A New Era of Free Cooling
A New Era of Free Cooling
A New Era of Free Cooling
No Free Lunch
Not surprising, truly free cooling is a myth. Just as there is no free lunch, free cooling is a concept, not a reality. Virtually all forms of free cooling carry an embedded cost. The cost may be economic, loss of comfort, or loss of control. It is the system designers responsibility to assure his client that the end users interests are maximized throughout the application process.
It is important to fully grasp these simple characteristics in order to expand applications into The New Era of Free Cooling.
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.
engineers newsletter
1991/Volume 20, No. 3
Load Behavior
A critical operating characteristic of a variable flow distribution system is its elevated return water temperature behavior. A review of building loads at off-design conditions is imperative. Consider the normal chilled water cooling coil, Figure 2. Typically, cooling coils are selected at design conditions to supply conditioned air at a temperature between 52F and 55F. In order to minimize chilled water flow, relatively large chilled water temperature increases occur. In this example, water is supplied at 42F and returned at 58F, a 16-degree delta-T at design conditions. Clearly, coil fluid flows and heat transfer are counterflow, as the entering (cold) water contacts the leaving (coolest) air. In this example, a design value of 606.7 MBh (50.56 tons) of cooling capacity is transferred. Values shown in Figure 2 result from computer runs made using the ARI-certified Trane Cooling Coil Performance Program. The selected coil is a 33" 144", six-row, Prima-Flo coil with 135 finsper-foot fin spacing. At off-design conditions, a wide variety of system response scenarios are possible. Ordinarily, a modulating two-way valve regulates water flow to effect HVAC system control. Figures 3 and 4 depict typical off-design conditions for variable air volume (VAV) and constant air volume systems, respectively. While the impact on the chilled water systems are similar, they are not exactly the same, even though the gross space loads are identical. The small differences are a result of heat transfer and space humidity differences. Figure 3 depicts the condition of approximately 50 percent design load (301.9 MBh) as applied to a VAV system. Such a system varies air volume, but maintains a supply air temperature of 54F dry bulb. Using the same coil configuration and controlling coil performance by modulating water flow only, we note that the leaving air wet bulb temperature is maintained at 53.90F. Latent heat removal remains high (total heat sensible heat) at 122.7 MBh. Pay particular attention to the resulting leaving water temperature. By modulating the water flow to control 54F leaving air stream, the leaving water temperature actually rises to 61.34F. This behavior is vitally important to the chilled water distribution system.
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.
engineers newsletter
1991/Volume 20, No. 3 Figure 4 shows the same type of control applied to a constant air volume system. In this case, the supply air temperature must rise to accommodate decreased air system loading. In order to arrive at a 50-percent condition (300.1 MBh total heat), we permitted the leaving air dry bulb to rise to 61.7F. In so doing, the coil performance dictates a leaving air wet bulb of 61.48F and a latent heat removal of only 56.6 MBh. Quite clearly, this air system results in poorer space humidity control. However, we also need to note the resulting leaving chilled water condition. It has risen to 68.43F! Chart 1 summarizes coil performance parameters at the above three conditions. Therefore, we can confidently predict that, regardless of the airside system used, control via modulation of a two-way chilled water valve results in no decrease in the temperature of returning chilled water. And, in fact, the temperature actually rises at part-load conditions.
Chart 1 Variable Airflow cfm Entering air dry bulb F Entering air wet bulb F Entering air relative humidity % Entering water temperature F Water flow gpm Water delta-temperature F Leaving water temperature F Leaving air dry bulb F Leaving air wet bulb F Total heat transfer MBh Sensible heat transfer MBh Latent heat transfer MBh Airside pressure loss in. wg Waterside pressure loss ft/water Full Load (Design) 13500 78.00 68.00 60 42.00 76.01 16.00 58.00 54.00 53.87 606.7 358.5 248.2 0.6655 9.677 Half Load (Var Air Vol) 6750 78.00 68.00 60 42.00 31.22 19.34 61.34 54.00 53.90 301.9 179.2 122.7 0.2238 1.980 Half Load (Const Air Vol) 13500 78.00 68.00 60 42.00 22.71 26.43 68.43 61.70 62.48 300.1 243.5 56.6 0.6083 1.110
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.
engineers newsletter
1991/Volume 20, No. 3 Without both of these, a chiller is prevented from delivering its rated capacity. Therefore, it is vital that the system return water temperature be kept as high as possible.
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.
engineers newsletter
1991/Volume 20, No. 3
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.
engineers newsletter
1991/Volume 20, No. 3 water temperature. At this point, free cooling is handling all plant loads. The chiller and its pump are not needed, because the decoupler line handles the return water flow assignment.
Each of these variations, and more, are possible by using the return chilled water stream as an important source of warm water. Development of this resource is a key objective of the airside system. This may provide a better view of the relationships between chilled water and airside systems. They are not separate. To design them separately is to miss an opportunity to use a knowledge of physics as a tool to improve HVAC system performance without adding cost.
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.
engineers newsletter
1991/Volume 20, No. 3
Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.