Emf Question Paper

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Reg. No.

T 3213
DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRILA'{AY 2008. B.E./B.Tech. Fourth Semester (Reguiation 2004) Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 1253- ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (Common to B.E. (Part-Time) Third Semester Regulation 2005) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

1. 2. 3.

Find the gradient of scalarsystemt=x2 )'+e' at point P (L,5, -2).


'I' A steady current of flows in a conductor bent in the form of a square loop of 'a' side meters. Find the magnetic filed intensity at the centre of the loop. Name the magnetic materials. Derive capacitanceof a parailel plate capacitor Define poynting Vector aboutthepathr = 0.5 z = 0 andt =0. If B = 0.01 Determinethe EMF developed sin377t. Define Skin effect.

5. 6. 7. 8.


10. State Brewster angle.



A long conductor with current 5A is in coincident with positive'z' direction. If --) B' = 4i+47 . Find the Force per unit length.

Define Coulomb'slaw.

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PART A - (10 x2 = 20 marks)


Answer ALL questions.


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PARTB-(5x16=80marks) 11. (a) (i) (ii) Explain potential due to charged disc (8)

Three charged cylindrical sheets are present in three spaces with o=5C/m2 at R =2m o=-2C/rn2at R = 4m & o=-3C/m2at

R = 5m. Find flux densityat R = \,3, 4.5 and 6 m. Or (b) (i) Show that Electric field due to'n'number of charges
. LV f' =1 r n /1 : \-YL ) --------=U ILI l, "l


? 1";1" 4tre r =t


(ii) (iii)

Prove Div D - p using Gauss law.

separation between the balls if the lower ball is restrained from the (4) moving.

12. (a)

(i) (ii)


Derive an expression for Magnetic Gauss larn' in point forrn and (10) integral form. Explain the magnetic field intensity due to a straight wire (6)


(i) (ii )

Explain the Magnetic field intensity due to a circular current loop.


Find the force exerted between current carrying conductors kept in '1'meter distance and carries the current in the same direction. (8)

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T\aro small diameter 10S^ dielectric balls can siide freely on a vertical channel. Each carry a negative charge oflptC. Find the

( B)



13. (a)


Three point charges 1,2,3 coulombs are situated in free space at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 1 m. Find the energy (8) stored in the system. Show that the inductance of the cable L= Itl-lnb/ a . /0 2n


Or (b) (i) (ii) Explain Nlagneticboundaryconditionswith neat sketches (10)

Parallel plate capacitor is of area Lm2 and has a separation of hnm. The space between the plates is filled with dielectric off, =25.If 1000 V is applied,find the force squeezing the plates together. (6)

T 3213

14. (a)

(i) (ii)

Prove that Modified ampere's law consistent with tirne varying (10) field. Calculate the maximum EMF induced in a coil of 4000 turns of radius of 12cmrotating at 30 rps in a magneticfiled 500 Gauss. (6) Or



Show that Energy producedper unit volume per secondis equal to sum of energ"y stored per unit volume per Sec and the energ"y (10) per unit volume per second. crossed Write the Maxwell's equation in point and integral forms. (6)

(ii) 15. (a)

Briefly explain about the wave incident (i) (ii) Normally on a perfect dielectric. Obiiquely to the surface of perfect insulator. Or (8) (8)


(i) (ii)

Derive the generalwave equation.

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(8) (8)

Derive the equationfor plane wavesin (1) (2) (3) Free space.

Homogeneousmaterial Conductingmedium.



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