Rogue Games Tabbloid - April 6, 2009
Rogue Games Tabbloid - April 6, 2009
Rogue Games Tabbloid - April 6, 2009
Today’s Tabbloid
PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]
ROGUE FEED the players go somewhere unexpected or ask questions for which I have
no pat answers. But that’s what players are supposed to do and being
The Purpose of Dwimmermount able to come up with answers is what referees are supposed to do.
APR 03, 2009 05:55P.M.
I leave lots of clues and pointers and tidbits for the players to take up,
In thinking about and commenting on other blog posts, I realized that I but I don’t push them to do so. If they’re uninterested or more focused
might never have adequately explained why I’m running on other matters, so be it. That’s their prerogative, after all. That’s what
Dwimmermount the way that I am: minimal rules and megadungeon- sandbox play means: make of the setting what you will. Again, it’s
focused. Dwimmermount is explicitly an experiment in seeing how both organic, not forced. The key is to be able to think on your toes when
rules and campaigns develop organically through play. One of my suddenly a player wants to journey “off the map” into somewhere you’ve
contentions is that the history of D&D is not one of natural evolution at given no thought to or when he wants to learn more about a hireling
all but of forced evolution, starting with AD&D and continuing down to who’d previously just been a generic spear-carrier from Central Casting.
the present day. The setting, like the rules, are living things and they grow best in
response to stimulus, not by being force fed.
Dwimmermount starts with an approximation of OD&D — Swords &
Wizardry — that uses minimal material from the supplements. I’ve So that’s what Dwimmermount is all about. It’s an ongoing experiment
purposefully avoided creating lots of new rules for use with the game, and, so far, a very successful one. It’s where I put my theories into
because I want new rules to evolve from a pressing need in the game practice and see if I have any idea what I’m talking about or if, as some
rather than by “designer fiat.” For example, we’re using straight D6 for have opined, I’m “full of it.”It’s not intended as a blueprint for anyone
all weapon damage. We decided, though, that wielders of two-handed else’s campaign nor do I think the approach I’ve taken should be deemed
weapon roll 2D6 and take the highest result. When Iriadessa joined the normative. That said, I do think it’s valuable for gamers of all stripes to
campaign, she started using darts to throw at enemies. What damage understand there are many paths D&D could have taken in its
should they do? On the fly, I decided she’d roll 2D6 and take the lowest development and the ones it did take had more to do with business plans
result, because they were small weapons. It was a nice, simple, than with campaign plans. I’m done being forced to adapt to someone
straightforward solution to a real need in play. else’s vision of how D&D should develop and am embracing my own
vision without apology. If that’s at all controversial, it sure says a lot
We’ve made a bunch of other little rules changes here and there, but about the current state of this hobby.
almost none of them were decided by me in advance of actual play.
Dwimmermount is thus partially about seeing how Swords & Wizardry
will naturally evolve as a result of the situations that occur in weekly
gaming sessions. Already, our game is diverging from the rules as
written, but those divergences are not based on theory but on practice.
We are in the process of creating our own game, unique from everyone ROGUE FEED
else who plays, and it’s the embrace of this process that I see as at the
heart of the old school. We don’t play in tournaments and so see no need My Personal Gaming History
to deform the rules on an a priori basis to accommodate convention APR 03, 2009 01:36P.M.
play. Neither do we care if gamers outside our group do things differently
in their own sessions. Uniformity of rules is not an ideal I hold. Serendipity is a real phenomenon, especially in a tight-knit community
like the old school blogging one. Lately, I’ve gotten a number of emails
Dwimmermount is focused on the dungeon because the dungeon is a and comments asking me about my personal gaming history. Brunomac
good “training ground” for a new campaign — it’s geographically over at Temple of Demogorgon even wrote a blog entry in which he
constrained and able to be developed in manageable chunks. I don’t expresses curiosity about it. I write so much on this blog that I
think dungeons are the be-all and end-all of old school play but they are sometimes assume I’ve covered certain topics when, in fact, I haven’t. I
certainly one of the pillars on which old school play is based. I treat the guess my gaming history is one such lacuna and I’m starting to wonder if
world outside the dungeon much as I treat rules: it develops through it’s been the source of some misunderstandings about me and my
play in response to a pressing need. I’ve done the world building thing perspective on this hobby.
