Frosio 17A Inspection Work Equipment Jotun

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Use of instruments

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Inspection Equipment

Utstyr utlagt

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Inspection after application

After application the following must be checked
Climatic conditions (Ventilation, Temperature and humidity) Curing / drying of the film Dry film thickness (DFT) Adhesion Holiday detection (if required)

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ISO 2808 - 97 Method No.1 Wet film measuring comb

250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25

Wet paint


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ISO 2808 Wet film thickness gauge

Measure wet paint film Here: 25 microns between the teeth



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Using PIG Universal on a ships hull

PIG = Paint Inspection Gauge Destructive test method Possible to verify the number of coats applied Possible to measure the thickness of each individual coat


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PIG Paint Inspection Gauge

Mainly for laboratory use


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ISO 2808 - 97

Determination of film thickness Method No. 6: Magnetic method

Magnetic induction principle (Method 6 A) Permanent magnetic principle (Method 6 B) Instruments for magnetic, metallic substrates Calibration must be done in accordance
with instructions from the manufacturer

Before testing the paint system

must be properly cured.
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ISO 2808 - 97

Determination of film thickness

Method No. 7 - Eddy current method
High frequency electromagnetic instrument

For non-magnetic substrates

Calibration in accordance with the manufacturers instruction

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ISO 2808 - 97

Determination of film thickness

Method No. 10 - On blast cleaned steel substrates Electromagnetic instruments Calibration on a smooth steel surface min. 1,2 mm thick For DFT measurement, not less than 25 and preferably above 50 microns Number of readings, as a guide:
1 reference area: At least 3 readings evenly 2 reference areas for every square meter for flat plates 4 reference areas for every length for a web 2 reference areas every metre length for a flange 2 reference areas every metre length for a pipe
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ISO 2808 - Magnetic and electromagnetic Dry film thickness gauges

Dry film thickness gauge Calibrate on smooth surface to zero and to thickness similar to be measured Check with your calibration foil frequently Plastic material foils wear easily. Replace frequently. No internal memory in gauge


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ISO 2808 - Magnetic and electromagnetic Dry film thickness gauges

Dry film thickness gauge Calibrate on smooth surface to zero and to thickness similar to be measured Check with your calibration foil frequently Plastic material foils wear easily. Replace frequently. No internal memory in gauge
Inspection \ Dryfilmthickness1

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Magnetic and Electromagnetic Dry Film Thickness Gauges

ISO 2808 Dry film thickness gauge Calibrate on smooth surface to zero and to thickness similar to be measured Check with your calibration foil frequently Plastic material foils wear easily. Replace frequently. Some models have internal memory.

Trrfilm mlere Elektr. Magn.

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Measuring DFT on small areas

1. Area of 10 m2: 5 spot measurements 2. Each spot measurement: The average of 3 individual readings made on one small area 3. The average of 5 spot measurements must be within specified range of film thickness 4. Single spot measurements may be as low as 80% of specified minimum film thickness 5. Individual readings included in the spot measurements may be less than 80% of minimum thickness

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Number of film thickness measurements

2. 3. 4.

10 m2
30 m2 Up to100 m2 Above 100 m2

Selection of Measurements
5 spots (on each spot: 3 measurements)
As for case 1 for each 10 m2 Select 3 areas, each of 10 m2 The first 100 m2 as for case 3 For each following 100 m2 select randomly one area of 10 m2

Note: If measurements outside the specification for any 10 m2 in case 3 or 4 above are found, then each 10 m2 shall be measured

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Instruments for measuring surface roughness

Stylus instruments Elcometer Mod. 123 Testex Press-O-film Microscope Comparator Rugotest No. 3 ISO 8503 etc.

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Surface Roughness acc. to ISO 8503

Example of a reference comparator: Clemco Surface profile comparator comprising four segments. Clemco - grit Clemco shot also available Check if the profile is according to specification and the paint manufacturers recommendation



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Using Inspection Tools: Mirror and Flash light

Visual inspection Important tools to be able to inspect areas difficult to access

Jan, speil, lykt

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ISO 8502 4 Humidity

Guidance on the estimation of the probability of condensation prior to paint application
1. 2. 3. 4. Air temperature % Relative humidity Steel temperature Dew point

Steel temperature min. 3 oC above the dew point

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Contact Thermometer
Electronic instrument for measuring the steel temperature Steel temperature must be min. 3oC above the dew point Other types of thermometers are also available. E.g. magnetic thermometers

Steel temperature

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Measuring the Relative Humidity

