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C.V. Ramesh K.

Dhungel Last updated October 2003

Ramesh K. Dhungel
39A Gurdon Road Charlton, London SE7 7RP UK

1998: Ph.D. Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, New York, USA (dissertation History of the Kingdom of Lo/Mustang) 1995: M. Phil. Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, NY, USA 1993: M. A. Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, NY, USA 1991: M. A. History (with honours), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA 1981: M. A. Nepalese History, Culture and Archaeology (NeHCA) (with highest score in the batch) Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal 1978: B. A. Nepalese History Culture & Archaeology (NeHCA) and Economics (with double major subjects), Tri-Chandra College, Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepali (native), English, Hindi, Sanskrit (up to advanced level of reading and translation), Tibetan (up to advanced level of reading and translation), Pali (up to intermediate level of reading and translation), Urdu and some other local languages of Nepal including the ability to read Brahmi, Licchavi (Kutila), Newari, and Nagari (old), Avadhi (old) scripts.

2003- to date: Research Fellow, Dept. of Languages and Cultures of Sout Asia, SOAS (Hodgson Project) and teaching Nepali and Himalayan Cultures, University of London 1981-to date: Lecturer and Associate Professor, History, Culture, and Himalayan Studies, Research Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu 2000-2002: 1992-1998: Adjunct Faculty, Sociology, Sagarmatha College of Purvanchal University, Dillibazar, Kathmandu Adjunct Faculty, Nepali Language and Himalayan Studies, Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, NY Assistant Archivist, Fenwick Library, Special Collections and Archives, GMU, Fairfax, VA, USA


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Adjunct Faculty, Nepal Study, Kathmandu Valley Campus (now Kathmandu University), Kathmandu, Nepal

1986-to date: Adjunct Faculty, Economic History, Buddhist and Himalayan Heritage Study, Central Departments of Buddhist Studies and Nepalese History, Culture and Archaeology (NeHCA), T.U., Nepal 1980-to date: Adjunct Professor, Culture and History, Pashupati Campus, Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal (founding faculty) 1972-1981: 1970-1972: Banking job (Office Asst. to Supervisor), Nepal Bank Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal Teacher and Principal, Singeshwari Elementary School, Sankhuwasava district, Siddhakali VDC, Tanglewa, Nepal


2000-2002: 1996-1998: 1986-1989: Cultural and Historical Study of Upper Arun and Tamor Valleys (report under progress) Survey of Nepali Art Heritage in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (report submitted to CNAS in January 2001) National History Project CNAS/TU, Nepal, Investigator and author of Economic History of Medieval Kathmandu Valley (report already published) Mustang Integrated Research Program, funded by IDRC/Canada through CNAS, TU, Investigator and author of History of Mustang (The Kingdom of Lo-bo)



2000-2001: Fieldwork for historical and cultural study of Upper Arun and Upper Tamor Valleys. Field work done up to the Northern bordering villages of Sankuwasava and Taplejung districts and the Tibetan village of Lumdek (Lung-stod) Field work for Historical and Cultural research in some parts of Tibet and Mustang, Myagdi, Baglung Parvat, Syangja, Kaski, Tanhum, Lamjung, Gorkha, and Manang Field work for historical and cultural survey in Dolakha, Nuwakot, Butawal, Navalparasi, Kapilvastu, Rupandehi, Palpa, Sunsari, Dhankuta, Sankuwasava, and Taplejung districts of Nepal



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2001(Sept.): The Kingdom of Lo: Its Languages and History paper presented at the seventh Himalayan Languages Symposium held at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.

2001(Sept.-Oct): Academic talks and presentations at different European Universities and research centres (University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Univ. of London, SOAS, CNRS, France, Leiden University, IIAS, Netherlands) on some of the important Himalayan topics such as History and Cultural Heritage of Upper Arun and Tamor Valleys, Lama Zhvadmar-pa and Nepal, Early Nepal-Bhutan Relations. 2001 (July): Mahayana Buddhism and Nepal paper presented at the Buddhist Studies Seminar Series organized jointly by the Department Nepalese History, Culture and Archaeology and the Buddhist Studies Student Group, Tribhuvan University

