Dispute MGMT Config Guide
Dispute MGMT Config Guide
Dispute MGMT Config Guide
Configuration of FSCM Dispute Management.............................................................3 Case Record Model.....................................................................................................3 1.1 Create Case Records Model ..............................................................................3 1.1.1 Building a Case Record Model using the SAP-Standard RMS ID UDM_DISPUTE......................................................................................................4 Attribute Profile..........................................................................................................7 1.2 Create Attribute Profile......................................................................................9 1.3 Attribute Values...............................................................................................13 1.3.1 Priority.......................................................................................................13 1.3.2 Attribute Profile.........................................................................................14 Case Search..............................................................................................................15 1.4 Create Profile for Case Search.........................................................................16 Function Profile.........................................................................................................19 1.5 Create Function Profile....................................................................................21 Text Profile...............................................................................................................24 1.6 Create Text Profile...........................................................................................24 Status Management.................................................................................................27 1.7 Create Status Profile........................................................................................28 Maintain Number Ranges.........................................................................................31 Case Type.................................................................................................................33 1.8 Define Case Type............................................................................................34 Create Attribute Values............................................................................................35 1.9 Create Values for Attribute Category..............................................................36 1.10 Create Values for Attribute Reason ..............................................................37 1.11 Create Values for Attribute Root Cause Code................................................38 Workflow...................................................................................................................39 1.12 Perform task-specific Customizing.................................................................40 1.13 Define Regular Processor for Dispute Cases..................................................42 Process Integration...................................................................................................43 1.14 Define Automatic Status Changes.................................................................43
1.15 Define Text ID for Notes................................................................................45 1.16 Define Triggering Attributes for Document Changes.....................................47 Process Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting.......................................49 1.17 Activate Process Integration for SAP Dispute Management...........................49 1.18 Define Default Values for Creation of Dispute Cases.....................................50 1.19 Customer-Disputed Objects in Dispute Cases...............................................53 1.19.1 Process Settings for Customer-Disputed Objects in Dispute Cases.........53 1.20 Automatic Document Changes from Dispute Cases......................................55 1.20.1 Define Document Changes......................................................................55 Correspondence.......................................................................................................58 1.21 Define and Configure Actions........................................................................58
Transaction Code
1.1.1 Building a Case Record Model using the SAP-Standard RMS ID UDM_DISPUTE 1. Select Role-Based View and drill down on SAP Dispute Management > Record and Case Record Models 2. Right-click on Modeler for Case Records in Dispute Management and select Find 3. Click on the search button 4. Double click on the desired SAP-standard dispute management entry 5. Locate the case record model in your history. Right-click and select Other Functions > Copy Model. Please refer to the below illustration for clarification.
6. The modeler will indicate that a copy has been made. Click on the save button in the records modeler. 7. Click on the model attributes button and modify the short description and unique ID as desired. Click on the continue button to exit the attributes popup menu.
8. Click on the Model button and select Change Status. Select Status Released and click on the continue button to save the status.
Please note, changing the status to final is not recommended. By changing the status to final, you will not be able to make changes to the case records model.
Updating the status to Status Obsolete will prevent new cases from being created with this case record model.
9. To transport the case record model, locate the case record model in your history. Right click and select Other Functions > Transport Entry. In order to derive the case records model ID, so that it can be associated to the appropriate case type, find the case model record in the history section. Right-click on the newly created case model record and select information. The case model record ID will be displayed next to the document ID field.
Attribute Profile
The dispute case attribute profile controls the display and the behavior of all attributes displayed in the dispute case.
All fields contained in the dispute case UDMCASEATTR00 and SCMG_T_CASE_ATTR tables can be added to the dispute case display. Some of the standard dispute case attributes have been provided below for your reference. If you need additional fields for display on the dispute case, they must be added to the UDMCASEATTR00 table before they can be configured in the attribute profile.
