lb, the stiffness of the spting (k
) is 1O,217.0296lblin,.
and the stiffness of the steel specimen is 75 X 10
Ibrm., detemtine the frequency of the alter-
nating current that induces a stress in the specimen that is twice the amount generated by
the magnets.
(stiffness, 1<,,)
(stiffness, k, )
FIGURE 3.41 Electromagnetic fatigue-testing machine.
3.19 The spring actuator shown in Fig. 3.42 operates by using the air pressure from a pneumatic
controller (P) as input and providing an output displacement to a valve (x) proportional to the
input air pressure. The diaphragm, made of a fabric-base rubber, has an area A and deflects
under the input air pressure against a spring of stiffness k. Find the response of the valve
under a harmonically fluctuating input air pressure p(t) = Po sin wt for the following data:
Po = 10 psi, w = 8 rad/s, A = J(]() in.
, k = 400 lbrm., weight of spring = 151b, and
weight of valve and valve rod = 20 lb.
3.20 In the cam-follower system shown in Fig. 3.43, the rotation of the cam imparts a vertical
motion to the follower. The pushrod, which acts as a spring, has been compressed by an
amount Xo before assembly. Determine the following: (a) equation of motion of the follower,
including the gravitational force; (b) force exerted on the follower by the cam; and (c) condi-
tions under which the follower loses contact with the cam.
(air under prcssure, p)

