The Social Web Analytics 2008 Ebook

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Social Web Analytics

eBook 2008

“...The social web will be the most critical marketing environment

“...The social web will become the primary center of activity for
whatever you do when you shop, plan, learn, or communicate. It may
not take over your entire life (one hopes), but it will be the first place
you turn for news, information, entertainment, diversion.”

Larry Weber, Chairman, W2 Group, “Marketing to the Social Web”

“We’ve been liberated! Before the Web came along, there were only
two ways to get noticed: buy expensive advertising or beg the
mainstream media to tell your story for you. Now we have a better
option: publishing interesting content on the Web that your buyers
want to consume.

“The tools of the marketing and PR trade have changed.

“The skills that worked offline to help you buy or beg your way in are
the skills of interruption and coercion. Success online comes from
thinking like a journalist and a thought leader.”

David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR,
for the Social Web Analytics eBook 2008

If you could go back to the mid-90s and offer a marketer a little

box that could sit on her desk and let her listen in on thousands
of customer conversations and participate in those discussions
regardless of geography or time zone, it would appear so far-
fetched that she’d probably call security. This eBook is about
that reality.



Name: Philip Sheldrake

Email: [email protected]

Email 2: [email protected]


Twitter: @sheldrake

FriendFeed: /sheldrake



Published: 1st July 2008

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-

Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License

About the Social Web Analytics eBook 2008....................................1

About the Social Web...................................................................4

The Cluetrain Manifesto..........................................................5

Marketing to the Social Web....................................................5

The need for Social Web Analytics..................................................9

‘New’ PR...............................................................................9


Measurement & evaluation....................................................14

Market research & new product development...........................17

About Social Web Analytics..........................................................25

What is SWA?......................................................................25

What are you looking for in a SWA service?.............................25


Spider capability..................................................................27

Semantic analysis.................................................................27

Search query structure..........................................................29

APIs and libraries.................................................................30


Commercial, licensing and terms of use...................................32

The free tools............................................................................34

Google, Yahoo!, MSN Live, Ask...............................................34

Google Alerts.......................................................................34

Google Trends.....................................................................35

Google Blog Search..............................................................36





News readers.......................................................................39




The vendors..............................................................................43

Vendor information and your participation...............................44










Dow Jones................................................................................77




Nielsen BuzzMetrics....................................................................93



About the Social Web Analytics eBook
Technology has revolutionised communications, massively and
irrevocably, to the benefit of the consumer, the adaptive and agile
organisation, and those who cherish an open society.

This ebook gives a brief overview of the characteristics of the Social

Web (also known as Social Media), but that’s not its primary purpose.

Rather, I review here how all organisations can try and make the most
of the unprecedented wealth of information afforded by the Social
Web, the incredible facility to ‘listen in’ on conversations close to their
heart, and to initiate and engage in this dialogue. It has been relatively
straight forward for PR professionals to work with a few dozen
journalists; it has been a means to an end for advertisers to bludgeon
brand values into targets; but today, keeping tabs on thousands of
conversations is quite another challenge altogether – two-way dialogue
between your stakeholders, and between you and your stakeholders.

This ebook is an introduction to Social Web Analytics (SWA, also

known as Social Media Analytics), the driver for it, how it can be
applied, the key vendors and their services, and considerations for
your organisation’s procurement of such services.

I stop short of making recommendations of one vendor or one tool

over another however; that's for each reader to investigate equipped
with the understanding lent them here and married to their insight into
their organisation’s specific needs.

Page 1
Readers of my blog1 and our company blog2 will see that I have leaned
on the content of past posts in compiling this ebook.

Lastly, but importantly, I urge readers to consider “A Bill of Rights for

Users of the Social Web“3 by Joseph Smarr, the irrepressible Marc
Canter, Robert Scoble and Michael Arrington.




Page 2
Page 3

About the Social Web
Fellow Londoner Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee put the first website
online 6th August 19914, and things have moved pretty fast since then.
The first consumer Web revolution took us well into the current
decade, embodied by companies such as Yahoo!, AOL, Amazon, eBay,
PayPal, Ticketmaster and services such as browser based email and
online banking. This was the Transactional Web if you like.

The second phase, the Social Web, is catalysed by the so-called Web
2.0 technologies facilitating easy-to-use, engaging and rewarding
online social interaction. It’s about self-expression, relationships, user-
rating, affiliation, trust and user-created content.

The term Social Web was coined, according to the Wikipedia entry5, in
1998, as both a technological and social term. This duality is apt given
that our focus here is on the application of technology to infer social

Interestingly, although possibly only to some readers so I’ll keep it

very brief, this ebook broaches upon the semantics of Web content and
therefore on the prospects of a Semantic Web6; what some pundits
refer to as the third phase of the Web, or Web 3.0 for short.




Page 4
The Cluetrain Manifesto
The ramifications for organisations of this Social Web reality were first
considered and presented by the authors of the seminal Cluetrain
Manifesto7 in 1999.

The Cluetrain Manifesto asserts that the Internet allows markets to

revert back to the days when a market was defined by people
gathering and talking amongst themselves about buyer reputation,
seller reputation, product quality and prices. This was lost for a while
as the scale of organisations and markets outstripped the facility for
consumers to coalesce. The consumers’ conversation is now reignited.

Marketing to the Social Web

In his book “Marketing to the Social Web: How Digital Customer
Communities Build Your Business“8, Larry Weber describes the
opportunity the Social Web presents organisations. I recommend the
book (disclosure – Larry is chairman of my organisation), and he has
selected these quotes from his book for this ebook:

“The social web is the online place where people with a common
interest can gather to share thoughts, comments, and opinions. It
includes social networks such as MySpace, Gather, Friendster,
Facebook, BlackPlanet, Eons, LinkedIn, and hundreds more. It
includes branded web destinations like Amazon, Netflix, and eBay.
It includes enterprise sites such as IBM, Circuit City, Cisco, and
Oracle. The social web is a new world of unpaid media created by
individuals or enterprises on the web.

Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger


Page 5
“...The real job of the marketer in the social web is to aggregate
customers. You aggregate customers two ways: (1) by providing
compelling content on your website and creating retail
environments that customers want to visit and (2) by going out and
participating in the public arena.

“...The social web will be the most critical marketing environment


“...The social web will become the primary center of activity for
whatever you do when you shop, plan, learn, or communicate. It
may not take over your entire life (one hopes), but it will be the
first place you turn for news, information, entertainment, diversion.

“...Marketing therefore has to wrap around that – because what is

truly changing in the social web is media, and marketing has
always had to shape itself around media.”

I also invited Brian Solis9, Founder and Principal of FutureWorks, as a

social media thought leader, to contribute a perspective to put this
ebook in context:

“Social Media is no longer an option or debatable. It is critically

important to all businesses, without prejudice. It represents a
powerful, and additional, channel to first listen to customers,
stakeholders, media, bloggers, peers, and other influencers, and in
turn, build two-way paths of conversations to them. Yes,
conversations are taking place about your company, product, and
service, right now, with or without you. This represents priceless
opportunities to build relationships and shape perceptions at every
step. In the process, you become a resource to the very people
looking for leadership, expertise, vision, and also solutions. The


Page 6
most important driver for outbound and proactive online relations is
that it’s measurable and absolutely tied to the bottom line.

“Much in the same way Web marketers integrate calls-to-action and

dedicated splash pages to direct responses, successful
conversations can also benefit from strategically carved inbound
and interconnected paths that can be tracked and measured. From
listening, participation, to analytics, social media creates new
opportunities to make deep and meaningful connections, forge
relationships, and influence without manipulation. And, in the
process, we also earn a place within their network as a trustworthy

Want some numbers? Thanks then to Courtney Hughes at SWA vendor

BuzzLogic for pointing me to the forecast from eMarketer10, May 2008,
envisaging that two thirds of the US population will read a blog post at
least once a month by 2012. Courtney also alerted me to research by
Synovate11, 2007, that found that 65% of people who read blogs do so
explicitly to get an opinion.



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Page 8

The need for Social Web Analytics
Each and every organisation will have its own specific motivations for
adopting SWA, and I have grouped important drivers here under the
headings of:

• ‘New’ PR

• Brand

• Measurement & Evaluation

• Market Research & New Product Development.

The sections on New PR and Brand will be useful to anyone looking to

understand the immediate application of SWA or convey its importance
to colleagues and clients. The latter two sections are, however, more
advanced and will be most relevant to those who have already dabbled
in SWA and are looking to go to the next level, so you might chose to
skip these bits.

‘New’ PR
For many years, PR has been defined as journalist relations – a linear
relationship between PRs, journalists and the target audience. The
industry became increasingly focused on traditional media as the best,
if not sole way, to reach the 'public'.

I believe terms such as ‘new’ PR or “PR 2.0” simply refer to a reversion

to the objective of building a dialogue with all your influencers and
audiences, and developing content that helps to earn understanding
and support. We apply descriptors such as “new” or “2.0” because a
new and large swathe of those channels is now digital.

Page 9
In much the same way the Cluetrain Manifesto anticipated the return
to markets as we once knew them, the Social Web has taken us back
to the original definition of PR.

The New Rules of Marketing & PR

In his excellent book “The New Rules of Marketing & PR”12, David
Meerman Scott lists three uses of blogs for marketing and PR:

“1. To easily monitor what millions of people are saying about you,
the market you sell into, your organization, and its products

2. To participate in those conversations by commenting on other

people’s blogs

3. To begin and to shape those conversations by creating and

writing your own blog.”

I discuss more reasons and uses for getting involved in social media
here, or more precisely SWA, but in this quote David succinctly lists
the only reasons you should need!

If anything, this eBook drills down on the first part of this quote, “To
easily monitor…”.