T able S C MG_T _C AS E _ATT R Label Case Type Case ID External refer. Created By Created On Changed By Changed On Closed by Closed At Planned Close Date Processor Person Respons. Heading A ttribute Nam e CASE_TYPE EXT_KEY EXT_REF CREATED_B Y CREATE_TIME CHANGED_B Y CHANGE_TIME CLOSED_B Y CLOSING_TIME PLAN_END_DATE PROCESSOR RESPONSIBLE CASE_TITLE L abel
Block Indicator Created By(RFC) Coordinator Root Cause Code Process. Deadline Orig. Disp. Amt Disputed Amount Paid Credited Cleared Manually
Autom. Written Off FIN_NOT_SOL V_AMT Currency FIN_DISPUTE_CURR Customer-Disputed Amount FIN_CUSTDISP_AMT Currency of Customer-Disputed Amount FIN_CUSTDISP_CUR Contact Person e-mail T elephone No. Fax Number Ctry of Fax No. FIN_CONT ACT_NAME FIN_CONT ACT_MAIL FIN_CONT ACT_TEL FIN_CONT ACT_FAX FIN_CONT ACT_FAX C
Escalation Reason Category Priority Auth. Level Status Profile Status SystemStatus Object GUID SystemStatus
Contact Person Key FIN_CONT ACT_KEY Customer Company Code FIN_KUNNR FIN_BUKRS
Processing >Attribute Profile > Create Attribute Profile Transaction Code SPRO
1. Highlight the FIN_DISP SAP-delivered attribute profile for dispute management. 2. Right-click and select Copy As. 3. Rename the attribute profile and profile description. 4. Select copy all to copy all dependent entries 5. Highlight the newly created attribute profile 6. Double click on Assign Attributes to begin modifications
Insert and remove case attributes as needed. For each attribute you can also perform the following activities: Group This field splits the attribute display into different areas. SAP recommended value is 1 for all attributes. Row Number of the row which the attribute is displayed within each attribute group. Column Number of the column which the attribute is displayed within each attribute group. You can only input up to two columns. Required Set this indicator if the attribute is mandatory. Invisible Set this indicator if the attribute is not visible. Dropdown Set this indicator if the attribute has a list of possible values for display. Sample attributes with value lists include priority, status, escalation reason, category, reason code and root cause code. Checkbox Set this indicator if the attribute value should be displayed as a check box. Not Modifiable Set this indicator if the attribute is display only.
Modifiable New Set this indicator if the attribute can only be modified upon creation of the dispute case. Log Set this indicator if changes to this attribute should be recorded in the dispute case log.
Transaction Code
1.3.2 Attribute Profile After the escalation reasons have been configured, you need to identify which escalation reasons are visible in the appropriate attribute profile. To begin, please follow the below IMG menu path: IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Financial Supply Chain Management > Dispute Management > Dispute Case Processing > Attribute Profile > Attribute Values > Assign Escalation Reasons to an Attribute Profile SPRO
Transaction Code
1. Select the attribute profile click on continue 2. Click on the New Entries button 3. Insert each escalation reason that should be available for selection 4. Click on Save
Case Search
The case search profile defines (1) which dispute case attributes are used to search for a dispute case as well as (2) which dispute case attributes can be updated using the mass change function when selecting the change field content button from the case search screen. If you would like to modify the SAP-delivered case search profile FIN_LOC, please create a copy and use it as a template for your modifications. After the new case search profile is created, please remember to create a new element type based on the SAP-delivered UDM_SPS_CASE_LOCATOR element type. Once created, replace the locator profile ID parameter value with the newly configured case search profile ID.
Transaction Code
1. Highlight the FIN_LOC case search profile 2. Right-Click and select Copy As 3. Rename the Profile ID and Profile description 4. Hit Enter and select the copy all button to copy all dependent entries
5. Add, remove and modify selection fields 6. Add or remove modifiable fields as needed 7. Click on Save
Insert and remove case attributes as needed. For each attribute you can define the following items: Row Number of the row for attribute display in the case search selection screen. Column Number of the column for attribute display in the case search selection screen. Case Attributes Case attribute from the dispute case UDMCASEATTR00 and SCMG_T_CASE_ATTR tables. Additional Selection Options Set this indicator if multiple selections against this attribute are allowed.
Function Profile
Modify the function profile to control which actions are allotted in the dispute case. Functions are activated by clicking on the corresponding button to execute the desired activity, such as getting customer contact information, generating correspondence or saving a dispute case for example.