(area, A)
(stiffness, k)
FIGURE 3.42 A spring actuator.
Pushrod (A, E,/),
spring constant k AE
Follower, mass = m
Output air
by motion
of valve)
3.21* Design a solid steel shaft supported in bearings which carries the rotor of a turbine at the
middle. The rotor weighs 500 Ib and delivers a power of 200 hp at 3000 rpm. In order to keep
the stress due to the unbalance in the rotor small, the critical speed of the shaft is to be made
one-fifth of the operating speed of the rotor. The length of the shaft is to be made equal to at
least 30 times its diameter.
3.22 A hollow steel shaft, oflength 100 in., outer diameter 4 in., and inner diameter 3.5 in., carries
the rotor of a turbine, weighing 500 Ib, at the middle aud is supported at the ends in bearings.
The clearance between the rotor and the stator is 0.5 in. The rotor has an eccentricity equiva-
lent to a weight of 0.5 Ib at a radius of 2 in. A limit switch is installed to stop the rotor when-
ever the rotor touches the stator. If the rotor operates at resonance, how long will it take to
activate the limit switch? Assume the iuitial displacement and velocity of the rotor perpen-
dicular to the shaft to be zero.
3.23 A steel cantilever beam, carrying a weight of 0.1 Ib at the free end, is used as a frequency
meter.' The beam has a length of 10 in., width of 0.2 in., and thickness of 0.05 in. The inter-
nal friction is equivalent to a damping ratio of 0.01. When the fixed end of the beam is sub-
jected to a harmouic displacement Y(I) = 0.05 cos rul, the maximum tip displacement has
been observed to be 2.5 in. Find the forcing frequency.
3.24 Derive the equation of motion aud find !he steady-state response of the system shown in Fig. 3.44
for rotational motion about the binge 0 for the following data: kl = k2 = 5000 N/m,
a = 0.25 m, b = 0.5 m, I = I m, M = 50 kg, m = 10 kg, Fa = 500 N, ru = 1000 rpm.
3.25 Derive !he eqoation of motion and find the steady-state solution of the system shown in Fig. 3.45
for rotational motion about the hinge 0 for the following data: k = 5000 N/m,
I = 1m, m = 10 kg, Ma = 100 N-m, ru = 1000 rpm.
Uniform rigid bar. mass m
, k ~
F(t) = Fo sin wt
*The asterisk denotes a design-type problem or a problem with no unique answer.
'The use of cantilever beams as frequency meters is discussed in detail in Section lOA.
I. - - ~ 31 1
4 -----0+----- 4 ------+I.
Section 3.4 Response of a Damped System under Harmonic Force
3.26 Consider a spring-mass-damper system with k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, and c = 40 N-s/m.
Fiod the steady-state and total responses of the system under the harmonic force
F(t) = 200 cos lOt N and the initial conditions Xo = 0.1 m and:to = O.
3.27 Consider a spring-mass-damper system with k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, and c = 40 N-s/m.
Find the steady-state and total responses of the system under the harmonic force
F(t) = 200 cos lOt N and the initial conditions Xo = 0 and:to = 10 mls.
3.28 Consider a spring-mass-damper system with k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, and c = 40 N-s/m.
Find the steady-state and total responses of the system under the harmonic force
F(t) = 200 cos 20t N and the initial conditions Xo = 0.1 m and:to = o.
3.29 Consider a spring-mass-damper system with k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, and c = 40 N-s/m.
Find the steady-state and total responses of the system under the harmonic force
F(t) = 200 cos 20t N and the initial conditions Xo = 0 and:to = 10 mls.
3.30 A four-cylinder automobile engine is to be supported on three shock mounts, as indicated in
Fig. 3.46. The engine-block assembly weighs 500 lb. IT the unbalanced force generated by
the engine is given by 200 sin 100 7rt lb, design the three shock mounts (each of stiffness k
aod viscous-damping constant c) such that the amplitude of vibration is less than 0.1 in.
3.31 The propeller of a ship, of weight lOS N and polar mass moment of inertia 10,000 kg_m
, is
connected to the engine through a hollow stepped steel propeller shaft, as shown in Fig. 3.47.
Assuming that water provides a viscous damping ratio of 0.1, detennine the torsional vibra-
tory response of the propeller when the engine induces a harmonic angular displacement of
0.05 sin 3l4.l6t rad at the base (pointA) of the propeller shaft.
3.32 Find the frequency ratio r = OJ/OJ. at which the amplitude of a single-degree-of-freedom
damped system attains the maximum value. Also find the value of the maximum amplitude.
3.33 Figure 3.48 shows a permanent-magnet moving-coil ammeter. When current (l) flows through
the coil wouod on the core, the core rotates by an angle proportional to the magnitude of the
current that is indicated by the pointer on a scale. The core, with the coil, has a mass moment of
inertia 10, the torsional spring constant is k" and the torsional damper has a damping constant
FIGURE 3.46 Four-cylinder automobile engine.
of Ct. The scaIe of the ammeter is cab'brared such that when a direct current of magni1ude 1 ampere
is passed through the coil, the pointer indicates a current of 1 ampere. The meter has to be recali-
brated for measuring the magni1ude of alternating current. Determine the steady-state value of the
current indicated by the pointer when an alternating current of magni1ude 5 amperes and frequency
50 Hz is passed through the coil. Assume 10 = 0.001 N_m
, k
= 62.5 N-mlrad, and
= 0.5 N-m-s/rad.
3.34 A spring-mass-damper system is subjected to a harmonic force. The amplitude is found to be
20 mm at resonance and 10 mm at a frequency 0.75 times the resonant frequency. Find the
damping ratio of the system.
3.35 For the system shown in Fig. 3.49, x and y denote, respectively, the absolute displacements
of the mass m and the end Q of the dashpot C1' (a) Derive the equation of motion of the
mass m, (b) find the steady-state displacement of the mass m, and (c) find the force trans-
mitted to the support at P, when the end Q is subjected to the harmonic motion
y(t) = Y cos ... t.
Propeller Hollow stepped
(10' N) propeller shaft
FIGURE 3.47 Propeller of a ship.
Permanent magnet
Engine vibratory
(aocos wt)
orsional damper
FIGURE 3.48 Pennanent-magnet moving-coil ammeter.
r-x(t) yet) = Y cos lOt
3.36 The equation of motion of a spring-mass-damper system subjected to a hannonic force can
be expressed as
i. Find the steady-state response of the system in the form x,(t) = C, cos wt + C
sin wt
ii. Find the total response of the system in the form
Assume the initial conditions of the systemasx (t = 0) = xoandx(t = 0) = xo.
3.37 A video camera, of mass 2.0 kg, is mounted on the top of a bank building for surveillance.
The video camera is fixed at one end of a tubular aluminum rod whose other end is fixed to
the building as shown in Fig. 3.50. The wind-induced force acting on the video camera,fit),
is found to be harmonic with [(t) = 25 cos 75.39841 N. Determine the cross-sectional
dimensions of the aluminum tube if the maximum amplitude of vibration of the video camera
is to be limited to 0.005 m.
Video camera