many times before and, while I love it, I see no need to build more than I
need for each session. That often means making stuff up on the fly when I began gaming in late 1979, over the Christmas break. A good friend of
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
mine had received a copy of Dungeon! We played it over and over again organization associated with Traveller called the History of the
in several marathon sessions and playing it reminded me of “a weird Imperium Working Group. This led to my first professional publications,
game” my mother had bought for my father some months earlier. That in GDW’s Challenge magazine, as well as in some official Traveller
game was the Holmes basic set and it was unopened, because although products. But it’s worth noting that, during this time, I wasn’t actually
my father had been talking a lot about D&D in the months after James playing RPGs much at all. I didn’t have the time and I lacked a group,
Dallas Egbert III had vanished, he wasn’t actually interested in reading even at college, where roleplayers seemed oddly scarce. Instead,
the game itself, let alone playing it. So there it sat in my hallway linen “gaming” had become mostly an intellectual exercise of worldbuilding
closet, next to some washcloths and bars of soap. I opened up the game and an outlet for my pent-up desire to be a writer of fiction.
and tried to make sense of it, using Dungeon! as a way to fill in the gaps
in my understanding of the text. I then took it with me to my friend’s When I attended grad school, it just happened that one of my contacts in
house and “taught” him and the rest of my cohort how to play D&D. the History of the Imperium Working Group lived in the same city. He
had a group of regular players and I joined it. We played a lot of games
Naturally, I had no idea what I was doing and those early “Dungeons & together over the course of several years, including 2e, TORG, Star Trek,
Dragons” sessions bore little resemblance to the game as written — but Star Wars, GURPS, and Call of Cthulhu. I had a lot of fun, more fun than
we had fun and kept playing it. My friend’s older brother, a surly I’d had in some time. This reignited the my love of roleplaying, leading
teenager into metal, saw what we were doing and roundly mocked us. He me to check out lots more games, some of which I never managed to play
played D&D with his friends and promptly told us everything we were with this group. Chief among these were the various White Wolf games,
doing wrong. We accepted what he told us at face value — he was a which I initially resisted, seeing them as too “pretentious” for my tastes. I
teenager, after all — and started playing D&D the “right” way. This led to was eventually won over by the cleverness of the central concept of
our playing D&D every opportunity we could throughout 1980, often Mage: The Ascension and then later by Wraith: The Oblivion, which
with my friend’s older brother and father, who was a wargamer, acting as appealed to me for more reasons than I can say.
co-referees for our games. When they weren’t available, which was often,
I was usually the referee, as it was agreed by everyone that I “made the Around the same time, my new group had fallen apart and I’d grown
best adventures.” disenchanted with 2e, leading to several years during which I didn’t play
D&D at all. I played in several long-ish but irregular campaigns. What
We devoured every D&D product we could get our hands on, beginning characterized most of them was that they were very “story-oriented.”
with the Monster Manual, which we freely used with Holmes. The That is, the referee had worked out lots of details, including scenes, well
Players Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide soon followed. The in advance of our getting to them through play. Back then, this approach
following year, we added Moldvay/Cook/Marsh to the list, just as we to gaming was a revelation to me and one I readily embraced, emulating
added Mentzer in 1983 and beyond. Our approach to D&D was extremely it in my own failed attempts to start up new campaigns. (This period was
“ecumenical.” We didn’t pay a lot of heed to the fine differences between characterized by lots of abortive campaigns, all ended because they
the various editions. We mixed and matched with abandon, using those didn’t “catch fire” with my players immediately) I also started writing
rules we liked and discarding those we didn’t. Given how similar all the professionally in earnest at this time, working for many companies,
existing rules sets were, this was easy and no one ever once felt that we including White Wolf.
were doing it “wrong,” since everyone we knew or met at local hobby
shops was doing the exact same thing. I remained a strong advocate of a story-based approach to gaming
during this time, never once fazed by the fact that I’d never actually
We also devoured pretty much every RPG that came out during the managed to get the approach to work in practice. It wasn’t until a few
period between 1980 and 1984 or so, with a few exceptions. We played a years later that I realized where the flaw lay in the approach. In two
lot of Traveller back then and it remains one of my favorite games of all cases, campaigns had ended before reaching their “conclusion.” So the
time. But we also played Gamma World, Top Secret, Gangbusters, Call referee later told us, in very precise detail, what would have happened in
of Cthulhu, Champions, Boot Hill, and many more. We also played a the campaign had they continued. These were, I cannot deny, great
number of Avalon Hill games. Our interests were quite diverse and, stories. We loved hearing them told to us and we all regretted that we’d
because we spent almost all of our free time playing these games, it never had the chance to play them. The problem is, we’d never have
wasn’t unusual for us to have multiple campaigns running at the same gotten a chance to play them, because, even had the campaigns
time. Indeed, campaigns would stop and start regularly, sometimes after continued, their direction was largely foreordained. Rather than being
months-long breaks. D&D and Traveller were our two constants — they organic developments that grew through the interaction of referee and
were ongoing almost all the time — but even they occasionally went “on players, they were novels in spoken form. What we provided was mostly
hiatus,” to be replaced by whatever new game caught our fancy. dialog and some minor plotting but the arrangement of scenes and arc of
the plot were wholly outside our control. And yet we ate it up.