F unction Na m e
F unction T ype
F u nction D es cription Add Customer-Disputed Object Add Disputed Object Assign to Customer Calculated CustomerDisputed Amount Contact Person Change Contact Person Get Contact Person List Contacts Create Correspondence Ex ecute Actions FI Objects Remove Objects Display Actions Actions Print Refresh Reduce Attributes Save Confirm Resume Void Display < -->Change Case Log Notes Linked Objects
1. Highlight the desired SAP-standard function profile 2. Right-click and select Copy As 3. Update the function profile ID and description 4. Hit Enter 5. Click on the copy all button to copy all dependent entries 6. Highlight the newly created function profile and click on allowed functions and allowed case components to modify as needed 7. Click on Save
For each function and case component you can define the following items:
Function - Identify function or case component in the function profile Sequence of Function Buttons Order in which the functions are displayed in the dispute case Separator After Pushbutton Select this indicator if a separating line should be placed after the button Assigned Menu Contains dropdown menu to which the function is assigned Icon Name Name of the icon associated to the function No Create Select this indicator if the button is disabled upon creation of the dispute case Not for Modify Select this indicator if the function is not available for modification No Display Select this indicator if the function is not available for display Button with Menu Select this indicator if the function has a push button with a menu
Text Profile
Creation of a text profile defines which types of notes are contained in the dispute case. Notes are used to capture the research and resolution of a disputed item throughout the dispute case life cycle. They can also be displayed on claim correspondence to the customer requesting additional information or requesting repayment for invalid deductions.
Transaction Code
1. Highlight the FIN_DISP text profile ID 2. Right-click and select Copy As 3. Update the text profile ID and description 4. Hit Enter 5. Click on the copy all button to copy all dependent entries 6. Highlight the newly created text profile and click text IDs to modify as needed 7. Click on Save
For each note type you can define the following items: ID - Unique identification for each note type Meaning Description for each note type Sequence Order in which the note types are displayed in the dispute case note drop down Invisible Externally Select this indicator if the note should not be displayed on correspondence. This text will be invisible to the customer.
Status Management
The status of a dispute case indicates where the stage in of deduction resolution the dispute case processing is. Status values and events are used to control when status values can be set and enable automatic status updates.
Upon creation of a dispute case the status will automatically be set to new. After updates are made to the dispute case, the status will be updated to reflect an in process status. Once a resolution has been determined by the dispute case processor, he or she can manually update the processing status to Chargeback or Approved to indicate the claim validity or to Backup Requested to indicate the claim processing status, for example. Once the claim has been paid by the customer, cleared with a credit, and/or written off the dispute case status will automatically update to Closed. Closed dispute cases can also be updated to a confirmed status for permanent closure.
Transaction Code
1. Highlight the FIN_DISP status profile 2. Right-click and select Copy As 3. Update the status profile ID and description 4. Hit Enter 5. Click on the copy all button to copy all dependent entries 6. Highlight the newly created status profile and click on status values to modify as needed
7. Click on Save
For each status, you need to configure the following items: Status Unique ID for the status Status Description Description for the status value System Status Select a system status that should be associated to each status. System status values are as follows:
System Status Description Once a system status has been input, the corresponding status description will automatically populate when hitting return Low Status & High Status Sequence numbers which control changes in status. A status can be set if the current status is greater than or equal to the lowest sequence number and smaller than or equal to the highest sequence number. Auto Set this indicator if the status is set automatically Even for Case Select workflow event to be generated upon the dispute case status change.
Dispute Management > Dispute Case Processing > Define Number Range Interval for Case Transaction Code SCASE_NUMBERRANGE
1. Click on the Change Intervals button 2. Click on the Insert Interval button 3. Insert a unique number rage and select the external indicator for external number issuance. 4. Click on Save.
Case Type
A dispute case type is a central object that groups customizing settings together to define the various components, profiles and attributes of a dispute case. A case type can be assigned to one or many company codes. Therefore, the look and feel of dispute cases will remain consistent across a particular company code. Case Type Components
Numbe r Range
RMS ID Case Record s Model Dispute Case Elemen t Type Case Record Elemen t Type Case Notes Element Type
Case Type
Case Attribut es
Transaction Code
1. Highlight the F_DM dispute management case type 2. Right-click and select Copy As 3. Update the case type and case type values based on the customizing activities completed above 4. Click on Save
Cause is the reason for the customers dispute and can be synchronized with the reason code in FI-Accounts Receivable. Reason codes can also used to drive the prioritization and derivation of a G/L account for automatic write-off. Please see below for sample reason codes: Shortage Pricing
Root cause code captures the issue supporting claim resolution, or why the claim is approved, written off or billed back for example. Sample root cause codes are as follows: POD Indicates Complete Delivery POD Indicates Partial Delivery Carrier Error Discount Not Applied to Invoice Sales Department Error
Transaction Code
1. Click on the New Entries button 2. Enter the case type 3. Enter a unique category code per case type 4. Enter the category description 5. Click on Save
Transaction Code
1. Click on the New Entries button 2. Enter the case type 3. Enter a unique reason code per case type 4. Enter the reason code description 5. Click on Save
Transaction Code
1. Enter case type in the work area 2. Click on Continue to proceed 3. Click on the New Entries button 4. Enter a unique root cause code 5. Enter the root cause code description 6. Click on Save
Using workflow will enable cross-departmental collaboration by sending automatic notifications to a dispute case processor. SAP Dispute Management is equipped with two standard workflow templates. Workflow template WS 01700044 controls the notification and sending of dispute case work items. Once a work item has been generated, it can be access in one of two ways: From SAP Business Workplace, or via transaction SBWP. From your workflow inbox in the dispute case organizer using transaction UDM_DISPUTE. Please refer to the below diagram for clarification.
