Transformers PDF
Transformers PDF
Transformers PDF
Contents Page
Introduction ....................................... 5/2
Product Range .................................. 5/3
Electrical Design .............................. 5/4
Transformer Loss Evaluation ......... 5/6
Mechanical Design ......................... 5/8
Connection Systems ....................... 5/9
Accessories and
Protective Devices ........................ 5/11
Technical Data
Distribution Transformers ............ 5/13
Technical Data
Power Transformers ...................... 5/18
On-load Tap Changers .................. 5/26
Cast-resin Dry-type
Transformers, GEAFOL .................. 5/27
Technical Data
GEAFOL Cast-resin
Dry-type Transformers .................. 5/31
Special Transformers .................... 5/35
Ohne Namen-1 1 22.09.1999, 16:22 Uhr
Transformers are one of the primary In addition, there are various special- Standards and specifications, general
components for the transmission and purpose transformers such as converter
The transformers comply with the relevant
1 distribution of electrical energy. transformers, which can be both in the
VDE specifications, i.e. DIN VDE 0532
Their design results mainly from the range range of power transformers and in the
”Transformers and reactors“ and the
of application, the construction, the rated range of distribution transformers as far
”Technical conditions of supply for three-
power and the voltage level. as rated power and rated voltage are con-
phase transformers“ issued by VDEW
The scope of transformer types starts with cerned.
and ZVEI.
2 generator transformers and ends with dis- As special elements for network stabili-
Therefore they also satisfy the require-
tribution transformers. zation, arc-suppression coils and com-
ments of IEC Publication 76, Parts 1 to 5
Transformers which are directly connected pensating reactors are available. Arc-sup-
together with the standards and specifi-
to the generator of the power station are pression coils compensate the capacitive
cations (HD and EN) of the European
called generator transformers. Their power current flowing through a ground fault and
Union (EU).
range goes up to far above 1000 MVA. thus guarantee uninterrupted energy sup-
3 Their voltage range extends to approx. ply. Compensating reactors compensate Enquiries should be directed to the manu-
1500 kV. the capacitive power of the cable networks facturer where other standards and spe-
and reduce overvoltages in case of load cifications are concerned. Only the US
The connection between the different high-
rejection; the economic efficiency and (ANSI/NEMA) and Canadian (CSA) stand-
voltage system levels is made via network
stablility of the power transmission are im- ards differ from IEC by any substantial de-
transformers (network interconnecting
proved. gree. A design according to these stand-
4 transformers). Their power range exceeds
ards is also possible.
1000 MVA. The voltage range exceeds The general overview of our manufactur-
1500 kV. ing/delivery program is shown in the
Distribution transformers are within the table ”Product Range“. Important additional standards
range from 50 to 2500 kVA and max. ■ DIN 42 500, HD 428: oil-immersed
36 kV. In the last step, they distribute three-phase distribution transformers
5 the electrical energy to the consumers Rated Max. Figs. 50–2500 kVA
by feeding from the high-voltage into the power operating on ■ DIN 42 504: oil-immersed three-phase
low-voltage distribution network. These voltage page transformers 2–10 MVA
are designed either as liquid-filled or as
[MVA] [kV] ■ DIN 42 508: oil-immersed three-phase
dry-type transformers.
transformers 12.5–80 MVA
6 Transformers with a rated power up to ■ DIN 42 523, HD 538: three-phase
2.5 MVA and a voltage up to 36 kV are Oil 0.05–2.5 ≤ 36 5/13– dry-type transformers 100–2500 kVA
referred to as distribution transformers; distribution 5/17 ■ DIN 45 635 T30: noise level
all transformers of higher ratings are transformers
classified as power transformers. ■ IEC 289: reactance coils and neutral
grounding transformers
Power 2.5–3000 36–1500 5/18–
7 transformers 5/25 ■ IEC 551: measurement of noise level
■ IEC 726: dry-type transformers
GEAFOL- 0.10–20 ≤ 36 5/27– ■ RAL: coating/varnish
cast-resin 5/34
Fig. 1: Transformer types
5/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Generator and power Above 2.5 MVA up to more than 1000 MVA, above 30 kV up to 1500 kV
transformers (system and system interconnecting transformers, with separate windings or
auto-connected), with on-load tap changers or off-circuit tap changers,
of three- or single-phase design
Cast-resin distribution 100 kVA to more than 20 MVA, highest voltage for equipment up to 36 kV,
and power transformers of three- or single-phase design
GEAFOL GEAFOL®-SL substations
Special transformers Furnace and converter transformers
for industry, traction Traction transformers mounted on rolling stock and appropriate on-load tap-changers
and HVDC transmission Substation transformers for traction systems
systems Transformers for train heating and point heating
Transformers for HVDC transmission systems 6
Transformers for audio frequencies in power supply systems
Three-phase neutral electromagnetic couplers and grounding transformers
Ignition transformers
Reactors Liquid-immersed shunt and current-limiting reactors up to
the highest rated powers
Reactors for HVDC transmission systems
Service Advisory services for transformer specifications
Organization, coordination and supervision of transportation
Supervision of assembly and commissioning
Service/inspection troubleshooting services
Training of customer personnel
Investigation and assessment of oil problems
Fig. 2
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Fig. 5
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Example: 1600 kVA distribution transformer
Total cost of owning and operating this Total cost of owning and operating this
transformer is thus: transformer is thus:
DM 44 984.–/year DM 37 844.–/year
The energy saving of the optimized distribution transformer of DM 7140 per year
pays for the increased purchase price in less than one year.