There is no doubt that you can enrich your insight into your market
and its perspective of your company from your personal use of the free
tools described later in this eBook, such as Technorati and Twingly.
However, David recognises that the word “easily” suitably describes
getting going, but that you may need some assistance to go further.

He writes “Text mining technologies extract content from millions of

blogs so you can read what people are saying; in a more sophisticated


Page 10
use, they also allow the measurement of trends.” We call those
mining technologies Social Web Analytics.

Isn’t this just a consumer thing?

The Social Web impacts all marketing communications, business-to-
consumer, business-to-business, not-for-profit, government. If being
an expert or leader in your market is defined as others' regard for your
insight, skills or services, then you must participate in the networks
where this expertise is being shared, and where the people you want
to influence are going to help shape their viewpoint. For many
professions, these networks remain predominantly offline, but this
balance will tip in favour of online for most if not all professions

Example social professional networks include MarCom Professional13 for

marketing communicators, sermo.com14 for physicians, ArtCloud15 for
the art world, and inmobile16 for the wireless industry. And almost all
professions have other online media dedicated to them – traditional
media’s online presence, dedicated news and opinion sites, blogs etc.

Distributed conversations
We cannot, however, hang out in four or five virtual places to gain an
insight into the zeitgeist of our markets. The conversations relating to
your market, to your products and services, to your campaign, don’t
neatly happen at a handful of websites. You only have to click around
the links branching away from a polemical and popular blog post to see





Page 11
how quickly the conversation seeps out through the equivalent of the
backstreets, coalesces again elsewhere, and then fragments once

There’s a time dimension here too. It’s not uncommon, for example,
for regular Web users to receive a viral email (viral means simply
containing good content so interesting it compels you to pass it on)
months and sometimes years after they first saw it.

Ultimately, the World Wide Web is the biggest social network of them
all, and it’s way too big a place to hope to secure a thorough
understanding of the respect your brand commands, the buzz about
your competitors, the expectations for the market going forward,
simply by meandering around. As I mentioned above in relation to
David’s recommendations, a meander is better than simply staying out
of it, but it isn’t sufficient of itself if you intend to ‘get serious’ here.

The user (aka the recipient of news and information, the listener, the
viewer, the inter-actor) has been empowered to set the schedule. It’s
what they want, when they want it and how they want it. Video on
demand. Personal video recorders (PVR). Newsfeeds (RSS). Alerts.
Lifestreaming. Podcasts. Web radio. Mobile TV.

To all intents and purposes, we’re just a short hop away from everyone
having their own customised channel, a channel tailored uniquely from
your own subscriptions, your friends’ subscriptions and
recommendations, and automated “if you like that, you’ll like this”

In my presentation at Internet World 2005 I labelled this eventuality

myChannel. One billion connected people equals one billion separate

Page 12
The ramifications of myChannel for marketing communicators include:

• Considerably more fragmentation of the target audience of

communications campaigns

• Less precise timing of delivery

• Increased opportunity to provide niche information

• Less certainty of how each recipient is receiving the information

• Greater opportunity for innovation in inviting and securing


• The need for new mechanisms for gauging campaign success.

‘New’ PR is not so difficult to understand, but can be complex to

execute. In my January 2008 blog post “You’re in IT“17, I posit that the
communications profession has reached the point of needing
information technology to achieve its objectives, in much the same
way as many other professions became dependent on IT in previous
decades. Part of that IT toolkit is SWA.

Your stakeholders now collectively define what your brand means,
what it stands for, based on their lifelong interactions with your
organisation; your services, your products, your people, your partners,
your CSR activity, and other stakeholders. You can’t tell them, you can
only make sure your brand values permeate everything your do,
continuously, so they end up reaching the conclusion about your brand
that you want them to.


Page 13
And part of the “everything you do” is marketing. Your marketing
teams, both in-house and consultancy are converging into a joint
influence team, seeking to influence by exercising finely attuned ears
and projecting an open, honest and engaging voice. These are the
bedrock characteristics of your voice, but you will of course continue to
blend in your brand’s particular personality; just so long as you don’t
erode that bedrock.

The brand landscape exhibits emergent behaviour (which more or less

means it may be unpredictable at times), and I’ve come to call this
focus of study Brand Complexity. That’s a subject for a future ebook
however, and in this ebook we’re looking at how Social Web Analytics
helps to go some way towards serving as that finely attuned ear and
acting to inform your voice and, critically, your actions across your
whole organisation.

Measurement & evaluation

The evaluation of PR campaign effectiveness is controversial. Forget
for a moment the inadequate practitioners that insist all PR must have
a benefit so better just get on with it than devote energy to
measurement, and you're left with an array of evaluation processes as
diverse as the number of agencies.

The idea of return on investment (ROI) is applied casually in

marketing, or else politely ignored. For example, when you read the
rationale justifying the selection of the winners of OnMedia’s Best of
Broadband Advertising awards 200718, only three out of ten make an


Page 14
attempt to link the campaign to a fillip to the client's bottom line. But
“Creative” and “ROI” are not synonymous.

Here's a polemic. If our campaigns strive to exert influence, isn't

Google search the ultimate measure of the influence achieved, and the
change in that influence over time?

A corollary to this is that the ultimate role of a marketing consultancy

is content creation and SEO. But before we identify the weaknesses in
this claim, here are some supporting points of view:

• With Google spidering most of the offline world (as that content is
put online too), all online publications, forums, chat rooms, blogs
and social networks, only a search engine can add up the
cumulative effect of brand and product mentions and their
association with key words, key phrases.

• The search engines strive to deliver the most relevant search

results to users. Their algorithmic methods make this measure of
relevance more or less equivalent to brand influence and brand

• The primary objective of PR, of all marketing disciplines, is to

inculcate brand loyalty with current customers, influence opinion
and behaviour, to establish or correct perceptions, and attract new
customers. If the Web is the most important channel to these
targets forming an opinion of your brand and products, and if
search is the way they get around the Web, then QED search is the
ultimate measure of marketing campaign effectiveness.

There are some sweeping assumptions in these claims, and a few flaws
in the argument; here are the three primary objections.

The first is that today's search engines ignore sentiment. Northern

Rock and UBS came pretty high in search engine results during the

Page 15
first half of 2008 for some of their associated key words and phrases,
but not always for good reasons. Rather, something to do with a credit
crunch! Search engines today do not have well developed semantic
analysis capability. In other words, they’re adept at queries like “Tell
me about banks” but less so “Tell me about banks with a good
reputation”, let alone “Tell me where I should bank”.

Secondly, people perform as they are measured. In other words, whilst

a particular performance measure may be appropriate in isolation, it
should not encourage “gaming” whereby the individual or team
concerned becomes persuaded that the objective is simply to score
higher whichever way they can rather than achieve a higher score
through doing what’s ‘right’.

Our third objection is connected to my mantra that goes:

The discontented spread their discontent. The neutral say nothing.

The content say nothing. The delighted spread their delight.

Many brands and products spend most of their time in the middle of
this spectrum. Consider your own bank for example, or broadband
provider, or mobile phone operator. Customers and prospects are
mostly either neutral or content and contribute nothing audible and
nothing visible for any search engine to stuff into their mathematics.
Yet the opinions residing unexpressed in the minds of customers and
prospects will exert an influence next time they need to reach a buying

I can't yet envisage a future where the third objection here is shot
down, but the potential of the Semantic Web, semantic analysis and
interpretation with SWA tools, will have intriguing ramifications for the
measurement of marketing campaign effectiveness.

Page 16
Whilst a controversial measure of marketing and business success, Net
Promoter Score19 depends today on explicit Q&A with customers;
perhaps SWA enables an implicit equivalent approach to the measure.
Perhaps, SWA could even help build that illusive ROI formula.

Market research & new product development

ESPN pulled the plug on their cell-phone product after investing $150m
including $40m in advertising20. This is precisely the failure market
research is intended to prevent. How can business harness customers
and prospective customers to improve their hit rate and time to

I presented the following simple figures at the market research Insight

2006 show in London to demonstrate the difference between
traditional market research and continuous engagement.



Page 17
Page 18

There are dozens of differences between the two approaches. Here's a
list of the primary differences:

• Research is ad hoc or regular interval; engagement is continuous

• Research is one-way (and needs the carrot of a prize or

payment!); engagement is two-way (mutually rewarding)

• Research is unemotional; engagement is emotional

• Research is independent of loyalty; engagement inculcates brand


• Research has a tight focus; engagement has a wide focus

• Research deals with sequential parameters; engagement is multi-


• Research is designed to achieve statistical confidence; engagement

is designed to detect weak signals.

The disadvantages of traditional market research

Traditional market research is ad hoc or at regular intervals at best.
This could mean your last data set is getting on a bit. It could lead you
to trying to read between the lines because the last survey didn’t ask
exactly the question you now need answering. Your market may be
speeding up faster than your research frequency. You will probably
need to ask new questions, but want to continue trending previous
survey data.

Traditional market research is one-way. So what’s in it for your

respondents? Ever wondered if they’re answering your questions
conscientiously? Are they likely to benefit or suffer as a consequence
of the information they share with you?

Page 19
Traditional market research is unemotional… so, quite simply, do they
care? Ad hoc, one-way, unemotional interaction does not drive brand

It has a tight structure, but once you’ve collected the demographic

data, how much time remains to get to the crux of the matter? By
what degree can you change the subject? How many times can you
change the subject before the respondent’s brain starts hurting?

After all that, it’s no wonder you need some mathematics to determine
statistical confidence.

Research through continuous engagement

Anything and everything is discussed by your customers, prospects
and all stakeholders on the Social Web. For each topic, you can choose
to interact or just listen.

You can also seed the conversation with topics relevant to your
business tomorrow, not just today. Test their reaction. Harvest value-
added feedback, qualitative and quantitative.