2000 (April): People and Place-names of Lo/Mustang: Historical and Etymological Perspective paper presented at the Franco-Nepalese Conference on People, Environment and Landscapes of the Himalayas jointly organized by CNRS, France and CNAS, TU 2000 (March): The Role of Brug-pa Lamas in Early Nepal-Bhutan Relations paper and slide presentation at the Nepal Research Centre (a German Cooperative in Nepal) organised in collaboration with the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg 1997 (Sept.): Nepal Himalaya and Mustang paper and slide presentation at the Tibetan Museum, Staten Island, New York, USA 1996 (May): Mustang Past and Present paper (with maps and slides) presented at the Symposium on Kashmir and Nepal Himalayas organized by Harvard University, Committee on South Asian Studies, USA 1995 (May): Socio-Economic Study of the Mountain Region of Nepal: A case of Culture and History of Mustang, a talk and slide presentation, South Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA 1995 (Feb.): Antiquity of Nepali-Speaking Bhutanese People: Their Contribution in the Making of Bhutan paper presented at the international seminar on Bhutanese Refugees: An unresolved crisis jointly sponsored by the Centre for the Study of Human Rights and the Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA Tibetan Studies in Nepal paper presented at the International Conference on Indological Studies, jointly sponsored by the Indian National Library, Ramakrishna Mission Institute for Culture, and the Asiatic Society, Calcutta, India


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1989: 1988:

Participated in the National Seminar on Socio-economic Conditions of Nepal organized by Tribhuvan Unversity, CNAS, Nepal Some facts about Zhva-dmar Abbots of Yangs-pa-can Monastery of Tibet paper presented at the Departmental Seminar organized by the Department of Nepalese History, Culture, and Archaeology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal paper presented at the Research Methodology Seminar on Humanities and Social Sciences organized by the Research Committee,Tribhuvan Univ., Nepal State of Historical Research on the Hindukush Himalaya paper presented at the Seminar on Himalayan Studies organized by the Research Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University, Nepal



1983-to date: Attended many talks, presentations, and national and international seminars concerning history, cultures languages, religions, and socioeconomic and political conditions of Nepal, Tibet and South Asia.

2003-to date: Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Muktinath Foundation International (MFI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2000-to date: Coordinator, Advisory Board, Sankhuwasabha Multiple Campus (college), Chainpur 2000-to date: Member, Subject Committee, Buddhist Studies, TU and Sociology, Purvanchal University 2000-to date: Member, Sociology Standing Committee, Purvanchal University, Biratnagar, Nepal 2000: Discovered Neolithic arrowheads or projectiles in Nepal for the first time in South Asia

1998-to date: Guest Lecturer, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, TU, Pittzer College, USA, Nepal Program, Cornell University, Cornell AbroadNepal Program, Kathmandu etc. 1998-to date: Offered research advisorship and supervision to international independent, doctorate, and post-doctorate scholars and graduate and under graduate students for their Nepal based field research on behalf of Tribhuvan University 1995-1998: Editor, Kurakani, Journal of America-Nepal Friendship Society, New York, USA

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1990-1994: 1995-1997: 1994-1998:

Editor, Nepal Update, Newsletter of the Committee for Democracy in Nepal, Washington D. C. Advisor, Association of Nepalese Students in New York City Coordinator and one of the founders, Nepal Forum, Columbia University, NY, USA

1994-to date: Member, International Oriental Numismatic Society, UK (through North American center) 1998: Played an instrumental role to bring Dr. Barbara Azizs South Asia and Tibet Reference Library to Tribhuvan University without Universitys cost

1989-to date: Vice-Chairman, Himashikhara Socio-Cultural Society (HISCUS), A Kathmandu based NGO 1989-1990: 1988-1991: Member, Advisory Group of the Cultural Encyclopaedia-Nepal Project (contributed some major entries on economic history and numismatics) Member, Subject and Curriculum Committee, Central Department of Nepalese History, Culture, and Archaeology, TU, Nepal

1982-to date: Academic Advisor, Pashupati Socio-religious Service Association (a Kathmandu based NGO), Nepal 1981: Archaeological discovery of ancient Indian Punch-marked coins for the first time in Nepal.

2001: Brhmachari Shadananda Adhikari Award, Greater Manakamana and Arun Development Academy (awarded for the conspicuous contributions in the field of Historical and Cultural studies of the region.