Fig. 6
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5/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Distribution transformers
All Siemens transformers have top-mount-
ed HV and LV bushings according to DIN in
their standard version. Besides the open
bushing arrangement for direct connection
of bare or insulated wires, three basic insu-
lated termination systems are available: 2
Fully enclosed terminal box for cables
(Fig. 11)
Available for either HV or LV side, or for
both. Horizontally split design in degree 3
of protection IP 44 or IP 54. (Totally en-
closed and fully protected against contact
with live parts, plus protection against drip,
splash, or spray water.)
Cable installation through split cable glands 4
and removable plates facing diagonally
downwards. Optional conduit hubs. Suit- Fig. 11: Fully enclosed cable connection box
able for single-core or three-phase cables
with solid dielectric insulation, with or
without stress cones. Multiple cables per
phase are terminated on auxiliary bus 5
structures attached to the bushings. Re-
moval of transformer by simply bending
back the cables.
HV LV 10
Cable box Cable box
Cable box Flange/throat
Flange Cable box
Flange Flange/throat
Elbow connector Cable box
Elbow connector Flange/throat
Fig. 10: Combination of connection systems Fig 13: Flange connection for switchgear and bus ducts
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Power transformers
The most frequently used type of connec-
tion for transformers is the outdoor bush-
Depending on voltage, current, system
2 conditions and transport requirements, the
transformers will be supplied with bush-
ings arranged vertically, horizontally or in-
clined. Up to about 110 kV it is usual to
use oil-filled bushings according to DIN;
condenser bushings are normally used for
3 higher voltages.
Limited space or other design considera-
tions often make it necessary to connect
cables directly to the transformer. For volt-
ages up to 30 kV air-filled cable boxes are
4 used. For higher voltages the boxes are
oil-filled. They may be attached to the tank
cover or to its walls (Fig. 14).
The space-saving design of SF6-insulated
switchgear is one of its major advantages.
The substation transformer is connected
5 directly to the SF6 switchgear. This elimi-
nates the need for an intermediate link
(cable, overhead line) between transform-
er and system (Fig. 15).
Fig. 14: Transformers with oil-filled HV cable boxes
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8 Additional accessories
Besides the standard accessories and pro-
tective devices there are additional items
available, especially for large power trans-
formers. They will be offered and installed
9 on request.
Examples are:
■ Fiber-optic temperature measurements
■ Permanent gas-in-oil analysis
■ Permanent water-content measurement
■ Sudden pressure rise relay,
Fig. 21: Dehydrating breather A DIN 42 567 Fig. 22: Dehydrating breather L DIN 42 562
up to 5 MVA over 5 MVA
5/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Oil-immersed TUMETIC 12
and TUNORMA three-phase 11 1
10 3 8
distribution transformers
2N 2U 2V 2W
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Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between
1 volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-
+ 3 dB
2 Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* LPA LWA E
[kVA] [kV] [%] 4JB… 4HB… [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
50 12 4 ..4744-3LB B-A' 190 1350 42 55 340 350 860 980 660 660 1210 1085 520
3 4 ..4744-3RB A-C' 125 1100 34 47 400 430 825 1045 660 660 1210 1085 520
4 ..4744-3TB C-C' 125 875 34 47 420 440 835 985 660 660 1220 1095 520
24 4 ..4767-3LB B-A' 190 1350 42 55 370 380 760 860 660 660 1315 1235 520
4 ..4767-3RB A-C' 125 1100 34 47 430 460 860 860 660 660 1300 1220 520
4 ..4767-3TB C-C' 125 875 33 47 480 510 880 1100 685 660 1385 1265 520
36 6 ..4780-3CB E-D´ 230 1450 x 52 500 x 1000 x 710 x 1530 x 520
100 12 4 ..5044-3LB B-A' 320 2150 45 59 500 500 1090 1020 660 660 1275 1110 520
4 ..5044-3RB A-C' 210 1750 35 49 570 570 980 980 660 660 1315 1145 520
4 ..5044-3TB C-C' 210 1475 35 49 600 620 1030 930 660 660 1320 1150 520
24 4 ..5067-3LB B-A' 320 2150 45 59 520 530 1020 1140 685 660 1360 1245 520
6 4 ..5067-3RB A-C' 210 1750 35 49 600 610 1030 1030 690 660 1400 1280 520
4 ..5067-3TB C-C' 210 1475 35 49 640 680 960 1060 695 660 1425 1305 520
