Connections and Tension Member Design

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ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Connections and Tension Member Design

Connections Connections must be able to transfer any axial force, shear, or moment from member to member or from beam to column. Steel construction accomplishes this with bolt and welds. Wood construction uses nails, bolts, shear plates, and split-ring connectors. Bolted and Welded Connections The limit state for connections depends on the loads: 1. tension yielding 2. shear yielding 3. bearing yielding 4. bending yielding due to eccentric loads 5. rupture Welds must resist tension AND shear stress. The design strengths depend on the weld materials. Bolted Connection Design Bolt designations signify material and type of connection where SC: slip critical N: bearing-type connection with bolt threads included in shear plane X: bearing-type connection with bolt threads excluded from shear plane Bolts rarely fail in bearing. The material with the hole will more likely yield first. Standard bolt holes are 1/16 larger than the bolt diameter. ASD Allowable shear values are given by bolt type, connection type, hole type, diameter, and loading (Single or Double shear) in AISC manual tables. Allowable bearing force values are given by bolt diameter, ultimate tensile strength, Fu, of the connected part, and thickness of the connected part in AISC manual tables. 1

ENDS 231

Note Set 26


ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Tension Member Design In steel tension members, there may be bolt holes that reduce the size of the cross section. Effective Net Area: The smallest effective are must be determined by subtracting the bolt hole areas. With staggered holes, the shortest length must be evaluated. A series of bolts can also transfer a portion of the tensile force, and some of the effective net areas see reduced stress.

ASD For other than pin connected members:

Ft = 0.60 Fy on gross area Ft = 0.50 Fu on net area Ft = 0.45 Fy on net area Ft = 0.33Fu on major diameter (static loading only)

For pin connected members: For threaded rods of approved steel:

LRFD The limit state for tension members are: 1. yielding 2. rupture Pu t Pn

t = 0.9 Pn = Fy Ag t = 0.75 Pn = Fu Ae

where Ag = the gross area of the member (excluding holes) Ae = the effective net area (with holes, etc.) Fu = the tensile strength of the steel (ultimate)

ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Welded Connections

Weld designations include the strength in the name, i.e. E70XX has Fy = 70 ksi. The throat size, T, of a fillet weld is determined trigonometry by: T = 0.707 weld size ASD Allowable shear stress of a weld is limited to 30% of the nominal strength. Fv = 18 ksi for E60XX Fv = 21 ksi for E70XX Weld sizes are limited by the size of the parts being put together and are given in AISC manual table J2.4 along with the allowable strength per length of fillet weld, referred to as S. The maximum size of a fillet weld: a) cant be greater than the material thickness if it is or less b) is permitted to be 1/16 less than the thickness of the material if it is over The minimum length of a fillet weld is 4 times the nominal size. If it is not, then the weld size used for design is the length. Intermittent fillet welds can not be less that four times the weld size, not to be less than 1 .
Allowable Strength of Fillet Welds per inch of weld (S) Weld Size E60XX E70XX (in.) (k/in.) (k/in.) 3 2.39 2.78 16
5 16
8 3

3.18 3.98 4.77 5.57 6.36 7.95 9.55

3.71 4.64 5.57 6.94 7.42 9.27 11.13


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ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Framed Beam Connections

Coping is the term for cutting away part of the flange to connect a beam to another beam using welded or bolted angles.

AISC provides tables that give angle sizes knowing bolt type, bolt diameter, angle leg thickness, and number of bolts (determined by shear capacity).

Load and Factor Resistance Design

In addition to resisting shear and tension in bolts and shear in welds, the connected materials may be subjected to shear, bearing, tension, flexure and even prying action. Coping can significantly reduce design strengths and may require web reinforcement. All the following must be considered:

shear yielding shear rupture block shear rupture failure of a block at a beam as a result of shear and tension

tension yielding tension rupture local web buckling lateral torsional buckling

ENDS 231

Note Set 26


ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Example 1

(Table I-D)

(Table I-E)

Foryieldinginthecrosssectionwithoutholes: Agross=(8)()=4.0in.2

Pt=FtAgross where: Ft=0.6Fy=0.6(36ksi)=21.6ksi Pt=21.6k/in.24.0in.2=86.4k

Themaximumconnectioncapacityisgovernedbyshear. Pallow=81.6k

ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Example 2



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ENDS 231

Note Set 26


Example 3
The steel used in the connection and beams is A992 with Fy = 50 ksi, and Fu = 65 ksi. Using A490-N bolt material, determine the maximum capacity of the connection based on shear in the bolts, bearing in all materials and pick the number of bolts and angle length (not staggered). Use A36 steel for the angles. W21x93: d = 21.62 in, tw = 0.58 in, tf = 0.93 in W10x54: tf = 0.615 in SOLUTION: The maximum length the angles can be depends on how it fits between the top and bottom flange with some clearance allowed for the fillet to the flange, and getting an air wrench in to tighten the bolts. This example uses 1 of clearance: Available length = beam depth both flange thicknesses 1 clearance at top & 1 at bottom = 21.62 in 2(0.93 in) 2(1 in) = 17.76 in. The standard lengths for non-staggered holes (L) and staggered holes (L) are shown in Table II-A. The closest size within the available length is 17 in. This will fit 6 bolts (n) with a standard spacing. We have a choice of bolt diameters of , 7/8 and 1 in Table II-A. These have allowable loads for shear (double) of 148 kips, 202 kips, and 264 kips. But the last two values are shaded and the note says that net shear on the angle thickness specified is critical and to see Table II-C. The angle thickness (t) is listed below the bolt diameter. Table II-C gives a value of 207 kips for a 7/8 bolt diameter, angle thickness, and 17.5 length. It gives a value of 242 kips for a 1 bolt diameter, 5/8 angle thickness, and 17.5 length. Therefore, 242 kips is the maximum value limited by shear in the angle. Pp = 264 kips for double shear of 1 bolts (Table I-D: 6 bolts(44 k/bolt) = 264 kips) Pv = 242 kips for net shear in angle We also need to evaluate bearing of bolts on the angles, beam web, and column flange where there are bolt holes. Table I-E provides allowable bearing load for the material type, bolt diameter and some material thicknesses. The last note states that Values for decimal thicknesses may be obtained by multiplying the decimal value of the unlisted thickness by the value given for a 1-in. thickness. This comes from the definition for bearing stress:
fP = P F p , where Pp = tdFp at the allowable bearing stress td

For a constant diameter and allowable stress, the allowable load depends only on the thickness. a) Bearing for 5/8 thick angle: There are 12 bolt holes through two angle legs to the column, and 12 bolt holes through two angle legs either side of the beam. The material is A36 (Fu = 58 ksi), with 1 bolt diameters. Pp = 12 bolts(43.5 k/bolt) = 522 kips b) Bearing for column flange: There are 12 bolt holes through two angle legs to the column. The material is A992 (Fu = 65 ksi), 0.615 thick, with 1 bolt diameters. Pp = 12 bolts(78 k/bolt/1)(0.615 in) = 576 kips. c) Bearing for beam web: There are 6 bolt holes through two angle legs either side of the beam. The material is A992 (Fu = 65 ksi), 0.58 thick, with 1 bolt diameters Pp = 6 bolts(78 k/bolt/1)(0.58 in) = 271 kips. Although, the bearing in the beam web is the smallest at 271 kips, with the shear on the bolts even smaller at 264 kips, the maximum capacity for the simple-shear connector is 242 kips limited by net shear in the angles.

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