UNIX & Shell Programming DEC 2012 NEW
UNIX & Shell Programming DEC 2012 NEW
UNIX & Shell Programming DEC 2012 NEW
Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2012 UNIX and Shell Programming
Time: 3 hrs.
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part.
PART-A Explain salient features ofUNIX operating system. (07 Marks) Compare internal and external commands in UNIX with suitable example. Explain why cd (06 Marks) command cannot be an external command. Illustrate with a diagram typical UNIX file system and explain different types of files (07 Marks) supported in UNIX.
(06 Marks) Explain the basic file attributes displayed by Is - I command. Discuss relative and absolute methods for changing file permissions. (06 Marks) Explain with a diagram the different modes of Vi editor and list the commands in each mode. (08 Marks)
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
Explain with an example use of single quote, double quote and back quote in a command (06 Marks) line. b. Explain the following commands: ii) kill-S KILL 121 122 i) cp ????? progs (06 Marks) iv) ps - e I iii) we -I < user. txt (04 Marks) c. Explain the mechanism of process creation using system calls in UNIX. d. Explain the following environment variables: (04 Marks) i) PATH ii) HISTSIZE iii) PS2 iv) SHELL a. b. Discuss with example hard link and soft link applicable to UNIX files. Explain the following commands: i) umask 022 ii) find I ! - name "*.C" - Print iii) tr -d ':/' < emp.txt iv) touch- m 0303 10 30 vtu.txt Explain the following filters with options: i) Paginate - Pr ii) Sort - Sort
(06 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
a. b. c. d.
PART-B Explain with example basic regular expressions. (06 Marks) Locate lines longer than 100 and smaller than 150 characters using (i) grep, (ii) sed.
Discuss stream editor - sed with options. How do these expressions differ: i) [0 - 9] * and [0 - 9] [0 - 9] * ii) A [ 1\ 1\ ] and 1\ 1\ 1\
(04 Marks)
b. c. d. 7
a. Write a note on awk and explain built in variables in awk. b. Explain with example the following awk function: i) Split ( ) ii) Substr ( ) iii) length ( ) iv) index ( ) c. i) Write an awk statement to print odd numbered lines in a file. ii) Write an awk statement to delete blank lines from a file .
a. Explain string handling function in peri. (06 Marks) b. Using command line arguments, write a peri program to find whether a given year is a leap (07 Marks) year. c. Write a peri program to convert a given decimal number to binary equivalent. (07 Marks)