36 6 ..5080-3CB E-D´ 380 2350 x 56 660 x 1050 x 780 x 1600 x 520
7 160 12 4 ..5244 -3LA B-A' 460 3100 47 62 620 610 1140 1140 710 710 1350 1185 520
4 ..5244-3RA A-C' 300 2350 37 52 700 690 1130 1010 660 660 1390 1220 520
4 ..5244-3TA C-C' 300 2000 38 52 760 780 985 1085 660 660 1380 1215 520
8 24 4 ..5267-3LA B-A' 460 3100 47 62 660 640 1150 1150 695 660 1440 1320 520
4 ..5267-3RA A-C' 300 2350 37 52 730 730 1030 930 695 660 1540 1420 520
4 ..5267-3TA C-C' 300 2000 37 52 800 820 1120 1120 710 660 1475 1355 520
36 6 ..5280-3CA E-D´ 520 3350 x 59 900 x 1120 x 800 x 1700 x 520
(200) 12 4 ..5344-3LA B-A' 550 3600 48 63 720 710 1190 1190 680 680 1450 1285 520
4 ..5344-3RA A-C' 360 2760 38 53 840 830 1070 1120 660 660 1470 1300 520
4 ..5344-3TA C-C' 360 2350 38 53 900 920 1130 1130 660 680 1450 1285 520
24 4 ..5367-3LA B-A' 550 3600 48 63 800 780 1290 1290 820 800 1595 1425 520
4 ..5367-3RA A-C' 360 2760 38 53 890 910 1110 1230 755 680 1630 1460 520
4 ..5367-3TA C-C' 360 2350 38 53 950 980 1080 1180 705 690 1595 1430 520
36 6 ..5380-3CA E-D´ 600 3800 x 61 1000 x 1250 x 800 x 1700 x 520
Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
5/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between 1
volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-
+ 3 dB
250 12 4 ..5444-3LA B-A' 650 4200 50 65 830 820 1300 1300 810 810 1450 1285 520
4 ..5444-3RA A-C' 425 3250 40 55 940 920 1260 1260 670 820 1480 1415 520 3
4 ..5444-3TA C-C' 425 2750 40 55 1050 1070 1220 1220 690 700 1530 1310 520
24 4 ..5467-3LA B-A' 650 4200 49 65 920 900 1340 1340 800 760 1620 1450 520
4 ..5467-3RA A-C' 425 3250 39 55 1010 1010 1140 1190 760 680 1675 1510 520
4 ..5467-3TA C-C' 425 2750 40 55 1120 1140 1220 1340 715 710 1640 1475 520
36 6 ..5480-3CA E-E´ 650 4250 x 62 1100 x 1350 x 800 x 1680 x 520
(315) 12 4 ..5544-3LA B-A' 780 5000 50 66 980 960 1440 1330 820 820 1655 1385 670
4 ..5544-3RA A-C' 510 3850 40 56 1120 1100 1400 1250 820 820 1690 1415 670
4 ..5544-3TA C-C' 510 3250 40 56 1240 1260 1380 1260 820 820 1665 1390 670
24 4 ..5567-3LA B-A' 780 5000 50 66 1050 1030 1450 1350 840 840 1655 1510 670
4 ..5567-3RA A-C' 510 3850 40 56 1170 1150 1410 1270 820 820 1755 1610 670
4 ..5567-3TA C-C' 510 3250 40 56 1250 1280 1395 1290 820 820 1675 1540 670
36 6 ..5580-3CA E-E´ 760 5400 x 64 1220 x 1420 x 960 x 1700 x 670
400 12 4 ..5644-3LA B-A' 930 6000 52 68 1180 1160 1470 1390 930 930 1700 1425 670 7
4 ..5644-3RA A-C' 610 4600 42 58 1320 1310 1400 1360 820 820 1700 1430 670
4 ..5644-3TA C-C' 610 3850 42 58 1470 1470 1410 1390 820 820 1695 1420 670
24 4 ..5667-3LA B-A' 930 6000 52 68 1240 1220 1570 1570 940 940 1655 1510 670 8
4 ..5667-3RA A-C' 610 4600 42 58 1370 1350 1475 1400 820 820 1760 1615 670
4 ..5667-3TA C-C' 610 3850 42 58 1490 1520 1440 1400 820 820 1765 1540 670
36 6 ..5580-3CA E-E´ 930 6200 x 65 1480 x 1470 x 990 x 1830 x 670
(500) 12 4 ..5744-3LA B-A' 1100 7100 53 69 1410 1380 1500 1430 840 840 1710 1440 670
4 ..5744-3RA A-C' 720 5450 42 59 1650 1620 1560 1550 890 890 1745 1470 670
4 ..5744-3TA C-C' 720 4550 43 59 1700 1710 1500 1470 820 820 1745 1470 670
24 4 ..5767-3LA B-A' 1100 7100 53 69 1460 1440 1470 1530 835 850 1755 1610 670
4 ..5767-3RA A-C' 720 5450 42 59 1650 1620 1495 1420 835 820 1815 1665 670
4 ..5767-3TA C-C' 720 4550 43 59 1860 1910 1535 1500 820 820 1860 1645 670
36 6 ..5780-3CA E-E´ 1050 7800 x 66 1680 x 1510 x 1030 x 1900 x 670
Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
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Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between
1 volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-
+ 3 dB
630 12 4 ..5844-3LA B-A' 1300 8400 53 70 1660 1660 1680 1480 880 880 1755 1585 670
4 ..5844-3RA A-C' 860 6500 43 60 1850 1810 1495 1420 835 820 1785 1510 670
4 ..5844-3TA C-C' 860 5400 43 60 2000 1990 1535 1380 820 820 1860 1520 670
6 ..5844-3PA B-A' 1200 8700 53 70 1750 1760 1720 1560 890 890 1920 1685 670
6 ..5844-3SA A-C' 800 6750 43 60 1950 1920 1665 1600 870 870 1740 1400 670
6 ..5844-3UA C-C' 800 5600 43 60 2160 2130 1670 1560 830 830 1840 1500 670
24 4 ..5867-3LA B-A' 1300 8400 53 70 1690 1650 1665 1640 860 860 1810 1595 670
4 ..5867-3RA A-C' 860 6500 43 60 1940 1920 1685 1680 870 870 1910 1695 670
4 ..5867-3TA C-C' 860 5400 43 60 2100 2130 1600 1490 820 820 1940 1725 670
6 ..5867-3PA B-A' 1200 8700 53 70 1730 1720 1780 1580 880 880 1760 1610 670
