Implementation Issues: - Component Spread - Sensitivity - Tuning - Noise - Finite Gain - Finite Bandwidth

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Implementation Issues

Component spread Sensitivity Tuning Noise Finite Gain Finite Bandwidth


EECS 247 Lecture 7: Finite Bandwidth

2002 B. Boser 1

Finite Bandwidth
Model finite bandwidth only DC gain infinite (keep things manageable & stand a chance to actually learn something from the calculation)
1 s 1 o + u 14243

Vo = o Vi { s

u s

u o + u 1 4 2 4 3
D C gain error

DC Gain: minor problem Pole: phase shift


o =

1 RC

Whats the effect on a filter?

2002 B. Boser 2


EECS 247 Lecture 7: Finite Bandwidth

Effect on Filter Response

Ideal Integrator Actual Integrator H int_ideal = H int_actual o s o 1 s 1+ s p2 with p2 = u o u

Ideal Filter Actual Filter

H filter_ide al ( s ) s= p


s H filter_act ual 1 + p s 2 s= p actual pactual pideal = pactual 1 + p 2 Solve for pactual!

Hence :


EECS 247 Lecture 7: Finite Bandwidth

2002 B. Boser 3

Solving for pactual

a + j a i + j i = ( a + j a ) 1 + 2

pideal = i + j i pactual = a + j a p2 = 2 i >> i a >> a 2 >> i , a (high Q)

a a2 i = a 1 + 2 2 a2 a 2 a i + a a a2 = i 1 + 2 i 2 using assuming = 2Q a i

a a i 1 2Qi i 2 a i 1 2Qi 2 corner i 1 2Qi 2


EECS 247 Lecture 7: Finite Bandwidth

2002 B. Boser 4

Effect of Finite Amplifier Bandwidth

corner a i 1 2Qi 2

Example : Q = 10, f corner = 1MHz, f u = 100 MHz 1 MHz a i 1 2 10 = 0.8 i 100 MHz To reduce < 1% (and, hence increase Q by < 1%) need f u > 200Qf corner

Solution: Very fast amplifier, or Compensation circuit

Q enhancement peaking in response (or instability)


EECS 247 Lecture 7: Finite Bandwidth

2002 B. Boser 5

Pole-Zero Cancellation
H = 1 + sRz C s s sRC 1 + + (1 + sRzC ) u u 1 1 + sRzC s 1 sRC 1 2 3 1+ + (1 + sRzC ) ideal response u u RC 144 44 24444 3
error,should be 1

= o s

1 + sRzC s Rz 1+ o + 1 + R u u o 1 1 + sRz C = s 1 + o Rz 1 + u R 1+ s o u 1 + u

Rz 1 + R Need = RzC o 1 + u u 1 Rz assuming uC

u >> o


EECS 247 Lecture 7: Finite Bandwidth

2002 B. Boser 6

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