Traditional research addresses a limited sequence of parameters,

whereas you can explore multiple parameters on the Social Web. Your
product roadmap may encompass hundreds of parametric
permutations, in which case you could choose to present ideas based
on “runs” (parametric groupings based on Taguchi orthogonal arrays21)
to your most loyal and valued social media participants. You’ve heard
of user-generated-content, well this is consumer-generated-products.
(On that note, anyone interested in consumer-created-brands?)

So-called “weak signals”, early but faint signs of things to come, are
easily overlooked in traditional research as statistically insignificant.


Page 20
But understanding how to identify the most authoritative members in
your social media (the mavens and connectors in the language of
Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point”22), and learning to listen to them, can
place you weeks if not months ahead of your competition in timely new
product launches.

Moreover, whilst focus groups23 aren’t a panacea, whether they’re held

in one room or distributed, it feels right that your chances of coming
out with a well-received and successful product are improved. That’s,
of course, if you subscribe to the conclusions presented by Surowiecki
in “The Wisdom of Crowds”24. Sure, you could ask whether innovations
such as the iPod could have been spawned in such a manner, but that
misses the point. I’m not advocating this interaction with your key
stakeholders courtesy of the Social Web as your sole approach to
market research and product development, just that it should be one
of your primary approaches.

In conclusion, supplanting or supplementing market research with

continuous engagement requires:

• A new strategy

• An implementation framework

• New analyses methods

• Sound corporate performance measurement to close the loop.




Page 21
For and against
Unsurprisingly, there are advocates and detractors from this point of
view. Take an interview with Bill Neal of SDR Consulting25 for example:

“..But I have some real problems with consumer generated media

as a source of credible and reliable information. In many ways it
combines the worst elements of non-scientific research – self
selection and advocacy – both positive and negative.

“The information they generate may be true, or not true – there is

no way to discern which. Therefore, the information generated by
those folks is neither credible nor reliable.”

However, this perspective could not be more strongly countered by the

assertions made in the Cluetrain manifesto:

“A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet,

people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant
knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are
getting smarter - and getting smarter faster than most companies.

“These markets are conversations. Their members communicate in

language that is natural, open, honest, direct, funny and often
shocking. Whether explaining or complaining, joking or serious, the
human voice is unmistakably genuine. It can't be faked.”

I also recommend an article on a related topic, “Online Polls: How

Good Are They?”26, Business Week 16th June 2008, which debates the



Page 22
pros and cons of interacting with an online community for this specific
purpose, and what to look out for if you do pursue this approach.

OK, continuous engagement on the Social Web, enabled by SWA, may

not signal the death of traditional market research, but it marks a
distinct and influential turning point; a turning point leading companies
will adopt to their competitive advantage.

Page 23
Page 24

About Social Web Analytics

What is SWA?
I define Social Web Analytics as the application of search, indexing,
semantic analysis and business intelligence technologies to the task of
identifying, tracking, listening to and participating in the distributed
conversations about a particular brand, product or issue, with
emphasis on quantifying the trend in each conversation's sentiment
and influence.

What are you looking for in a SWA service?

Every organisation is unique, and you will form your own precise
requirements spec from the aspects discussed below: indexing, spider
capability, semantic analysis, search query structure, APIs and
libraries, infrastructure, and commercial, licensing and terms of use.

Literally, what proportion of the World Wide Web does this service
catalogue? Right now, to my knowledge, no SWA tool has even a
fraction of the breadth of Google, but obviously a service that indexes
three million URLs may be more useful than one that indexes three
hundred thousand.

More critically, however, indexing social networks, such as Myspace

and Facebook, is fraught with difficulty, and if one service can index
and make sense of these sites more thoroughly than another, this
capability may outweigh any consideration of how many millions of
sites the spider covers. In other words, quality may trump quantity.

Other factors here include language capability (which languages are

critical to you, and which are just nice to have), URL selection (what

Page 25
sites are included over others), de-duplication (do you want to remove
duplicates or keep them in) and critically the ability to cope with
dynamic sites (ie, websites that have pages generated on the fly from
various data sources rather than static pages). You may also be
interested in the rate at which a service is growing these capabilities.

The sources can include all and any kind of website: review sites,
forums, chat rooms, social networks, blogs, micro-blogs, wikis,
company websites, retail sites with customer feedback, etc. Sources
can also include services such as Factiva which provide access to so-
called traditional media material.

Actually, such indexing of content from third parties can constitute the
entire source of data for a SWA vendor. In other words, such vendors
do not author or maintain their own spiders (see below) but rather
abdicate that task to others. They contend that this leaves them to
focus their efforts on the analysis, interpretation and presentation of
that data.

This sounds credible, but you will need to understand how the vendor
can then tailor their service to your needs. If, for example, you require
that specific sources are added to the indexing, this may be more
readily achieved if the vendor controls their own spidering than if they
then have to pass on your request to a third party.

Either way, it’s worth noting here that SWA is nascent and no two
vendors’ service data sheets will have the same headings or line items,
not least of which is their readiness to compare and contrast their
exact indexing and spidering capability. Indeed, some vendors have
declined to share this information with me for publishing here, so that
alone indicates to me that it’s an area you should explore thoroughly.

Page 26
Spider capability
Spiders are also known as crawlers. A spider is software code charged
with exploring the World Wide Web and sending back appropriate data
to base.

There are robust, resilient, professional spiders, and there are amateur
spiders. The former can interpret and report back on sites more
effectively, and they can also cope with the inevitable page serving
and Web server responsiveness and network latency problems riddling
today's Web. They know where they've been with greater accuracy,
and they revisit more frequently. They also comply with the robots
exclusion protocol27; essential if you don't want a website owner to get
nasty with you and cut you out altogether.

The Wikipedia page on crawlers28 is useful if you’d like to know more

about them.

In my experience, SWA vendors with better than average spidering

capability aren’t differentiating themselves sufficiently on that basis.
This has been explained to me as simply the relative immaturity of the
procurement of such services to date; in other words, it hasn’t yet
featured as highly as I think it should as a point of concern for

One trend to watch out for: the ability to spider, index and interpret
multimedia content (audio and video).

Semantic analysis
This is the most technical aspect of SWA, but it isn’t rocket science
from the procurer’s perspective, thankfully.
A voluntary code whereby spiders are programmed to respect the wishes of website owners
regarding what they are happy for you to spider, and what they would rather you did not.


Page 27
Take a micro-blog statement such as “Apple owners are cooler”. Does
this statement relate to the iPod firm, or orchards? Is it to do with
street cred or temperature? Could your personal reputation depend on
the result if you work with Apple Inc.?

Other challenging company names from a semantic analysis

perspective include Creative (innovative?), HP (horse power?), GM
(genetically modified), Boots (shoes?), Shell (in the sea? in IT?).

And what about the British propensity to revert to sarcasm: “Wow, my

ISP, FatPipes, is so awesome, they know I spend too much time online
and take my connection down now and then just to give me a
breather.” Could you write software to interpret this (fictitious)
statement as negative rather than positive sentiment?

Should you get semantic?

There is no perfect semantic analysis approach today, and there is
considerable variation in capability. Moreover, some SWA vendors
don’t use semantic analysis at all. The latter breed will claim to
distinguish HP, the successful technology company, from Horse Power
by constructing more traditional search queries looking for words like
“printer”, “PC” and “camera” close to the reference to HP, and, equally,
for the absence of references to “car”, “motorbike” or “engine”.

But how they will cope if HP wheels an electric vehicle out of their
Silicon Valley garage?

I mentioned above the ability to determine the sentiment of references

to your brand, also known as the tonality. You may find it useful to
know, for example, that 60% of references to your product were
positive last month, 25% were neutral and 15% were negative.
Tracking sentiment over time will help you establish whether things

Page 28
are going your way or not, and how exactly. But SWA vendors without
semantic analysis capability cannot estimate sentiment for you.

Again, this may not be a problem for your organisation depending on

your specific needs.

The vendor without semantic analysis capability may allow you to

determine the sentiment manually for each item they discover for you,
and let you log your conclusion in their system accordingly. This could
be fine for a few hundred mentions a month, but if your organisation is
likely to generate thousands or tens of thousands of mentions each
month, this will soon prove ugly to scale.

Lastly, you will probably want your SWA to ignore spam blogs (blogs
created automatically simply to catch clicks and generate affiliate
marketing revenue for their owners). Identifying spam relies heavily
on semantic analysis.

This disambiguation page on Wikipedia links to pages on semantic

analysis29 should you wish to get down deeper into the science.

Search query structure

Search success may vary considerably on the quality of the search
query structure. Exactly how are you communicating what you’re
looking for to the SWA service?

There are two extremes here, with some vendors having a mix of the

At its simplest, the SWA service offers users the same thing the Google
homepage does; a search box. Enter search query here. A step up
from this is analogous to Google’s advanced search where you can be
more specific about things such as phrases, exclusions, language and

Page 29
dates. This is perfect for a quick analysis, for investigating a new
business prospect or partner for example, or informing a new product
development brainstorm.

The other end of the spectrum is the allocation to you by the SWA
vendor of a “search manager”. This individual is expert in their
company’s service, and expert at working with you to construct
detailed search queries and, critically, honing them regularly over time
from the results that get returned.

The results from the latter are more likely to deliver less false positives
(erroneous results such as when “HP” means “Horse Power”) and less
false negatives (failing to identify true references as such).

As for every parameter here, only you can decide which approach is
most appropriate to your needs. It may boil down to aspects such as
the degree of ambiguity in your company and brand names for
example, and your budget.

APIs and libraries

You’ll need to involve your IT team here, although it will be apparent
from the next paragraph whether this section is relevant to you.