I happily adopted Second Edition when it was released in 1989 and ran a
brief campaign with it when I was in college. But it was very brief and my D&D‘s Third Edition drew me back to my old love and I played it
gaming in general started to decline considerably during the late 80s and enthusiastically for about five years, running one long campaign and
early 90s. The only game I kept up with was Traveller, mostly because I playing in another. Both campaigns could be called “epic” and, again,
loved its Third Imperium setting. In fact, I became involved with a fan were very story-focused, with many events occurring according to a plan
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
hatched by the referee. Neither was as heavy-handed as those campaigns ROGUE FEED
from the 90s, but they were still far removed from the kind of anything-
goes freeform play I remember from the early 80s when I played RPGs [Lost Works] History of Empire
most avidly. I continued to write a lot during this period, particularly for
D20 publishers. Ironically, I think it was my deeper involvement with City, Part 7
game professionally that had killed my interest in 3e as a pastime. I came APR 03, 2009 12:30A.M.
to see it as overly complex mechanically and increasingly deracinated
culturally to hold my interest.
Around 2005, I began to look into alternatives. I still wanted to game but Here are the remaining Borough’s of Empire City. Looking over this
I wanted to play games that were more in tune with my growing desire stuff, I can see ways I would have done this better. Still, this is a an old
for simple rules and literary antecedents. This desire initially took me to work, and I am a different writer now, then I was then.
Castles & Crusades, because I knew Gary Gygax was associated with it
and figured that, if it were good enough for Gary, it was good enough for I plan on making Lost Works a regularly occurring theme. I got a lot of
me. C&C is a good game, but it didn’t scratch the particular itch I had. I stuff that is taking up space, and should be out there. I think what will
despaired for a while about ever finding the game that would meet my see the light of day next is going to be a smaller piece, and then on to a
idiosyncratic needs. I spent some time trying to make it for myelf, larger Warhammer FRP 1E piece.
“rebuilding” 3e according to my understanding of D&D‘s origins and
focus. Bit by bit, though, I realized that I was just reinventing the wheel, Anyway, enjoy.
which is why, in 2007, I turned my back on D&D in its modern forms
and embraced OD&D (and, now, Swords & Wizardry). Brooklyn
My gaming history continues, of course. It remains in a constant state of Having the same boarders as Kings County, Brooklyn’s population of
flux and I think it’s important people understand that. The past few years 2,465,326 makes it the most populous borough in Empire City. As one of
have been very instructive for me, as I’ve been able to examine what I the twelve original counties, Kings County’s formation took place in 1683
like and why and have made steps toward ensuring I have more of that in and named in honor of Charles II. Six towns divided the county:
my gaming rather than less. I think the two most salient points are these: Brooklyn, Bushwick, Flatbush, Flatlands, Gravesend and New Utrecht.
the best gaming I ever had was back when I just gamed and let “story” In 1898 Brooklyn joined the counties of Queens, Manhattan, Richmond
take care of itself and I like simple rules. Taken together, they explain my (Staten Island) and Bronx to form Empire City.
preference for the Old Ways.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
They also explain my dislike for much of what is now called
“roleplaying.” It’s not that I think there’s anything wrong with other Founded in 1910 at the site of a former ash dump, the 52-acre Brooklyn
approaches so much as I don’t enjoy those other approaches and don’t Botanic Garden includes a wide range of gardens. The most famous of
see much commonality with what I want out of gaming. I’ve been there the gardens are the cherry tree esplanade, Japanese hill and pond
and done that already, professionally even, and, most of the appeal of garden, a fragrance garden for the blind, a water lily pond esplanade, and
that style is long gone. But make no mistake: I’m not, as some would say, a bonsai tree collection.
retreating into the past. What I am doing now with my Dwimmermount
campaign, for example, is not nostalgia. I’m not trying to relive, let alone Typically a peaceful place, the garden has seen its share of recent activity.
recreate, my memories of 1981 or any such thing. I couldn’t do such a The most famous of which was in 1990 when the Guard clashed with
thing, even if I tried (or wanted to). What I am doing, though, is using Iron Duke. Their battle destroyed the Rock Garden, which saw
what I have learned to have fun with some old games and encouraging construction in 1916. Destroyed, it took two years and nearly $4-millon
others to do the same. to refurbish it and repair. The Rock Garden was reopened in 1992, and
since that time visitors continue to flock and marvel at its’ simple beauty.
