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DEFINITION OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: Consumer behaviour can be defined as: "The decision process and physical activity engaged

in when evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services." This definition raises a few queries in our minds-what or who are consumers? What is the decision process that they engage in? Answers to these questions help define the broad nature of consumer behaviour. WHO IS A CONSUMER? A "consumer" is anyone who typically engages in any one or all of the activities described in our definition. Traditionally consumers have been defined very strictly in terms of economic goods and services, i.e. goods and services wherein a monetary transaction is involved. However, over time this concept has been widened to include goods and services where a monetary exchange is not involved. Thus, the services of voluntary organizations have also been included in this definition, and users of the services of these organizations are also viewed as consumers. The logic behind this approach is that consumers of free service also engage in the same kind of decision process and physical activity as consumers of economic goods and services. A "customer" is one who actually purchases a product or service from a particular organization or shop. A customer is always defined in terms of a specific product or company. However, the term consumer is a far wider term encompassing not only the actual buyer or customer but also all its users, i.e. consumers. There are two situations when this distinction between consumers and customers may occur, i) when the service or product is provided free, and ii) when the customer is not the actual user of the product or is only one of the many users. The second situation needs greater elaboration as it is of critical significance for us. Very often, the actual customer making a purchase may not be doing so for himself or herself. For instance, in case of a father buying a box of crayons for his four-year old daughter, the customer is the father but the actual user of consumer is his daughter. Another case may be where a father is buying a TV for the family members. The father is the customer but all the family members are the consumers. The two vital elements to remember in all consumer situations are a) the influence on purchase from other people and b) the roles taken on by different people in consumer behaviour situations. In the instance of the father buying crayons for his daughter, the latter may not have had influence at all on the purchase; the father is the decision maker and buyer and the daughter is the user. In case of the father buying a TV for his family, it is quite likely that the wife and children may have exerted considerable influence on the decision. The father is simply, the buyer, while other family members may be influencers and all, including the father, are users.

CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN INDIAN: India is a big country with 28 states, over one billion people and 120 dialects/languages.

From the market perspective, people of India comprise different segments of consumers, based on class, status, and income. An important and recent development in Indias consumerism is the emergence of the rural market for several basic consumer goods. Three-fourths of Indias population lives in rural areas, and contribute one-third of the national income. This rural population is spread all over India, in close to 0.6 million villages.

India is a lucrative market even though the per capita income in India is low and it remains a huge market, even for costly products. Among the total 164.8 million households in India, 80.7 million households comes under low income group ( <US$ 581 ), followed by 50.4 million lower middle income households ( US$ 581 to US$ 1162), 19.7 million middle income group (US$ 1162 to US$ 1190 ), 8.2 million upper middle income group (US$ 1790 to US$ 2465 ) and 5.8 million high income group (>US$ 2465). The Indian consumers are noted for the high degree of value orientation. Such orientation to value has labeled Indians as one of the most discerning consumers in the world. Even, luxury brands have to design a unique pricing strategy in order to get a foothold in the Indian market.

Indian consumers have a high degree of family orientation. This orientation in fact, extends to the extended family and friends as well. Brands with identities that support family values tend to be popular and accepted easily in the Indian market.

Indian consumers are also associated with values of nurturing, care and affection. These values are far more dominant that values of ambition and achievement. Product which communicate feelings and emotions gel with the Indian consumers.

Apart from psychology and economics, the role of history and tradition in shaping the Indian consumer behavior is quite unique. Perhaps, only in India, one sees traditional products along side modern products. For example, hair oils and tooth powder existing with shampoos and toothpaste.

FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: According to Kotlers (2003) as cited by Zhenyu (2007) model, consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics. Generally speaking, marketers cannot control such factors, but they must take them into account because these factors affect how individual consumers react to the different stimuli that firms send out through their communication. The marketers task is to understand what happens in the buyers consciousness and the buyers decision making process. The factors influencing the consumer behaviour can be broadly divided into two categories:

1. Internal factors 2. External factors


EXTERNAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR External influences include culture, socioeconomic level, reference groups, and household. 1. CULTURE: Culture is defined as the patterns of behavior and social relations that characterize a society and separate it from others. Culture conveys values, ideals, and attitudes that help individuals communicate with each other and evaluate situations. It is important in viewing culture to draw legitimate generalizations about a given culture or subculture without resorting to stereotyping. An individuals culture provides a frame of reference concerning acceptable behaviors, and as such, culture is a learned set of arbitrary values. The dominant culture in the United States today stresses equality, use of resources, materialism, individualism, and youth.

Difference in culture is most apparent when a hospitality and tourism firm attempts to expand into international markets. There are significant differences between, for example, the way that Europeans make purchase decisions and exhibit travel behavior and the way that Americans do so. For example, in much of Europe, it is very common for a family to take an extended vacation that might last for two, three, or more weeks. In France, it is very common for businesses to shut down for much of August while the entire country is on vacation. In the United States, the opposite trend is prevalent. Families are less likely to take a vacation of more than one week and are more likely to take a series of mini vacations that extend over three-day weekends. In fact, in the early 1990s, Stouffer Renaissance Hotels went so far as to trademark the phrase break-ation to use in their promotion and advertising to describe the mini or getaway vacations that have become common in the United States. In addition to the general culture of the United States, marketers must also be concerned with subcultures. Subcultures might include African Americans, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, and youths. One example illustrates the importance of subcultures in marketing. Although families are one of the major markets for fast-food chains, and parents pay the bills for the family, much of the advertising for these chains is directed toward the youth subculture. Research has shown that it is often the children who influence the decision on where to dine, once the adults have decided to dine out. 2. SOCIO-ECONOMIC LEVEL: Socioeconomic level has a large influence in consumer decision making. Marketing managers have long attempted to correlate socioeconomic level with dining-out habits and travel patterns. Hospitality managers must identify the relative socioeconomic levels to which the operation appeals and appeal directly to those groups with the marketing mix that they use. For example, an upscale and expensive four- or five-star resort property will target its promotional efforts to those in upper income groups. These resorts are likely to advertise in publications read by professionals and those who are in the top 25 percent of annual household income. That is their target market. 3. REFERENCE GROUPS A reference group is a group with whom an individual identifies to the point where the group dictates a standard of behavior. Reference groups exert tremendous influence on consumers hospitality and tourism purchase decisions. Every individual is influenced directly and indirectly. Marketing research has identified three types of reference groups: comparative, status, and normative. First, individual consumers use reference groups to compare their own feelings and thoughts with those of others. For example, an individual may have gone to dinner at a restaurant and felt that the food and service were excellent. Before these perceptions are internalized, however, a reference group is often consulted to validate the perceptions. An individual may check with friends who are members of a reference group, asking for their perceptions

of the restaurant. The individual will then compare her friends perceptions against her own. In many cases, the perceptions of a reference group can influence purchase and repeat purchase behavior. Second, reference groups also serve a status function. For example, when an individual seeks to become a member of a group, his or her actions are likely to emulate the group members behaviors. If someone looks up to a reference group as a source of status, he or she is likely to model the behavior exhibited by the members of the reference group. Third, reference groups establish norms and values that regulate the behavior of individuals. For example, consider a high-school-age reference group dining out. The group norm may state that patronizing chain restaurant A is more desirable than going to locally owned restaurant B, yet objective analysis indicates that restaurant Bs product-service mix is superior. The groups norms and values might still point toward the established chain restaurant. Simply put, dining at restaurant A is cool and dining at restaurant B is not. What is in favor within the reference group will change over time. For example, 10 to 15 years ago college students seeking the most exciting destination for a spring break getaway often went to Daytona Beach, Florida. In recent years, Cancun, Mexico, and cruises in the Caribbean have become more popular. A hospitality manager can also influence consumer behavior through the use of opinion leaders. Opinion leaders include formal and/or informal leaders of reference groups, and their opinions normally influence opinion formation in others. Common opinion leaders are leaders within the community, such as doctors, lawyers, and politicians, and those who are viewed as subject matter experts. For example, a travel agent is clearly an opinion leader for travel-related products. Potential travelers often seek advice from a travel agent because they believe that the agent has knowledge far superior to their own. Another example is the food critic who writes for a local newspaper. The opinions that the critic expresses in a newspaper column have direct and immediate influence on readers. Hospitality managers often strive to create their own reference groups and opinion leaders. Frequent guests can be rewarded with complimentary samples of new menu items or perhaps a complimentary flavored coffee or bottle of champagne. The champagne creates excitement and is very likely to increase sales, as individuals sitting at other tables want to become part of the excitement and often order a bottle for their own table. The desired result is of course a snowball effect among many tables, which results in increased sales. Frequent guests can also be used for feedback about potential new menu items or new services. If they are favorably impressed with the new products or services, they will tell their friends and colleagues, and increased business can result.