6 ..5867-3SA A-C' 800 6750 43 60 1970 1960 1645 1640 830 830 1810 1595 670
6 6 ..5867-3UA C-C' 800 5600 43 60 2240 2210 1740 1670 880 880 1840 1625 670
36 6 ..5880-3CA E-E´ 1300 8800 x 67 1950 x 1740 x 1080 x 1940 x 670
(800) 12 6 ..5944-3PA B-A' 1450 10700 55 72 1990 1960 1780 1540 1000 1000 1905 1660 670
7 6 ..5944-3SA A-C' 950 8500 45 62 2210 2290 1720 1830 900 960 1935 1630 670
6 ..5944-3UA C-C' 950 7400 44 62 2520 2490 1760 1710 920 920 1975 1730 670
24 6 ..5967-3PA B-A' 1450 10700 55 72 2000 1950 1720 1710 1000 1000 1885 1670 670
8 6 ..5967-3SA A-C' 950 8500 45 62 2390 2340 1760 1710 960 960 1945 1730 670
6 ..5967-3UA C-C' 950 7400 44 62 2590 2550 1770 1700 930 930 1985 1780 670
36 6 ..5980-3CA E-E´ 1520 11000 x 68 2400 x 1800 x 1100 x 2030 x 670
1000 12 6 ..6044-3PA B-A' 1700 13000 55 73 2450 2640 1790 1630 1000 1000 2095 2070 820
6 ..6044-3SA A-C' 1100 10500 45 63 2660 2610 1830 1830 1040 1040 2025 1770 820
6 ..6044-3UA C-C' 1100 9500 45 63 2800 2750 1830 1830 1040 1040 2105 1840 820
24 6 ..6067-3PA B-A' 1700 13000 55 73 2530 2720 1830 1670 1090 1010 2095 2120 820
6 ..6067-3SA A-C' 1100 10500 45 63 2750 2690 1790 1740 1050 1050 2055 1840 820
6 ..6067-3UA C-C' 1100 9500 45 63 2830 2810 1725 1770 990 990 2065 1850 820
36 6 ..6080 -3CA E-E´ 1700 13000 x 68 2850 x 2120 x 1160 x 2220 x 820
Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
5/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between
volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel 1
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-
+ 3 dB
(1250) 12 6 ..6144-3PA B-A' 2100 16000 56 74 2900 3080 1930 1850 1260 1100 2110 2070 820
6 ..6144-3SA A-C' 1300 13200 46 64 3100 3040 1810 1780 990 990 2145 1880 820
6 ..6144-3UA C-C' 1300 11400 46 64 3340 3040 1755 1720 1015 1000 2235 1970 820
24 6 ..6167-3PA B-A' 2100 16000 56 74 2950 3200 2020 1780 1260 1100 2110 2220 820
6 ..6167-3SA A-C' 1300 13200 46 64 3190 3120 1840 1810 1060 1060 2115 1900 820
6 ..6167-3UA C-C' 1300 11400 46 64 3390 3330 1810 1780 1015 990 2245 2030 820
36 6 ..6180-3CA E-E´ 2150 16400 x 70 3360 x 2150 x 1250 x 2350 x 820
1600 12 6 ..6244-3PA B-A' 2600 20000 57 76 3450 3590 1970 1870 1220 1140 2315 2095 820
6 ..6244-3SA A-C' 1700 17000 47 66 3640 3590 2030 1760 1080 1090 2315 2010 820
6 ..6244-3UA C-C' 1700 14000 47 66 3930 3880 2020 1900 1110 1100 2395 2070 820
24 6 ..6267-3PA B-A' 2600 20000 57 76 3470 3690 2070 1830 1280 1120 2335 2320 820
6 ..6267-3SA A-C' 1700 17000 47 66 3670 3850 2030 2000 1230 1070 2265 2120 820 6
6 ..6267-3UA C-C' 1700 14000 47 66 4010 3950 2000 1850 1030 1030 2305 2010 820
6 ..6444-3UA C-C' 2500 22000 51 71 5790 5660 2190 2190 1330 1330 2565 2240 1070
24 6 ..6467-3PA B-A' 3500 29000 61 81 5420 5220 2115 2030 1335 1330 2785 2675 1070
6 ..6467-3SA A-C' 2500 26500 51 71 5260 5220 2195 2030 1335 1335 2585 2580 1070
6 ..6467-3UA C-C' 2500 22000 51 71 5640 5470 2160 2080 1330 1330 2605 2305 1070
36 6 ..6480-3CA E-E´ 3800 29400 x 76 5900 x 2320 x 1390 x 2790 x 1070
Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
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Oil-immersed three-phase
1 power transformers with off- Rated power HV range Type of Figure/
and on-load tap changers tap changer page
[MVA] [kV]
Cooling methods
2 Transformers up to 10 MVA are designed 3.15 to 10 25 to 123 off-load Fig. 31, page 5/19
for ONAN cooling.
By adding fans to these transformers, the 3.15 to 10 25 to 123 on-load Fig. 33, page 5/20
rating can be increased by 25%.
However, in general it is more economical 10/16 to 20/31.5 up to 36 off-load Fig. 35, page 5/21
to select higher ONAN ratings rather than
3 to add fans. 10/16 to 20/31.5 up to 36 on-load Fig. 38, page 5/22
Transformers larger than 10 MVA are de-
signed with ONAN/ONAF cooling. 10/16 to 63/100 72.5 to 145 on-load Fig. 41, page 5/23
Explanation of cooling methods:
Note: Off-load tap changers are designed to be operated de-energized only.
■ ONAN: Oil-natural, air-natural cooling
4 Fig. 30: Types of power transformers
■ ONAF: Oil-natural, air-forced cooling (in
one or two steps)
The arrangement with the attached radia-
tors, as shown in the illustrations, is the
preferred design. However, other arrange-
5 ments of the cooling equipment are also
Depending on transportation possibilities
the bushings, radiators and expansion tank
have be removed. If necessary, the oil has
6 to be drained and shipped separately.