Click on your Inbox to display workflow notifications assigned to you as the dispute case processor. Drill down on Inbox > Workflow and double-click to open the dispute case work item.
To enable e-mail notifications, you will also have to activate workflow template WS 01700051. E-mail notifications will automatically be sent to the dispute case processor using the email address maintained in their SAP user profile.
Before workflow notifications can be sent, please ensure the following tasks have been completed by your system administrator. Maintain standard settings for SAP Business Workflow SAPconnect has been configured for generation of e-mails
Transaction Code
1. Drill down on application component SAP > FIN > FIN-FSCM > FIN-FSCM-DM
2. Next to the Basic Functions application component for FIN-FSCM-DM-DM, please click on Activate event linkage
3. Select the detail view button next to the WS 01700044 workflow template for notification and sending of dispute case work items.
4. Click on the Event Linkage Activated check box 5. Hit save to transport the entry 6. Click on continue
7. If you would also like to generate email notifications, repeat the event linkage activation steps for workflow template WS 01700051.
IMG Menu
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Financial Supply Chain Management > Dispute Management > Dispute Case Processing > Workflow > Define Regular Processor for Dispute Case SPRO
Transaction Code
1. Input the appropriate case type 2. Input the user ID for each regular dispute case processor 3. Click on save
Process Integration
In this section we will carry out customizing activities that will automate changes to the status attribute within the dispute case and determine the appropriate text ID for notes entered upon creation of a dispute case.
Automatic Reopen Once a dispute case has been closed, it can be reopened if the accounting document linked to the closed dispute case has been reset and reversed using transaction FBRA. Automatic Write-Off If the accounting documents linked to the dispute case have been automatically written-off using transaction UDM_WRITEOFF, the status can be automatically updated to closed. Automatic Close When the linked accounting documents, associated to the dispute case, have been cleared against a credit or incoming payment, the status can be automatically updated to closed.
To begin defining the status, which will be populated automatically based on clearing activities in FI-Accounts Receivable , please follow the below IMG menu path: IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Financial Supply Chain Management > Dispute Management > Dispute Case Processing > Process Integration > Define Automatic Status Change SPRO
Transaction Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Insert case type Insert the In Process status for Automatic Reopen Insert the Closed status for Automatically Written Off Insert the Closed status for Automatic Close Click on Save
If you leave any of these values blank, the status will not update automatically after the various clearing activities have been performed in FI-Accounts Receivable.
To select the appropriate note type for dispute case creation, please follow the below IMG menu path: IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Financial Supply Chain Management > Dispute Management > Dispute Case Processing > Process Integration > Define
1. Input case type 2. Input the Accounting origin 3. Select the desired note type. In the example provided below, the 0001 Description note type will be used to capture notes upon dispute case creation.
Processing > Process Integration > Automatic Document Changes from Dispute Cases > Define Triggering Attributes for Document Changes Transaction Code SPRO
1. Identify the case type and corresponding dispute case attributes which will trigger changes to AR documents 2. Click on save to generate the transport request
To complete customizing of this feature, please ensure you complete the steps for Automatic Document Changes from Dispute Cases covered in the Process Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting section. ADD NEW SECTION
Transaction Code
Transaction Code
1. To assign a company code to a dispute case type, scroll down to the desired company code and select the appropriate case type. 2. Once the case type has been assigned, double-click on the company code to assign default values.
3. Select the default value for the category. Please note that this value will be overridden if (1) a BAdi has been activated for automatic derivation and population of the category upon dispute case creation or (2) the value is manually overridden in the create dispute case dialog box. 4. Select the default reason code. This value will be overridden if (1) the FI-AR reason code to Dispute Management reason code mapping has been maintained, (2) if a BAdi has been activated for automatic derivation and population upon dispute case creation or (3) if the value is manually overridden in the create dispute case dialog box. 5. Select the default priority. The priority will also be overridden if (1) the reason code to priority mapping has been maintained, (2) if a BAdi has been activated for automatic derivation and population upon dispute case creation or (3) if the value is manually overridden in the create dispute case dialog box. 6. You can also determine how the external reference field in the dispute case is populated upon dispute case creation. If the field selected in the first priority is maintained, for the associated FI-Accounts Receivable document, this value will be maintained in the external reference field when the dispute case is created. If the field identified in the first priority is null, then the system will check for the value of the field identified in the second priority. This process will repeat until a value has been identified for the highest priority field. As with the category, reason code and priority, this value can always be overridden.