APIs are application programming interfaces. The availability,

capability and documentation of APIs will prove critical to your ability
to suck the results out of your SWA vendor’s service into another of
your IT systems, and wield their service from within other systems,
should that be your intention.

In these situations, the service's user interface is less important as

your users will be accessing the information via another system

Page 30
You probably don't just want to show the numbers however; the story
is still best summarised with good looking charts. You’ll need,
therefore, to have easy and documented access to the provider's Flash
libraries, the code that converts the data into Flash images.

Alternatively, a provider may use Silverlight or some other image

rendering technology (look out for fast Scalable Vector Graphics as this
capability becomes native to modern browsers such as the planned
update to Firefox 3.0), and these capabilities have to be understood

These capabilities are rare at the moment, and surprisingly so I think

given the vendors’ focus on the Social Web which, in my mind, goes
hand-in-hand with other Web 2.0 characteristics such as mashing-up30.

Some vendors are more “Web 2.0” in their thinking, more “mashup”
friendly than others. Here’s a hint. If you see the vendor referring to
cost per seat in their pricing sheet then you know they’ll welcome your
overtures to mashing-up their data as much as the record labels revel
in file sharing. Cost per seat is, in my opinion, an archaic way to price
SWA. Something like cost per active search query per day is more

Whilst some Web services can be run from someone’s bedroom, given
its criticality to your business, you don’t want SWA to be one of them!

You will be interested in understanding where the vendor’s main tech

facility is located, what redundancy such as co-located facilities they
have established, and their hours of customer service support.

Mashing-up refers to sourcing data from various sources and combining them in previously
unachievable yet highly useful ways. A common mashup, for example, is to display various data on
a Google Map.

Page 31
Commercial, licensing and terms of use
What is the pricing structure? Per seat? Per search query? Per
language? Annual? Pay-as-you-go?

How does agency licensing work? Many vendors gear their pricing to
the single organisation rather than to the agency working across many
campaigns for many organisations. Do they offer discounts for multiple
campaign tracking? Do they offer a service level agreement?

How does the licensing address the copyright of both the reports
generated by the service and of the material it collates? Do they
indemnify you for the use of their service for any claims made in
relation to patent, copyright or trademark infringement?

Page 32
Page 33

The free tools
There’s a wealth of free tools and services available to you on the
Web. You should make use of these before procuring SWA to give you
an idea of what’s out there and what you might need to be doing in the
longer-term. And, as they’re free, there’s no reason to stop using them
when you’ve procured a SWA tool; after all, no one tool will give you
the full picture.

Here’s a selection.

Google, Yahoo!, MSN Live, Ask

What better place to start to understand how your organisation and

brands are perceived than by conducting a Web search… as this will be
a very common way for your stakeholders to look for you and find
content about you. And whilst Google currently accounts for just over
half of all Web searches, that means a significant proportion are
conducted with other search engines. That means you should too.

Try thinking about the search terms each of your stakeholder groups
might use; some will include your company name and brand names,
and some search terms will not. I’m guessing however that most
readers of this ebook will have progressed beyond this sort of
recommendation some years back, so I’ll move on…

Google Alerts

Page 34
Google Alerts cover "News", "Web", “Blogs”, "Groups" and “Video”. A
Google alert is an email that lets you know if:

• new articles make it into the top ten news results for your Google
News search

• new Web pages appear in the top twenty results for your Google
Web search

• new blog posts make it into the top ten results for your Google
Blog search

• new group posts make it into the top fifty results for your Google
Groups search

• new videos make it into the top ten results for your Google Video

A sixth type of Google Alert, “Comprehensive”, combines the results of

the Google Alerts for “News”, “Web” and “Blogs”.

Setting up Google Alerts means you get updates automatically as they

happen without having to run manual searches repeatedly yourself.

Google Trends

Google Trends delivers charts that portray how often a particular

search term or terms is entered relative to the total search volume
across regions of the world, and in various languages.

Popularity is broken down by region, city and language, and it’s

possible to refine the main graph by region and time period.

You can compare the volume of searches between two or more terms
(as per the screenshot here), and the main news explaining spikes in
activity is conveniently summarised to the right of the chart.

Page 35
Screenshot – Google trends

Google Blog Search

As per Google’s generic Web search, a Google Blog Search can be

initiated simply by entering keywords and phrases in the search box,
or honed with the advanced search facility available from the Google
Blog Search homepage.

Results can be sorted by relevance or by date.


Page 36
The first blog search service, Technorati is still considered by many to
be the best. Claiming, as of December 2007, to spider and index over
112 million blogs, the results can be sorted by “authority” and “rank”.

Technorati Authority is the number of blogs (not the number of blog

posts) linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the
number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has.

Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far a blog is from the top.
The blog with the highest Technorati Authority is the number 1 ranked
blog, so the smaller your Technorati Rank, the closer you are to the


Just out of private beta as of mid-June 2008, Twingly describes its goal
as being “to create the first and best spam-free search engine and to
be the most innovative web startup in Europe.” They continue “while
our eventual goal is nothing short of world dominance, we are
currently focusing our efforts on European blogs. Having said this, our
index already includes many blogs from all over the world.”

Try it, particularly if your geographic focus is Europe. I like it.


Another well respected blog search engine, IceRocket offers the same
basic and advanced search facility as all blog search engines listed

Page 37

Owned by Nielsen, whose Nielsen BuzzMetrics service features later in

this ebook, BlogPulse is “an automated trend discovery system for

Screenshot – trend results

Here’s their feature list:

• Blog search

• A set of buzz-tracking tools tracking key issues, people, news

stories, news sources, bloggers and more

• A fun look at real-world trends as reflected through blogs

• Daily blog stats that measure activity in the world of blogging

• A trend search that allows you to create trend charts comparing

buzz in the blogosphere on up to three specific topics

Page 38
• A Conversation Tracker that follows and captures the discussion, or
conversation, that emanates and spreads from individual blogs or
individual blog posts

• Blogger Profiles that identify top-ranked blogs and analyze their

blog presence, activity and relative influence in the blogging world.

News readers
A news reader is also known as a feed aggregator or feed reader. A
news reader is to RSS newsfeeds what Google Mail or Hotmail is to
email. In fact, look out for services combining RSS and email in the not
too distant future.

Whilst early news readers came as software requiring installation on

your PC, the majority of news reader users today prefer Web-based

Popular Web-based news readers include Newsgator, Google Reader

and Bloglines.


A subsidiary company of that operates a website that

provides information on web traffic.

See for more information. is the first social bookmarking website and searching it

gives you an idea of what people are bookmarking. This is different to
Google’s pagerank approach, which looks at how many and what kind

Page 39
of sites are linking to a webpage. You could say that Joe Public will
save a social bookmark more often than he will add a hyperlink to a
website, so searching social bookmarking websites will give you a
different and equally valuable perspective.

Other popular social bookmarking services include StumbleUpon,

Ma.gnolia, Furl, Simpy and Faves (previously called Blue Dot),


A social news service, Digg describes itself as follows: “Everything on

Digg — from news to videos to images to podcasts — is submitted by
our community. Once something is submitted, other people see it and
Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough
Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to

Other social news services include Reddit and Newsvine.


As described on their website: “Summize's mission is to search &

discover the topics and attitudes expressed within online
conversations. Our home page currently features real time
conversations on Twitter. Also check out Summize Labs for prototypes
that harness conversations within blogs and reviews. Additional
sources of online conversations are coming soon!”

Page 40
Screenshot – Summize labs Twitter sentiment

Page 41

Page 42

The vendors
This is a list of all the vendors approached for inclusion in this ebook
and whether they responded with the majority of data I requested,
some of it or none.

COMPANY / SERVICE Most Some None ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
31 ● ●

Umbriacorp apologised for not being able to respond at this time as the company was acquired
1st April 2008 by J.D. Power and Associates, itself part of The McGraw-Hill Companies. They
asserted their interest in participating next year.

Page 43
It’s interesting that I’m not a journalist, I’m a chartered engineer, a
director of a PR consultancy and a blogger, and in writing this ebook
and publishing it for free on the Social Web I’m creating something
that is as pertinent to the SWA vendors as the kind of stuff their
services unearth for their customers.

So it’s no surprise then that, excepting a notable few, the vendors

understood the relevance of responding to my emails and phone calls.
But none approached me proactively.

I find this a bit odd as I blogged twice about my intentions to write this
ebook, well in advance and including relevant keywords, phrases and
hyperlinks to most of the companies listed above. The blogs on which I
posted attract thousands of unique visitors a month, yet either the
posts were not flagged up by the vendors’ own tools, or they were and
no-one cared at that juncture.

So I guess the SWA vendors aren’t yet walking the talk32.

Vendor information and your participation

The information on the following vendor pages is provided by the
vendors at my request, and may be supplemented by information
taken directly from their current public websites. I have referenced no
other sources, nor have I validated the vendor claims.

As you may interpret from the ebook title, I intend to publish an

updated ebook each year. I hope that this ebook will enjoy wide
circulation and warrant, in true Social Web style, your participation. I
would like to include your experiences of wielding these tools in the
next edition, and indeed any thoughts you may have on the whole

This statement cannot apply to Dow Jones. I can’t determine if they would have picked up on the
blog posts as they were quickly alerted to my post by a reader and responded accordingly.

Page 44
subject, so I will be looking out for your comments, blog posts,
refbacks, emails, twitters, feeds, …

As you would expect, I’d also welcome updates from all vendors
included here and any I may have omitted or that are yet to launch. If
any vendor wishes to volunteer their services to help me do some
ongoing social Web analytics on SWA, that would be super!