That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Coney Island
Of all Empire City’s famous spots, none is better known than Coney
Island. Located on a strip of land just two miles long, and less than 1000
feet wide, Coney Island lies on Brooklyn’s Atlantic Shore and is western
peninsula, which is the home for the Seagate neighborhood. Seagate is
the only Empire City neighborhood where residents own the streets and
not the city.
Coney Island has three main avenues that run east to west: Neptune
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
Ave., Mermaid Ave. and Seagate Ave. The cross streets are: Beach 1st is Kaufman Studios located in Astoria, which has a number of
Street, Beach 2nd Street, Beach 3rd Street and so on up until Beach 28th televisions, shows filmed at their facilities.
Street at the western end.
Fordham University
Coney Island began as a resort community in the 1870s when trolley cars
first reached the area. This brought many visitors and from 1880 to Founded in 1841 by Reverend John Hughes, Fordham was the first
World War II, Coney Island was the largest amusement park in the Catholic university in the northeastern United States. Boasting an
United States. Most of the amusement parks have since closed, but a few enrollment of 8,000 undergraduate and 7,000 graduate students, the
still remain open. Most who come here, come to visit the boardwalk, or university is home to a diverse student curriculum. Not only does it have
to swim and sunbathe on the Coney Island beach. a law school, but it is quickly gaining respect for its’ advanced biology
and genetics program. Recently the university turned down a grant from
Among the famous places found here is Nathan’s Famous Hotdog Stand. GenTech for the building of a new genetics research building.
Nathan’s also serves as host for the annual Hotdog eating contest held
every July 4. The Empire City Aquarium and Astroland are other famous JFK International Airport
destinations, and have been staples since opening.
Built in the neighborhoods of Jamaica, Howard Beach and Jamaica Bay,
The majority of Coney Island residents live in the thirty 18 to 24 story JFK International is one of the world’s busiest airports. First known as
apartment buildings found here. Most of these are comprised of various Idlewild Airport, construction began in 1942, with planners and
forms of public housing. In between the buildings are many blocks developers thinking 1,000 acres would be more than enough land. Since
comprised of burned out and vacant buildings. then the airport has grown to encompass nearly 4,000 additional acres.
The first flight departed on July 1, 1948 and was renamed Empire City
Empire City Aquarium International Airport on July 31 that same year. On December 24th,
1963 the airport was renamed again to the John F. Kennedy
Opening on December 10, 1896, the Empire City Aquarium (ECA) was International Airport to honor the late president.
originally located in lower Manhattan at the current site of Battery Park,
and is the oldest aquarium in the United States. The Aquarium closed in Four runways, in two parallel sets, surround the central terminal, while
1941 due to the construction of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. The 150 there is a total of nine terminals found on the complex. In 1998 an
animals saw temporary housing at the Bronx Zoo until the new aquarium ambitious construction project linking JFK International’s passenger
was built. World War II delayed construction, and it would not be until terminals to Empire City mass transit system began, and after a series of
June 6, 1957 that the current ECA would open its doors. delays opened for business on December 17, 2003.
Located on 14 acres, the Aquarium is home to nearly 350 species of LaGuardia Airport
aquatic life. Seawolf and his followers attacked the Aquarium in the
spring of 2000. The reason for the attack was Seawolf felt the species Due to its’ central location, LaGuardia Airport is Empire City’s main
held at the Aquarium should be free. Officer Prometheus and the MTU domestic airport. Because the runways are too small, most
managed to stop the attack and arrest many of Seawolf’s followers. transcontinental and international flights leave from JFK. The brainchild
Unfortunately Seawolf escaped into the sea. of former mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, work started when the mayor
demanded his TWA flight bound to Newark Airport redirected to
Queens Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field. During the flight, the mayor held an
impromptu press conference urging Empire City resident to support a
Queens is located on Western Long Island, and shares the same boarders new airport in the city.