4. HOUSEHOLD A household is defined as those individuals who occupy a single living unit. There are more than 80 million households in the United States, and within every household certain characteristics, leadership, and norms exist. Leadership is normally rotated among members of the household. For example, the children may decide which breakfast cereal to eat or which fast-food restaurant to patronize, while an adult selects the type of living accommodations. Hospitality marketing research points out that leadership is often shared. For example, the parents normally decide when the household will go out to eat, but it is the children who decide which restaurant will be patronized. All external influences discussed can affect the decision-making process of a consumer whenever a decision about hospitality and tourism products and services is made. The culture, socioeconomic level, reference groups, and household members influence directly and indirectly, consciously and unconsciously, the dining habits of all consumers. INTERNAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR In addition to external influences, internal influences affect consumers choices as wellpersonal needs and motives, experience, personality and self-image, and perceptions and attitudes. The exact influence of internal factors is less well known than the external factors, as internal factors are not as observable and therefore are not as well documented and understood. 1. PERSONAL NEEDS AND MOTIVES: A need is defined as a lack of something or the difference between someones desired and actual states. Motive is defined as a persons inner state that directs the individual toward satisfying a felt need. For example, consumers may be hungry and tired (their actual state), yet they desire to be well fed and rested (desired state). This felt need would, therefore, cause them to have the motivation to seek out a restaurant where this need could be satisfied. .






Despite years of consumer behavior research, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to fully explain all of the needs consumers feel. Figure 3.1 illustrates the role of needs in consumer behavior. Simply stated, needs lead to motivation,

which leads to behavioral intentions, which ultimately lead to observable behavior. Following behavior, feedback affects and may change a consumers motivation. To continue our earlier example, once the consumer had been to a particular restaurant, if the meal was satisfying and met prior expectations, then the feedback would be favorable and the consumer would likely plan to return to this particular restaurant. If, however, the meal was not satisfying or did not meet prior expectations, then the individuals negative feelings would likely result in not returning to this particular restaurant. It is important to remember that successful marketing is about identifying and then meeting or exceeding the expectations of consumers. In the mid-1900s, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, developed a model identifying five classes of needs; today the model remains one of the influential cornerstones of consumer behavior. As shown in Figure, Maslows hierarchy of needs is arranged in the following order, from the lowest to highest level: physiological needs, safety needs, social and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.2 Individuals are believed to satisfy the lower-level needs before they move to the higher-level needs.


PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS Physiological needs are primary needs for food, shelter, and clothing, which one must have before thinking about higher order needs. Nearly all products and services offered to consumers by hospitality and tourism firms address these needs. SAFETY NEEDS

These second-level needs include personal security and protection from physical harm. The movement toward greater security and safety within the hotel industry has addressed these needs. Electronic door locks, increased lighting, outside entrances that are locked after dark, and more sophisticated fire detection devices all are designed to meet safety needs. SOCIAL AND BELONGING NEEDS Once needs at the lower two levels are satisfied, consumers look toward achieving social acceptance by others. From the hospitality and tourism perspective, we cater to consumers who want to join private clubs that offer a variety of social and recreational activities. We also make consumers feel like they belong by making special products and services available for frequent guests. Hotels that target longer-term guests, such as Marriotts Residence Inns, will often schedule social events for their guests in order to satisfy the social needs of guests who are away from family and friends for an extended period of time. ESTEEM NEEDS Once consumers feel accepted, they seek to enhance their self-esteem. Hospitality and tourism companies cater to these individuals by providing a higher level of personal service. For example, airlines provide first class and business class, in addition to coach. Airlines also provide special lounges and waiting areas for frequent travelers and for individuals who purchase memberships in their airline clubs. Another example is expensive restaurants that offer only the finest food, beverages, and service. They provide a level of products and services that cater to the esteem needs of guests, and they expend a good deal of effort to make guests feel very special and important. SELF-ACTUALIZATION NEEDS The highest-level needs within Maslows hierarchy focus on an individuals need to reach his or her full potential. For the most part, these needs are often beyond the scope of what hospitality and tourism marketers can expect to fulfill. However, there are examples from within the hospitality and tourism industry regarding the consumers attempt to satisfy self-actualization needs. For example, when guests are attracted to sports programs at five-star resorts focusing on how to play the best golf or tennis possible, they are seeking to reach a state of self-actualization with regard to the sport. An alternative approach combines the work of Maslow with the work on personality development by Erik Erikson.3 In this model, adults pass through three life stages, and each stage will help to determine the kinds of experiences

that they will seek as consumers (see Figure 3.3). Consumers products either because they need them, because they desire them, Purchases based on need are considered nondiscretionary, while based on desire are considered discretionary. Consumer satisfaction is mainly through discretionary purchases.

purchase or both. purchases achieved


In the first stage, young adults (age 40 or younger) are seeking satisfaction through purchasing possession experiences in their early career-development and family-building years. Examples of products purchased during this stage are cars and houses. Then, as they grow older (age 40 to 60), consumers focus more on purchasing catered experiences such as travel, restaurants, education, and sports. Finally, the third stage (age over 60) finds consumers shifting their focus toward being experiences associated with interpersonal relationships and simple pleasures. In this context, hospitality services would be purchased more in the second stage, although they would be purchased merely for survival throughout a consumers life span. Some resorts, spas, and travel destinations target the third stage as well. For example, some destinations market themselves to older travelers who are seeking a more spiritual experience. Psychologist David McClelland identified three social motives: achievement, affiliation, and power.4 Achievement causes an individual to work harder to reach a goal. Affiliation causes individuals to belong to groups or to seek the approval of others. Each person has the need to belong and to be accepted. Finally, McClelland identified individuals need for power. Individuals want to feel that they are in control and that they have some control over their immediate environment. Many individuals extend this need for power to others; that is, they want to be able to control others as well. EXPERIENCE