Page 45

Simon McDermott,

CEO, Attentio

Based in Brussels, Attentio position themselves as Europe’s leading

provider of real time market intelligence based on social media.
Founded in 2004 by serial entrepreneur Per Siljubergsasen (founder of
Kelkoo) and Simon McDermott (ex. Intel, Cisco), the service is
powered by “a robust search engine, indexing technology and tools to
extract information from blogs, forums, news, YouTube”. It’s also
award winning – Red Herring and the European ICT Prize.

The Attentio team of researchers includes Doctorates and Masters in

Artificial Intelligence for the production of advanced algorithms in
areas such as topic detection, sentiment analysis and influencer
identification. Attentio employs advanced semantic analysis (which, for
those interested in the science, includes n-grams, patterns, tf*idf and
supervised learning).

Attentio indexes data from 600,000 English language and 900,000

other language sources, including all western European languages,
three times a day. This number is growing approximately 15% per

Page 46
quarter. Whilst crawling thousands of European Myspace sites, they do
not generally employ spiders but rather subscribe to RSS feeds and
buy information from a handful of third parties.

Screenshot – dashboard

The service doesn’t allow customers to remove or add sources directly,

but they will try to meet requests submitted to them. Customer service
follows the central European working day, so Attentio may not be
appropriate for US or Asian organisations requiring same day support.

Page 47
Attentio is in my good books with pricing that is not on a per seat
basis. Moreover, they’re also geared up to work with agencies with a
white label service and an “all you can eat” deal covering all regions
and sources for multiple keywords and topics from €15,000 per month.

Screenshot – insight

The client list includes Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, Samsung,

Toyota, Lexus, Intel, Disney Pictures, GfK, Roche Pharmaceuticals,
Club Med and “major European PR and digital agencies”. If you want a
taster of Attentio’s output, they have a showcase at

Page 48, although this won’t exhibit sentiment until later

Attentio’s roadmap includes sentiment weighting and blog comment


Contact [email protected].

Page 49

Brad Brodigan,

CEO, Biz360

Founded in 2000, Biz360 Inc. is an information-services company

focused on transforming information to help businesses make better
decisions. They use technology to aggregate, measure and analyse
information from traditional news media and social media.

“Biz360 is distinguished by its broad, global network of content

sources, superior leading-edge analytical expertise, and
outstanding service & support – which enables us to deliver to our
clients the most accurate, relevant and insightful information /
metrics in the most flexible and consumable formats.”

A privately held company, funded by three Silicon Valley investor

firms, they closed their last round of funding in May 2008 for $10m.
They plan to invest the capital in “next-generation products that
capitalise on significant, emerging market research opportunities

Page 50
spurred by the evolution of consumer behavior on the Web.” Clients
include AAA, Aetna, AstraZeneca and Sun Microsystems.

Brad Brodigan, CEO, says:

“We are building technology to capitalize on the unprecedented

millions of customer product opinions that exist on the Web. We
aim to provide decision makers in marketing, research and product
development a new and innovative means to harness these
opinions in an extremely powerful way.

“Two years ago, people were buying media analysis for defensive
purposes – they wanted to know when people were saying bad
things. But now companies want to know how to compete better.
What’s driving someone to buy one digital camera over another or
one car over another? We believe there’s a big shift from defensive
to offensive tools.”

But that’s all I can tell you I’m afraid. Biz360’s PR consultancy declined
to provide any further detail. Can you believe it? I can’t. They want to
help marketing decision makers, just not here!

If you want to know more, then you need to submit a request for
proposal and sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Page 51
Brandimensions /

Bradley Silver,



Brandimensions offers two services, BrandIntel (the focus here) and


“BrandIntel translates consumer-generated content into predictive

consumer insight through a combination of proprietary technology,
iterative human analysis and proven best practices. Using its
unique methodology, BrandIntel provides visibility into consumer
discussions online and delivers market intelligence that extends
beyond traditional research by capturing spontaneous, relevant and
emotional content. Through this process, BrandIntel clients get
actionable recommendations that can be used to capture market
share, boost brand equity and manage market reputation.”

BrandIntel claims customers amongst the Fortune 1000 companies,

across sectors including automotive, media and entertainment,
financial services and life sciences.

Page 52
It became immediately obvious that BrandIntel is different from most
of the other services in this ebook when, in answer to the request for
screenshots, I was informed: “We provide a service rather than a
product so screen clips are not applicable.”

As such, the company left my questions about indexing, spidering,

semantic analysis, APIs etc. blank. The commercial aspect was the
only question set answered, and it basically told me that you can hire
these guys on a project or ongoing basis. The project entails them
digging into the social Web and reporting back on your product /
brand, and that of your two closest competitors. You also get a
telephone call with their analyst.

Alternatively, you could subscribe to BrandIntel on an ongoing basis.

This programme will be adapted based on its prior findings, and entails
a weekly call with your assigned analyst.

Without further information about its underlying technology I have no

idea how this service might stack up. For all I know, they may
subscribe to the service or services of other SWA vendors, which would
therefore eliminate them from future editions of this ebook.

BrandIntel is headquartered in Canada, and has offices across North

America. No contact details supplied to me; see website for details I

Page 53

Rob Crumpler,

CEO, BuzzLogic

Founded in 2004, BuzzLogic is “a technology company and growing ad

network enabling marketers and publishers to harness online influence
to create and execute effective social media growth strategies.”

BuzzLogic uses patented algorithms to identify influential online

discussions and claims to enable marketers to effectively target their
messages to both opinion leaders and the engaged readers who follow

Agencies and brands such as Nordstrom, Publicis, PBS, eBay, and

McDonald’s use BuzzLogic for a number of initiatives, from blogger
relations to direct marketing and Conversation Targeting™ for online
ad campaigns.

BuzzLogic describes its service as “built specifically to crawl high

quality blog ‘conversations’ – which we define as blogs linking back
and forth to each other, ‘talking’ around very specific topics.” They
continue to describe their indexing as “based on trust filters, and

Page 54
[comprising] high quality content deliberately linked to by trusted
sources to ensure no spam or ‘splogs’ touch our customers.”

Screenshot – conversation at a glance

Whilst not disclosing the number of sources or indeed how they collate
all their data, they do describe their indexing as follows:

“To date, BuzzLogic has indexed hundreds of millions of posts,

adding thousands more a day. These include content from personal
and corporate blogs, media sharing sites, micro-publishing sites
and open social networks. New sites enter into our index every day
– be it organically through a blog being linked out to by a trusted
source, or by a customer entering a particular URL into the index to
understand and track its influence.

“BuzzLogic’s Influence Algorithms crawl and analyze content for

influence on a daily basis. All sites – regardless of language or
origin – get the same treatment. In addition to English, we support
19 other languages. Currently, approximately 80% of the BuzzLogic
Conversation Index is comprised of English language sites.”

Page 55
BuzzLogic has appropriate focus on the social networking services.
They crawl Myspace as permitted, and are amongst the first vendors
here to take notice of Wikipedia and Twitter. If a link is tweeted (the
verb referring to making a Twitter post), then this may impact its
BuzzLogic ranking.

Screenshot – social map

Customers may add new sources to a ‘watchlist’, and equally relegate

existing sources to a ‘blacklist’.

Page 56
BuzzLogic has refrained from semantic analysis to date. Rather, they
give customers the facility to rate each item for sentiment themselves
or outsource this manual task to partner firm KDPaine & Partners33.

The service employs “patent-pending algorithms, which take more

than a dozen factors into account when calculating influence, including
the linking activity around a specific post, the quality, popularity of the
surrounding blogs paying attention to a post, and how credible an
author is on a specific subject.”

I’ll leave BuzzLogic to describe the output:

“The data is presented via a dashboard that illustrates lists of top

influencers, as well as a view that displays individual posts in order
of influence. BuzzLogic also offers a Social Map – a 360 degree
visual depiction of the linking activity around any given post,
complete with which sites are linking in, which sites are being
linked out to. Users can drill down to read background information
on a blogger, outreach notes from colleagues, and access post
content straight from the BuzzLogic dashboard. They can also
access reach metrics to gauge the audience size of any blog, as well
as discover whether a certain bloggers is influential on any other
conversation queries they have running in the system.

“Customers can run reports to pull statistically relevant info to

understand the percentage of influencers talking about a specific
subject as compared to the rest of the community, as well as
reports that map the change in tone and sentiment over time.”

The company shares my enthusiasm for APIs and tells me they have
several reporting APIs in development. Of course this also indicates
that they have the foresight to avoid per seat pricing.


Page 57
Customers pay a yearly subscription fee, from $12,000, for complete
on-demand access. They are unique here in offering their Conversation
Targeting service to advertisers, but that’s beyond the current remit of
this ebook.

BuzzLogic is geared to agency needs, with appropriate multi-campaign

pricing allowing the fee to scale up and down with client wins and

BuzzLogic is based in Northern California’s Bay Area, privately held,

and secured $12 million funding in 2007.

Contact Courtney Hughes for sales ([email protected]) and

Valerie Combs for general enquiries ([email protected]).

Page 58

Niklas Flyborg,

CEO, Cision

Cision AB ( is publicly owned and quoted on the

Nordic exchange. The company has around 2,600 employees and
offices in the US, UK, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Norway, Finland,
Denmark, Portugal, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and China,
and partners in another 125 countries.

They have a heritage of monitoring mainstream media for 70 years,

which makes them the granddaddy of this group. Cision jumped into
Web monitoring “when the Web became a vehicle for communications
and marketing”.

Cision serves “almost all of the world’s largest public relations firms”
and a majority of the Fortune 500, as well as NGOs and governmental
organizations. Corporate clients include Samsung, Bayer, Hilton,
American Express, Sony, Walt Disney, Starbucks, Oracle and Intel.

It would be easy to think of Cision as the old boys trying their best to
keep abreast of this modern age, but that would be wrong. Plainly.

