Psi State News Spring 2013 Final
Psi State News Spring 2013 Final
Psi State News Spring 2013 Final
Vol. 62, No. 3 ~ e Delta Kappa Gamma Society International ~ For Key Women Educators ~ Spring 2013
Dear Psi State Sisters, What a fabulous time we had at convention Macon Memories! e convention committee worked tirelessly to bring a stellar weekend to you. From workshops to Sundays remembrance ceremony, hours of hard work paid o in spades. Every evaluation was read and noted for the next state convention in 2015. ank you to those who attended and made for an exciting weekend. As we begin to close this biennium, I look back on the past two years with pride. Changes have been made where they were warranted as we made our forward move in Psi State. I want to thank the state o cers, district directors, committee chairs, editors, and chapter presidents for the dedication to DKG. You are all the hardest working ladies and it has been my pleasure to work with you. ere are still miles to go before we sleep as the Psi State Leadership Seminar is in June, the Southeast Regional Conference in July, and the Drive-in Leadership Institute in August. (Check this edition for details.) e more you get involved in DKG out of the chapter level, the more enjoyment and understanding of our Society is garnered. Stay involved and keep FORWARD MOVING FORWARD THINKING Peggy
Lynne M. Cook- Beta Omicron, of District V, is the recipient of the Annie Frances Flanigan Scholarship. Annie Frances served as Psi State President from 1965-67 and followed Ava Gardner as State Executive Secretary. Lynne is an Agricultural Instructor and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Career and Technical Education. Lynne considered herself as unskilled labor when she became a member of her chapter. Since then her chapter is beginning to turn her into skilled labor. She has a National Certi cation in Career and Technical Education.
Shelly Foster-Alpha Tau, of District VI, is the recipient of the Psi State Scholarship. Shelly is beginning an Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction. She is chapter president and a strong community leader. She will represent District VI on the nominations committee for 2013-2015. One of her referents describes her in this way. Her spiritual demeanor attributes to her kindness and patience toward individuals, especially those who are enduring hardships or need assistance.
Susan D. Hitt-Alpha eta, of District IV, was awarded the Eva Gardner Scholarship. Gardner was known as a lady of rsts in our organization and helped begin some traditions that we continue today. Susan is working on an Ed. S. In an ever changing educational world, she desires to incorporate curricular and instructional choices that will engage teenagers and foster achievement.
Sara Skinner Kight -Mu Chapter, of District III, is the recipient of the Edna Earl Jessie Scholarship. Psi State was awarded a very generous gift from Ms. Jessies estate which is used for Leadership Development. Sara will be awarded an Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction in May and is a third generation Delta Kappa Gamma member. She teachers math at Newnan High School and is a teacher leader whom others can turn to for advice.
Forward Thinking
Leadership Seminar II Macon, Georgia June 7-9, 2013 2013 Southeast Regional Conference Gaylord Resort Kissimmee, FL July 9-13 Psi State Planning and Sharing Day Forest Hills United Methodist July 20, 2013 Drive-In Leadership Institute Forest Hills United Methodist Macon, GA August 17, 2013 Fall Executive Board Meeting Anderson Center Macon, GA September 28, 2013 2014 International Conference Indianapolis, IN July 28-August 1 2015 Southeast Regional Conference Savannah, GA July 15-18
Tech it out!
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Judy has attended regional conferences in the Northeast or Southeast for the last 35 years and all International conventions since 1982. She has presented, served on committees, attended training sessions, and attended ten Seminars for Purposeful Living. In 1983 she was selected to participate in the Golden Gift Leadership and Management Seminar at Baylor University. At the 2012 International Convention in New York City, she was honored as Psi States STAR of the Southeast for her behind the scenes dedicated service to Psi State and DKG. ose privileged to know and work with Judy will acknowledge she is most deserving of this award. How blessed we are that she left the Big Apple to become a Georgia Peach! We congratulate Judy Farrigan on being named recipient of the 2013 Psi State Achievement Award.
White Roses
In loving memory of our Psi State Sisters With candlelight and roses, With song and thoughts so true, We honor you whove left us, And pledge ourselves anew; To carry on the service, Signi cant of love, Inspired by true devotion, And blessings from above. May Delta Kappa Gamma, In memory so dear, Prove worthy of our sisters, And kindle hope each year; Renewed with faith and courage, Our work will never cease, To guide with truth and learning Toward everlasting peace.
~Irene Reese~
In Loving Memory
Jane B. Andrews, Alpha Phi Julia M. Bowman, Beta Omicron Rachel G. Branch, Kappa Nell M. Brown, Eta Dr. Constance B. Casto, Gamma Xi Debbie Corbitt, Alpha Phi Mary Crooks, Gamma Phi Elsie C. Fulghum, Alpha Epsilon Mariella G. Harts eld, Alpha Delta Etta C. Holmes, Gamma Delta Marjorie W. Hancock, Alpha Xi Cynthia Wright Hornsby, Delta Jacqueline F. Hoyle, Alpha Zeta Judge Rufe McCombs Maulsby, Epsilon Gloria Spears Moore, Alpha Psi Mary R. reatte, Beta Alpha Lola H. Williams, Gamma Tau Julia Witherington, Phi
Margaret Harris Blair was born in Marietta and was an educator in Rome, Atlanta, and Athens. She was a Psi State founder and founder of two chapters. She is buried in Myrtle Hill Cemetery, pictured above. A recent article, Magnolia of the Past, portrayed Blair as not only an educator but professor of Clothing and Textiles at UGA. In a 1948 press conference, Blair told reporters that women between the ages of 48 and 65 had a hard time nding clothes that were t and becoming. At age 65, she began a mission to address it. Pictured above, 2013-2015 Second VicePresident of Psi State Virginia McChesney, is dressed as Margaret Harris Blair, portraying one of the founders of the Psi State chapter.