ISO 8502 - 4 Photo: Sling hygrometer for measuring: - Dry temperature - Wet temperature Measure the temperature in the vicinity of the work Calculate the relative humidity Use together with dew point calculator

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Dew Point Calculator

ISO 8502 - 4 For calculation of dew point To be used together with surface temperature thermometer and sling hygrometer. Use this frequently during pre-treatment, application and drying of the paint. Recommendation: Every 6 hours and when weather conditions are changing

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Salt Test Equipment - Bresle Test

ISO 8502 - 6 (Sampling) ISO 8502 - 9 (Conductivity) Equipment for sampling and measuring content of water soluble salt on substrate Bresle method

Bresle sett

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How to measure the salt level on a surface

Water soluble salts will be removed by water jetting Here: The substrate is cleaned at a pressure of 2000 bar Salt level is measured by the Bresle method Dissolve the salt inside the frame of the patch Measure the conductivity of the water sample

For 15 ml sample size, multiply conductivity measured in S by a factor of 6 to get mg salt per m2
Pre-treatment: Wj_saltlevel1

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Calculating salt level on the substrate

Formula: (L2 L1) x 6 = mg salt per m2

L2 = S after cleaning L1 = S before cleaning

Water sample, ml: 10

Constant in formula: 4




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Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces Prepared for Painting. ISO 8502-3


Blast cleaned steel

Approved Not approved

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ASTM D 4752-87

Curing test of Zinc - ethylsilicate with MEK.




Rubbing 50 x

No Zinc on the Rag: Cured Approved

A lot of Zinc on Rag: Not cured Further curing / Reblasting

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Frosio 17A Inspection work & equipment

ASTM D 4752-87

MEK curing test of zinc ethyl silicate

Left: One cured and uncured test plate Right: Uncured zinc over coated. Result: Delamination

0807-2 A-4

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ASTM D 4752-87

Curing test of Zinc ethyl silicate with MEK.




Inspection / Zincsilicate_curing1

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ASTM D 3359-87 Adhesion testing by knife and adhesive tape

There are two test methods The method to select depends on the DFT
Method A: DFT above 125 microns Method B: DFT below 125 microns (Above 125 if wider cuts are used) Method A: X - cut. Tape test Method B: Cross - cut. Tape test

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ASTM 3359-87.

Adhesion testing

Method B

< 50 microns = 1 mm apart (11 cuts) 50 - 125 microns = 2 mm apart (6 cuts) > 125 microns = Method A
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cuts: 20 mm long Brush with a soft brush Examine Cuts: 20 mm long at 90o on the original cuts Brush with... Tape 75 mm Within 90 + 30 sec. remove tape

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Classification of adhesion test results. Method B. (Example for six parallel cuts).
5B 4B 3B 2B 1B 0B Greater than 65% None
5B The edges of the cuts are completely smooth; none of the lattice is detached 4B Small flakes of the coating is detached at intersections: 5% of the area is affected 3B Small flakes of the coating are detached along edges and at intersections of cuts. The area affected is 5 to 15% of the lattice. 2B The coating has flaked along the edges and on parts of the squares. The area affected is 15 to 35% of the lattice. 1B The coating has flaked along the edges of cuts in large ribbons and whole squares have detached. The area affected is 35 to 65 % of the lattice. 0B Flaking and detachment worse than Grade 1B.
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Frosio 17A Inspection work & equipment

ISO 2409

Cross-cut test
Cutting tool Single bladed knife or Multi-blade cutting tool with 6 cutting edges spaced 1 mm or 2 mm apart Spacing of cuts 0 - 60 microns: 0 - 60 microns: 60 - 120 microns: 121 - 250 microns:

1 2 3 3

mm mm mm mm

spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing,

hard substrates soft substrates hard/soft substrates hard/soft substrates

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ISO 2409

Cross-cut test
Make 6 parallel cuts with defined space in the coating. Repeat operation, crossing original cuts at 90o so that a grid pattern is formed. Brush with soft brush. Apply adhesive tape and pull off. Classify results in accordance with table 1.

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ISO 2409 Cross cut adhesion test

Cross cut adhesion test Cut vertical and horizontal lines to form a grid Apply a strong tape Pull off the tape Evaluate according to the standard


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ISO 2409 Cross-cut adhesion test

Left: A good type of cross-cut tool Right: Evaluation of performed test



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Classification of Adhesion Test Results. (Example for six parallel cuts).