as Queens County. Established on November 1, 1683 it was named in
honor of King Charles II wife, Catherine of Braganza. By 1870 the towns American Airlines and the mayor began planning the building of a new
of Newton, Flushing, Jamaica, North Hempsted, Hempsted and Oyster airport near the newly completed Queens-Midtown Tunnel. On October
Bay were part of the county, and were soon joined by Long Island City. 15, 1930 the Empire City Municipal Airport was dedicated and flights
began taking off on December 2nd. The airport was soon renamed
The cities of Long Island City, Newtown, Flushing, Jamaica and the LaGuardia Airport, after a plan flew overhead during the dedication
Town of Hempsted became part of Queens, when Empire City’s five ceremony trailing a banner that read: “NAME IT LA GURDIA.”
boroughs saw creation on January 1, 1890. Lands not annexed with
Queens, merged into the newly formed Nassau County. On December 29, 1975 a bomb exploded at LaGuardia killing eleven and
injuring seventy-four people. Despite investigations by the CIA, FBI, and
Currently 2,229,379 people reside within Queens. The economy is the Empire City Police Department, no perpetrators behind the attack
strong, and many business and corporations are found here. The where discovered.
borough is witnessing an increase in the entertainment industry and a
number of film studios are now locating to the area. The largest of these Museum of Modern Art
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
Founded in 1929, the MoMA houses more than 100,000 paintings, in 1972. The museum not only houses a diverse collection of art, but is
prints, drawings, photographs, architectural drawings and design the home to the Panorama, and exhibitions dedicated to the 1939 and
objects. Many within the art world consider it the premier art research 1964 World’s Fair. The Panorama of Empire City originally was an
centre. MoMA’s library, which houses over 19,000 films, 4 million film exhibit at the 1964 World’s Fair. Visitors ride a tracked car that simulates
stills and some 140,000 books, reinforce this opinion. Many experts flying over the 9335 square foot, 895,000 building model of the 320
consider the MoMA to posses the best modern art collection in the square miles of Empire City.
world. Included in the collection is work by Vincent van Gogh, Jackson
Pollock, Andy Warhol and Edward Hopper. The building housing the museum is the Empire City Building, which is
the only building left from the 1939 World’s Fair. After the fair, the
The MoMA is temporally located on Queens Blvd. while a new building building served as the United Nations General Assembly until 1951.
currently under construction. The project would have never happened if During the 1964 World’s Fair, the building was remodel to house the
it were not for the generous donation by GenTech founder, Samuel Panorama of Empire City, and after the Fair the building was once again
Andrew Mathews. The new building designed by Yoshio Taniguchi will remodel to serve as the Queens Museum of Art.
open in Midtown Manhattan during the winter of 2004/05, and marks
the MoMA’s 75th Anniversary. Arthur Ashe Stadium is home for the annual US Open held in the last
two weeks of August. The Stadium is part of a much larger complex
Recently security at the MoMA saw increasing with Red Minstrel’s known as the USTA National Tennis Center, which has not only has
attempt to the steal Van Gogh’s “A Starry Night.” Though the Minstrel indoor and outdoor courts, but also the offices for the United States
managed to get away with the painting, Slipstream quickly tracked down Tennis Association.
and apprehended the thief. Returned undamaged, the painting and the
rest of the museum continue to undergo a security upgraded to prevent The home of the Empire City Mets, Shea Stadium is named after William
further thefts. Alfred Shea, who played a key role in getting a new team for Empire City
after both the Dodgers and Giants fled for California. Shea petitioned the
Belmont Park Race Track National League for years for a team and the city eventually was awarded
a franchise on the conditions a new stadium would be built. Assuring the
The brainchild of August Belmont, Jr the Belmont Race Track was commissioners, it would, the Mets took the field in 1962. Construction
opened in 1905 in the town of Elmont. The track underwent a renovation on the new park began on October 28, 1961, and due to construction
in 1956, but closed in 1963 due to structural decay. It took six years and setbacks, the Mets played a season and a half at the Polo Grounds which
nearly $30 million dollars to totally renovate the track, and it reopened was the former home of the Empire City Giants. Dedicated on April 17,
on May 20, 1968. 1964 as Flushing Meadow Park, a movement quickly began to rename
the stadium in honor of Shea who was responsible for bringing baseball
The track is famous for being the largest racing facility in North back to the city.