Experience is also a major internal influence on consumer behavior. As individuals encounter new situations, such as dining in a particular restaurant for the first time, they integrate their perceptions into an experience framework that influences future decisions. The old adage First impressions are important applies directly to the hospitality and tourism industry. If consumers are turned off the first time that they walk up to the front desk in a hotel or are greeted by a host in a restaurant, they are unlikely to return. One of the factors that have led to the success of Walt Disney World is that the staff, called cast members, focus on the guests needs from the moment they arrive on site until they depart. In the morning when carloads of excited families arrive, they are greeted by smiling parking-lot cast members who help to get everyones day at Disney off to a memorable start. These initial impressions are the start of a great day for the guests. Hospitality managers must remember that people (consumers) are products of their environments. Each new experience is integrated into a frame of reference against which new situations are evaluated. This frame of reference includes each individuals beliefs, values, norms, and assumptions. Consider the following example. A guest who travels more than 100 days each year checks into a hotel at which she has not previously stayed. As the guest checks in, she is evaluating the quality of the service received against prior check-in experiences. Based on her prior experience, she may believe that the check-in process should not take more than 60 seconds to complete. Any time in excess of 60 seconds will likely result in dissatisfaction with the hotel. In this example, the guest has a belief that check-in should be accomplished quickly and easily. This is the norm against which the guest will judge all check-ins. 2. PERSONALITY AND SELF-IMAGE Each individual consumer develops a unique personality and self-image over a period of time. For marketing purposes, individual personality types can be grouped into various classifications such as swingers, conservatives, leaders, and followers. The important thing for hospitality managers to remember is that no hospitality operation can be all things to all people. Firms must select one or more target markets that are subsets or segments of the total market and then appeal directly to these consumers. Many hospitality organizations experience difficulty when attempting to appeal to too wide a segment of the total market. The result is quite predictable: failure to satisfy any of the target markets, which leads to poor financial performance and often failure. One example of this type of thinking involved a restaurant that featured a beef and seafood menu, with moderate to high prices and a semiformal atmosphere. This restaurant had been successful, but the owners and managers felt that more profits could and should be generated. In an attempt to broaden the target market, the atmosphere was made more informal, and the

menu was changed to include hamburgers, snacks, sandwiches, and pizza, as well as steaks and seafood. Thirty days after the change was made, sales volume had increased by 15 percent. Within three months, however, volume had fallen by 38 percent, and what had once been a profitable operation was now running a deficit. Following careful examination of the performance of several hospitality organizations, one finds that it is normally those with welldefined target markets that are the most successful. Those attempting to be all things to all people often fail. 3. PERCEPTION AND ATTITUDE Each day, consumers are exposed to thousands of stimuli. Some of these stimuli are consciously received, resulting in a thought process, while others are simply ignored. Perception is the process by which stimuli are recognized, received, and interpreted. Each individual consumer perceives the world differently. Perceptions are manifested in attitudes. Attitudes are learned predispositions to act in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner. For example, some individuals attitudes are that fastfood meals are very good because they are of high quality and low cost and come with fast and courteous service. Other individuals attitudes are that fastfood meals are of low nutritional value and poor culinary quality and that they are not visually attractive. Both types of individuals hold attitudes based on their perceptions. Their perceptions may or may not be valid, but it is important for the marketing manager to remember that perceptions are the way an individual sees the world. In the mind of the individual consumer, the perceptions and resulting attitudes are correct and valid. It is very difficult to change the perceptions and resulting attitudes that individuals have developed over time.

CONSUMER DECISION MAKING PROCESS Traditionally, consumer researchers have approached decision making process from a rational perspective. This dominant school of thought views consumers as being cognitive (i.e., problem-solving) and, to some but a lesser degree, emotional.i Such a view is reflected in the stage model of a typical buying process (often called the consumer information processing model) depicted in Figure 1.

Problem Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation and Selection of Alternatives

Decision Implementation

Post-purchase Evaluation


The Consumer Information Processing Model Source: Adopted from Kotler (1997), Schiffman and Kanuk (1997), and Solomon (1996) In this model, the consumer passes through five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation and selection of alternatives, decision implementation, and post-purchase evaluation. 1. PROBLEM RECOGNITION

In this information processing model, the consumer buying process begins when the buyer recognizes a problem or need. For example, Doug may realize that his best suit doesnt look contemporary any more. Or, Kathleen may recognize that her personal computer is not performing as well as she thought it should. These are the kinds of problem that we as consumers encounter all the time. When we found out a difference between the actual state and a desired state, a problem is recognized. When we find a problem, we usually try to solve the problem. We, in other words, recognize the need to solve the problem. But how? 2. INFORMATION SEARCH When a consumer discovers a problem, he/she is likely to search for more information. Kathleen may simply pay more attention to product information of a personal computer. She becomes more attentive to computer ads, computers purchased by her friends, and peer conversations about computers. Or, she may more actively seek information by visiting stores, talking to friends, or reading computer magazines, among others. Through gathering information, the consumer learns more about some brands that compete in the market and their features and characteristics. Theoretically, there is a total set of brands available to Kathleen, but she will become aware of only a subset of the brands (awareness set) in the market. Some of these brands may satisfy her initial buying criteria, such as price and processing speed (consideration set). As Kathleen proceeds to more information search, only a few will remain as strong candidates (choice set). 3. EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF ALTERNATIVES

