God Is With Us

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Gods nature and His works are revealed to us through His Names in the Scriptures. One of His Names is Jehovah Shammah, which means, the Lord who is there, Ezek 48:35. Promise to Jacob Gen 28:10-22 As Jacob fled from Esau, God met him at Bethel in the dream of the ladder and the angels, and promised to be with him, to protect him, to bring him back, and never to leave or forsake him. See v15. Also God said to Jacob that He would fulfil all His promises to him. Promise to every believer Heb 13:5,6. As God promised to be with Jacob, He has promised to be with each and every believer. He has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us, so that we may boldly confess that the Lord is our Helper, we will not fear what man can do. Gods presence with us brings many benefits and blessings. Gen 26:3,12,13,24 Gods presence brings Gods blessings, brings us into our inheritance, fulfils His promises, and removes fear. Ex 33:14 Gods presence brings the rest and peace of God. Josh 1:5,9 Gods presence brings victory over our enemies, strength, courage and freedom from fear. Jud 6:12 Gods presence makes one a mighty warrior. Is 41:10 Gods presence brings freedom from fear and dismay, brings strength and courage and upholds us. Jer 1:19 Gods presence brings victory in the battle. Jer 20:11 Gods presence causes our persecutors to stumble and not to prevail, to be greatly ashamed at their failure, and to be in everlasting confusion. Ac 10:38 Gods presence in Jesuss life enabled Him to go about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Ac 18:9,10 Gods presence protects us from harm and danger, time and time again, delivers us from fear, and gives us boldness to witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you do not feel close to God He is still with you as He promised to be. Trust Him, call on His Name, and believe His Word, Rom 10:13. Gods Word says that we are to come boldly into His presence by the Blood of Jesus. Heb 10:19. His Blood cleanses us from all sin as we confess our sins, turn from them, believe His Word and call on His Name, 1Jn 1:7,9. Enter His presence with praise, thanksgiving and worship daily, Ps 100, Ps 95, Heb 13:15, Ps 34. Share the Good News of the Gospel with others and explain to them what they must do to have the presence of God with them, 2Cor 5:18-21. Carry Bridge to Life tracts.




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