1994/95-1997/98: Columbia University Presidents Fellowship Award, NY, USA 1992/93-1993/94: Graduate Fellowship, Columbia University, NY, USA 1991: Special honour and recognition with honorary membership, PHI ALPHA THETA, International Council of History Honour Society, USA (recognition and honour awarded for conspicuous attainment and scholarship in the field of History) Graduate Student Tuition Grant, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA


R. Dhungel C. V. Page 6 of 7 1989-1990: 1985: Graduate Fellowship for International Understanding, Rotary Foundation, The Rotary International, IL, USA Gokul Chand Medal from Tribhuvan University, Nepal (a gold medal awarded to the student who secures the highest score in M. A. Final Examination) Mahendravidyabhusana suvarna padaka from his Majesty the King of Nepal (a gold medal awarded to a student each year who secures the highest GPA in M. A. exclusively in the field of Nepalese History, Culture, and Archaeology


Tibet and Himalayan studies, Buddhist studies, socio-economic history and languages of Nepal, historical and cultural studies, ancient and medieval art, architecture and numismatics of South Asia, working with historical documents and archival management, theories of comparative cultures, post modern and post colonial studies, cultural preservation etc.

(Three research works in book form and more than six dozen of research and general articles. Selected list is attached)


2002: 1999: 1986: The Kingdom of Lo: A Historical Study. Kathmandu: Jigme S. P. Bista for Tashigephel Foundation, Kathmandu Economic History of Medieval Kathmandu Valley. Kathmandu: CNAS, Tribhuvan University Economic History of Nepal, Series-1 Ancient Economy. Kathmandu: S.P.Upadhyay

2000: Nepal-Tibet Cultural Relations and the Zhva-dmar-pa Lamas of Tibet Contributions to Nepalese Studies (CNAS Journal of Tribhuvan University)Vol. 26, no.2, 183-210 Nepali Immigrants in the United States Contributions to Nepali Studies Vol.26, No.1, pp. 119-134 Historical Outline of Mustang: The Kingdom of Lo-bo Newsletter of Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, vol.20, vol.2 also published in Kurakani Vol. IX, No.1 (an annual publication of America-Nepal Friendship Society, New York)

1999: 1996:

R. Dhungel C. V. Page 7 of 7 1995: 1989: Antiquity of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese People: Their Contribution in the Making of Bhutan (a seminar paper), Kurakani Vol.VII, No.1 Nepal-Bhutan Historical and Cultural Relations Contributions to Nepalese Studies Vol. 16, No.2, pp. 169-190 (Journal of CNAS, Tribhuvan University, Nepal) An Inscription of the Tenth Zhva dmar-pa Lama and Its Translation Nepal Economist Vol.6, No.1-2 (a local research journal published by Devi C. Shrestha, Swayambhu, Kimdol, Kathmandu) Context of Religious Tolerance in Mukti-Chhetra (text in Nepali), Saiva Bhumi Vol. 3, No.3 (Journal of Pashupati Socio-religious Service Association, Kathmandu, Nepal) Muktinath (a Hindu Temple in North-western Nepal): Some Historical Facts Ancient Nepal No. 102 Tibetan Studies in Nepal A Report on Second Conference On Indological Studies November 21-23, The National Library, Calcutta Tibet Travel of Acarya Atisa Dipamkara Contributions to Nepalese Studies Vol. 13, No. 2 Concept of Astamangala (eight auspicious emblems) in Tibetan SocietyContributions to Nepalese Studies Vol. 12, No. 2 A Study On Weight and Measure of Ancient Nepal Nepalese Culture Vol. 4, No. 4 (Journal of the Department of Nepalese History, Culture, and Archaeology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal) A Legal Letter Concerning the Division of Paternal Property given by General Bhaktabir Kunwar to his Sons and Some Economic and other Cross-examines of that Time Ancient Nepal No. 86-88 Notes on Some Medieval Coins of Nepal Rolamba Vol. 1-4, No. 3 (a local research journal published in Patan, Nepal) State of Historical Research on the Himalayan Region In Ananda Shrestha ed. Prepatory Workshop on Himalayan Studies, Kathmandu: Research Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University, Nepal



1988: 1988: 1986: 1985: 1984:


1984: 1984:

* There are more than sixty research articles published in different Nepali and international journals and some of the research works such as The Early Relations Between Nepal and Bhutan, Nepal-Tibet Historical Relations and the Zhva-dmar-pa Lamas of Yans-pa-can Monastery of Tibet, History of Chainpur and Sources for the Study of Pallo Kirat and The Lost Heritage: A Survey of Nepali Arts Deposited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York are under progress for publication in book form.

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