Message From The Mobilecloud 2013 General Co-Chairs

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MobileCloud 2013

Message from the MobileCloud 2013 General Co-chairs

Welcome to the IEEE International Symposium on Mobile Cloud, Computing, and Service Engineering or MobileCloud 2013. MobileCloud was initiated due to an emerging new trend: the integration of mobile computing and cloud computing. Mobile computing has been around for a number of years, but the recent introduction of smart phones added much computing power and intelligent processing to mobile devices. Coupled with modern cloud computing with large storage and computing power, a mobile device can now access enormous amount of computing power via the behind-the-scene cloud platform to perform significant tasks that are not possible before. Both mobile computing and cloud computing consistently rank high in various technology trend studies today, and we believe that MobileCloud, a combination of mobile computing and cloud computing, will be a critical research area for numerous applications. MobileCloud 2013 has been organized by dedicated and capable Program Committee Chairs George Roussos, Jerry Gao and Jingsha He with a group of outstanding program committee members from all over the world. They have done a great job. Thank you very much for your hard work! We would like to thank other members of the organization committee, including the publicity chairs, the proceedings chair, the registration chair, the local chair, and the web masters. They have dedicated their time to this symposium for more than six months. We also thank the people of IEEE SOSE 2013 for their hosting and logistic support. Specifically, we thank Jerry Gao, Guido Wirtz, and Hong Zhu for their assistance. On behalf of MobileCloud 2013, we hope that this program brings you much insight and ideas.



Ruay-Shiung Chang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan Volker Gruhn, University Leipzig, Germany W. T. Tsai, Arizona State University, USA
MobileCloud 2013 General Co-chairs


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