Postfix Program in C

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Postfix Program in c
#include #include #include struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *ptrtonode; typedef ptrtonode STACK1; typedef ptrtonode position; STACK1 CreateStack(void) { STACK1 S; S=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof (struct node)); if (S==NULL) printf (\nFATAL Error); else { S->next=NULL; printf (\nstack created); } return S; } void PushStack(int x,STACK1 S) { ptrtonode temp; temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof (struct node)); if (temp==NULL) printf (\nFATAL ERROR.); else { temp->data=x; temp->next=S->next; S->next=temp; } } int IsEmpty(STACK1 S) { return S->next==NULL; } int PopStack(STACK1 S) { int x; ptrtonode f irst; if (IsEmpty(S)) printf (\nT HE STACK IS EMPT Y); else

{ f irst=S->next; x=f irst->data; S->next=S->next->next; f ree(f irst); } return x; } void MakeEmpty(STACK1 S) { while(!IsEmpty(S)) PopStack(S); } void DisposeStack(STACK1 S) { MakeEmpty(S); f ree(S); } void display(STACK1 S) { S=S->next; while(S!=NULL) { printf (%d,S->data); printf (\n); S=S->next; } } Postf ix.h f ile Application of stack adt evaluating postf ix expression Programming #includePexp.h #include void Postf ixEx(char instr[]) { STACK1 S=NULL; int s=0,x,x1,x2; char ch; S=CreateStack(); while((ch=instr[s++])!=NULL) { if (tolower(ch)>=a'&&tolower(ch)<=z') { printf (\nEnter the value f or %c=,ch); scanf (%d,&x); PushStack(x,S); } else { x1=PopStack(S); x2=PopStack(S); switch(ch) { case +:

x=x1+x2; break; case *: x=x1*x2; break; case /: x=x1/x2; break; case -: x=x1-x2; break; case %: x=x1%x2; break; def ault: printf (\nExpression is wrong); } PushStack(x,S); } } x=PopStack(S); if (S->next==NULL) printf (\nAf ter evaluated..%d,x); else printf (\nError in expression); DisposeStack(S); } Postfix.c file Application of stack adt conversion of infix to postfix expression #includepostf ix.h void main() { char instr[10]; clrscr(); printf (\nEnter the expression..); scanf (%s,instr); Postf ixEx(instr); getch(); } OUT PUT Enter the expression abcd+e*+f +* Stack created Enter the value f or a=6 Enter the value f or b=5 Enter the value f or c=2 Enter the value f or d=3 Enter the value f or e=8 Enter the value f or f =3 Af ter evaluated: 288

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