Antiterrmite Treatment

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Anttermite Treatment

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SCOPE The scope of work is to set up a chemical barrier against attack by subterranean termites while the building is under construction.

2.00.00 2.01.00

EXECUTION General All work shall in general be executed as specified in IS: 6313 Part II-1981 and as per approved specification of the agency having special know-how for the job. All necessary work to ensure uniform distribution and proper penetration of treatment of treating solution shall be done according to the instruction of the Engineer. Soil treatment shall not be done when it is raining or when the soil is wet with rain or subsoil water. Once formed, the treated soil barrier shall not be disturbed.


Chemicals and Rate of Application Any of the following chemicals (conforming to relevant Indian Standards) in water emulsion shall be applied by pressure pumps, uniformly over the area treated. Chemicals Concentration by Weight, Percentage

Chlorpyrifos Emulsifiable (IS 8944 - 1978) Heptachlor Emulsifiable Concentrate (IS: 6439 - 1978) Chlordane Emulsifiable Concentrate (IS: 2682 - 1984) 2.02.01




Treatment of Column Pits, Wall Trenches and Basement Excavations Foundations, basements etc. may either be fully enveloped by the chemical barrier or the treatment may start 500 mm below ground level. The bottom surface and sides of excavation (up to a height of about 300 mm) for column pits, walls trenches and basements shall be treated with chemicals at the rate of 5 litres / M2 of surface area. Backfills around

Anttermite Treatment

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columns, walls etc. shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 litres / M2 of the vertical surface. Chemical treatment shall be done in stages following the compaction of earth in layers. The treatment shall be carried out after the ramming operation is done by rodding the earth at 150 mm centres close to the wall surface and spraying the chemicals in the specified dose. 2.02.02 Treatment of Top Surface of Plinth Filling Holes 50 mm to 75 mm deep at 150 mm centres both ways shall be made with crowbars on the surface of compacted plinth fill. Chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 litres / M2 of surface shall be applied prior to laying soling or sub-grade. Special care shall be taken to maintain continuity of the chemical barrier at the junction of vertical and horizontal surfaces. 2.02.03 Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes, Wastes and Conduits Special care shall be taken at the points where pipes and conduits enter the building and the soil shall be treated for a distance of 150 mm and a depth of 75 mm at the point where they enter the building. 2.02.04 Treatment of Expansion Joints These shall receive special attention and shall be treated in a manner approved by the Engineer. 2.02.05 Treatment at Junction of the Wall and the Floor Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on inner wall surfaces from ground level up to the level of the filled earth surface. A small channel 30 x 30 mm shall be made at all the junctions of wall and columns with the floor. Rod holes made in the channel up to the ground level 150 mm apart and the chemical emulsion poured along the channel at the rate of 7.5 litres per square meter of the vertical wall or column surface. The soil should be tamped back into place after this operation.


ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The Contractor shall give a 10-year service guarantee in writing supplemented by a separate and unilateral guarantee from the specialised agency for the job to keep the building free of termites for the specified period at no extra cost to the owner.


RATES Rates shall be of complete work per unit area as stated in the Schedule.



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Complete work of anti-termite treatment shall be measured for plinth area treated. This includes treatment, to foundations, walls, trenches, basements, plinth, burried pipes, conduits etc. The extended portions of foundation and like beyond plinth limit shall be the part of complete work and no extra payment shall be made.


I.S. CODE Relevant code applicable for this Specification. IS: 6313 (Part-II) 1981: Code of Practice of Anti-Termite Measures in Buildings Pre-constructional measures. chemical treatment


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