bular aluminum rod
3.38 A turbine rotoris mounted on a stepped shaft that is fixed at both ends as shown in Fig. 3.51.
The torsional stiffnesses of the two segments of the shaft are given by k,l = 3,000 N-mlrad
and ka = 4,000 N-mlrad The turbine generates aluumonic torque given by M(t) = Mo cos
OJt about the shaft axis with M 0 = 200 N-m and OJ = 500 radls. The mass moment of inertia
of the rotor about the shaft axis is 10 = 0.05 kg_m
. Assuming the equivalent torsional
dsmping constant of the system as c, = 2.5 N-m-s/rad, determine the steady-state response
of the rotor, 6(t).
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~
M(I) ~ Mo cos wI
3.39 It is required to design an electromechanical system to achieve a natural frequency of 1000 Hz
and a Q factor of 1200. Determine the dsmping factor and the bandwidth of the system.
3.40 Show that, for small values of dsmping, the dsmping ratio, can be expressed as
fi12 - WI
, = ",-,,---,.---::-c
Olz + OJI
where OJI and Olz are the frequencies corresponding to the half-power points.
3.41 A torsional system consists of a disc of mass moment of inertia 10 = 10 kg_m
, a torsional
dsmper of dsmping constant c, = 300 N-m-s/rad, and a steel shaft of diameter 4 em and
length 1 m (fixed at one end and attached to the disc at the other end). A steady angnlar oscil-
lation of amplitude 2 is observed when a luumonic torque of magnitude 1000 N-m is
applied to the disc. (a) Find the frequency of the applied torque, and (b) find the maximum
torque transmitted to the support.
3.42 For a vibratiug system, m = 10 kg, k = 2500 N/m, and c = 45 N-s/m. A luumonic force of
amplitude 180 N and frequency 3.5 Hz acts on the mass. If the initial displacement and
velocity of the mass are 15 mm and 5 mis, find the complete solution representing the motion
of the mass.
3.43 The peak amplitude of a single-degree-of-freedom system, under a harmonic excitation, is
observed to be 0.2 in. If the undsmped natural frequency of the system is 5 Hz, and the static
deflection of the mass under the maximum force is 0.1 in., (a) estimate the damping ratio of
the system, and (b) find the frequencies corresponding to the amplitudes at half power.
3.44 The landing gear of an airplane can be idealized as the spring-mass-damper system shown in
Fig. 3.52. If the runway sutface is described y( I) = Yo cos wI, determine the values of k and
c that limit the amplitude of vibration of the airplane (x) to 0.1 m. Assume m = 2000 kg,
Yo = 0.2 m, and w = 157.08 radls.
3AS A precision grinding machine (Fig. 3.53) is supported on an isolator that has a stiffness of
I MN/m and a viscous damping constant of I kN-s/m. The floor on which the machine is
mounted is subjected to a harmonic disturbance due to the operation of an unbalanced engine
in the vicinity of the grinding machine. Find the maximum acceptable displacement ampli-
tude of the floor if the resulting amplitude of vibration of the grinding wheel is to be
restricted to 10-
m. Assume that the grinding machine and the wheel are a rigid body of
weight 5000 N.
3.46 Derive the equation of motion and find the steady-state response of the system shown in Fig. 3.54
for rotational motion about the hinge 0 for the following data: k = 5000 N/m,
I = I m, C = 1000 N-s/m, m = 10 kg, Mo = 100 N-m, w = 1000 rpm.
FIGURE 3.52 Modeling of landing gear.
Housing with
strut and
viscous damping
Mass of
aircraft, m

y(t) = Ysm",t
1 = Ysmzoo 'lTtm
rigid bar,
3.47 An air compressor of mass lOO kg is mounted on an elastic foundation. It has been observed
that, when a harmonic force of amplitude lOO N is applied to the compressor, the maximum
steady-state displacement of 5 mm occurred at a frequency of 300 rpm. Deterntine the eqniv-
alent stiffness and dampmg constant of the foundation.
3.48 Find the steady-state response of the system shown in Fig. 3.55 for the following data:
= 1000 NIm, k2 = 500 N/m, c = 500 N-s/m, m = 10 kg, r = 5 cm, Jo = 1 kg_m
Fo = 50 N, w = 20 radls.
3.49 A uniform slender bar of mass m may be supported in one of two ways as shown in Fig. 3.56.
Deterntine the arrangement that results in a reduced steady-state response of the bar under a
harmonic force, Fo sin wt, applied at the middle of the bar, as shown in the figure.
Pulley, mass moment of inertia 10
Fa sin wt
Uniform bar,
~ f ,I,
Fa sin wt
Uniform bar,
Section 3.5 Response of a Damped System Under F(t) = F rP
3.50 Derive the expression for the complex frequency response of an undamped torsional system.
3.51 A damped single-degree-of-freedom system, with parameters m = 150 kg, k = 25 kNlm,
and c = 2000 N-s/m, is subjected to the harmonic force fit) = 100 cos 20t N. Find the
amplitude and phase angle of the steady-state response of the system using a graphical
Section 3.6 Response of a System Under the Harmonic Motion of the Base
3.52 A single-story building frame is subjected to a harmonic ground acceleration, as shown in
Fig. 3.57. Find the steady-state motion of the floor (mass m).
3i ,,(t) = A cos ",t
3.53 Find the horizontal displacement of the floor (mass m) of the building frame shown in Fig. 3.57
when the ground acceleration is given by Xg = 100 sin wt mmlsec: Assume m = 2000 kg,
k = 0.1 MN/m,w = 25rad1s,andx
(t = 0) =Xg (t = 0) = x(t = 0) = i(t = 0) = O.
3.54 If the ground in Fig. 3.57, is subjected to a horizontal harmonic displacement with fre-
quency w = 200 radls and amplitude Xg = 15 mm, find the amplitude of vibration of the
floor (mass m). Assume the mass of the floor as 2000 kg and the stiffness of the columns as
3.55 An automobile is modeled as a single-degree-of-freedom system vibrating in the vertical
direction. It is driven along a road whose elevation varies sinusoidally. The distance from
peak to trough is 0.2 m and the distance along the road between the peaks is 35 m. If the nat-
ural frequency of the automobile is 2 Hz and the damping ratio of the shock absorbers is
0.15, determine the amplitude of vibration of the automobile at a speed of 60 kmlhour. If the
speed of the automobile is varied, find the most uofavorable speed for the passengers.
3.56 Derive Eq. (3.74).
3.57 A single-story boilding frame is modeled by a rigid floor of mass m and columns of stiffness
k, as shown in Fig. 3.58. It is proposed that a damper shown in the figure is attached to absorb
vibrations due to a horizontal ground motion y(t) = Y cos wt. Derive an expression for the
damping constant of the damper that absorbs maximum power.
3.58 A uniform bar of mass m is pivoted at point 0 and supported at the ends by two springs, as
shown in Fig. 3.59. End P of spring PQ is subjected to a sinusoidal displacement,
x(t) = Xo sin wI. Find the steady-state angular displacement of the bar when I = 1 m,
k = 1000 N/m, m = 10 kg, Xo = I em, and w = 10 radls.
3.59 A uniform bar of mass m is pivoted at point 0 and supported at the ends by two springs, as
shown in Fig. 3.60. End P of spring PQ is subjected to a sinusoidal displacement,
x(t) = Xo sin wt. Find the steady-state angular displacement of the bar when I = 1m,
k = 1000 N/m, c = 500 N-slm, m = 10 kg, Xo = I em, and w = 10 radls.
c I
I .....!_