5/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Oil-immersed three-phase
power transformers with 1
off-load tap changer
3 150–10 000 kVA,
HV rating: up to 123 kV
■ Taps on
HV side: ± 2 x 2.5 % H
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz
■ Impedance 6-10 %
voltage: 3
■ Connection: HV winding: star-
delta connection
alternatively available E E L
up to 24 kV
LV winding: W
star or delta
Fig. 31
Rated power HV rating LV rating No-load Load loss Total Oil Dimensions E
loss at 75 °C weight weight L/W/H
[kVA] [kV] [kV] [kW] [kW] [kg] [kg] [mm] [mm]
3150 6.1–36 3–24 4.6 28 7200 1600 2800/1850/2870 1070
Fig. 32
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Oil-immersed three-phase
1 power transformers
with on-load tap changer
3 150–10 000 kVA,
HV rating: up to 123 kV
2 H
■ Taps on ± 16 % in ± 8 steps
HV side: of 2 %
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz
■ Impedance 6–10 %
3 voltage:
■ Connection: HV winding: star E E L
LV winding: W
star or delta
4 Fig. 33
Rated power HV rating LV rating No-load Load loss Total Oil Dimensions E
loss at 75 °C weight weight L/W/H
[kVA] [kV] [kV] kW [kW] [kg] [kg] [mm] [mm]
Fig. 34
5/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Oil-immersed three-phase
power transformers 1
with off-load tap changer
10/16 to 20/31.5 MVA
HV rating: up to 36 kV H
Hs 2
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range
± 2 x 2.5 %
■ Connection of star
HV winding:
■ Connection of star or delta E E L 3
LV winding: W Ls
■ Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF
■ LV range: 6 kV to 36 kV
Fig. 35
10 16 12 31 80 6.3 10
12.5 20 14 37 95 6.3 10 6
16 25 16 45 110 6.4 10
Fig. 36
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Oil-immersed three-phase
1 power transformer
with on-load tap changer
10/16 to 20/31.5 MVA,
HV rating: up to 36 kV
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range
± 16 % in ± 9 steps
■ Connection of star
HV winding:
3 ■ Connection of star or delta Ls Ws
LV winding: W
■ Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF
■ LV range: 6 kV to 36 kV
Fig. 38
10 16 12 31 80 6.3 10
6 12.5 20 14 37 95 6.3 10
16 25 16 45 111 6.4 10
20 31.5 5300 2550 4600 41 000 9000 5000 1700 3000 37000
Fig. 40
5/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Oil-immersed three-phase
Rated power at No-load Load loss at Impedance voltage of
power transformers with ONAN ONAF loss ONAN ONAF ONAN ONAF 1
on-load tap changer
10/16 to 63/100 MVA, [MVA] [MVA] [kW] [kW] [kW] [%] [%]
HV rating: from 72.5 to 145 kV
10 16 13 42 108 9.6 15.4 2
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range
12.5 20 15 45 115 9.4 15.0
± 16 % in ± 9 steps
■ Connection of star 16 25 17 51 125 9.6 15.0
HV winding:
■ Connection star or delta 20 31.5 20 56 140 9.6 15.1 3
of LV winding:
■ Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF 25 40 24 63 160 9.5 15.2
20 31.5 6800 2800 5400 54000 14000 5500 2000 3100 49000 8
25 40 6900 2900 5400 61000 14500 5700 2100 3150 56000
31.5 50 7050 2950 5500 70000 17000 5850 2150 3350 65000
63 100 7800 3250 6100 118000 25500 6800 2450 4000 109000
Fig. 42
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Fig. 43: Coal-fired power station in Germany with two 850-MVA generator transformers:
Low-noise design, extended setting range and continuous overload capacity up to 1100 MVA
1 Five-limb core 12
2 LV winding
3 HV winding
8 4 Tapped winding
5 Tap leads
6 LV bushings 6
7 HV bushings
8 Clamping frame
9 9 On-load tap changer 8
10 Motor drive
11 Schnabel-car-tank
12 Conservator
13 Water-cooling system 9 11
10 13
3 5
2 4
5/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Fig. 45: An integrated solution – the complete Monitoring System housed in a cubicle of the transformer itself
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The on-load tap changers installed in For operation under extremely onerous
Siemens power transformers are manufac- conditions an oil filter unit is available
1 tured by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR). for filtering or filtering and drying of the
MR is a supplier of technically advanced switching oil. Voltage monitoring is effect-
on-load tap changers for oil-immersed ed by microprocessor-controlled operation
power transformers covering an application control systems or voltage regulators
range from 100 A to 4,500 A and up to which include a great variety of data input
420 kV. About 90,000 MR high-speed re- and output facilities.
2 sistor-type tap changers are succesfully in In combination with a parallel control unit,
service worldwide. several transformers connected in parallel
The great variety of tap changer models is can be automatically controlled and moni-
based on a modular system which is capa- tored.
ble of meeting the individual customer’s Furthermore, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
3 specifications for the respective operating offers a worldwide technical service to
conditions of the transformer. Depending maintain their high quality standard.
on the required application range selector, Inspections at regular intervals with only
switches or diverter switches with tap se- small maintenance requirements guarantee
lectors can be used, both available for neu- the reliable operation expected with MR
4 tral, delta or single-pole connection. Up to products.
107 operating positions can be achieved by
the use of a multiple course tap selector.
In addition to the well-known on-load tap-
changer for installation in oil-immersed
transformers, MR offers also a standard-
5 ized gas-insulated tap changer for indoor
installation which will be mounted on dry-
type transformers up to approx. 30 MVA
and 36 kV, or SF6-type transformers up to
40 MVA and 123 kV.
6 The main characteristics of MR
products are:
■ Compact design
■ Optimum adaption and economic
solutions offered by the great number
of variants Type VT
■ High reliability
Fig. 46: MR motor drive ED 100 S Fig. 47: Gas-insulated on-load tap changer
■ Long life
■ Reduced maintenance
■ Service friendliness
8 The tap changers are mechanically
driven – via the drive shafts and the bevel
gear – by a motor drive attached to the
transformer tank. It is controlled according
to the step-by-step principle. Electrical and
mechanical safety devices prevent over-
9 running of the end positions. Further safe-
ty measures, such as the automatic restart
function, a safety circuit to prevent false
phase sequence and running through posi-
tions, ensure the reliable operation of mo-
tor drives.
