Understanding Mindsets
Understanding Mindsets
Understanding Mindsets
GiftedandTalentedEducation PajaroValleyUnifiedSchoolDistrict
294GreenValleyRd.Watsonville,CA95076 (831)7862144~ www.pvusdgate.net
(fromCarolDwecksbook,Mindset:TheNewPsychologyofSuccess,page22) Weaskedpeople,rangingfromgradeschoolerstoyoungadults,Whendoyoufeelsmart?The differenceswerestriking.
Whenitsreallyhard,andItryreallyhard, andIcandosomethingIcouldntdo before. WhenIworkonsomethingalongtime andIstarttofigureitout
ItswhenIdontmakeanymistakes. WhenIfinishsomethingfastandits perfect. Whensomethingiseasyformebutother peoplecantdoit.
Forpeoplewithagrowthmindsetitsnot about immediate perfection. Its about learning something over time confronting a challenge and making progress. People with a growth mindset thrivewhentheyrestretchingthemselves.
Itsaboutbeingperfectrightnow.Inthe fixed mindset its not enough just to succeed. Its not enough just to look smart ortalented.You haveto bepretty much flawless. And you have to be flawlessrightaway.Whendopeoplewith a fixed mindset thrive? When things are safelywithintheirgrasp.Ifthingsgettoo challenging when theyre not feeling smartortalentedtheyloseinterest.
Name_____________________________ Date___________________
Effort Rubric
Assignment: _________________________________ Directions: Circlethenumberthatbestdescribesyoureffortonthisassignment.
Iworkedonthetaskuntilitwascompleted.Ipushedmyselfto continueworkingonthetaskevenwhendifficultiesaroseora solutionwasnotimmediatelyevident.Ivieweddifficultiesthat aroseasopportunitiestostrengthenmyunderstanding. Iworkedonthetaskuntilitwascompleted.Ipushedmyselfto continueworkingonthetaskevenwhendifficultiesaroseora solutionwasnotimmediatelyevident. Iputsomeeffortintothetask,butIstoppedworkingwhen difficultiesarose. Iputverylittleeffortintothetask.
2 1
Scale: 4=excellent 3=good 2=needsimprovement 1=unacceptable Comments:_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
F x d Mi d e ie n st
I t l g n ei s a i n el e c s t t i c
P o l w oh l te eb l f tikta e a etew yte a e , u ta d e nt e pe h od h s ei s hn h t t y r h a h y r b t h t o s e h me nta te h v ls o ad sr fr p st es l i g ta a y n es . a h t h y a e e s f e i o a o iv ef ma e h n n o e le e i S o c u s te w n t p r r w la dlo s r o f o re h y a t o e f m el n o k ma t o .
L a st ad sr t lo s r ed o e i o o k ma t e a dte eo eatn e c t. n h r fr e d n y o. .
. a odc aln e . vi hl gs . e
B d f io , c aln ei h r a ds c e si n t s u e , or te ta r kfin a dn g t ey y ei t n a h l g s a d n u c s s o a s r d s ah r h n i al g n e ai l ni e s i v i a t gter ef ma e te w lotna odc aln e a dsikt w a te k o te c nd w l mp ci h i s l i g , h y i f n l e vi hl gs n t e c o h t h y n w h y a o el .