y(t) = Y cos Cdt
Uniform bar,


3.60 Find the frequency ratio, T = T
, at which the displacement transmissibility given by
Eq. (3.68) attains a maximum value.
3.61 An automobile, weighing 1000 Ib empty and 3000 Ib fully loaded, vibrates in a vertical
direction while traveling at 55 mph on a rough road having a sinusoidal waveform with an
amplitude Y ft and a period 12 ft. Assuming that the automobile can be modeled as a
single-degree-of-freedom system with stiffness 30,000 Ib/ft and damping ratio, = 0.2,
determine the amplitude of vibration of the automobile when it is (a) empty and (b) fully
3.62 The base of a damped spring-mass system, with m = 25 kg and k = 2500 N/m, is subjected
to a harmonic excitation y(t) = 10 cos wt. The amplitude of the mass is found to be 0.05 m
when the base is excited at the natural frequency of the system with 10 = 0.01 m. Determine
the damping constant of the system.
Section 3.7 Response of a Damped System Under Rotating Unbalance
3.63 A single-cylinder air compressor of mass 100 kg is mounted on rubber mounts, as shown in
Fig. 3.61. The stiffness and damping constants of the rubber mounts are given by 10
and 2000 N-slm, respectively. If the unbalance of the compressor is equivalent to a mass
0.1 kg located at the end of the crank (point A), determine the response of the compressor at
a crank speed of 3000 rpm. Assume T = 10 cm and I = 4() cm.

Rubber mounts
3.64 One of the tail rotor blades of a helicopter has an unbalanced mass of m 0.5 kg at a dis
tance of e 0.15 m from the axis of rotation, as shown in Fig. 3.62. The tail section has a
length of 4 m, a mass of 240 kg, a flexural stiffness (El) of 2.5 MN_m
, and a damping ratio
of 0.15. The mass of the tail rotor blades, including their drive system, is 20 kg. Determine
the forced response of the tail section when the blades rotate at 1500 rpm.
Tail rotor blades
3.65 When an exhaust fan of mass 380 kg is supported on springs with negligible damping, the
resulting static deflection is found to be 45 mm. If the fan has a rotating unbalance of
0.15 kg-m, find (a) the amplitude of vibration at 1750 rpm, and (b) the force transmitted to
the ground at this speed.
3.66 A fixed-fixed steel beam, oflength 5 m, width 0.5 m, and thickness 0.1 m, carries an electric
motor of mass 75 kg and speed 1200 rpm at its mid-span, as shown in Fig. 3.63. A rotating
force of magnitude Fo 5000 N is developed due to the unbalance in the rotor of the motor.
Find the amplitude of steady-state vibrations by disregarding the mass of the beam. What
will be the amplitude if the mass of the beam is considered?


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