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Errata Sheet

Y. A. engel and M. A. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 5th ed, McGraw-Hill, 2006. (Last update: Dec. 29, 2005) Page Location Error Correction
42 45 50 177 327 461 462 462 462 462 619 916 Prob. 1-50E, 2nd line Prob. 1-76, Answer Prob. 1-128 Example 4-6, Assumptions Prob. 6-138, 2nd line Last line 1st calculation 1st line after 1st calculation 2nd calculation 1st line after 2nd calculation Fig. 11-9 Table A-20, the line T=760 K 29.1 mm Hg 5.0 It is a repeat of Prob. 1-127 Assumption #4 Bobbler (spelling error) 4665 4665, 0.923, 92.3% 7.7 4665-4306=359 359 Light-gray and light-color lines 20,135 29.1 in Hg 1.34 Delete it. Delete it (Temp doesnt have to be const) bubbler 5072 5072, 0.849, 84.9% 15.1 5072-4306=766 766 They should be switched in both figures. 30,135

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