Fig. 48: Selection of on-load tap changers from the MR product range
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Standards and regulations They only make use of flame-retardent location. This reduces civil works, cable
inorganic insulating materials which free costs, transmission losses, and installation
GEAFOL® cast-resin dry-type transformers
comply with IEC recommendation
these transformers from all restrictions costs. 1
that apply to oil-filled electrical equipment, GEAFOL transformers are fully LI-rated.
No. 726, CENELEC HD 464, HD 538
such as oil-collecting pits, fire walls, fire- They have similar noise levels to compara-
and DIN 42 523.
extinguishing equipment, etc. ble oil-filled transformers. Taking the above
GEAFOL transformers are installed wher- indirect cost reductions into account, they
Advantages and applications ever oil-filled units cannot be used: inside are also frequently cost-competitive.
buildings, in tunnels, on ships, cranes and By virtue of their design, GEAFOL trans-
GEAFOL distribution and power trans- offshore platforms, in ground-water catch-
formers in ratings from 100 to more than formers are completely maintenance-free
ment areas, in food processing plants, etc. for their lifetime.
20 000 kVA and LI values up to 170 kV Often they are combined with their prima-
are full substitutes for oil-immersed trans- GEAFOL transformers have been in
ry and secondary switchgear and distribu-
formers with comparable electrical and successful service since 1965. A lot of
tion boards into compact substations that 3
mechanical data. licenses have been granted to major
are installed directly at their point of use.
manufactures throughout the world since.
GEAFOL transformers are designed for As thyristor-converter transformers for
indoor installation close to their point of variable speed drives they can be installed
use at the center of the major consumers. together with the converters at the drive
LV winding
Temperature monitoring Made of aluminum strip. 8
By PTC thermistor detec- Turns firmly glued
tors in the LV winding together by means of
insulating sheet wrapper
Paint finish on material
steel parts
Multiple coating, Insulation: 9
RAL 5009. On request:
Two-component varnish Mixture of epoxy resin
or hot-dip galvanizing and quartz powder
(for particularly aggressive Makes the transformer
environments) maintenance-free, moist-
ure-proof, tropicalized,
Ambient class E2 flame-resistant and self- 10
Climatic category C2 extinguishing
(If the transformer is in-
stalled outdoors, degree Clamping frame and truck
of protection IP 23 must
be assured) Rollers can be swung
around for lengthways or
Fire class F1 sideways travel
* on-load tap changers on request.
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HV winding
The high-voltage windings are wound
1 from aluminum foil, interleaved with high-
grade polypropylene insulating foil. The
assembled and connected individual coils
are placed in a heated mold, and are pot-
ted in a vaccum furnace with a mixture
2 of pure silica (quartz sand) and specially
blended epoxy resins. The only connec-
tions to the outside are copper bushings,
which are internally bonded to the alumi-
num winding connections.
The external star or delta connections
3 are made of insulated copper connectors
to guarantee an optimal installation design.
The resulting high-voltage windings are
fire-resistant, moistureproof, corrosion-
proof, and show excellent aging properties
under all indoor operating conditions.
4 (For outdoor use, specially designed sheet-
metal enclosures are available.)
The foil windings combine a simple wind-
ing technique with a high degree of elec-
trical safety. The insulation is subjected
5 to less electrical stress than in other
types of windings. In a conven-
tional round-wire winding,
the interturn voltage
can add up to twice the
interlayer voltage, while
6 in a foil winding it never exeeds the volt- 8
age per turn because a layer consists of
only one winding turn. Result: a high AC 8
voltage and impulse-voltage withstand
capacity. 7
7 Why aluminum? The thermal expansion
7 8
coefficients of aluminum and cast resin are 2
so similar that thermal stresses resulting
from load changes are kept to a minimum 6 3 7
(see Fig. 50). 6
6 4
8 LV winding 5
4 4 3 3 2 2 1
The standard low-voltage winding with its
considerably reduced dielectric stresses is
wound from single aluminum sheets with Strip
interleaved cast-resin impregnated fiber-
9 glass fabric.
The assembled coils are then oven-cured
to form uniformly bonded solid cylinders
that are impervious to moisture. Through U 2 4 6 8
the single-sheet winding design, excellent
10 dynamic stability under short-circuit con-
ditions is achieved. Connections are sub-
merged-arc-welded to the aluminum
sheets and are extended either as alu-
minum or copper busbars to the secondary 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 3 5 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 50: High-voltage encapsulated winding design of GEAFOL cast-resin transformer and voltage stress of a
conventional round-wire winding (above) and the foil winding (below)
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Fire safety The properties laid down in the standards Insulation class and temperature rise
GEAFOL transformers use only flame- for ratings within the approximate category
The high-voltage winding and the low-
retardent and self-extinguishing materials relating to environment (humidity), climate
voltage winding utilize class F insulating 1
in their construction. No additional sub- and fire behavior have to be demonstrated
materials with a mean temperature rise
stances, such as aluminum oxide trihy- by means of tests.
of 100 K (standard design).