5B 4B 3B 2B 1B 0B Greater than 65% None
5B The edges of the cuts are completely smooth; none of the lattice is detached 4B Small flakes of the coating is detached at intersections: 5% of the area is affected 3B Small flakes of the coating are detached along edges and at intersections of cuts. The area affected is 5 to 15% of the lattice. 2B The coating has flaked along the edges and on parts of the squares. The area affected is 15 to 35% of the lattice. 1B The coating has flaked along the edges of cuts in large ribbons and whole squares have detached. The area affected is 35 to 65 % of the lattice. 0B Flaking and detachment worse than Grade 1B.
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Frosio 17A Inspection work & equipment

ISO 2409 Classification of Cross-cut test

Classification 0 1 2 3 4 5 Description Appearance of surface Six parallel cuts

Completely smooth: none of the squares detached Small flakes at the Intersections. Area affected 5 %
Flaked along the edges and/or at the Intersections. Area affected: 5-15% Flaked along the edges, wholly in large ribbons, and/or partly or wholly on different parts of the squares. Area affected: 15-35% Flaked along the edges in large ribbons and/or some squares have detached partly or wholly. Area affected: 35-65% Any degree of flaking that cannot even be classified by 4.
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ISO 2409 Cross cut adhesion test

Cross cut adhesion test Cut vertical and horizontal lines to form a grid Apply a strong tape Pull off the tape Evaluate according to the standard

Inspection / Adhesion_crosscut1

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ISO 4624

Pull-off test for adhesion

Instruments: Elcometer Adhesion Tester Saeberg Adhesion Tester (pneumatic) Hate Adhesion Tester (hydraulic) PAT Other

Adhesion failure: Between coats or between or substrate and 1st coat Cohesion failure: Inside a coat

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ISO 4624

Pull-off test for adhesion

Test dollies glued onto the coating Adhesive: Cyano-acrylate or solvent free epoxy Remove adhesive and coating around the dollies Pull off test-dollies vertical to the surface Read adhesion value and report the type of fracture

Adhesion failure - fracture between coats or substrate and 1. coat Cohesion failure - fracture within a coat

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ISO 4624 Pull-off dollies glued to the structure

Pull off adhesion test Dollies are glued to the structure with a strong glue Prior to pull-off: Cut around the dolly, through the paint film and down to the substrate material
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ISO 4624 Pull-off testing of paint on a structure

Pull off adhesion test. Destructive test method Here, connecting of the device for pulling off the dollies Read and note the value Several types of instruments are available


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ISO 4624 Area after pull-off testing

Pull off adhesion test The adhesive failure fracture between coats or between coating and substrate must be evaluated Note adhesion failure, % The cohesive failure fracture within the coating- must be evaluated. Note cohesion failure, % Also: Note glue failure, %


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ISO 4624 Pull-off dollies glued to the structure

Pull off adhesion test Dollies are glued to the structure with a strong glue Prior to pull-off: Cut around the dolly, through the paint film and down to the substrate material Record the pull-off value Evaluate the failure
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Inspection / Adhesion_pulloff1

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ASTM G 62 - 85 Method A

Pinhole detection. Low voltage.

Low voltage: < 75 V DC To detect pinholes, voids or metal particles to
be in the range of 25-250 microns. Effective for paint films up to a DFT of 500 microns if a wetting agent is used in the water. This is a non-destructive test.

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ASTM G-62-85, method A Low voltage holiday detector

Photo: Low voltage pinhole detector Detecting pinholes, voids or metal particles in paint film up to 250 microns Non destructive test method Will only detect defects down to bare metal The sponge must be wetted Do not use excessive water
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ASTM G-62-85, method A Low voltage pinhole detector

Photo: Low voltage pinhole detector Detecting pinholes, voids or metal particles in paint film up to 250 microns Non destructive test method Will only detect defects down to bare metal The sponge must be wetted Do not use excessive water


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ASTM G-62-85, method A Low voltage pinhole detector

Detecting pinholes, voids or metal particles in paint film up to 250 microns Non destructive test method Will only detect defects down to bare metal The sponge must be wetted Do not use excessive water
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ASTM G 62 Method B

Holiday detection. High voltage.

High voltage: 900 - 20.000 V Used to detect pinholes, voids and areas with thin paint films This is a destructive test.

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ASTM G-62-85, method B High voltage holiday detector

Destructive test method for detecting pinholes, voids and thin spots in paint film Adjust voltage according to the film thickness or the paint manufacturers recommendation Gives a light or signal when pinhole or weak point is detected


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ASTM G-62-85, method B High voltage holiday detector

Destructive test method for detecting pinholes, voids and thin spots in paint film Adjust voltage according to the film thickness or the paint manufacturers recommendation Gives a light or signal when pinhole or weak point is detected


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ASTM G 62 Method B

Holiday detection. High voltage.

