Kisac Membership

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KISAC Committee and Elections 2013 2014 Season



Eligibility: 1) Only candidates from Full member Schools may serve on the KISAC Committee. 2) Affiliate members may apply as candidates, but only if they intend to be full members in the following academic year. 3) All candidates must be present at the AGM in May to be considered. 4) A place on the KISAC Committee is a 2-year position members can resign their position at any time (e.g., if they leave their teaching job) and an interim replacement can be appointed if necessary until the next full ballot. Applications: All those wishing to be considered for election to a position should contact the KISAC Chair by email ([email protected] ) to register interest 1 month before the AGM in May all applications must be received by April 1st. This application will be accepted as a wish to serve on the committee rather than for a specific position (which will be confirmed at the AGM if elected) Election/Voting Procedure: The final list of prospective candidates will be sent out by the Chair to all full member schools after April 1st. Initial ballot will be at the start of the AGM in May each full member school represented will be entitled to one ballot only. Schools may select 3 candidates from the list but should not include 2 from the same school. Total votes for each candidate will be added up. Results will be announced before lunch, so that the 5 prospective committee members can meet briefly at the AGM and announce the new Committee details. The top 5 scoring candidates will be invited to form the KISAC Committee where 2 candidates from the same school are listed the highest scoring candidate only will be considered. This initial meeting will be chaired by the highest scoring candidate (although they do not have to assume the role of KISAC Chair). At this meeting committee members will assume one of 5 roles based on the number of votes achieved in the ballot. KISAC Committee Roles: 1. CHAIR 2. VICE CHAIR 3. HS leader KISAC Team

4. MS Leader 5. ES Leader Specific Secretary & Treasurer roles will be assigned from within these 5 COMMITTEE roles NOTE: MS & HS leaders will also ensure that each RED/BLUE division has a Divisional Coordinator to assist in the planning of tournaments in that age group.

KISAC Committee Roles 2013 - 2014:

The specific responsibilities and duties of the positions on the Committee are outlined below: KISAC Chair: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To preside over KISAC meetings and Committee meetings To set agenda for all meetings. To send out minutes of KISAC and Committee meetings to all member schools. To contact prospective member schools. To liase with Co-ordinators re KISAC tournaments scheduling and organisation. To liase with Vice-Chair to update Edmodo re KISAC events including calendar and contact information. 7) To liase with Treasurer re purchase of awards, merchandise and other spending. KISAC Vice Chair: 1) To assist the KISAC Chair in all duties listed above. 2) To update Edmodo re KISAC events including calendar, minutes and contact information. 3) To edit/remove old Edmodo posts

KISAC Treasurer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To hold the KISAC account at host school To charge and receive all KISAC fees from member schools. To issue yearly report of spending and balance (May) To set KISAC membership fees (with committee) To send payment to hosting schools re tournaments To charge schools tournament entry fees where necessary

3 KISAC Co-ordinators: 1x ES Leader G2345 1 x MS Leader G678 RED + G678 BLUE Divisions 1 x HS Leader G9+ RED & G9+ BLUE Divisions


1) To confirm with Divisional co-ordinators re venue for each KISAC end of season tournament and post details on Edmodo. 2) To work with host school/event manager re-entries for end of season KISAC tournaments using agreed guidelines and timelines. 3) To liase with host school/event manager re schedule and rules for KISAC tournaments. 4) To liase with host school/event manager re referees and officials for KISAC tournaments where needed. 5) To liase with KISAC Chair to update KISAC Handbook entries re changes to rules and guidelines. KISAC Secretary/ Webmaster: 1) To take minutes of all meetings and send to Chair. 2) To set up initial KISAC webpage for 2013/2014 and manage information.


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