Mexico Brief Review 0001
Mexico Brief Review 0001
Mexico Brief Review 0001
Studying Mexico introduces students of AP Comparative Government and Politics to a lesserldeveloped country that is today considered to be a full democracy. Mexico is also classifled as a newly industrialized
developing country. Add.itionally, Mexico has a rising middle class and a diverse ec6nomy as 4 result of open trade progframs such as the North American Free Trade Agrreement (NAFTA). Observers are optimistic that the single-party dominance has ended. Nevertheless, Mexico is by no means free of troubles. Still plagued by poverty, violence from the drug trade, and emigrration to the north, Mexico has challenges not faced on this scale by developed countries.
to its
of industry for
National Action ParW 6PAN)*
Institufional RevolutionarY
ParW (PRI)*
maquiladoras mestizos
princiPle of nonreelection
multiparty system
"Term is provided in English with the commonly used acronyrn of the Spanish term provided in parentheses.