American. It also is home for the Belmont Stakes, which happens every
June and serves as the final leg of the Triple Crown. Bronx
Flushing Meadows Corona Park Having the same boarders as Bronx County, the official name of the
borough is The Bronx, while the country is simply Bronx. In 1997 the
With over 1,255 acres of land, Flushing Meadows Corana Park is one and Bronx was declared an All American City by the National Civic Council.
half times larger than Manhattan’s Central Park. What was once a The only borough not located on an island is also Empire City’s most
swamp, is now park big enough to not only be the home to the Empire notorious. Crime has always been a problem and even today it is the
City Mets, but the US Tennis Open, park lands, museums, zoos, and centre of La Costra Nostra’s last illegal gambling stronghold in the city.
other attractions. The park also served as host for the 1938 and 1964-65 Despite its’ rough reputation, The Bronx has large amounts of parkland,
World’s Fair. There is a lot to see and do at the park, and the area is busy and the only river (the Bronx River) that runs through an entire borough.
throughout the year, even more so during the summer.
Bronx Zoo
A left over from the 1964-65 World’s Fair, the Unisphere is giant steel
globe located at the in the Grand Central Parkway. The Unisphere is Opening in 1899, the Bronx Zoo was one of the first zoos to move
typically a spot where inline skaters, skateboarders and walkers animals out of cages and place them in natural environments. Since
congregate, but the area has seen its fair share of activity. In 1993 Iron opening, the zoo has undergone extensive renovations, and currently
Duke tried assimilating it within his body structure. Though the Guard house 4,000 animals in numerous exhibits. Among its many exhibits, the
managed to stop him, the Unisphere was damaged and needed Bronx Zoo is known for the Congo Gorilla Forest, the snow leopards
refurbishing, all of which added more fuel to Mayor Dinkins anti-Guard found in the Himalayan Highlands Forest, and the one-acre indoor Asian
campaign. Rain Forest. The opening of the zoo’s new exhibit, Tiger Mountain, is an
event many are looking forward too. Funded in large part by a generous
Located near the Unisphere is the Queens Museum of Art, which opened donation from GenTech, the exhibit will have the most advanced habit
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
for tigers any where in the world. Crossing and the Goethals Bridges. The Verrazano Narrows Bridge
connects Staten Island to Brooklyn, while the Staten Island Ferry
Empire City Botanical Gardens connects the island to lower Manhattan.
Spanning 240-acres the Empire City Botanical Gardens are considered The borough is similar to the other four by having no county government
by many to be the best example of gardening found within the United and encompasses not only Staten Island but the islands of: The Isle of
States. Founded in 1891, 48 different gardens and plant collections cover Meadow, Pralls Island, Shooters Island, Swinburne Island and Hoffman
the complex. Many of gardens take their name from famous figures and Island. These islands are unpopulated, and serve as sanctuaries for
benefactors. At the heart of the Garden is 40-acres of virgin woodlands indigenous native wildlife. Staten Island is also the least populated
representing the original forest once covering the region before the borough in Empire City with a total population of only 443,728 people.
arrival of settlers. The forest runs along both banks of the Bronx River
and includes a ravine and rapids. In 1996 the woodland was dedicated as Up until the 1960’s, the island was extremely rural, but Verrazano
the Memorial to the Lady of Star in honor of the fallen hero Lady Narrows Bridge completion set off a building boom many area residents
Starbright. Members of the Guard are often seen walking the trails and were angry over. With easy access to the main land, and to Manhattan
visiting the garden in quite contemplation. the borough saw a huge amount of construction. Residents and
protesters fearing the island would become nothing but buildings, fought
Yankee Stadium the city to control the rate of expansions. These battles led to the creation
of the Greenbelt, which is the largest area of parkland in the city. Criss-
The home of the Empire City Yankees, Yankee Stadium first opened on crossing the island with numerous woodland trails, and the Greenbelt
April 18, 1923. The stadium also served as the home for the Empire City takes over a large portion of the coastline.
Football Giants from 1956 through 1973. When the Giants left Empire
City for their brand new stadium in New Jersey, the stadium was closed The Fresh Kills Landfill is a famous Staten Island location, and once
for remodeling and refurbishing. Since reopening on April 15, 1976 it has served as the final destination for all of Empire City’s boroughs garbage.
served host to a wide range of events. Among its’ most famous events Besides holding the distinction for being the largest single source of
happened on October 4, 1965 Pope Paul VI held mass with over 80,000 methane in the world, the landfill also served as the final resting place
people in attendance. The stadium was host to John Paul II in 1979. for numerous mobsters. In 1954 a large fire engulfed the landfill when
Elektro battled mobsters in a gun battle. A stray shot from a gun
The Hall of Fame for Great Americans ruptured a gas tank that ignited the fire. In 2001, the land filled closed,
but reopened later that same year to serve as a storing place for the ruins
Located at Bronx Community College, The Hall of Fame for Great of the World Trade Center disaster.
