RESM Lecture-15

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Requirements Errors II

Lecture # 15

Todays Topic and Recap

We discussed requirements errors in the last lecture Introduced different types of errors Discussed defect prevention Today well talk about defect removal and in particular inspections using, perspective-based reading

Defect Removal

Inspections - 1
Inspections, by all accounts, do a better job of error removal than any competing technology, and they do it at a lower cost
Robert Glass

Inspections - 2
Inspections are conducted by a group of people working on the project, with the objective to remove defects or errors Every member of the inspection team has to read and evaluate requirements documents before coming to the meeting and a formal meeting is conducted to discuss requirements errors

Inspections - 3
Requirements errors detected during this inspections save lot of money and time as requirements errors do not flow into the design and development phases of software development process

Inspections - 4
A complete description of inspections must address five dimensions:
Technical Managerial Organizational Assessment Tool support

Defect Detection Without Inspections

Defect Origins
Requirements Design Coding Documentation Testing Maintenance







Defect Discovery

Chaos Zone

Defect Detection With Inspections

Defect Origins
Requirements Design Coding Documentation Testing Maintenance







Defect Discovery

Requirements engineers are trained to write requirements documents, but have no training on reading/reviewing requirements documents Reviewers typically rely on ad hoc reading techniques, with no well-defined procedure, learning largely by doing

Techniques for Reading Requirements Documents

Ad hoc review Checklist review Defect-based reading Perspective-based reading


Ad hoc Review
A review with no formal, systematic procedure, based only individual experience


Checklist Review
A list of items is provided to reviewers, which makes this inspection process more focused


Defect-based Reading
Provides a set of systematic procedures that reviewers can follow, which are tailored to the formal software cost reduction notation


Perspective-Based Reading (PBR)

Researchers at Experimental Software Engineering Group at the University of Maryland, College Park, have created Perspective-Based Reading (PBR) to provide a set of software reading techniques for finding defects in English-language requirements documents

Different Perspectives - 1
PBR operates under the premise that different information in the requirements is more or less important for the different uses of the document Each user of the requirements document finds different aspects of the requirements important for accomplishing a particular task

Different Perspectives - 2
PBR provides a set of individual reviews, each from a particular requirements users point of view, that collectively cover the documents relevant aspects This process is similar to constructing system use cases, which requires identifying who will use the system and in what way

Steps in PBR
Selecting a set of perspectives for reviewing the requirements document Creating or tailoring procedures for each perspective usable for building a model of the relevant requirements information Augmenting each procedure with questions for finding defects while creating the model Applying procedures to review the document

Two Questions
What information in these documents should they check? How do they identify defects in that information?


Benefits of Different Perspectives - 1

Explicitly identifying the different uses for the requirements gives reviewers a definite procedure for verifying whether those uses are achievable

PBR helps reviewers concentrate more effectively on certain types of defects, rather than having to look for all types

Benefits of Different Perspectives - 2

Goal-oriented and customizable
Reviewers can tailor perspectives based on the current goals of the organization

Transferable via training

PBR works from a definite procedure, and not the reviewers own experience with recognizing defects, new reviewers can receive training in the procedures steps

Identifying Defects
A series of questions are used to identify different types of requirements defects Requirements that do not provide enough information to answer the questions usually do not provide enough information to support the user. Thus, reviewers can identify and fix defects beforehand

Requirements Defects that PBR Helps Detect

Missing information Ambiguous information Inconsistent information Incorrect fact Extraneous information Miscellaneous defects

Missing Information - 1
Any significant requirement related to functionality, performance, design constraints, attributes, or external interface not included Undefined software responses to all realizable classes of input data in all realizable classes of situations

Missing Information - 2
Sections of the requirements document Figure labels and references, tables, and diagrams Definitions of terms and units of measures


Ambiguous Information
Multiple interpretations caused by using multiple terms for the same characteristic or multiple meanings of a term in a particular context


Inconsistent Information
Two or more requirements that conflict with one another


Incorrect Facts
A requirement-asserted fact that cannot be true under the conditions specified for the system


Extraneous Information
Unnecessary or unused information (at best, it is irrelevant; at worst, it may confuse requirements users)


Miscellaneous Defects
Other errors, such as including a requirement in the wrong section


Benefits of PBRs Detailed Questions

Allow controlled improvement
Reviewers can reword, add, or delete specific questions

Allow training
Reviewers can train to better understand the parts of a representation or work product that correspond to particular questions

PBR General Questions - 1

Does the requirement make sense from what you know about the application or from what is specified in the general description? Do you have all the information necessary to identify the inputs to the requirement? Based on the general requirements and your domain knowledge, are these inputs correct for this requirement?

PBR General Questions - 2

Have any of the necessary inputs been omitted? Are any inputs specified that are not needed for this requirement? Is this requirement in the appropriate section of the document?

Results of PBR Experiments - 1

PBR provides a framework that represents an improved approach for conducting requirements reviews This approach will only be effective when an organization tailors the framework to its own needs and uses feedback from its reviewers to continually improve and refine the techniques

Results of PBR Experiments - 2

PBR seems best suited for reviewers with a certain range of experience (not too little; not too much) Development teams that use PBR to inspect requirements documents tend to detect more defects than they do using other less- structured approaches

Results of PBR Experiments - 3

Relatively novice reviewers can use PBR techniques to apply their expertise in other development tasks to defect detection Using PBR improves team meeting by helping team members build up expertise in different aspects of a requirements document

Results of PBR Experiments - 4

It creates high-level representations of the software system, usable as a basis of work products in later stages of the development Each development organization can customize PBRs set of perspectives, level of detail, and types of questions

Results of PBR Experiments - 5

PBR facilitates controlled improvements, providing a definite procedure, alterable according to projects metrics and reviewers feedback


Discussed defect removal and in particular inspections using, perspective-based reading


References - 1
Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach by Roger S. Pressman A Handbook of Software Quality Assurance edited by G. Gordon Schulmeyer and James L. McManus Customer-Oriented Software Quality Assurance by Frank P. Ginac Software Quality: Analysis and Guidelines for Success by Capers Jones

References - 2
How Perspective-Based Reading Can Improve Requirements Inspections by Forrest Shull, Ioana Rus, & Victor Basili, IEEE Computer, July 2000, pp. 73-79


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