Basic Survival
Basic Survival
Basic Survival
These problems are from Munkres, Chapter 1.3. You will probably nd a clear understanding of these principles to be helpful in any mathematics course you take, from now on. The best way to remember and understand them is to prove them! 1. Let f : X Y . Let U X and V Y . (a) Show that U f 1 (f (U )). Show that equality holds if f is injective. Find an example of when U is a proper subset of f 1 (f (U )) (i.e., when U = f 1 (f (U )). (b) Show that f (f 1 (V )) V . Show that equality holds if f is surjective. Find an example of when f (f 1 (V )) is a proper subset of V . Key Point: you cannot cancel f by applying f 1 , unless you know f is injective. Similarly, you cannot cancel f 1 by applying f , unless you know f is surjective. 2. Let f : X Y and let Vi Y . Show that f 1 preserves inclusions, unions, intersections, and dierences (hence also complements) of sets: (a) V0 V1 = f 1 (V0 ) f 1 (V1 ). (b) f 1 (V0 V1 ) = f 1 (V0 ) f 1 (V1 ). (c) f 1 (V0 V1 ) = f 1 (V0 ) f 1 (V1 ). (d) f 1 (V0 V1 ) = f 1 (V0 ) f 1 (V1 ). (Hence f 1 (V0C ) = (f 1 (V0 ))C .) 3. Let f : X Y and let Ui X. Show that f preserves inclusions, and unions, but does not necessarily preserve intersections or dierences of sets: (a) U0 U1 = f (U0 ) f (U1 ). (b) f (U0 U1 ) = f (U0 ) f (U1 ). (c) f (U0 U1 ) f (U0 ) f (U1 ). Show that equality holds if f is injective. Find an example of when f (U0 U1 ) is a proper subset of f (U0 ) f (U1 ). (d) f (U0 U1 ) f (U0 ) f (U1 ). Show that equality holds if f is injective. Find an example of when f (U0 ) f (U1 ) is a proper subset of f (U0 U1 ). I also recommend reading over problems 4 & 5 from this section (p. 21).
April 17, 2005.