The Emergence of A New National Commercial Law
The Emergence of A New National Commercial Law
The Emergence of A New National Commercial Law
in branch 1st (contact including mercantile law )and two person are studying in branch 2nd (Labour and industrial Relation and Administrative Law ) . So that 4 dissertation are necessary for us . Ishwari Prasad Gyawali LLM 1st Branch Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar Tamilnadu India Cell phone no:- 00977-985802337 Email:- [email protected] Dissertation topic for 1st Branch ( contract including mercantile law )
Critically analyse the national/international commercial arbitration system. The emergence of a new national commercial law. An examination of shareholder verses stakeholder argument in relation to corporate governance. The protection of minority shareholders' rights: Remedies to unfair prejudice and premises for bringing proceedings Indian Insolvency law and corporate rescue.
A Critical analysis of the regulation of the public company. Protection of the minority shareholder. Consumer Justice .
For branch 2nd (Labour and industrial Relation and Administrative Law )
Legal aspects of the employee and employer relationship. The legal position of casual and agency workers in the India . Legal issues of the Contract of Employment. Do trade unions still have a role to play in English employment law? What role does natural justice play in the Indian Constitution
Related subjests for thesis are as followings Industrial and Labour Law 1. Industrial and Labour Development 2. Trade Unionism 3. Right to Trade Union as part of human right to freedom of association industrial norms and the Indian Constitution 4. Collective Bargaining 5. Labour Welfare 6. Unfair Labour Practices
Industrial accident and conpensation 8. Social Security problems,perspective and schems Administrative Law 1. Bureaucracy in India 2. Legislative powers of administration 3. Delegated legislations 4. Judicial control of delegated legislation 5. Judicial powers of administration 6. Administrative courts and tribunals 7. Rule of Law 8. Judicial Review 9. Natural Justice 10. Informal methods of settlement of dispute