drate, which could negatively influence These tests are described for the environ-
the mechanical stability of the cast-resin mental category (code number E0, E1 and
molding material, are used. Internal arcing E2) and for the climatic category (code Overload capability
from electrical faults and externally applied number C1, C2) in DIN VDE 0532 Part 6
GEAFOL transformers can be overloaded
flames do not cause the transformers to (corresponding to HD 464). According to permanently up to 50% (with a corre-
burst or burn. After the source of ignition this standard, they are to be carried out on sponding increase in impedance voltage)
is removed, the transformer is self-extin- complete transformers. if additional radial cooling fans are installed.
guishing. This design has been approved The tests of fire behavior (fire category (Dimensions increase by approximately
by fire officials in many countries for instal- code numbers F0 and F1) are limited to 200 mm in length and width.) Short-time 3
lation in populated buildings and other tests on a duplication of a complete trans- overloads are uncritical as long as the
structures. former. It consists of a core leg, a low-volt- maximum winding temperatures are not
The environmental safety of the combus- age winding and a high-voltage winding. exceeded for extended periods of time.
tion residues has been proven in many The specifications for fire category F2 are
tests. determined by agreement between the 4
Temperature monitoring
manufacturer and the customer.
Categorization of cast-resin Siemens have carried out a lot of tests. Each GEAFOL transformer is fitted with
transformers three temperature sensors installed in
The results for our GEAFOL transformers the LV winding, and a solid-state tripping
Dry-type transformers have to be cate- are something to be proud of: device with relay output. The PTC thermis-
gorized under the sections listed below: ■ Environmental category E2 tors used for sensing are selected for the 5
■ Environmental category ■ Climatic category C2 applicable maximum hot-spot winding tem-
■ Climatic category ■ Fire category F1 perature. Additional sets of sensors with
■ Fire category lower temperature points can be installed
This good behavior is solely due to the
These categories have to be shown on the for them and for fan control purposes. Ad-
GEAFOL cast-resin mix which has been
rating plate of each dry-type transformer. ditional dial-type thermometers and Pt100
used successfully for decades. 6
are available, too. For operating voltages
of the LV winding of 3.6 kV and higher,
special temperature measuring equipment
can be provided.
Auxiliary wiring is run in protective conduit
and terminated in a central LV terminal 7
box (optional). Each wire and terminal is
identified, and a wiring diagram is perma-
nently attached to the inside cover of this
terminal box.
Installation and enclosures
Indoor installation in electrical operating
rooms or in various sheet-metal enclosures
is the preferred method of installation.
The transformers need only be protected
against access to the terminals or the
winding surfaces, against direct sunlight,
and against water. Sufficient ventilation
must be provided by the installation loca-
tion or the enclosure. Otherwise forced-air
cooling must be specified or provided by 10
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Fig. 53: Radial cooling fans on GEAFOL transformer for AF cooling Fig. 54: GEAFOL transformer in protective housing to IP 20/40
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A1 B1
Fig. 56: GEAFOL cast-resin transformer
Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
voltage level level Length Width Height wheel
1m centers 6
+ 3 dB
Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E
[kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
100 12 4 .5044-3CA 440 1600 1900 45 59 630 1210 705 835 without wheels
4 .5044-3GA 320 1600 1900 37 51 760 1230 710 890 without wheels
6 .5044-3DA 360 2000 2300 45 59 590 1190 705 860 without wheels
6 .5044-3HA 300 2000 2300 37 51 660 1230 710 855 without wheels 8
24 4 .5064-3CA 600 1500 1750 45 59 750 1310 755 935 without wheels
4 .5064-3GA 400 1500 1750 37 51 830 1300 755 940 without wheels
6 .5064-3DA 420 1800 2050 45 59 660 1250 750 915 without wheels
6 .5064-3HA 330 1800 2050 37 51 770 1300 755 930 without wheels 9
160 12 4 .5244-3CA 610 2300 2600 47 62 770 1220 710 1040 520
4 .5244-3GA 440 2300 2600 39 54 920 1290 720 1050 520
6 .5244-3DA 500 2300 2700 47 62 750 1270 720 990 520
6 .5244-3HA 400 2300 2700 39 54 850 1300 725 985 520 10
24 4 .5264-3CA 800 2200 2500 47 62 910 1330 725 1090 520
4 .5264-3GA 580 2200 2500 39 54 940 1310 720 1095 520
6 .5264-3DA 600 2500 2900 47 62 820 1310 725 1075 520
6 .5264-3HA 480 2500 2900 39 54 900 1350 765 1060 520
Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C
Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/31
Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
1 voltage level level Length Width Height wheel
1m centers