7. Double-click on the reason code folder to begin the reason code and priority mapping.
8. Input the FI-Accounts Receivable reason code and corresponding dispute management reason code. You can also identify a default priority by reason code upon dispute case creation. 9. Repeat this process for each company code participating in SAP dispute management. 10.Click on the save button to complete your changes
o Credit/Overpayment o Billing Document The following functions have been included in the function profile o FIN_ADD_CUSTDISP_OBJ Add Customer-Disputed Object o FIN_ADD_NEW_DISP_LINE_ITEM Add Disputed Object o FIN_ASSIGN_CUSTOMER Assign to Customer o FIN_CALC_CDIS_AMOUNT Calculated Customer-Disputed Amount o FIN_REMOVE_LINE_ITEM Remove Objects The dispute case attribute profile also includes the following attributes o FIN_CUSTDISP_AMT Customer-Disputed Amount o FIN_CUSTDISP_CUR - Currency of Customer-Disputed Amount
To process settings for Customer-Disputed objects within a dispute case, please follow the below IMG menu path: IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Financial Supply Chain Management > Process Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting > Customer-Disputed Objects in Dispute Cases > Process Settings for Customer-Disputed Objects in Dispute Cases FDM_CUST20
Transaction Code
1. Identify the company code and case type 2. Check the Automatically Add Invoice to Item List and in Document Display Transaction checkbox if you wish to add the selected AR line item to the dispute case as a customer-disputed object. 3. Check the Automatically Add Invoice to Clearing Transactions checkbox if, when you are creating dispute cases from clearing transactions, you wish to add the corresponding AR line item to the dispute case as a customerdisputed object. 4. Check the Automatically Add Invoice to Dispute Case Processing checkbox to enable the addition of accounting documents, as customer-disputed objects, from within the dispute case 5. Click on the save button to generate the transport request
Transaction Code
1. Input the company code and corresponding case type and hit enter to validate entries 2. Highlight the corresponding record and click on Selection of Fields 3. Input the accounts receivable target field and corresponding source fields from the dispute case. In the below example each time the reason code is modified within the dispute case, the reason code on the corresponding linked accounting document(s) will also be updated. See below for a list of fields that can be updated automatically based on changes to various attributes within the dispute case: a. MANSP Dunning Block b. RSTGR Reason Code for Payments c. ZLSPR Payment Block Key d. ZINKZ Exempted from Interest Calculation e. ZLSCH Payment Method f. FDLEV Planning Level
4. Highlight the corresponding record and click on Determination of Field Values 5. Identify the dispute case attribute to AR document field mapping and number of days until the corresponding AR document should be updated. If you leave the number of days field blank, AR document changes will be immediate.
Transaction Code
Go to the Action Definition folder and click on the Display < -- > Change mode button Click on the New Entries button Maintain the following entries for each smartform: Action Definition Description Processing Time: Immediate processing Ensure the Executable in Dialog checkbox is selected Ensure the Display in Toolbox checkbox is selected Ensure the Partner-Dependent checkbox is selected Partner Function: PP
Determination Technology: Determination Using Conditions that can be Transported Rule Type: Workflow Conditions Action Merging: No Action Summarization
Click on the Processing Types folder and click on the New Entries button Select External Communication for Permitted Processing Types of Action Highlight the External Communication entry and click on the Set Processing Button Enter the following information Document Tab Smartform Name Form Type: SmartForm Format: FIN_DM_BCS Personalization Type: Recipient-Specific Variable Replacement
Repeat these steps for each smartform listed above. Click on save to generate the transport / workbench requests Click on the green back arrow button to return to the Display View PFF: Applications in Customizing: Overview screen Highlight FIN_DM Click on the Condition Configuration (Transportable Conditions) Button Under the Action Profile folder, double click on SAP Dispute Management: Correspondence (FI-AR) Click on the Display <-> Change icon to go into change mode Click on the create button and select a SmartForm
Save Repeat this process for the Internet Mail and Fax Communication Methods. Repeat this process for all smartforms.