Americans was founded in 1900 and was designed to be part of the new
undergraduate college for the university. At the centre is the 630-foot Though mostly suburban, there are a few famous places of interests
open air Colonnade built to honor those Americans who have made an found here. One of them is the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences,
impact on the nation’s history. Dotting the Colonnade are bronze busts which is located near the Staten Island Ferry. Dealing with the history,
honoring such figures as Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington, art and science of Staten Island, it has a wonderful collection of Staten
Franklin Roosevelt, and American Sentinel. Island Ferry artifacts.
The three buildings adjoining the Colonnade (Gould Memorial Library, The Staten Island Zoo, though much smaller than the rest of Empire
the Hall of Languages, and Cornelius Baker Hall of Philosophy) are the City’s zoos, is famous for its reptile collection. Located nearby are the 50-
first three university buildings constructed. In 1983, the buildings were acres and 22 gardens that make up the Staten Island Botanical Garden.
converted into the Museum to the Hero, but in 1996 was renamed the
Koch Museum to the Hero. Though some thought the name change Posted in Games Tagged: Empire City, Games, Lost Works, thoughts
unnecessary, for most it was seen as a fitting honor since Koch was the
key figure in the building of it. The museum is a celebration of all heroes
throughout the history of the United States. Among the exhibits are the
Heroes of Woman Suffrage, The Civil Rights Memorial, and the Heroes
of Empire City. With the events of September 11, 2001 a new exhibit is in
the final stages of completion that will honor the police, firemen, rescue
workers, and the other nameless heroes who came to the city’s aid in the
aftermath of the tragedy.
Staten Island
Staten Island is the name for both the borough and island. Though an
island, it is connected to New Jersey by the Bayonne, Outerbridge
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
Here are a couple of selected bits of text from Castle Greyhawk I missed
the other day while skimming through the module to re-acquaint myself
with it.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
outs), it’s quite possible that the whole thing wasn’t so much a concerted
attack on Gygax as a project that got out of control and took on a
ridiculous life of its own. On the other hand, as many on this blog can
attest, the late 80s were a time when many at TSR did make a real effort
to besmirch Gary’s reputation (This is when the ludicrous “Gary was a
cokehead” rumor was started, after all). Likewise, Castle Greyhawk‘s
ham-handed use of puns and pop cultural references (to Star Trek, for
example) could quite plausibly be interpreted as pointed at Gygax, who
both enjoyed humor and often included allusions and outright
borrowings from pop culture in his home campaign.
My own sympathies lie with those who see WG7 as anti-Gygax, but I
can’t be certain there’s any truth to it. Another possibility might have
been that, while its origin wasn’t defamation, the fact that it could be
read that way tickled some of the higher ups at TSR, knowing they could
hide behind plausible deniability should anyone confront them on the
matter. Interestingly, this module’s implicit criticism of Gary lives on at
the Wizards of the Coast website, where an article by John Rateliff
blames Gygax himself for laying the groundwork for this terrible module:
“the parody element [of Dungeonland and Land Beyond the Magic
Mirror] opened the door for the later WG7, Castle Greyhawk (1988).”
Since the article contains numerous factual and interpretive errors about
the history of the hobby (such as not knowing who Eric Shook was, for
example), it’s easy to dismiss as errant nonsense, but it speaks volumes
about the long shadow Gary casts over this hobby. He was a colossus and
it’s perhaps unsurprising that so many people wanted to “expose” him as
having feet of clay. It’s regrettable that Castle Greyhawk was ever
Worst. Module. Ever. published. Whether or not it was intended as a jibe against Gary, few can
say, but I think it’s certain that this module was ill-conceived, badly
I try very hard not to be hyperbolic on this blog; I know I often don’t done, and a slap in the face of Greyhawk fans, who’d been hoping to see
succeed. But I am hard pressed to think of any module published under more of the real Castle Greyhawk, a dream that remains unfulfilled over
the Dungeons & Dragons banner that was worse than 1988’s Castle 20 years after the release of this module.
Greyhawk. Consider: Gary Gygax’s legendary Castle Greyhawk had
never seen publication except in snippets (such as Dungeonland, Land
Beyond the Magic Mirror, and Isle of the Ape). There were occasional —
unrealized — intimations by Gary that TSR might one day published this
megadungeon in a more complete form. When module WG7 was
released, as part of the World of Greyhawk brand, no less, I am sure ROGUE FEED
many expected it to be the fulfillment of a long-held dream. I know I did.
