Chapters 3 and 4
Chapters 3 and 4
Chapters 3 and 4
After studying this unit, students should be able to complete the following:
Discuss the special educational needs of students with learning challenges and students who are gifted and talented; Explain how intelligence is measured and what these measurements tell teachers;
Preparation 1. Read Chapter 3 The Self, Social and Moral Development (pages 68-113) (required) 2. Read Chapter 4 - Learner Differences and Learning Needs (pages 114-165) (required) 3. View Online and Offline Resources (recommended) 4. View PowerPoint Presentations for chapters 3 and 4 (recommended) 5. Listen to Podcast: Learning Theories (recommended) 6. View Youtube Videos (recommended) Online and Offline Resources
The following recommended sources are provided as supplemental information to the unit (for personal enrichment): Building Self-esteem Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The Ecology of Human Development. Harvard University Press. Erikson, E. H. (1980). Identity and the Life Cycle. W. W. Norton. Kohlberg, L. (1981). The Meaning and Measurement of Moral Development. Clark University Press.
Discussion Assignment = 40 points. Quiz =
10 points.
Instructions Consider the following questions and compose a written response for each. Please limit your answer to a total of 1-2 pages double-spaced for all three questions. Focus on the textbook information as well as your personal/professional experience. Make sure to use APA citations and reference list. There is a rubric for this assignment. You should follow the rubric to maximize your points. 1. Using the models of intelligence given by Woolfolk as a guide, define what is meant by intelligence. Hint: refer to pages: 119-126 2. What are some factors that affect the reliability of intelligence tests? 3. The use of labels to describe exceptional children has both positive and negative consequences. Discuss those consequences in terms of their impact on the students and the regular classroom teacher. Your word processed assignment should be composed and saved using MS Word. Upload and submit your completed assignment to the Chapters 3 and 4 Dropbox.
Pace yourself! Please refer to the class calendar for assignment closing dates. Marshall University Graduate College EDF 619 Educational Psychology
Watch Video
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems
Duration: (2:08) User: benjammmminify - Added: 10/27/11 YouTube URL:
Watch Video
Duration: (2:55) User: drmpcfl - Added: 5/20/10 YouTube URL:
Watch Video
Duration: (1:31) User: drmpcfl - Added: 5/20/10 YouTube URL:
Podcast-Learning Theories
Juicer--Software that enables you to listen to a podcast. You will only need this if your computer is unable to play the podcasts. The software is free.
Adobe Reader
This handout is just a practice assignment for the Chaper 3 quiz. This assignment will not be graded. HANDOUT 3.4 Resolving Developmental Crises The positive resolution of a developmental crisis is based on consistent experiences that encourage and support such a resolution. Match the following types of experiences with the crisis in which they would have the most impact. Then indicate whether the experience would support a positive or a negative resolution of the crisis. Crisis Resolution A. Trust vs. mistrust + Positive Resolution B. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt Negative Resolution C. Initiative vs. guilt
D. Industry vs. inferiority E. Identity vs. role confusion ____ a. When a student finally completes a complex and involved science project, the teacher criticizes him for taking so much time. ____ b. The babysitter loudly bangs pots together and the baby cries with fear. She continues to do this so that the baby will not be afraid of loud noises. ____ c. When the baby is hungry and cries, his mother feeds him. ____ d. When a student wants to pour water into a clay bowl that he has made, the teacher lets him because she tries to let students carry out their own ideas. ____ e. Little Susan wants to feed herself, but her mother, annoyed by the mess her daughter creates, insists on feeding the child herself. ____ f. Students in Mrs. Joness class decide to sell candy to make money for the local muscular dystrophy association. Mrs. Jones praises the children for this project, even though it means considerable work for her. ____ g. Mrs. Ross purchases tennis shoes with Velcro closings rather than shoe laces so that her children can take their own shoes off and put them on themselves. ____ h. Mr. Shumard allows his seniors in government class the opportunity to discuss not only the current events of the day, but also views and opinions regarding those current events. ____ i. Claire built a boat of cardboard and wood. When Claire decided to sail her boat, the Big Dipper, in the lake, her parents gave the launching of her boat the same fanfare and attention that they gave to the launching of the model boat that her father built.
____ j. Mrs. Clark, the eleventh-grade English teacher, is all business. She believes that classroom time should be spent on lessons and not discussion of students feelings about the meaning of the poem to their lives. Therefore, her class time is spent telling the students the appropriate interpretations of the plays and poems.
This three question practice quiz allows you to become familiar with the design of the quizzes in this course. These questions may or may not appear on your chapter quiz. With the actual quiz, you cannot see the correct answer, as you can with the practice quiz. This is designed to insure students read the respective chapter(s) of the Woolfolk textbook. All quizzes are multiple choice and open-book.