High voltage: 900 - 20.000 V Used to detect pinholes, voids and areas with thin paint films This is a destructive test.

Inspection / Holiday_detection1

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ISO 12944

General standard for corrosion protection:

Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paints systems.
Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General introduction. Classification of environments. Design considerations. Types of surface and surface preparation. Protective paint systems. Laboratory performance test methods. Execution and supervision of paint work. Development of specifications for new work and maintenance.

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ISO 8504 - 1

General principles

Selection of methods

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ISO 8504

Surface preparation methods:

Part 1: General principles. Part 2: Abrasive blast-cleaning. Part 3: Hand- and power-tool cleaning.

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ISO 8504 - 2

Abrasive blast-cleaning

Methods Effectiveness Fields of application

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ISO 8504 - 3

Hand and Power-tool Cleaning

Methods Equipment to be used Procedure to be followed

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Using solvents to determine generic type of paint

Rag soaked with solvent
Paint dissolves: Physically drying

No reaction: Chemically curing

Steel 2 coat paint

Lifting/Wrinkling: Oxidatively curing

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Using solvents to determine generic type of paint

Use a rag soaked with solvent No reaction: Chemically curing Paint dissolves: Physically drying

Lifting/Wrinkling: Oxidatively curing

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Standards relating to mechanical properties

Adhesion (Cross cut) Adhesion (Pull-off) Adhesion (Shear strength) Hardness Hardness Hardness Elasticiy Flexibility Impact resistance

Standard / Test method

ISO 2409, DIN 53251, BS 3900-E6, ASTM 3359 ISO 4624, ASTM 4541, BS 3900 - E10 ASTM D 1002 (Specified for Chartek) ISO 2815 (Buchholz - methode) ISO 1522 (Knig - pendel) Barchol ISO 1520 (Cupping test) ISO 6860 ASTM D 522 BS 3900 - E11 (Conical mandrel) ISO/TR 6272 - 79E DIN 55669 ASTM D 2794 - 84 BS 3900 - E3

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Testing and evaluation. marine atmosphere (1 of 2)

Test method
Physical testing
Adhesion Adhesion Flexibility Elasticity Hardness Impact resistance Gloss Abrasion resistance ISO 2409 ISO 4624 ISO 1510 ISO 1520 ISO 2815 ISO 6272 ISO 2813 ASTM D 4060 ISO 7253 or ASTM B 117 ASTM G 53 ISO 6270 BS 3900 ISO 2810 ISO 2812 Before and after exposure Before and after exposure Before and after exposure Before and after exposure



Exposure conditions:
Saltspray Prohesion test UV-cabinet Condensation chamber Humidity chamber Weathering Resistance to liquids

Oil, petroleum , etc.

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Testing and evaluation. marine atmosphere (2 of 2)

Test method Standards Comments

Evaluation of paint films

Blistering Rust Cracking Flaking Chalking Scribe ISO 4628/2 ISO 4628/3 ISO 4628/4 ISO 4628/5 ISO 4628/6 ASTM D 1654

Evaluation of the liquid paint

Appearance in tin Viscosity Application properties ISO 2431 ISO 2884 Flow time

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Abrasion resistance
Weigh the painted sample Install it in the apparatus and run 1000 cycles Measure the weight loss

Testing paints \ Abrasion resistance1

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Flexibility test
Use a thin test panel Measure the paint film thickness Carry out the impact test on the rear side of the test panel Determine the highest level of impact load before any crack or defect in the paint film occurs
Testing paints \ Flexibility_test1

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Impact test
Use a thick test panel Measure the paint film thickness Carry out the impact test on the painted side of the test panel Determine the highest level of impact load before any crack or defect in the paint film occurs
Testing paints \ Impact_test1

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Reference area should:

be representative to the remaining area coated with the same system. be available for inspection at any time. be marked thoroughly to indicate "ref.area" not be overcoated

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Controlled application
Inspection of:
steelwork cleaning surface preparation (blastcleaning) painting curing completed system

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Number of reference areas

Size of structure (painted area) m2 Recommended maximum Number of reference areas Recommended maximum percentage of reference area relative to total area of structure Recommended maximum total area of reference areas m2

< 2000 2000 to 5000 5000 to 10000

3 5 7

0,6 0,5 0,5

12 25 50

10000 to 25000
25000 to 50000 >50000

9 9

0,2 0,2

100 200

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