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cannot dress smartly or fashionably . deformity and are afraid to go out.


They are often depressed by their

Now read the text carefully, looking up any new items in a dictionary or reference book. Then answer the following questions:

Which people get fat, other than 'big eaters'? What are the consequences of consistently high energy intake? What is the best obesity index and what does it mean? Why are the very old not often obese? What is the social class distribution of obesity in Britain? What foods do richer people eat? Why do women become fatter in pregnancy? Which diseases are principally responsible for obese people dying at earlier age?

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


What percentage less of life does a 50 year old man have ahead of him for each pound of excess fat that he carries?


What difficulties do fat people have with clothes?

C. VOCABULARY BUILDING In this section, you should use your dictionary to help you answer the questions about the text.

1. Look at the first paragraph. Which words or expressions in the text can be replaced with:

almost wealthy e c on omi c al excess v u ln e ra b l e the combining of several different parts to make a whole the production and release of a substance within the body by a gland

2. Which words in the second paragraph have the following meanings?

remaining unaffected by something (find two different words with this meaning)

cilacs modure/english for medical students/mku/ 20

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