How does the consumer process competitive brand information and evaluate the value of the brands? Unfortunately there is no single, simple evaluation process applied by all consumers or by one consumer in all buying situations. One dominant view, however, is to see the evaluation process as being cognitively driven and rational. Under this view, a consumer is trying to solve the problem and ultimately satisfying his/her need. In other words, he/she will look for problem-solving benefits from the product. The consumer, then, looks for products with a certain set of attributes that deliver the benefits. Thus, the consumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with different levels of ability of delivering the problem solving benefits to satisfy his/her need. The distinctions among the need, benefits, and attributes are very important. 5. DECISION IMPLEMENTATION To actually implement the purchase decision, however, a consumer needs to select both specific items (brands) and specific outlets (where to buy) to resolve the problems. There are, in fact, three ways these decisions can be made: 1) simultaneously; 2) item first, outlet second; or 3) outlet first, item second.ii In many situations, consumers engage in a simultaneous selection process of storesiii and brands. For example, in our Kathleens personal computer case, she may select a set of brands based on both the products technical features (attributes) and availability of brands in the computer stores and mail-order catalogs she knows well. It is also possible, that she decides where to buy (e.g., CompUSA in her neighborhood) and then chooses one or two brands the store carries. Once the brand and outlet have been decided, the consumer moves on to the transaction (buying). 6. POST-PURCHASE EVALUATION Post-purchase evaluation processes are directly influenced by the type of preceding decisionmaking process. Directly relevant here is the level of purchase involvement of the consumer. Purchase involvement is often referred to as the level of concern for or interest in the purchase iv situation, and it determines how extensively the consumer searches information in making a purchase decision.v Although purchase involvement is viewed as a continuum (from low to high), it is useful to consider two extreme cases here. Suppose one buys a certain brand of product (e.g., Diet Pepsi) as a matter of habit (habitual purchase). For him/her, buying a cola drink is a very low purchase involvement situation, and he/she is not likely to search and evaluate product information extensively. In such a case, the consumer would simply purchase, consume and/or dispose of the product with very limited postpurchase evaluation, and generally maintain a high level of repeat purchase motivation (Figure)
Purchase Product Use Disposition Simple Evaluation Repeat Purchase Motivation


Low Involvement Purchase Source: Hawkins, Best, and Coney (1983)

However, if the purchase involvement is high and the consumer is involved in extensive purchase decision making (e.g., personal computer), he/she is more likely to be involved in more elaborate post-purchase evaluation often by questioning the rightness of the decision: Did I make the right choice? Should I have gone with other brand? This is a common reaction after making a difficult, complex, relatively permanent decision. This type of doubt and anxiety is referred to as post-purchase cognitive dissonance (Figure 4).

Post-purchase Dissonance



Product Use


Elaborate Evaluation

Repeat Purchase Motivation

REFERENCES: http://hotelmule.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=443 http://www.marketingteacher.com/lesson-store/lesson-defining-consumerbehavior.html http://www.winnerscience.com/marketing-management/factors-affecting-consumerbuying-behavior/ http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&v ed=0CDAQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fedms.matrade.gov.my%2Fdomdoc%2FRep orts.nsf%2F0%2F2F841B9F6D04D5944825709000263441%2F%24File%2FPMSCh ennai05ConsumerBehavior_1.doc%3FOpenElement&ei=x0U_UMycAYKPrgfLyoH4Ag&us g=AFQjCNFEiuzeyQLtDTmXTqRsCogn--jTYg&sig2=ksj0-IhFY3PszfqZRzM1Hw

Note on Consumer Decision Making Processes By Ken Matsuno

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