In the case of mysticism the individual simply limits himself to what is presented to him and to the manner in which it is presented, having himself nosay in the matter [...] In the case of initiation, on the contrary, the individual is the source of initiative towards 'realization', pursued methodicaly under rigorous and unremitting control, and normal reaching beyond the very possibilities of the individual as such.
In the case of mysticism the individual simply limits himself to what is presented to him and to the manner in which it is presented, having himself nosay in the matter [...] In the case of initiation, on the contrary, the individual is the source of initiative towards 'realization', pursued methodicaly under rigorous and unremitting control, and normal reaching beyond the very possibilities of the individual as such.
In the case of mysticism the individual simply limits himself to what is presented to him and to the manner in which it is presented, having himself nosay in the matter [...] In the case of initiation, on the contrary, the individual is the source of initiative towards 'realization', pursued methodicaly under rigorous and unremitting control, and normal reaching beyond the very possibilities of the individual as such.
In the case of mysticism the individual simply limits himself to what is presented to him and to the manner in which it is presented, having himself nosay in the matter [...] In the case of initiation, on the contrary, the individual is the source of initiative towards 'realization', pursued methodicaly under rigorous and unremitting control, and normal reaching beyond the very possibilities of the individual as such.
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René Guénon
Trandate by
Henry DFohr
edited by
Samuel DFobe
Sophia Peennis
Ghent, NYConTEeNTS
éitorial Note xu
Preface 1
‘The initiate & Mystic Paths 7
Magic & Mysticism 13
Various Ereors Concerning initiation 37
CConeltions for Initiation 2a
Invatic Regularity 28
Synthesis &Syeretism 37
Against Mixing eaitional Forms 43
Initiate Transmission 48
‘Taditon & Transmission 36
Initiate Centers 60
Intatic Organizations & Religious Secs 67
Inatic Organizations ¢ Secret Societies 72
The Initatic Secret 84
Iniitic Qualifications 91
Init Rites 109
Rite & Symbol 110
Myths Mysteries, Symbols 5
Symbolism & Philosophy 125
Rites & Ceremonies 130
(Ceremonial Magic 135
Paychie'Power? 41“The Rejection of Powers? 17
Sacraments Initiate Rites 352
Prayer ¢ Incantation 159
Initiale 166
Initiate Death 72
Profane & Initiate Names 76
‘The Symbolism ofthe Thester 182
“Operative &Speculaive’ ay
Effective Viral Initiation 195,
IniiticTeching 297
‘The Limits ofthe Mental 205
Initiatic Knowledge & Profane‘Calture” a
‘Academic Mentality -Pscado-Intistion 216
Initiation &Pasivity? a3
Initiation &'Serviee 238
‘The Git of Tongues 22.
Rose.Cross& Rosicrulane 237
Greter & Lester Mysteries 244
Stoetdotal & Royal initiation 0
Some Reflections on Hermetim 255
Transmutation & Transformation 265
‘Wie Notion ofan Bite 269
“Thelniatie Hierarchy 374
‘ditional Inflibiliy 279
‘wo Iniatic Devices 286
‘Verbur, Lax, & Vita 291
“The Bicth ofthe Avatina 297,
Index 301
Epirorrat Note
‘Tia past cenary has witnessed an erosion of ete l=
‘ora vals a well a bling ofthe distinctive characteristics of
the work's traditional civilizations, ving rset philosophic and
‘mora relativism, malticlturalism, and dangero ndamenalit
reactions. As ealy asthe 19208, the French metapysician René
‘Guénon (886-1951 bad diagnosed thee tendencies and presented
wat he bleved tobe the only posible reconiltion of he eg
‘ate alshough apparently conflicting, demands of outward ee-
fis forms, xoterisms wi ther esentil core esotran His
‘work are characterized by foundational cigs ofthe modern
world coupled wih ell fr iter reform: renewed exami-
nation of metaphysics, che ereditonalslences, and symbolism,
‘vith speci ference tthe ultimate unanimity of al pra tr
Aitionss and finally call othe work of spiritual realization
Despite their wide influence, taslation of Gusnon's works into
[English hs so far bee piecemeal. The Sophia Penni edition ie
intended il the urgent nee to present them in «moc autho
tative and sjstematic form. complete ist of Gutnoa' works given
In the order of thei original publication in French, follows this
“The present volume fist published athe ose of World Wa
is based on a series of erties on initiation orginally writen
beeween gpa and9p for Le Vode distr renamed ude Tr
‘tomes Iniatin is presented as exten the tansiision, by
the appropriate res of given tradition, ofa ‘spiel influence
‘This ansmisson i preset bepnning intton) of the sir
tual journey ands indispensable for he one who wishes to embare
‘ona spiritual way. The works unique in pving a comprehensive
account bt ofthe conditions af nition and of the characte
tics of organizations qualified to transmit and hs led to some
controversy reguding the distinction it draws betwee the iiatic