Kenwood TM D710 Cheatsheets v2.0
Kenwood TM D710 Cheatsheets v2.0
Kenwood TM D710 Cheatsheets v2.0
Normal Mode
The Display is ringed with 16 buttons including the three knobs. The most often used buttons for Normal Mode(non-program) are Power(16) VFO mode (2) and MR-memory recall mode(3), REV(8) reverses the Transmit and Receiver frequencies if operating split frequencies(repeaters). LOW(9) changes the Tx Power Low/Medium/High, shown as L, M or H icons under the PTT icons. The larger knob on the bottom left is the Tuning(4), turning the knob changes the PTT's (the active vfo)VFO frequency/Memory Number.The Tuning knob's button is press to activate MHz steps on the PTT. Volume level(12) and Squelch level(13) knobs are also buttons to control the active PTT when pressed, a longer press toggles single/dual vfo mode. Tone(7) button, cycles through the type of Tone(icon T), CTCSS(icon CT), DCS(icon DCS) digital coded squelch, and Off-no pl no icon.
Function Mode
Keypad Entry
Frequencies in VFO mode and Channels in MR mode can be entered directly by keypad IF a key is programmed as theEnter key Menu 509(Mic PF1(the D key):reassign from A/B to Enter Menu 512(Mic PF4(the A key):reassign from Call to A/B To change VFOs back and fort A(A/B) Enter 146.430 MHz: B(VFO), D(Enter) 146430 D(Enter) Enter Channel 103: C(MR), D(Enter)103 D(Enter)
Display Icons