t State Convention, $767 was collected for the emergency fund. Since the Psi State Emergency Fund is nancially stable, the money will be donated to the International Emergency Fund during the collection at Southeast Regional Conference. On behalf of our dedicated SER Director Hanna Fowler, we would like our Georgia donation to be a healthy one! If your chapter has not had the opportunity to contribute and wishes to be included in the Georgia donation at SER, please send checks made payable to Psi State DKG by July 1. Mail to: Judy Farrigan, State Treasurer 326 S Oak Street Jackson, GA 30233-2347
Psi State President Gail Ford, Miriam Murray (1st VP), Virginia McChesney (2nd VP), Dr. Lynn Skinner (Recording Secretary) Alice Bass (Corresponding Secretary), Judy Farrigan (Treasurer), and Jo Davis (Parliamentarian).
Gaylord Resort Kissimmee, Florida July 7-14, 2013 Dont Miss this Opportunity BE A VENDOR!
What a great way for states, chapters, and/or members to raise money for their projects, grants-in-aid, scholarships, etc. Sign up now for a booth area in the SERC market place. Vendor forms can be found on at and click on Southeast Regional Conference.
Do it today!
Honor a member/members of
*Not attending the Southeast Conference? No problem! You may order an apron from Tammy by adding your shipping information and an additional $3.00 to the above order.
Membership Matters
YES, membership matters! We were so excited to hear Dr. Beverly Helms, International President, report at the State Convention that Georgia now ranks 5th in membership among the state organizations and 2nd in the Southeast Region! Lets continue our e orts to keep Psi State FORWARD MOVING in membership! During the 2011-2013 biennium, the State Membership Committee issued a Membership Challenge to all chapters. Congratulations to these FORWARD MOVING chapters who were recognized at the State Convention for meeting all of the challenges: District I: Iota, Beta Delta, Gamma eta, Gamma Lambda, Delta Alpha; District II: Lambda, Omicron, Beta Rho, Gamma Eta, Gamma Chi; District III: Epsilon, Mu; District IV: Rho, Alpha Eta, Beta Beta, Beta Zeta, Gamma Tau, Gamma Delta; District V: Xi, Alpha Delta, Alpha Omicron, Gamma Beta, Gamma Upsilon; District VI: Tau, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Tau, Beta Chi. e State Membership Committee also presented the Order of the Rose award to chapters who increased or maintained membership during the 2011-2013 biennium. Forty-four chapters were recognized: District I: Zeta, Iota, Phi, Omega, Alpha Beta, Beta Nu, Gamma eta, Gamma Lambda; District II: Lambda, Omicron, Beta Epsilon, Beta Eta, Beta Rho, Beta Sigma, Gamma Epsilon, Gamma Eta, Gamma Chi; District III: Epsilon, Alpha Iota, Alpha Lambda, Alpha Xi, Gamma Alpha, Gamma Omicron; District IV: Eta, Kappa, Alpha Eta, Alpha eta, Beta Beta, Beta Zeta, Gamma Delta, Gamma Tau; District V: Xi, Pi, Sigma, Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Chi, Beta Omicron, Gamma Beta, Gamma Upsilon; District VI: Tau, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Tau, Beta Chi. I appreciate those chapter presidents who submitted Form 2 Annual Necrology Report. is report, along with Form 6 Report of the Death of a Member, is used to update international records and to honor our deceased sisters in the Psi State News and at the State Convention. Please remember it is NEVER TOO LATE to send in necrology information! I want to thank President Peggy for the honor of serving as State Membership Chair and for giving me the opportunity to work with such an awesome committee: Donna Riordan (District I); Gina Luck (District II); Alice Bass (District III); Dr. Cindy Gibson (District IV); Judy Scarboro (District VI). Jo S. Davis State Membership Chair
Red Roses
Gamma Eta- Raised nearly $600 from an auction conducted by Marty Pinion from Cherokee County Ferst Foundation. e money will be used for scholarships, Golden Apple Awards, and the Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy.
Rho adopted A. Dorothy Hains Elementary as its focus for projects this biennium.
Beta Tau of Calhoun and Iota of Rome gave donations to the local Sonoraville schools for families a ected by the January tornado.
Epsilon-attended the Women Helping Women Conference. Iotas Riding for Education raised approximately $4000 for scholarships and to supply dictionaries for every third grader in Rome/Floyd County.
Epsilon -Honored 50 year member Ruth Ball by presenting her with a 50 year membership pin, a dozen roses, and a beautiful reception. Gamma Nu- Donna Border co-presented at the Second Annual Georgia Scholarship of STEM Teaching and Learning Conference in Statesboro Mu-Angie Murphy is White Oak Elementary Teacher of the Year in Coweta County.
Lambda-sisters learned stretching and relaxing techniques from member and yoga instructor, Rhoda Joyner.
Beta Gamma presented the Margaret Johnson Beta Gamma Scholarship to a high school senior.
Gamma Nu- Presented members Jillian Bowen and Kim Fisher with $250 scholarships. Both are pursuing an Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction.
Corlea Plowman
8:30 AM Registration and Co ee 9:00 AM -3:00 PM Program Registration: $20.00 (includes catered lunch)
Leadership Development
Registration Information:
Name_________________________ Chapter _______________________ Position _______________________ Email address for con rmation: ______________________________ Daytime Phone # for con rmation: ______________________________
Mail to:
Judy Farrigan Psi State Treasurer 326 S. Oak Street Jackson, GA 30233