. gv u e sl . ie p a i . y
S mew t o sa ls T edf r n eh r , sI e i i ta c aln e a etig ta y uc nd cd a i b tce . h ie e c e e a s e t s h t h l g s r hn s h t o a e ie h f , e t d w i o sa lsa ee tr a fre ta g tny u w y o o hl b tce r xe n lo c s h t e i o r a . e
. s eefr a f ie so w re . e f t s r t s r os . o ul
Wh t tep it f o kn h r a dma igefr iatr a d y ua esi o s u r o e I y u a h on o w rig a d n s kn f t f f w r s o r tl n q a e n ? f o r os e l w r ve tl y uta efr i a u pe s n tigta d e nt e l p ydvd n s te te o l iw el o h t f ts n n la a t hn h t o s r al a iie d , h n h d s o y s r tigt d i t a odia mu ha p s il. ma t hn o o s o v i t s c s o sbe
. in r u eu n g t efe b c .g o e s fl e ai e d a k . v
U eu n g t efe b c i in r di teb s o c s s a dtk na a is lter s o tet . s fl e ai e d a k s g o e n h e t f a e , n a e s n n ut h e t f h i v me T eFx dMid e lgc l la sy ut b l v ta a ycics o y u c p blisi cics o y u h ie n s to ial e d o o ei e h t n r iim f o r a a it y e t ie s r iim f o . t T i u u l ds o r g step o l a o n a datr w i te so gvn a yn g t efe b c , hs s al ic u a e h e pe r u d n f a hl h y tp iig n e ai e d a k y e e v fr e ioaigtep ro f m e tr a if e c sta c udg n r t s mec a g . u t r s lt h n h es n r o xe n lnl n e h t o l e e ae o u hne
. fe tr ae e b tes c e so oh r . e lh e tn d y h u c s f te s .
T es c e so oh r i s e a ab n h r a an t hc tep ro lo sb d U u l w e oh r h u c s f te s s e n s e c ma k g is w ih h e s n o k a . s al h n te s y s c e d p o l w t aFx dMid e w lt t c n ic te ev sa dtep o l a o n te ta u c e , e pe i h ie n s t i r o o vn e h ms le n h e pe r u d h m h t l y tes c e sw sd et ete lc ( f r l amo t v rtigi d et lc i teFx dMid e w r ) h u c s a u o i r u k at al l s e e yhn s u o u k n h ie h e , n s t ol d o o jcin bea t n . ns mec s s te w le e t t tr ihtes c e so oh r b b ign r be t a l ci s I o o o a e , h y i v n r o a ns h u c s f te s y r ig l y n u tig ta a ec mpeeyu r ltd(Y s b t i y uk o a o t i. p hn s h t r o ltl n eae e , u dd o n w b u hs )
A ar s l te ma pae ue r s e ut h y y lta a l , y a da he els ta ter ul oe t l n c iv e s h n h i flp tni . a A lhsc ni lti o f msad tr nsi ve o tew r . r ee miit iw f h o l c d
A ar s l te d nt e c ter ul oe t l n ter eif fe o te ev s T e d nt h n eo i r v s e ut h y o r a h h i flp tni a d h i b l s e d n h ms le : h y o c a g r mp o e , a e mu hw t t ,f t l a ds t te ti c ni c i i h me ia al n o o h m hs o f msta e a ea te a e . , r h t t y r s h y r h
Gr wt Mi d e o h n st
L a st ad sr t la n ed o ei o er e a dte eo eatn e c t. n h r fr e d n y o. .
I t l g n ec n b d v l p d n el e c a e e eo e i
. e r c c aln e . mb a e h l g s . e
A dh w d y ui r v ?Frt y ue r c c aln e , e a s y u n o o o mp o e i , o mb a e h l g s b c u e o s e k o ta y ulc meo t t n e o teoh r ie nw hto o l u sr g r n h te sd . o
. p ritntefc o s ta k . e ss i h a e f eb c s .