Page 59
Cision ‘gets’ the Social Web and what it takes to learn most from it. It
is also the only vendor to have created a specific website landing page
for readers of this ebook, (although they could have made this a
discussion page rather than simply an invitation to fill in a form; I’m
assured your query will be routed to a contact person in your country).

Screenshot – media agent

Interestingly, in all my communications with SWA vendors, Cision is

the only vendor to have referred to the possibilities of the Semantic
Web (so called Web 3.0) that I touched upon in the “” and
“Measurement & evaluation” sections.

Let’s look at the details. Cision covers 30,000 English language news
sites and 25 million English language blogs. They have one of the most
extensive language capabilities spanning 70 countries. Everything is

Page 60
crawled at least once a day, and a team of 200 analysts maintain and
grow this database of sources, including direct requests from
customers. The depth of spidering required for each source is assessed
by an analyst, but it’s unclear to me whether the main social networks
(Myspace et al) are included.

Screenshot – media agent

Like Cymfony, the Cision service uses natural language processing, a

form of semantic analysis based on artificial intelligence and
computational linguistics. It has thorough de-duplication and spam
elimination capability. Impressively, Cision is one of the few vendors
here to declare active R&D into speech-to-text capability for crawling
and indexing audio and video content. Such capability will be a
significant differentiator in coming years.

Page 61
Cision claims to have automatic sentiment analysis but also states that
this is not something they recommend to their clients. Note to self to
understand this position more clearly for the 2009 ebook; is it because
they feel no such analysis is sufficiently accurate as yet, or just their
own sentiment analysis?

Cision wisely offer both mechanisms for defining search criteria: DIY or
in conjunction with one of their Media Analysts. The analytical results
are made available as an XML output (a file that can be readily used by
another IT system), but there’s no current access to charting libraries
for the subsequent display of such data in another system.

Lastly, Cision also has the wisdom to price on a per client / campaign /
brand basis, but there remains a per seat element.


Page 62

Don Springer,

CEO, Collective-


Founded in 2005 and based in Boulder, Colorado, CollectiveIntellect

describes their last year as one focused on adding millions of new
social media sources and improving data quality with highly automated
categorisation and analytic tools. Quite rightly, they point out that
analysis is pointless if you don’t start with accurate and comprehensive

CollectiveIntellect must be doing something right to have attracted

custom from the likes of Microsoft, Chrysler, Anheuser-Busch, Pfizer,
Dell, Yahoo!, Viacom, Verizon, Levi’s and Adobe. They are privately
held and have raised $11m to date.

Alongside the technological service, CollectiveIntellect provides

“strategic planning, development of integrated social media plans and
landscape analyses, project management and counsel including
identifying best practices, assisting with ad hoc questions and co-
developing communities.” This may or may not explain the absence of

Page 63
agencies listed in their key customer line up – it appears that
CollectiveIntellect may be considered by some agencies as
competitive, although I’m sure the company considers themselves
more as partners. They have indicated to me their willingness to co-
pitch with agencies.

The company recognises the growing demand for quantitative

performance measurement of marketing activity, and emphasises its
capabilities “to quantitatively [show] how a brand ranks against
competitors and to measure the lift of each campaign, social media or

Screenshot – Real-Time Media Intellect Monitor

The service indexes over 12 million blogs, 10,000 message boards,

19,000 traditional news sources, and tracks the social networking sites

as permitted. All these are English language only at the moment,

Page 64
although the company plans to extend to Latin based and Asian
languages this year, with three million sources already bedded in.

CollectiveIntellect has adopted topic crawling (along with Kaava, the

only services to make this distinction). Called TopicNets, this patent-
pending spidering technology potentially reveals deeper insight by
directing their crawls based on discovering linked topical consistency.
This kind of intensity is generally referred to as “deep crawling”.

Screenshot – share of voice




Brand G
50 Brand F
Brand E
Brand D
25 Brand C
Brand B
Brand A


Their obsession with topicality, whilst no doubt an asset of itself, may

be a weakness in isolation. Interestingly, CollectiveIntellect dismisses
social networking pages as “highly off topic and generally unhelpful”,
and instead prefers to focus on the group / community pages within
such networks. They also write off micro-blogs such as Twitter and
Jaiku as “highly irrelevant”.

That’s one perspective I can’t agree with; for example, I’ve found my
Twitter community to be a great source of interesting information,
recommendations, critique and links (and trivia too I admit). In other
words, micro-blogs can be an influential channel. And social

Page 65
networking pages are as on topic as any chat over a pint might be;
random perhaps, influential, possibly.

Saying that, CollectiveIntellect’s Nick Sowden34 is the only staff

member of the SWA vendors described here to let me know he’s on
Twitter and to have subscribed to my Twitter. He’s also one of two to
have invited me to link up on LinkedIn. To me, ‘being’ social inspires
confidence that they truly ‘think’ and ‘live’ social.

Despite my reservations about the company’s dismissal of social pages

and micro-blogs I recall telling a colleague that CollectiveIntellect has
“the magic dust”. Here are a few more things, additional to those
above, that led me to make such an exclamation:

• Defined failure mechanisms for spiders

• Distinguish between individual authors on a blog

• Advanced de-duping capability, if required

• Easy-to-use manual weighting of sources as needed

• Advanced linguistic statistical analysis helps train the service from

example content to “find more content like this”

• Have every analysis capability going – Bayesian networks,

language models and latent semantic analysis

• Market leading spam elimination

• Accurate sentiment / tonality assessment that does not require

domain specific tuning

• A 17-point assessment of influence

• Availability of documented APIs and libraries, and even widgets,

although like me they recognise that the demand is nascent


Page 66
• Solid technical infrastructure and 24/7 support.

Screenshot – maven list

A verage
Influence T otal # Message
Rank Source T ype Posts Rank
1 Biopact Blog 979 6.7
2 ABC O nline News 837 6.1
3 Guardian Unlimited News 573 6.4
4 Telegraph News 525 6.2
5 Renewable Energy Access Blog 325 6.4
6 Power Engineering News 189 6.2
7 GreenCarC ongress Blog 127 6.4
8 autobloggreen - Sebastian Blanco Blog 126 6.3
9 Green Car Congress Blog 102 6.5
10 autobloggreen - Sam Abuelsamid Blog 94 6.4
11 The Hindu News 75 6.4
12 ActiveRain Blogs Blog 70 6.2
13 autobloggreen - Xavier Navarro Blog 65 6.4
14 Renewable Energy Access News 64 6.3
15 DomesticFuel Blog 58 6.4
16 Business W ire News 47 6.3
17 PeakEnergy Blog 43 6.7
18 NationalW ind W atch: News Blog 37 7.1
19 Peak O il Blog 34 7.4
20 The Australian News 34 6.4
21 Report O n Business News 34 6.2
22 C NN News 33 6.3
23 autobloggreen - Lascelles Linton Blog 28 6.6
24 AutoMotoPortal Blog 28 6.0
25 Nuclear Regulatory C omm ission News 28 6.2
26 Reuters News 27 6.4
27 Jalopnik - Matt Hardigree Blog 25 6.4
28 InternationalHerald Tribune News 23 6.4
29 Platts News 23 6.3
30 W orld Nuclear News News 23 6.2

All of this capability does come at a small price to convenience

however. CollectiveIntellect assigns you a “search manager” to help
build up your SWA criteria. But as I wrote in the “Search query
structure” section, you get back what you put in.

By now, you’ll know I detest per seat pricing, and again

CollectiveIntellect comes up trumps. The commercials are based on a
per project, per campaign or per topic basis. In fact, the only other

Page 67
criticism I can muster up is the plainly visible fact that their reports
aren’t as pretty as the competions’; not a critical desideratum and
easily fixed… come on CollectiveIntellect!

Contact Nick Sowden, Director, Business Development, (telephone

+1.303.842.0805, [email protected], twitter

Page 68

CyberAlert’s heritage lies in tracking traditional media sources,

indexing 27,000 news sites worldwide, of which just over half are US
based and 20,000 of which are in the English language.

The company has added 25 million blogs to its indexing capability, but
cannot currently weed out spam blogs. Indeed, despite significant
evidence to the contrary, they explain this inability by stating: “There
doesn’t seem to be any detectible pattern of where they originate or
what format they use.”

Whilst they do say they will incorporate spam recognition and

elimination “once [such software] becomes available”, this fact alone
betrays the company’s relatively immature SWA capabilities.

Their service has no semantic analysis, and they reply on their

customers to rate one source as more relevant than another.

CyberAlert provided less information than the majority of vendors

here. Why? I don’t know, but it means I can’t say much more. The
only highlight I can report is the fact that pricing is not on a per seat

Page 69

Bernstein, CEO,

There’s an interesting fact about Cymfony – U.S. intelligence agencies

have been relying on their technology for the best part of a decade.
That grabs your attention. It may have grabbed TNS Media’s, as they
acquired Cymfony in February 2007.

Cymfony monitors 70 million blogs, 30,000 discussion boards and

consumer review sites, 40,000 usenet groups and all the major social
networking sites and consumer video sites as permitted.

The company claims to monitor over 100,000 traditional media

sources. Depending on the third party subscriptions you have or chose
to take up, Cymfony will include content from Factiva, Lexis Nexis,
Dialog, Critical Mention, Burrelles and other sources to provide a
comprehensive view of newspaper, magazine, broadcast, and online
editorial sources.

Page 70
Uniquely, as far as I know, they can also incorporate a customer’s own
content such as customer emails, call centre records, web-based
customer service comments, etc.

Like Cision, the service then applies natural language processing, a

form of semantic analysis based on artificial intelligence and
computational linguistics, to interpret all the data identified as salient
to the search criteria. Importantly, you can set these searches up
yourself, or work with your Program Manager and Strategic Analyst to
hone the queries, to interpret the data, prepare reports and make
recommendations on how to use the findings.