Marine Fire Team
Unfortunately, Castle Greyhawk is more nightmare than dream — a APR 01, 2009 01:29P.M.
puerile, unfunny collection of shlock. “The common theme of this
dungeon is that no joke is so old, no pun is so bad, and no schtick is so This team may be encountered just about anywhere there are Marines, a
obvious that it can’t be used to confuse and trip up PCs!” That sums it up bar, and a need for military assistance.
pretty well in my opinion and, if it hadn’t been for the fact that the
module was released in the wake of Gygax’s ouster from TSR — an event
that shook the industry and the hobby — I probably wouldn’t regard this GROUP NOTES
module with such bile. As it is, the entire thing comes off as a
sophomoric attempt to belittle one of the co-creator’s of the game and to
destroy the game world he created for it. This squad of Marines are enjoying some shore leave after a short term
combat assignment. They are not looking for trouble, but will certainly
Now, I’m not sure that it was in fact such a thing. Given that its twelve not shy away if presented in the most subtle form. They are basically
levels were written by a variety of freelancers, some of them extremely good, but have a collectively short temper. They are usually able to do
talented and well regarded (Paul Jaquays and Steve Perrin being stand- any required damage and still dodge the local authorities. As long as
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
MARINE GUNNY Acrobatics 3
Athletics 6
Brawl 2
Species: Terran Gender: Female Bureaucracy 2
Age: 43 Height: 1.90 m Weight: 47 kg Defend 4
Homeworld: The Marches, High Population Dodge 6
Careers: Marine (Veteran) Intimidation 3
Rank: Gunnery Petty Officer Language (Lingua Terra) 2
Medical Sciences 3
Body: 12 Dexterity: 7 Perception: 8 Presence: 6 Will: 8 Melee 5
Profession (Marine) 4
Vitality: 50 Resolve: 40 Shoot 4
Survival 5
Skills: Tactics 4
Acrobatics 3 Technical Sciences (Electronics) 7
Athletics 5 Unarmed Combat 6
Bureaucracy 3 Vehicle Operation 2
Computers 3
Defend 5 This marine is the main observer on the team. Although all in the squad
Dodge 5 are trained observers, this is his main job. He is also very good at basic
Intimidation 4 survival skills and even does well without modern equipment. He will
Language (Lingua Terra) 2 use his laser when he must use, but is good at hand-to-hand and will
Medical Sciences 4 usually allow the shooters to do their job while he makes sure he’s in
Melee 6 position for his next spot.
Non-native Language 2
Profession (Marine) 6
Shoot 7 MARINE 2
Stealth 7
Survival 6
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
MARINE 3 Acrobatics 3
Athletics 3
Bureaucracy 4
Species: Terran Gender: Male Computers 2
Age: 27 Height: 1.75m Weight: 54 kg Defend 4
Homeworld: The Marches (High Population) Dodge 4
Careers: Marine (Novice) Intimidation 3
Rank: Leading Armsman Language (Lingua Terra) 4
Non-native Language 2
Body: 9 Dexterity: 9 Perception: 9 Presence: 8 Will: 9 Medical Sciences 2
Melee 5
Vitality: 45 Resolve: 45 Profession (Marine) 6
Shoot 5
Skills: Survival 3
Acrobatics 3 Tactics 5
Athletics 4 Technical Sciences 6
Bureaucracy 1 Unarmed Combat 5
Computers 2 Vehicle Operation 2
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 5 April, 2009
She’s the other brain of this squad, although not as ribbed due to her
skills in combat engineering. Her squad mates respect her judgement
and skills, particularly in demolition placement. She also may take a turn
at point on longer hikes and doesn’t give up easily. When she was first
assigned to the squad, some of the others tested her, but she acquitted
herself well in unarmed combat as well as her specialty. She hasn’t let the
team down yet, and intends to keep it that way. She has a bright future in
the Marines and has been offered the opportunity to attend Officer’s
Training School. She’s still thinking about it, but knows that if she does,
her days as a demolition engineer will be numbered.
Unknown to her, her sergeant and senior officers have already decided
that her next assignment will be to OTS. Pending her completion of that
and some other specialized training, she will become the leader of a
special operations unit. This spells a bright future for a smart girl from a
poor family.
Setting Design
APR 01, 2009 01:11P.M.