S mi r , b tce - xe n l eb c s- on t ic u a ey u Y u i l l o sa ls e tr a s ta k d o ds o r g o . o r ay s l i g i n t idt y u s c e sa dh w y uw llo t oh r; ef ma e s o t e o o r u c s n o o i o k o te s l fi r i a o p r nt t la n a ds w ae e h p e sy uw n al e s n p o t i o e r , n o h tv r a p n o i. u u y
. s eefr a tep t t ma tr . e f t s h ah o . o se y
E fr i s e n t ss mehn u ee st b a od db t sn c s a y f ts e n o a o tig s ls o e v ie u a e e s r o t g o a dma tr s fl kl . o rw n se u eu s is l
. la nf m cics .e r r . o r iim t
C ics a dn g t efe b c a es u c so ifr t n T a d e nt a r iim n e ai e d a k r o re fno mai . h t o s me n t v o ta al r iim i w r itg aigo ta n tigi n v r a e p ro al h t lcics s o t ne r t t h n r h t ohn s e e tk n e s n l , y b t te s teGr w hMid e idvd a k o n ta h o s ec nc a g u a la t h o t n s tn iiu l n w s h t e r h a h n e a di r v , oten g t efe b c i n t e c ie a b igdr cl a o t n mp o e s h e ai e d a k s o p rev d s en i t b u v e y te a ap ro , u r te a o t h i c re t blis hm s e s n b t ah r b u ter u r n a it . ie
FromCarolDwecksbook, MindSet:TheNewPsychologyofSuccess,pages205206 Every word and action from parent to child sends a message. Tomorrow, listen to whatyousaytoyourkidsandtuneintothemessagesyou'resending.Aretheymessages thatsay:YouhavepermanenttraitsandI'mjudgingthem?Oraretheymessagesthatsay youreadevelopingpersonandI'minterestedinyourdevelopment? How do you use praise? Remember that praising children's intelligence or talent, tempting as it is, sends a fixedmindset message. It makes their confidence and motivationmorefragile.Instead,trytofocusontheprocessestheyusedtheirstrategies, effort, or choices. Practice working the process praise into your interactions with your children. Watch and listen to yourself carefully when your child messes up. Remember that constructivecriticismisfeedbackthathelpsthechildunderstandhowtoFIXsomething. It'snotfeedbackthatlabelsorsimplyexcusesthechild.Attheendofeachday,write downtheconstructivecriticism(andtheprocesspraise)you'vegivenyourkids. Parentsoftensetgoalstheirchildrencanworktoward.Rememberthathavinginnate talentisnotagoal.Expandingskillsandknowledgeis.Paycarefulattentiontothegoals yousetforyourchildren. If you're a teacher, remember that lowering standards doesn't raise students' self esteem. But neither does raising standards without giving students ways of reaching them.Thegrowthmindsetgivesyouawaytosethighstandardsandhavestudentsreach them.Trypresentingtopicsinagrowthframeworkandgivingstudentsprocessfeedback. Ithinkyou'lllikewhathappens. Doyouthinkofyourslowerstudentsaskidswhowillneverbeabletolearnwell?Do theythinkofthemselvesaspermanentlydumb?Instead,trytofigureoutwhattheydon't understand and what learning strategies they don't have. Remember that great teachers believeinthegrowthoftalentandintellect,andarefascinatedbytheprocessoflearning. Are you a fixedmindset coach? Do you think first and foremost about your record andyourreputation?Areyouintolerantofmistakes?Doyoutrytomotivateyourplayers though judgment?Thatmaybewhat'sholdingupyourathletes. Try on the growth mindset. Instead of asking for mistakefree games, ask for full commitmentandfulleffort.Insteadofjudgingtheplayers,givethemtherespectandthe coachingtheyneedtodevelop. Asparents,teachers,andcoaches,ourmissionisdevelopingpeoplespotential.Let's useallthelessonsofthegrowthmindsetandwhateverelsewecantodothis.
Pac k et Cr ed it s
DawnBinder,SupervisingTeacher PacificCoastCharterSchool 294GreenValleyRoad,Watsonville,CA95076 (831)7862100ext.6151 EMail:[email protected]
ThecolorgraphicoftheFixedandGrowth MindsetswascreatedbygraphicartistNigel Holmes(www.nigelholmes.com)forasarticleinthe March/April2007issueofStanfordMagazine (www.stanfordalumni.org/news/magazine/2007/marapr/ features/dweck.html). Theaddedtextiswrittenby MichaelGrahamRichard(www.michaelgr.com).
294GreenValleyRoad,Watsonville,CA95076 (831)7862144 (ornumbersbelow) LynOlson,GATECoordinator (831)7862100ext.2580 EMail:[email protected] TedAltenberg,GATEResourceTeacher (831)7862100ext.2581 EMail:[email protected] DavidManier,GATEResourceTeacher (831)7862100ext.2582 EMail:[email protected]
The Book
Mindset:TheNewPsychologyofSuccess 2006byCarolDweck,Ph.D. NY:RandomHouse(www.atrandom.com) ISBN1400062756