Screenshot – executive summary

Page 71
Cymfony customers include Mattel, Southwest, DHL, Jiffy Lube, and
Microsoft. DHL’s Leslie Monreal-Feil, Public Relations Manager, explains
why DHL adopted Cymfony:

“We need an effective solution that helps us track and analyze

thousands of stories, multiple brands and a wide range of topical
issues that affect our business. Cymfony Orchestra makes this
possible with its intuitive user interface, customizable reporting and
high level of flexibility. It offers easy filtering that allows the user
to generate highly tailored reports based on any given need –
whether you’re tracking a specific issue or analyzing the overall
effectiveness of a communications campaign.”

Cymfony’s Jim Nail, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, posted the
following observation to the Cymfony blog:

“What should marketers do if the bloom comes off the social media
rose? Ignore the anguished cries of VCs and even the doomsday
blather that the media may put out. Keep your eye on the people
who buy and use your brands. Stay involved with social media
because your consumers will be involved with it.”

Spot on Jim. Indeed, I’d like to tell you more about the service, but
Cymfony was amongst the vendors to stop some way short of
answering all my questions. As you know, I can’t understand why any
vendor of Social Web Analytics services would want to be anything less
than fully open and transparent. Perhaps, despite Jim’s enthusiasm,
they’re suspicious of taking part fully in the conversation themselves,
so perhaps you’ll have better luck getting your questions answered

Of course, my emails may have just slipped between the cracks.

You can email [email protected] or telephone 001.617.673.6000.

Page 72
Screenshot – convergence analysis

Page 73


Chris Johnson,


Here’s dna13’s opener:

“Founded in Ottawa, Canada in August 2001, dna13 launched

dnaEnterprise – an on-demand Enterprise Communications
Management platform with integrated functionality for issue
management, media monitoring and analysis.”

The private company closed a CDN $5m investment round in May

2007, and has not been slow in putting the capital to work. In
February 2008, dna13 announced Release 7 of their service, adding a
number of new features including enhanced item scoring and analytical
charting. The company claims more than 100 brands rely on its
platform including Manulife Financial, Starbucks Coffee Company,
Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, John Hancock Insurance and
Fidelity Investments.

Page 74
The company has chosen to specialise in indexing, analysis and
reporting, leaving collection of the data to those that make it their
business. Most notably, dna13 and Nielsen BuzzMetrics announced a
media content partnership giving dna13 access to the BuzzMetric blog
database (and a similar deal has been agreed with Moreover
Technologies). It’s always interesting to witness this kind of
partnership between otherwise competing companies, and more
specifically it’s interesting to understand what dna13 does with this
data that’s different to BuzzMetrics.

The service indexes 30 million sources from these third parties, and is
striving to increase update frequency from daily to hourly or even
more often. The company can process English, Spanish, German,
Italian and French for new media, and 75 languages across 200
countries for print.

dna13 does not undertake semantic analysis, so any attempt to

quantify sentiment is left to the client to do manually.

The company has two products: dnaEnterprise is their Web-based,

“enterprise class, brand and reputation management solution”; and
dnaMonitor is their Web-based stand-alone media monitoring solution.

Uniquely for a SWA vendor, as far as I know, dnaEnterprise also

includes collaborative workspaces, although I don’t believe this system
competes head on with leading collaboration software and services
from my knowledge of the sector.

“dnaEnterprise promotes topic-specific collaboration among users,

agencies and stakeholders, keeping everyone up-to-date and on
the same page. Workspaces can be extended to include key
spokespeople for issue briefings or global team members' updates
on projects in progress. Similarly, PR agencies can extend

Page 75
campaign workspaces and specific information for client review,
comment or approval.”

Speaking of her choice of dnaEnterprise, Beja Rodeck, Senior Manager,

Media and Public Relations, RBC Financial Group, says:

“dnaEnterprise has introduced a structured, intelligent and user

friendly approach to managing our communications – it has
significantly enhanced the overall effectiveness of our media
relations department and enable us to proved greater value to the
company by integrating the communication functions of our
international operations.”

The company did not answer my questions about APIs or libraries, so

I’m assuming neither is available.

For information, contact [email protected] +1.866.842.1723 (toll free),


Page 76
Dow Jones

Clare Hart, EVP,

Dow Jones,



Media Group

I enjoyed my interaction with Dow Jones. They were more than happy
to give me a call and wanted to catch up on how I was doing. They are
enthusiastic about the idea of this ebook and possibly the most helpful
company here. Delightful.

Factiva was founded in 1999 as a joint venture between Dow Jones &
Company and Reuters Group. In 2005 Factiva acquired media-
measurement firm 2B Reputation Intelligence Limited and
Benchmarking Solutions Limited. Factiva was acquired by Dow Jones in
December 2006, and then Dow Jones was acquired by News
Corporation in December 2007.

Dow Jones tracks amongst the most languages of any vendor here,
including Eastern European and unusually Catalan and Turkish. They
index 10,000 of “the most influential” websites (including social

Page 77
networks as permitted and Wikipedia), millions of blogs and
approximately 45,000 discussion boards. Not sure how often they
revisit the sources, they simply report “various frequencies”.

The Dow Jones team is currently developing the capability to index the
micro-blog services such as Twitter.

The service uses PLSA (Probability Latent Semantic Analysis) to

achieve what Dow Jones calls automated favourability analysis; what
we call here sentiment or tonality. Their spiders and analysis don’t
appear to be quite the standard set by CollectiveIntellect, but appear
very thorough nevertheless.

Screenshot – the dashboard

Page 78
Sentiment and source weighting may be achieved automatically or
manually as required, yet interestingly search results will be displayed
in (reverse) chronological order only, and not relevance.

Dow Jones is very much the corporate supplier of SWA, if you know
what I mean by that. It’s a complement and a criticism. They are
polished and professional, provide 24/5 customer service and come
with all the heritage an organisation could wish for. Clients include
Comcast, IMF, Fiserv, Sprint, American Express and Target.

But you won’t find much Web 2.0 style thinking here – no APIs or
access to libraries, and the dreadful cost per seat approach to pricing.

Contact Peter Smith, Director of Sales, Dow Jones Insight

[email protected].

Screenshot – the details

Page 79
Screenshot – most cited

Page 80


Jan Hansen,

CEO, Integrasco

Some SWA vendors here have breadth, but may lack depth relatively.
Integrasco has depth, but does not position itself as having the
breadth. As CEO Jan Hansen points out: “… we work high up in the
value chain with a few clients that are large leading brands”.

It appears that Integrasco goes out and identifies the places the
conversation is happening once they have been retained rather than
before. They then analyse this dialogue intensively, both
technologically and manually. I think I’m seeing a sub-group of such
companies forming now, consisting Integrasco, Brandimensions

Jan Hansen is particularly excited at the prospect of distinguishing

between content contributed by people in the UK and people in North
America. Anyone who has tried to compile a key blogger /
commentator list for either of these markets will know how frustrating
it is sometimes to determine where this individual lives. Some would
argue that it doesn’t matter, but it does when your client is paying you

Page 81
to look after one geography and specifically not another! Sometimes
you end up looking for spellings such as “colour” / “color”, or
“organise” / “organize” to give you a clue.

Screenshot – search

Another development is Integrasco’s Automated Product Identifier.

Currently in beta, this service learns which products belong to which
brand entirely from the analysis of discussion threads, and by
matching this to their client’s master list can rapidly identify, for
example, where information about a new product has leaked.

I’m assuming this requires semantic analysis capability of some

variety, but this was not disclosed.

Integrasco focuses on 400 core sources at the moment, all “discussion

forums”, of which half are English language, and they archive this data
for up to two years; far longer than the typical 90 days.

Page 82
This private Norwegian company does allow export of its data, but
does not provide access to charting libraries. Lastly, Jan simply says
that pricing is on a per project basis.

Screenshot – stats

Contact Jan Hansen on +47 91 68 40 82 and email

[email protected].

Page 83

Joshua Sinel,

CEO, Kaava

Kaava has been in business for a long time, at least relative to other
vendors here. Starting out in 1996, the company claims to have been
the first to offer outsourced online community development,
management, and moderation services for companies including AOL,
Charles Schwab, CVS, Hallmark, IBM, iVillage, Martha Stewart,
MetLife, MTV, and Showtime.

The CEO believes this legacy gives his company the edge, lending it “a
unique sensitivity to, and understanding of, the subtle nuances that
comprise online consumer dialogue, and the limitations, pit-falls and
foundational truths surrounding the use of such organic data for
generating consumer observations, findings, insights, and

He goes on to list current clients such as American Express, Electronic

Arts, Kodak and the Ogilvy family of agencies.

Page 84
Kaava has “secondary access” (ie, via third parties) to over 60,000
threaded community data sources with topical indexing of over 1,600
such sources; all English language, and do not include the social
networks. All data is crawled daily including those sources comprising
Kaava’s proprietary topical taxonomy.

Like CollectiveIntellect, Kaava emphasises topical crawling. Its topical

index consists of over 350 top-level topics and their sub-topics, with
over 1,600 top-level sources (qualified for topical relevance, activity,
and consumer representation) assigned across the taxonomy. These
top-level sources are deconstructed and assigned at the conversational
thread level to improve quality. Kaava’s upcoming desktop application,
the Tuner, is named for its ability to pick out the consumer signals.

Semantic analysis is achieved using a technique Kaava calls

Naturalistic Inquiry, which it created based on the collective works of
Egon Guba and Yvonna Lincoln.

Based in White Plains, NY, with co-location in Hauppauge, NY,

customer service is only available during the East Coast working day.
Kaava is currently reviewing its pricing model.