+ 3 dB
Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E
2 [kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
250 12 4 .5444-3CA 820 3000 3500 50 65 1040 1330 730 1110 520
4 .5444-3GA 600 3000 3400 42 57 1170 1330 730 1135 520
6 .5444-3DA 700 2900 3300 50 65 990 1350 740 1065 520
3 6 .5444-3HA 570 2900 3300 42 57 1120 1390 745 1090 520
24 4 .5464-3CA 1050 2900 3300 50 65 1190 1390 735 1120 520
4 .5464-3GA 800 2900 3300 41 57 1230 1400 735 1150 520
6 .5464-3DA 880 3100 3600 50 65 990 1360 735 1140 520
4 6 .5464-3HA 650 3100 3600 41 57 1180 1430 745 1160 520
36 6 .5475-3DA 1300 3800 4370 50 65 1700 1900 900 1350 520
(315) 12 4 .5544-3CA 980 3300 3800 52 67 1160 1370 820 1125 670
4 .5544-3GA 720 3300 3800 43 59 1320 1380 820 1195 670
6 .5544-3DA 850 3400 3900 51 67 1150 1380 830 1140 670
6 .5544-3HA 680 3400 3900 43 59 1290 1410 830 1165 670
24 4 .5564-3CA 1250 3400 3900 51 67 1250 1410 820 1195 670
4 .5564-3GA 930 3400 3900 43 59 1400 1440 825 1205 670
6 .5564-3DA 1000 3600 4100 51 67 1190 1410 825 1185 670
6 .5564-3HA 780 3600 4100 43 59 1300 1460 830 1195 670
36 6 .5575-3DA 1450 4500 5170 51 67 1900 1950 920 1400 670
400 12 4 .5644-3CA 1150 4300 4900 52 68 1310 1380 820 1265 670
4 .5644-3GA 880 4300 4900 44 60 1430 1380 820 1290 670
6 .5644-3DA 1000 4300 4900 52 68 1250 1410 825 1195 670
6 .5644-3HA 820 4300 4900 44 60 1350 1430 830 1195 670
5/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
voltage level level Length Width Height wheel 1
1m centers
+ 3 dB
Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E
[kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 2
630 12 4 .5844-3CA 1500 6400 7300 54 70 1830 1510 840 1345 670
4 .5844-3GA 1150 6400 7300 45 62 2070 1470 835 1505 670
6 .5844-3DA 1370 6400 7400 54 70 1770 1550 860 1295 670
6 .5844-3HA 1150 6400 7400 45 62 1990 1590 865 1310 670
24 4 .5864-3CA 1950 6000 6900 53 70 1860 1550 845 1380 670
4 .5864-3GA 1500 6000 6900 45 62 2100 1600 850 1400 670
6 .5864-3DA 1650 6400 7300 53 70 1810 1580 855 1345 670
6 .5864-3HA 1250 6400 7300 45 62 2050 1620 860 1370 670
36 6 .5875-3DA 2200 7000 8000 53 70 2900 2070 940 1650 670
(800) 12 4 .5944-3CA 1850 7800 9000 55 72 2080 1570 850 1560 670
4 .5944-3GA 1450 7800 9000 47 64 2430 1590 855 1640 670
6 .5944-3DA 1700 7600 8700 55 72 2060 1560 865 1490 670
6 .5944-3HA 1350 7600 8700 47 64 2330 1600 870 1530 670
24 4 .5964-3CA 2100 7500 8600 55 72 2150 1610 845 1580 670
4 .5964-3GA 1600 7500 8600 47 64 2550 1650 855 1620 670
6 .5964-3DA 1900 7900 9100 55 71 2110 1610 860 1590 670
6 .5964-3HA 1450 7900 9100 47 64 2390 1630 865 1595 670
36 6 .5975-3DA 2600 8200 9400 55 72 3300 2140 950 1850 670
1000 12 4 .6044-3CA 2200 8900 10200 55 73 2480 1590 990 1775 820
4 .6044-3GA 1650 8900 10200 47 65 2850 1620 990 1795 820
6 .6044-3DA 2000 8500 9700 56 73 2420 1620 990 1560 820
6 .6044-3HA 1500 8500 9700 47 65 2750 1660 990 1560 820
24 4 .6064-3CA 2400 8700 10000 55 73 2570 1660 990 1730 820 8
4 ..6064-3GA 1850 8700 10000 47 65 3060 1680 990 1815 820
6 .6064-3DA 2300 9200 10500 55 73 2510 1680 990 1620 820
6 .6064-3HA 1750 9600 11000 47 65 2910 1730 990 1645 820
36 6 .6075-3DA 3000 9500 10900 55 73 3900 2200 1050 1900 820 9
(1250) 12 6 .6144-3DA 2400 9600 11000 57 75 2900 1780 990 1605 820
6 .6144-3HA 1850 10500 12000 49 67 3370 1790 990 1705 820
24 6 .6164-3DA 2700 10000 11500 57 75 3020 1820 990 1635 820
6 .6164-3HA 2100 10500 12000 49 67 3490 1850 990 1675 820 10
36 6 .6175-3DA 3500 11000 12600 57 75 4500 2300 1060 2000 520
Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C
Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/33
Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
1 voltage level level Length Width Height wheel
1m centers
+ 3 dB
1600 12 6 .6244-3DA 2800 11000 12500 58 76 3550 1840 995 2025 1070
6 .6244-3HA 2100 11400 13000 50 68 4170 1880 1005 2065 1070
3 24 6 .6264-3DA 3100 11800 13500 58 76 3640 1880 995 2035 1070
6 .6264-3HA 2400 12300 14000 49 68 4080 1900 1005 2035 1070
36 6 .6275-3DA 4300 12700 14600 58 76 5600 2500 1100 2400 1070
(2000) 12 6 .6344-3DA 3600 14000 16000 59 78 4380 1950 1280 2150 1070
4 6 .6344-3HA 2650 14500 16500 51 70 5140 1990 1280 2205 1070
24 6 .6364-3DA 4000 14500 16500 59 78 4410 2020 1280 2160 1070
6 .6364-3HA 3000 14900 17000 51 70 4920 2040 1280 2180 1070
36 6 .6375-3DA 5100 15400 17700 59 78 6300 2500 1280 2400 1070
5 2500 12 6 .6444-3DA 4300 17600 20000 62 81 5130 2110 1280 2150 1070
6 .6444-3HA 3000 18400 21000 51 71 6230 2170 1280 2205 1070
24 6 .6464-3DA 5000 17600 20000 61 81 5280 2170 1280 2160 1070
6 .6464-3HA 3600 18000 20500 51 71 6220 2220 1280 2180 1070
6 36 6 .6475-3DA 6400 18700 21500 61 81 7900 2700 1280 2400 1070
Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C
Rated power >2500 kVA to 20 MVA on request.
Fig. 60: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA
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Fig. 61: 16/22-MVA GEAFOL cast-resin transformer with oil-free on-load tap changer
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