Overall, I remain a little confused as to how Kaava stacks up to the

other vendors here. They seem to ‘have something’, yet at the same
time I’m not entirely clear from their marketing collateral and
responses to my questions what that something is. It may well be that
I’m so familiar with the approaches taken by other vendors that I’ve
been incapable of getting my head round Kaava’s differential.
Naturalistic Inquiry is definitely unique to the company.

Page 85
Screenshot – the Tuner product

A couple of aspects concern me. Firstly, their marketing includes the

statement that “communities are magnets for relevant discussion”,
perhaps explaining their smaller number of sources. This appears to fly
in the face of my assertions in the “Distributed conversations” section
somewhat. Secondly, the new Tuner product is a desktop product at a
time when most service providers have migrated to or are in the
process of moving to browser-based Web services.

I don’t believe they should be ignored on this basis however; perhaps

you’ll have more time to investigate the service in your full time role
than I’ve had during my evenings and weekends. And perhaps their
CEO Joshua Sinel will post further explanatory notes.

Joshua wanted me to highlight the following, which I quote verbatim

and goes some way to confirming that they may be a different animal:

Page 86
“Kaava works from project-based custom data sets that are derived
from highly targeted subject-matter relevant ongoing discussions,
and as such, does not spider and index in the more ‘traditional’
sense that has been defined by the majority of ‘measurement’

“Kaava’s ongoing data collection and indexing efforts are comprised

within its growing topical data library.”

Contact Joshua Sinel, [email protected] or 001.914.461.3439.

Page 87

Giles Palmer,

CEO, Magpie

[Disclosure – Giles is the only CEO here I knew before embarking on

writing this ebook, from our mutual participation in]

A private company based in London, Magpie’s Brandwatch service

crawls more than 500,000 English language sites up to 24 times a day.
Sites in four other European languages will be added later this year.

The company adds sites in a number of ways: as proposed by

customers; following keyword checks across six generic search
engines; and identified from popular links in the existing corpus. And
they are doing so at a rate exceeding 250,000 per quarter currently.

Brandwatch watches Myspace, Bebo, Facebook et al as permitted.

Interestingly, the company is the only SWA vendor here to have
pointed out the potential for a brand to invite “friends” so that their
social network activity can be monitored. Giles is quick to point out
that this must only be on a completely transparent basis, and a

Page 88
consumer deciding to become a “friend” does not mean that they are
then necessarily happy for you to monitor them in such a manner.

Screenshot – the main dashboard explained

Magpie’s spiders are well designed and robust. They are already on to
Twitter and Wikipedia, and are acute to spam.

The company prides itself on its semantic analysis capability. It looks

like it’s amongst the best of the pack here, so with that knowledge you
might want to skip the next quote if this science doesn’t excite you of
itself! It’s Giles’ explanation of their approach in this respect:

“Our Semantic Analysis solution is based on a combination of rule-

based Natural Language Analysis (for standard NLP functionality)
and Machine Learning algorithms (for automation of non-trivial
tasks by supervised-learning).

Page 89
“For standard Natural Language Analysis, we have adopted the
GATE framework that has been developed since 1995 and has a
proven track record in business use. GATE provides all the low-level
NLP functionality (such as tokenisation, sentence detection, and
part-of-speech tagging) for our application, as well as has higher-
level standard NLP processes (such as Named Entity Recognition).
We have refined and customised this framework and fully
integrated it into our application.

“For Machine Learning tasks, we use Support Vector Machines and

Character-based Probabilistic Language Models as our primary
classifier architectures. The classifiers are only as good as the data
they were trained on, so we collect and annotate their training data
in house, using our own annotation tool and our own data

Brandwatch assigns a sentiment score automatically, and this is then

weighted by the source’s credibility (from “very low” to “very high”)
and the site type (eg, blogs have higher weighting than corporate

Users can then view results by date or relevance, and can filter them
by site type, sentiment and source credibility. The user may also set
up email alerts with various triggers; should negative sentiment
increase uncharacteristically for example.

Data can be exported from Brandwatch in an XML format for ready

import into another IT system, and the company is assessing the need
for APIs and access to libraries. Giles adds that he’s more than happy
to develop this capability on an as-needed basis for larger clients.

Magpie uses London’s Interhouse to offer full redundancy, and

Brandwatch comes with a 99.9% uptime SLA. General customer

Page 90
support is available during UK working hours, but technical support is
available 24/7.

Screenshot – brand comparison

Page 91
The commercials are per brand per month, but there’s also reference
to per user in the company’s response to me. I can only interpret this
as the traditional “per seat” approach I feel is archaic. Magpie offers
agencies significant discounts for multiple campaign tracking, and will
white label as required. Ben Bose, Content & Media Strategist,
iCrossing, is one such white label customer:

“iCrossing has built a reputation as a top quality research and

strategy agency within social media, and we need to make sure
that we use the highest quality and most innovative tools to
support our work. Brandwatch provides an excellent data and
analytics source, and it has been developed in line with our, and,
more importantly, our clients’ needs. Magpie is a dedicated and
knowledgeable company, and a pleasure to partner.”

Magpie customers include HBOS, Alliance+Leicester, River Island,

Sony and Orange.

Contact Dominic Frost, Commercial Director, [email protected].

Page 92
Nielsen BuzzMetrics

David Calhoun,

Chairman & CEO,

The Nielsen


Formed by companies founded in the late 1990’s, Nielsen invested in

BuzzMetrics in 2006 and purchased 100% of the company in 2007.
Today, the BuzzMetrics service is part of Nielsen Online, itself part of
the privately held The Nielsen Company.

The company provides SWA services to “more than 100 top advertisers
and agencies, including Microsoft, Toyota and Sony.”

The service indexes 40 million blogs, 7,000 message boards and

45,000 groups in three dozen languages. Incredibly, the company
claims to be adding 80,000 blogs a day! Customers can add and
remove sites from their crawls. The company does not index blog
comments however.

Page 93
The BuzzMetrics spiders appear to be amongst the best here, and
whilst they visit the main general social networking sites as permitted,
they don’t yet go knocking at Wikipedia or the micro-blogs like Twitter.

BuzzMetrics focuses on breadth but not, it seems, depth of analysis –

they have disclosed no semantic analysis capability to me. As such,
you cannot sort search results in order of relevance or sentiment, but
in date order only. Reports are available for message count, most
active author, trending, top cited post, top board, top blog, top author
and top cited news article or source. Whether the mindset is swinging
in your favour however, or your competitor’s, is left unanswered (or
more precisely “un-estimated”).

BuzzMetrics does come with a basic search API, but does not facilitate
remote operation from another system or access to charting libraries.

The Tampa Florida company operates a redundant network with a

promise of 99% uptime, working hours telephone support, and 24/7
email support. The licensing basis was not disclosed to me.

Contact [email protected].

Page 94

Marcel LeBrun,

CEO, Radian6

Major Radian6 clients include Weber Shandwick, GolinHarris, DraftFCB

Healthcare, Carmichael Lynch, SHIFT Communications, Voce
Communications, Social Media Group, Doe Anderson, Moosehead,
Aliant, Universal McCann. Interestingly, the customer list leads with

Unfortunately, this privately held Canadian company wasn’t

particularly forthcoming with information (I don’t believe the email
attachment with my questions was forwarded internally). So the
information here is taken from their company PowerPoint and PDF
brochure (including the screenshots if you think them a little hazy).

The source of their data is particularly intriguing. Whilst the company

does have a webpage explaining their crawlers35 to interested
webmasters, it appears to focus on RSS updating and comment
scraping. They supplement their spidered data by buying source data

Page 95
in from third parties such as Nielsen BuzzMetrics and Moreover
Technologies. You can learn from their corporate PDF that they index
over 100 million blogs, top video and image sharing sites (see Blinkx
below), over 20,000 mainstream media sources, and “new classes of
social media such as Twitter”.

Screenshot – dashboard

I note from their news pages that they have recently partnered with
Blinkx36, the company that bills itself as “the world’s largest and most
advanced video search engine”. So the video content Blinkx finds and
transcribes should then show up in Radian6’s search results.

Their pricing model is described briefly in their corporate PowerPoint:

“Unlimited Keywords – Client pays for results not the parameters

used. Monthly results volumes can be estimated in advance in
order to calculate billing.


Page 96
“Scalable Pricing – Pricing starts at $100 / user / month and $500 /
topic profile / month for up to 10,000 items found. Most clients fall
into this scenario. Billing commitment is only month to month with
discounts for longer term commitments or larger rollouts. 7 day
free trial on all new topic profiles.”

Anyone patient enough to have read this whole ebook so far will know
by now that I think Radian6 has the billing approach spot on, except
for the per user part! Now if only I could find out about their API and
library approach.

Screenshot – topic trends

Indeed, if anyone can throw more light on Radian6, please post about
your insights. I hope Radian6 can find the resource to post their
response to my questionnaire in the coming weeks and participate
more fully next year.

Contact [email protected].

Page 97

I found Vocus reluctant participants in this ebook, but I have been able
to get some information together.

This public company has a well established heritage in traditional

media, claiming over 2,600 customers worldwide. They appear to have
been caught on the back foot however in respect to SWA. For example,
whereas many SWA vendors here index hundreds of thousands of
social media sources, if not millions, Vocus claims just under thirteen

The sources are updated at a frequency aligned to an assessment of

their importance, with the most important revisited several times daily,
and it appears that the majority of SWA sources are collated via a third

Vocus does semantic analysis based on natural language processing

(NLP), and they use this to determine sentiment. They also assess
what they call “prominence”, which appears to be a function of who
said what where. A big blogger posting on a big blog equals substantial
prominence. The overall “weight” of an item is then a product of both
its sentiment and prominence.

Vocus prices on a per seat basis.

Page 98

The conversation continues at

Page 99

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